#include #include #include #include #include #include "Buffer.h" #include "Task.h" #include "Printer.h" static const int s_blockSize = 16 * 1024; Balau::Buffer::~Buffer() { if (!m_fromConst) free(m_buffer); } void Balau::Buffer::close() throw (GeneralException) { reset(); } ssize_t Balau::Buffer::read(void * buf, size_t count) throw (GeneralException) { off64_t cursor = rtell(); if (cursor >= m_bufSize) return 0; size_t avail = m_bufSize - cursor; if (count > avail) count = avail; memcpy(buf, m_buffer + cursor, count); rseek(cursor + count); return count; } ssize_t Balau::Buffer::write(const void * buf, size_t count) throw (GeneralException) { if (m_fromConst) throw GeneralException("Buffer is read only and can't be written to."); off64_t cursor = wtell(); off64_t end = cursor + count; off64_t endBlock = (end / s_blockSize) + ((end % s_blockSize) ? 1 : 0); off64_t oldEndBlock = m_numBlocks; if (endBlock > oldEndBlock) { m_buffer = (uint8_t *) realloc(m_buffer, endBlock * s_blockSize); memset(m_buffer + oldEndBlock * s_blockSize, 0, (endBlock - oldEndBlock) * s_blockSize); m_numBlocks = endBlock; } memcpy(m_buffer + cursor, buf, count); wseek(cursor + count); if (m_bufSize < end) m_bufSize = end; return count; } void Balau::Buffer::reset() { if (!m_fromConst) { m_buffer = (uint8_t *)realloc(m_buffer, 0); m_bufSize = 0; } m_numBlocks = 0; wseek(0); rseek(0); } void Balau::Buffer::clear() { reset(); m_fromConst = false; m_buffer = NULL; m_bufSize = 0; } void Balau::Buffer::borrow(const uint8_t * buffer, size_t s) { clear(); m_fromConst = true; m_buffer = const_cast(buffer); m_bufSize = s; } bool Balau::Buffer::isClosed() { return false; } bool Balau::Buffer::isEOF() { return rtell() == m_bufSize; } const char * Balau::Buffer::getName() { return "Buffer"; } off64_t Balau::Buffer::getSize() { return m_bufSize; } bool Balau::Buffer::canRead() { return true; } bool Balau::Buffer::canWrite() { return !m_fromConst; }