#include "Main.h" #include "TaskMan.h" #include "Printer.h" #include "AtStartExit.h" Balau::AtStart * Balau::AtStart::s_head = 0; Balau::AtExit * Balau::AtExit::s_head = 0; Balau::AtStart::AtStart(int priority) : m_priority(priority) { if (priority < 0) return; AAssert(!Main::hasMain(), "An AtStart can't be created dynamically"); AtStart ** ptr = &s_head; m_next = 0; for (ptr = &s_head; *ptr && (priority > (*ptr)->m_priority); ptr = &((*ptr)->m_next)); m_next = *ptr; *ptr = this; } Balau::AtExit::AtExit(int priority) : m_priority(priority) { if (priority < 0) return; AAssert(!Main::hasMain(), "An AtExit can't be created dynamically"); AtExit ** ptr = &s_head; m_next = 0; for (ptr = &s_head; *ptr && (priority > (*ptr)->m_priority); ptr = &((*ptr)->m_next)); m_next = *ptr; *ptr = this; } Balau::Main * Balau::Main::s_application = NULL; Balau::MainTask::~MainTask() { if (m_stopTaskManOnExit) TaskMan::stop(0); } const char * Balau::MainTask::getName() const { return "Main Task"; } int Balau::Main::bootstrap(int _argc, char ** _argv) { int r = 0; m_status = STARTING; argc = _argc; argv = _argv; enve = NULL; for (AtStart * ptr = AtStart::s_head; ptr; ptr = ptr->m_next) ptr->doStart(); try { m_status = RUNNING; TaskMan::createTask(new MainTask()); r = TaskMan::getDefaultTaskMan()->mainLoop(); m_status = STOPPING; } catch (Exit e) { m_status = STOPPING; Printer::log(M_ERROR, "We shouldn't have gotten an Exit exception here... exitting anyway"); auto trace = e.getTrace(); for (String & str : trace) Printer::log(M_ERROR, "%s", str.to_charp()); r = e.getCode(); } catch (RessourceException e) { m_status = STOPPING; Printer::log(M_ERROR | M_ALERT, "The application got a ressource problem: %s", e.getMsg()); const char * details = e.getDetails(); if (details) Printer::log(M_ERROR, " %s", details); auto trace = e.getTrace(); for (String & str : trace) Printer::log(M_DEBUG, "%s", str.to_charp()); r = -1; } catch (GeneralException e) { m_status = STOPPING; Printer::log(M_ERROR | M_ALERT, "The application caused an exception: %s", e.getMsg()); const char * details = e.getDetails(); if (details) Printer::log(M_ERROR, " %s", details); auto trace = e.getTrace(); for (String & str : trace) Printer::log(M_DEBUG, "%s", str.to_charp()); r = -1; } catch (...) { m_status = STOPPING; Printer::log(M_ERROR | M_ALERT, "The application caused an unknown exception"); r = -1; } m_status = STOPPING; for (AtExit * ptr = AtExit::s_head; ptr; ptr = ptr->m_next) ptr->doExit(); m_status = STOPPED; return r; } extern "C" { int main(int argc, char ** argv) { setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); Balau::Main mainClass; return mainClass.bootstrap(argc, argv); } };