#include #include #include #include "ev++.h" #include "Main.h" #include "TaskMan.h" #include "Handle.h" #include "Printer.h" #include "Async.h" #ifdef _MSC_VER #include typedef int mode_t; #endif #ifdef _WIN32 static const char * strerror_r(int errorno, char * buf, size_t bufsize) { #ifdef _MSVC strerror_s(buf, bufsize, errorno); return buf; #else return strerror(errorno); #endif } #endif ssize_t Balau::Handle::read(void * buf, size_t count) throw (GeneralException) { if (canRead()) throw GeneralException(String("Handle ") + getName() + " can read, but read() not implemented (missing in class " + ClassName(this).c_str() + ")"); else throw GeneralException("Handle can't read"); return -1; } ssize_t Balau::Handle::write(const void * buf, size_t count) throw (GeneralException) { if (canWrite()) throw GeneralException(String("Handle ") + getName() + " can write, but write() not implemented (missing in class " + ClassName(this).c_str() + ")"); else throw GeneralException("Handle can't write"); return -1; } ssize_t Balau::Handle::forceRead(void * _buf, size_t count, Events::BaseEvent * evt) throw (GeneralException) { ssize_t total = 0; uint8_t * buf = (uint8_t *) _buf; if (!canRead()) throw GeneralException("Handle can't read"); while (count && !isClosed()) { ssize_t r; try { r = read(buf, count); } catch (EAgain & e) { if (evt && evt->gotSignal()) return total; Task::operationYield(e.getEvent()); continue; } if (r < 0) return r; total += r; count -= r; buf += r; } return total; } ssize_t Balau::Handle::forceWrite(const void * _buf, size_t count, Events::BaseEvent * evt) throw (GeneralException) { ssize_t total = 0; const uint8_t * buf = (const uint8_t *) _buf; if (!canWrite()) throw GeneralException("Handle can't write"); while (count && !isClosed()) { ssize_t r; try { r = write(buf, count); } catch (EAgain & e) { if (evt && evt->gotSignal()) return total; Task::operationYield(e.getEvent()); continue; } if (r < 0) return r; total += r; count -= r; buf += r; } return total; } template Balau::Future genericRead(Balau::IO t) { T b; size_t c = 0; return Balau::Future([t, b, c]() mutable { do { ssize_t r = t->read(((uint8_t *) &b) + c, sizeof(T) - c); AAssert(r >= 0, "genericRead got an error: %zi", r); c += r; } while ((c < sizeof(T)) && !t->isEOF()); return b; }); } template Balau::Future genericReadBE(Balau::IO t) { T b; size_t c = sizeof(T); return Balau::Future([t, b, c]() mutable { do { ssize_t r = t->read(((uint8_t *) &b) + c - 1, 1); AAssert(r >= 0, "genericReadBE got an error: %zi", r); c -= r; } while (c && !t->isEOF()); return b; }); } Balau::Future Balau::Handle::readU8() { return genericRead (this); } Balau::Future Balau::Handle::readI8() { return genericRead (this); } Balau::Future Balau::Handle::readU16() { if (m_bigEndianMode) return readBEU16(); else return readLEU16(); } Balau::Future Balau::Handle::readU32() { if (m_bigEndianMode) return readBEU32(); else return readLEU32(); } Balau::Future Balau::Handle::readU64() { if (m_bigEndianMode) return readBEU64(); else return readLEU64(); } Balau::Future Balau::Handle::readI16() { if (m_bigEndianMode) return readBEI16(); else return readLEI16(); } Balau::Future Balau::Handle::readI32() { if (m_bigEndianMode) return readBEI32(); else return readLEI32(); } Balau::Future Balau::Handle::readI64() { if (m_bigEndianMode) return readBEI64(); else return readLEI64(); } Balau::Future Balau::Handle::readLEU16() { return genericRead(this); } Balau::Future Balau::Handle::readLEU32() { return genericRead(this); } Balau::Future Balau::Handle::readLEU64() { return genericRead(this); } Balau::Future Balau::Handle::readLEI16() { return genericRead (this); } Balau::Future Balau::Handle::readLEI32() { return genericRead (this); } Balau::Future Balau::Handle::readLEI64() { return genericRead (this); } Balau::Future Balau::Handle::readBEU16() { return genericReadBE(this); } Balau::Future Balau::Handle::readBEU32() { return genericReadBE(this); } Balau::Future Balau::Handle::readBEU64() { return genericReadBE(this); } Balau::Future Balau::Handle::readBEI16() { return genericReadBE (this); } Balau::Future Balau::Handle::readBEI32() { return genericReadBE (this); } Balau::Future Balau::Handle::readBEI64() { return genericReadBE (this); } template Balau::Future genericWrite(Balau::IO t, T val) { std::shared_ptr b(new T(val)); size_t c = 0; return Balau::Future([t, b, c]() mutable { do { ssize_t r = t->write(((uint8_t *) b.get()) + c, sizeof(T)); c += r; } while (c < sizeof(T)); }); } Balau::Future Balau::Handle::writeU8 (uint8_t v) { return genericWrite(this, v); } Balau::Future Balau::Handle::writeU16(uint16_t v) { return genericWrite(this, v); } Balau::Future Balau::Handle::writeU32(uint32_t v) { return genericWrite(this, v); } Balau::Future Balau::Handle::writeU64(uint64_t v) { return genericWrite(this, v); } Balau::Future Balau::Handle::writeI8 (int8_t v) { return genericWrite(this, v); } Balau::Future Balau::Handle::writeI16(int16_t v) { return genericWrite(this, v); } Balau::Future Balau::Handle::writeI32(int32_t v) { return genericWrite(this, v); } Balau::Future Balau::Handle::writeI64(int64_t v) { return genericWrite(this, v); } void Balau::Handle::rseek(off64_t offset, int whence) throw (GeneralException) { if (canSeek()) throw GeneralException(String("Handle ") + getName() + " can seek, but rseek() not implemented (missing in class " + ClassName(this).c_str() + ")"); else throw GeneralException("Handle can't seek"); } void Balau::Handle::wseek(off64_t offset, int whence) throw (GeneralException) { rseek(offset, whence); } off64_t Balau::Handle::rtell() throw (GeneralException) { if (canSeek()) throw GeneralException(String("Handle ") + getName() + " can seek, but rtell() not implemented (missing in class " + ClassName(this).c_str() + ")"); else throw GeneralException("Handle can't seek"); } off64_t Balau::Handle::wtell() throw (GeneralException) { return rtell(); } bool Balau::SeekableHandle::canSeek() { return true; } void Balau::SeekableHandle::rseek(off64_t offset, int whence) throw (GeneralException) { AAssert(canRead() || canWrite(), "Can't use a SeekableHandle with a Handle that can neither read or write..."); off64_t size; if (!canRead()) wseek(offset, whence); switch (whence) { case SEEK_SET: m_rOffset = offset; break; case SEEK_CUR: m_rOffset += offset; break; case SEEK_END: size = getSize(); if (getSize() < 0) throw GeneralException("Can't seek from end in a Handle you don't know the max size"); m_rOffset = size + offset; break; } if (m_rOffset < 0) m_rOffset = 0; } void Balau::SeekableHandle::wseek(off64_t offset, int whence) throw (GeneralException) { AAssert(canRead() || canWrite(), "Can't use a SeekableHandle with a Handle that can neither read or write..."); off64_t size; if (!canWrite()) rseek(offset, whence); switch (whence) { case SEEK_SET: m_wOffset = offset; break; case SEEK_CUR: m_wOffset += offset; break; case SEEK_END: size = getSize(); if (getSize() < 0) throw GeneralException("Can't seek from end in a Handle you don't know the max size"); m_wOffset = size + offset; break; } if (m_wOffset < 0) m_wOffset = 0; } off64_t Balau::SeekableHandle::rtell() throw (GeneralException) { AAssert(canRead() || canWrite(), "Can't use a SeekableHandle with a Handle that can neither read or write..."); if (!canRead()) return wtell(); return m_rOffset; } off64_t Balau::SeekableHandle::wtell() throw (GeneralException) { AAssert(canRead() || canWrite(), "Can't use a SeekableHandle with a Handle that can neither read or write..."); if (!canWrite()) return rtell(); return m_wOffset; } bool Balau::SeekableHandle::isEOF() { return m_rOffset == getSize(); } namespace { struct cbResults_t { Balau::Events::Custom evt; int result, errorno; }; class AsyncOpMkdir : public Balau::AsyncOperation { public: AsyncOpMkdir(const char * path, mode_t mode, cbResults_t * results) : m_path(path), m_mode(mode), m_results(results) { } virtual void run() { #ifdef _MSC_VER int r = m_results->result = mkdir(m_path); #else int r = m_results->result = mkdir(m_path, m_mode); #endif m_results->errorno = r < 0 ? errno : 0; } virtual void done() { m_results->evt.doSignal(); delete this; } private: const char * m_path; mode_t m_mode; cbResults_t * m_results; }; }; int Balau::FileSystem::mkdir(const char * path) throw (GeneralException) { cbResults_t cbResults; createAsyncOp(new AsyncOpMkdir(path, 0755, &cbResults)); Task::operationYield(&cbResults.evt); if (cbResults.result < 0) { char str[4096]; throw GeneralException(String("Unable to create directory ") + path + ": " + strerror_r(cbResults.errorno, str, sizeof(str)) + " (err#" + cbResults.errorno + ")"); } return cbResults.result; }