#include "SimpleMustache.h" #include "BStream.h" #include "BRegex.h" /* Example of use SimpleMustache tpl; const char tplStr[] = "


\n" "{{#bug}}\n" "{{/bug}}\n" "\n" "{{#items}}\n" " {{#first}}\n" "
  • {{name}}
  • \n" " {{/first}}\n" " {{#link}}\n" "
  • {{name}}
  • \n" " {{/link}}\n" "{{/items}}\n" "\n" "{{#empty}}\n" "

    The list is empty.

    \n" "{{/empty}}\n"; tpl.setTemplate(tplStr, sizeof(tplStr) - 1); SimpleMustache::Context ctx; ctx["header"] = "Colors"; ctx["items"][0]["name"] = "red"; ctx["items"][-1]["first"] = true; ctx["items"][-1]["url"] = "#Red"; ctx["items"][0]["name"] = "green"; ctx["items"][-1]["link"] = true; ctx["items"][-1]["url"] = "#Green"; ctx["items"][0]["name"] = "blue"; ctx["items"][-1]["link"] = true; ctx["items"][-1]["url"] = "#Blue"; ctx["empty"] = false; IO b(new HPrinter); tpl.render(b, &ctx); will output:


  • red
  • green
  • blue
  • (and a few extra blank lines) indexes for contextes are counting from 1 index 0 of a context == new slot index -x of a context == slot number size - x */ Balau::SimpleMustache::Context & Balau::SimpleMustache::Context::Proxy::operator[](const char * str) { IAssert(m_parent->m_type == CONTEXTLIST, "We got a [str] request on a ContextProxy which parent isn't a CONTEXTLIST... ?"); String key = str; ContextList & ctxLst = m_parent->m_contextList; if (m_idx <= 0) m_idx = ctxLst.size() + m_idx + 1; if (m_idx <= 0) m_idx = 1; if (ctxLst.size() < m_idx) ctxLst.resize(m_idx); SubContext & subCtx = ctxLst[m_idx - 1]; SubContext::iterator s = subCtx.find(key); Context * ctx; if (s == subCtx.end()) { ctx = subCtx[key] = new Context(UNKNOWN); } else { ctx = s->second; } return *ctx; } Balau::SimpleMustache::Context & Balau::SimpleMustache::Context::operator[](const char * str) { ensureList(true); String key = str; SubContext & sCtx = m_contextList[0]; SubContext::iterator s = sCtx.find(str); Context * ctx; if (s == sCtx.end()) { ctx = sCtx[key] = new Context(UNKNOWN); } else { ctx = s->second; } return *ctx; } void Balau::SimpleMustache::Context::ensureList(bool single) { if (m_type == CONTEXTLIST) { if (single) empty(true); } else { empty(); m_type = CONTEXTLIST; } } void Balau::SimpleMustache::Context::empty(bool skipFirst) { for (ContextList::iterator i = m_contextList.begin(); i != m_contextList.end(); i++) { if (skipFirst && i == m_contextList.begin()) continue; for (SubContext::iterator j = i->begin(); j != i->end(); j++) { delete j->second; } } m_contextList.resize(skipFirst ? 1 : 0); } static const Balau::Regex changing("^(.*) +(.*)$"); void Balau::SimpleMustache::setTemplate(IO _h) { Task::SimpleContext simpleContext; empty(); IO h(new BStream(_h)); h->detach(); String srtMarker = "{{"; String endMarker = "}}"; enum { PLAIN, READING_SRT, READING_INNER, READING_END, } state = PLAIN; enum { NORMAL, SECTION, NOESCAPE, ENDSECTION, INVERTED, PARTIAL, CHANGING, COMMENT, } tagType = NORMAL; int dist = 0; char buf[16 * 1024 + 1]; char * p = buf; static const int bufLen = 16 * 1024; Fragment * curFragment = new Fragment(); curFragment->type = Fragment::STRING; bool stupidMarker = false; bool readFirstEnd = false; bool beginning = false; while (!h->isEOF()) { uint8_t c = h->readU8().get(); switch (state) { case PLAIN: if (c != srtMarker[0]) { *p++ = static_cast(c); if (p == (buf + bufLen)) { *p = 0; curFragment->str += String(buf, p - buf); p = buf; } break; } else { if (p != buf) { *p = 0; curFragment->str += String(buf, p - buf); p = buf; } state = READING_SRT; dist = 0; } case READING_SRT: if (c != srtMarker[dist]) { curFragment->str += srtMarker.extract(0, dist) + String((const char *) &c, 1); state = PLAIN; } else { if (++dist == srtMarker.strlen()) { if (curFragment->str.strlen() != 0) { m_fragments.push_back(curFragment); curFragment = new Fragment(); } curFragment->type = Fragment::UNKNOWN; state = READING_INNER; beginning = true; } } break; case READING_INNER: if (beginning) { IAssert(p == buf, "READING_INNER; beginning = true but p isn't at the beginning of the buffer..."); beginning = false; tagType = NORMAL; stupidMarker = false; bool skip = true; switch (c) { case '#': tagType = SECTION; break; case '&': tagType = NOESCAPE; break; case '/': tagType = ENDSECTION; break; case '^': tagType = INVERTED; break; case '>': tagType = PARTIAL; break; case '=': tagType = CHANGING; break; case '!': tagType = COMMENT; break; case '{': if (srtMarker == "{{") { stupidMarker = true; tagType = NOESCAPE; break; } default: skip = false; break; } if (skip) continue; } if (c != endMarker[0]) { *p++ = static_cast(c); if (p == (buf + bufLen)) { *p = 0; curFragment->str += String(buf, p - buf); p = buf; } break; } else { if (p != buf) { *p = 0; curFragment->str += String(buf, p - buf); p = buf; } state = READING_END; readFirstEnd = true; dist = 0; } case READING_END: if (c != endMarker[dist]) { curFragment->str += endMarker.extract(0, dist) + String((const char *) &c, 1); state = READING_INNER; } else { if (stupidMarker && readFirstEnd) { readFirstEnd = 0; dist--; } if (++dist == endMarker.strlen()) { bool pushIt = true; String str = curFragment->str; AAssert(str.strlen() != 0, "Got an empty tag... ?"); AAssert(tagType != PARTIAL, "Partials aren't supported yet"); Regex::Captures c; switch (tagType) { case NORMAL: curFragment->type = Fragment::VARIABLE; break; case SECTION: curFragment->type = Fragment::SECTION; break; case NOESCAPE: curFragment->type = Fragment::NOESCAPE; break; case ENDSECTION: // note: it'd be a nice optimization here to remember and find the // locations of the start section, so to point the start section // at its end, to avoid useless loops in the renderer. curFragment->type = Fragment::END_SECTION; break; case INVERTED: curFragment->type = Fragment::INVERTED; break; case PARTIAL: Failure("Partials aren't supported yet"); break; case CHANGING: pushIt = false; IAssert(str[0] == '=', "A CHANGING tag that doesn't start with =... ?"); AAssert(str[-1] == '=', "A changing tag must end with ="); c = changing.match(str.to_charp()); IAssert(c.size() == 3, "The 'changing' regexp didn't match..."); srtMarker = c[1]; endMarker = c[2]; AAssert(srtMarker.strlen() != 0, "A new Mustache marker can't be empty."); AAssert(endMarker.strlen() != 0, "A new Mustache marker can't be empty."); AAssert(srtMarker[0] != endMarker[0], "The beginning and end markers can't start with the same character"); AAssert(srtMarker.strchr(' ') < 0, "A mustache marker can't contain spaces"); AAssert(srtMarker.strchr('=') < 0, "A mustache marker can't contain '='"); AAssert(endMarker.strchr(' ') < 0, "A mustache marker can't contain spaces"); AAssert(endMarker.strchr('=') < 0, "A mustache marker can't contain '='"); break; case COMMENT: pushIt = false; break; } if (pushIt) { IAssert(curFragment->type != Fragment::UNKNOWN, "We got an unknown fragment at that point...?"); m_fragments.push_back(curFragment); curFragment = new Fragment(); } curFragment->type = Fragment::STRING; curFragment->str = ""; state = PLAIN; } } break; } } IAssert(state == PLAIN, "We shouldn't exit that parsing loop without being in the 'PLAIN' state"); if (p != buf) { *p = 0; curFragment->str += String(buf, p - buf); } if (curFragment->str.strlen() == 0) delete curFragment; else m_fragments.push_back(curFragment); } Balau::SimpleMustache::Fragments::const_iterator Balau::SimpleMustache::checkTemplate_r(Fragments::const_iterator begin, const String & endSection) const { Fragments::const_iterator cur; Fragments::const_iterator end = m_fragments.end(); for (cur = begin; cur != end; cur++) { Fragment * fr = *cur; if ((fr->type == Fragment::END_SECTION) && (endSection.strlen() != 0)) { AAssert(fr->str == endSection, "Beginning / End sections mismatch (%s != %s)", fr->str.to_charp(), endSection.to_charp()); return cur; } AAssert(fr->type != Fragment::END_SECTION, "Reached an extra end section (%s)", fr->str.to_charp()); if ((fr->type == Fragment::SECTION) || (fr->type == Fragment::INVERTED)) cur = checkTemplate_r(++cur, fr->str); } return end; } Balau::SimpleMustache::Fragments::const_iterator Balau::SimpleMustache::render_r(IO h, Context * ctx, const String & endSection, Fragments::const_iterator begin, bool noWrite, int forceIdx) const { Fragments::const_iterator cur; Fragments::const_iterator end = m_fragments.end(); if (endSection.strlen() != 0) { int depth = 0; for (cur = begin; cur != end; cur++) { Fragment * fr = *cur; if (fr->type == Fragment::END_SECTION) { if (depth == 0) { IAssert(fr->str == endSection, "Beginning / End sections mismatch (%s != %s); shouldn't have checkTemplate caught that... ?", fr->str.to_charp(), endSection.to_charp()); end = cur; break; } else { depth--; } } if ((fr->type == Fragment::SECTION) || (fr->type == Fragment::INVERTED)) depth++; } IAssert(end != m_fragments.end(), "Reached end of template without finding an end section for %s; shouldn't have checkTemplate caught that... ?", endSection.to_charp()); } if (!ctx) { if (noWrite) return end; for (cur = begin; cur != end; cur++) { Fragment * fr = *cur; if(fr->type == Fragment::STRING) h->write(fr->str); } return end; } IAssert(!noWrite, "noWrite == true but we have a context... ?"); Context::ContextList::iterator sCtx; int idx = 0; for (sCtx = ctx->m_contextList.begin(); sCtx != ctx->m_contextList.end(); sCtx++, idx++) { if ((forceIdx >= 0) && (idx != forceIdx)) continue; Context::SubContext::iterator f; for (cur = begin; cur != end; cur++) { Fragment * fr = *cur; IAssert(fr->type != Fragment::UNKNOWN, "Processing an unknown fragment... ?"); IAssert(fr->type != Fragment::END_SECTION, "Processing an end section tag... ?"); switch (fr->type) { case Fragment::STRING: h->write(fr->str); break; case Fragment::VARIABLE: f = sCtx->find(fr->str); if (f != sCtx->end()) { Context * var = f->second; if (var->m_type == Context::STRING) h->write(escape(var->m_str)); else if (var->m_type == Context::BOOLSEC) h->write(var->m_bool ? "true" : "false"); } break; case Fragment::NOESCAPE: f = sCtx->find(fr->str); if (f != sCtx->end()) { Context * var = f->second; if (var->m_type == Context::STRING) h->write(var->m_str); else if (var->m_type == Context::BOOLSEC) h->write(var->m_bool ? "true" : "false"); } break; case Fragment::SECTION: f = sCtx->find(fr->str); if (f != sCtx->end()) { Context * var = f->second; if (var->m_type == Context::CONTEXTLIST) { cur = render_r(h, var, fr->str, ++cur, false, -1); break; } else if (((var->m_type == Context::BOOLSEC) && (var->m_bool)) || (var->m_type != Context::BOOLSEC)) { cur = render_r(h, ctx, fr->str, ++cur, false, idx); break; } } cur = render_r(h, NULL, fr->str, ++cur, true, -1); break; case Fragment::INVERTED: cur = render_r(h, NULL, fr->str, ++cur, sCtx->find(fr->str) != sCtx->end(), -1); break; default: FailureDetails("We shouldn't end up here", "fragment type = %i", fr->type); break; } } } return end; } Balau::String Balau::SimpleMustache::escape(const String & s) { int size = 0; for (int i = 0; i < s.strlen(); i++) { switch (s[i]) { case '&': size += 5; break; case '"': size += 6; break; case '\'': size += 5; break; case '\\': size += 5; break; case '<': size += 4; break; case '>': size += 4; break; default: size++; break; } } char * t = (char *) malloc(size + 1); char * p = t; for (int i = 0; i < s.strlen(); i++) { switch (s[i]) { case '&': *p++ = '&'; *p++ = 'a'; *p++ = 'm'; *p++ = 'p'; *p++ = ';'; break; case '"': *p++ = '&'; *p++ = 'q'; *p++ = 'u'; *p++ = 'o'; *p++ = 't'; *p++ = ';'; break; case '\'': *p++ = '&'; *p++ = '#'; *p++ = '3'; *p++ = '9'; *p++ = ';'; break; case '\\': *p++ = '&'; *p++ = '#'; *p++ = '9'; *p++ = '2'; *p++ = ';'; break; case '<': *p++ = '&'; *p++ = 'l'; *p++ = 't'; *p++ = ';'; break; case '>': *p++ = '&'; *p++ = 'g'; *p++ = 't'; *p++ = ';'; break; default: *p++ = s[i]; break; } } *p = 0; String r(t, size); free(t); return r; }