#include "BStream.h" #include "Buffer.h" static const int s_blockSize = 16 * 1024; Balau::BStream::BStream(const IO & h) : m_h(h), m_buffer((uint8_t *) malloc(s_blockSize)) { AAssert(m_h->canRead(), "You can't create a buffered stream with a Handle that can't read"); m_name.set("Stream(%s)", m_h->getName()); if ((m_h.isA()) || (m_h.isA())) m_passThru = true; } void Balau::BStream::close() throw (Balau::GeneralException) { if (!m_detached) m_h->close(); free(m_buffer); m_buffer = NULL; m_availBytes = 0; m_cursor = 0; } bool Balau::BStream::isClosed() { return m_closed || m_h->isClosed(); } bool Balau::BStream::isEOF() { return (m_availBytes == 0) && m_h->isEOF(); } bool Balau::BStream::canRead() { return true; } const char * Balau::BStream::getName() { return m_name.to_charp(); } off64_t Balau::BStream::getSize() { return m_h->getSize(); } ssize_t Balau::BStream::read(void * _buf, size_t count) throw (Balau::GeneralException) { if (m_passThru) return m_h->read(_buf, count); uint8_t * buf = (uint8_t *) _buf; size_t copied = 0; size_t toCopy = count; if (m_availBytes != 0) { if (toCopy > m_availBytes) toCopy = m_availBytes; memcpy(buf, m_buffer + m_cursor, toCopy); count -= toCopy; m_cursor += toCopy; m_availBytes -= toCopy; copied = toCopy; buf += toCopy; toCopy = count; } if (count == 0) return copied; if (count >= s_blockSize) return m_h->read(buf, count) + copied; m_cursor = 0; IAssert(m_availBytes == 0, "At this point, our internal buffer should be empty, but it's not: %zu", m_availBytes); ssize_t r = m_h->read(m_buffer, s_blockSize); EAssert(r >= 0, "BStream got an error while reading: %zi", r); m_availBytes = r; if (toCopy > m_availBytes) toCopy = m_availBytes; if (toCopy == 0) return 0; memcpy(buf, m_buffer, toCopy); m_cursor += toCopy; m_availBytes -= toCopy; copied += toCopy; return copied; } int Balau::BStream::peekNextByte() { m_passThru = false; if (m_availBytes == 0) { uint8_t b; ssize_t r = read(&b, 1); if (!r) return -1; EAssert(r == 1, "We asked for one byte, yet we got %zi", r); IAssert(m_cursor > 0, "m_cursor is %zi", m_cursor); IAssert(m_availBytes < s_blockSize, "m_availBytes = %zi; s_blockSize = %i", m_availBytes, s_blockSize); m_cursor--; m_availBytes++; } return m_buffer[m_cursor]; } Balau::String Balau::BStream::readString(bool putNL) { if (m_h.isA()) return m_h.asA()->readString(putNL); peekNextByte(); uint8_t * cr, * lf, * nl; String ret; size_t chunkSize = 0; cr = (uint8_t *) memchr(m_buffer + m_cursor, '\r', m_availBytes); lf = (uint8_t *) memchr(m_buffer + m_cursor, '\n', m_availBytes); if (cr && lf) { nl = cr; if (lf < cr) nl = lf; } else if (!cr) { nl = lf; } else { nl = cr; } while (!nl) { chunkSize = m_availBytes; ret += String((const char *) m_buffer + m_cursor, chunkSize); m_availBytes -= chunkSize; m_cursor += chunkSize; if (isClosed() || isEOF()) return ret; peekNextByte(); IAssert(m_cursor == 0, "m_cursor is %zi", m_cursor); cr = (uint8_t *) memchr(m_buffer, '\r', m_availBytes); lf = (uint8_t *) memchr(m_buffer, '\n', m_availBytes); if (cr && lf) { nl = cr; if (lf < cr) nl = lf; } else if (!cr) { nl = lf; } else { nl = cr; } } chunkSize = nl - (m_buffer + m_cursor); ret += String((const char *) m_buffer + m_cursor, chunkSize); m_availBytes -= chunkSize; m_cursor += chunkSize; char b; read(&b, 1); if (putNL) ret += String(&b, 1); if ((b == '\r') && (peekNextByte() == '\n')) { read(&b, 1); if (putNL) ret += String(&b, 1); } return ret; }