#ifdef _MSC_VER #include // for CALLBACK #endif #ifndef _WIN32 #define CALLBACK #endif #include "Task.h" #include "TaskMan.h" #include "Exceptions.h" #include "Printer.h" #include "Local.h" #include "Main.h" typedef void (*trampoline_t)(void *); static trampoline_t s_trampoline = NULL; namespace { class RegisterTrampoline : public Balau::AtStart { public: RegisterTrampoline() : AtStart(0) { } void doStart() { Balau::Task::registerTrampoline(); } }; static RegisterTrampoline registerTrampoline; } static void CALLBACK trampoline(void * arg) { s_trampoline(arg); } void Balau::Task::registerTrampoline() { AAssert(s_trampoline == NULL, "Don't call registerTrampoline directly"); s_trampoline = coroutineTrampoline; } static Balau::LocalTmpl localTask; Balau::Task::Task() : m_status(STARTING), m_okayToEAgain(false), m_stackless(false) { Printer::elog(E_TASK, "Created a Task at %p", this); m_tls = Local::createTLS(g_tlsManager->getTLS()); } bool Balau::Task::needsStacks() { #ifndef _WIN32 return true; #else return false; #endif } void Balau::Task::setup(TaskMan * taskMan, void * stack) { if (m_stackless) { IAssert(!stack, "Since we're stackless, no stack should've been allocated."); m_stack = NULL; } else { size_t size = stackSize(); #ifndef _WIN32 IAssert(stack, "Can't setup a coroutine without a stack"); m_stack = stack; coro_create(&m_ctx, trampoline, this, m_stack, size); #else IAssert(!stack, "We shouldn't allocate stacks with Fibers"); m_stack = NULL; m_fiber = CreateFiber(size, trampoline, this); #endif } m_taskMan = taskMan; void * oldTLS = g_tlsManager->getTLS(); g_tlsManager->setTLS(m_tls); localTask.set(this); g_tlsManager->setTLS(oldTLS); } Balau::Task::~Task() { free(m_tls); } void Balau::Task::coroutineTrampoline(void * arg) { Task * task = reinterpret_cast(arg); IAssert(task, "We didn't get a task to trampoline from... ?"); task->coroutine(); } void Balau::Task::coroutine() { try { IAssert((m_status == STARTING) || (m_stackless && (m_status == RUNNING)), "The Task at %p has a bad status ? m_status = %s, stackless = %s", this, StatusToString(m_status), m_stackless ? "true" : "false"); m_status = RUNNING; Do(); m_status = STOPPED; } catch (Exit & e) { m_status = STOPPED; TaskMan::stop(e.getCode()); } catch (TestException & e) { m_status = STOPPED; Printer::log(M_ERROR, "Unit test failed: %s", e.getMsg()); const char * details = e.getDetails(); if (details) Printer::log(M_ERROR, " %s", details); auto trace = e.getTrace(); for (String & str : trace) Printer::log(M_ERROR, "%s", str.to_charp()); TaskMan::stop(-1); } catch (RessourceException & e) { m_status = STOPPED; Printer::log(M_ERROR, "Got a ressource exhaustion problem: %s", e.getMsg()); const char * details = e.getDetails(); if (details) Printer::log(M_ERROR, " %s", details); auto trace = e.getTrace(); for (String & str : trace) Printer::log(M_DEBUG, "%s", str.to_charp()); TaskMan::stop(-1); } catch (TaskSwitch & e) { if (!m_stackless) { Printer::log(M_ERROR, "Task %s at %p isn't stackless, but still caused a task switch.", getName(), this); const char * details = e.getDetails(); if (details) Printer::log(M_ERROR, " %s", details); auto trace = e.getTrace(); for (String & str : trace) Printer::log(M_DEBUG, "%s", str.to_charp()); m_status = FAULTED; } else { Printer::elog(E_TASK, "Stackless task %s at %p is task-switching.", getName(), this); } } catch (EAgain & e) { Printer::log(M_ERROR, "Task %s at %p threw an EAgain - you should catch it and yield; the app will crash now", getName(), this); m_status = FAULTED; } catch (GeneralException & e) { Printer::log(M_WARNING, "Task %s at %p caused an exception: `%s' - stopping.", getName(), this, e.getMsg()); const char * details = e.getDetails(); if (details) Printer::log(M_WARNING, " %s", details); auto trace = e.getTrace(); for (String & str : trace) Printer::log(M_DEBUG, "%s", str.to_charp()); m_status = FAULTED; } catch (...) { Printer::log(M_WARNING, "Task %s at %p caused an unknown exception - stopping.", getName(), this); m_status = FAULTED; } if (!m_stackless) { #ifndef _WIN32 coro_transfer(&m_ctx, &m_taskMan->m_returnContext); #else SwitchToFiber(m_taskMan->m_fiber); #endif } } void Balau::Task::switchTo() { Printer::elog(E_TASK, "Switching to task %p - %s", this, getName()); IAssert(m_status == YIELDED || m_status == SLEEPING || m_status == STARTING, "The task at %p isn't either yielded, sleeping or starting... ? m_status = %s", this, StatusToString(m_status)); void * oldTLS = g_tlsManager->getTLS(); g_tlsManager->setTLS(m_tls); if (m_status == YIELDED || m_status == SLEEPING) m_status = RUNNING; if (m_stackless) { coroutine(); } else { #ifndef _WIN32 coro_transfer(&m_taskMan->m_returnContext, &m_ctx); #else SwitchToFiber(m_fiber); #endif } g_tlsManager->setTLS(oldTLS); IAssert(m_status != RUNNING, "Task %s at %p is still running... ?", getName(), this); } bool Balau::Task::yield(bool stillRunning) { Printer::elog(E_TASK, "Task %p - %s yielding", this, getName()); if (stillRunning) m_status = YIELDED; else m_status = SLEEPING; if (m_stackless) { return true; } else { #ifndef _WIN32 coro_transfer(&m_ctx, &m_taskMan->m_returnContext); #else SwitchToFiber(m_taskMan->m_fiber); #endif } return false; } Balau::Task * Balau::Task::getCurrentTask() { return localTask.get(); } void Balau::Task::waitFor(Balau::Events::BaseEvent * e) { Printer::elog(E_TASK, "Task %p - %s waits for event %p (%s)", this, getName(), e, ClassName(e).c_str()); e->registerOwner(this); } struct ev_loop * Balau::Task::getLoop() { return getTaskMan()->getLoop(); } void Balau::Task::sleep(double timeout) { AAssert(!m_stackless && !m_okayToEAgain, "You can only call sleep on simple tasks."); Events::Timeout evt(timeout); waitFor(&evt); yield(); } void Balau::Events::BaseEvent::doSignal() { Printer::elog(E_TASK, "Event at %p (%s) is signaled with cb %p and task %p", this, ClassName(this).c_str(), m_cb, m_task); m_signal = true; if (m_cb) m_cb->gotEvent(this); if (m_task) { Printer::elog(E_TASK, "Signaling task %p (%s - %s)", m_task, m_task->getName(), ClassName(m_task).c_str()); m_task->getTaskMan()->signalTask(m_task); } } Balau::Events::TaskEvent::TaskEvent(Task * taskWaited) : m_taskWaited(NULL), m_ack(false), m_distant(false) { if (taskWaited) attachToTask(taskWaited); } void Balau::Events::TaskEvent::attachToTask(Task * taskWaited) { AAssert(!m_taskWaited, "You can't attach a TaskEvent twice."); m_ack = false; m_taskWaited = taskWaited; ScopeLock lock(m_taskWaited->m_eventLock); m_taskWaited->m_waitedBy.push_back(this); } void Balau::Events::TaskEvent::signal() { if (m_distant) m_evt.send(); else doSignal(); } void Balau::Events::TaskEvent::gotOwner(Task * task) { TaskMan * tm = task->getTaskMan(); m_evt.stop(); if (tm != m_taskWaited->getTaskMan()) { m_evt.set(tm->getLoop()); m_evt.set(this); m_evt.start(); m_distant = true; } else { m_distant = false; } } Balau::Events::TaskEvent::~TaskEvent() { if (!m_ack) ack(); if (m_distant) m_evt.stop(); } void Balau::Events::TaskEvent::ack() { AAssert(!m_ack, "You can't ack() a task event twice."); bool deleted = false; Task * t = m_taskWaited; t->m_eventLock.enter(); for (auto i = t->m_waitedBy.begin(); i != t->m_waitedBy.end(); i++) { if (*i == this) { t->m_waitedBy.erase(i); deleted = true; break; } } Printer::elog(E_TASK, "TaskEvent at %p being ack; removing from the 'waited by' list of %p (%s - %s); deleted = %s", this, t, t->getName(), ClassName(t).c_str(), deleted ? "true" : "false"); t->m_eventLock.leave(); t = NULL; IAssert(deleted, "We didn't find task %p in the waitedBy lists... ?", this); m_ack = true; reset(); m_taskWaited = NULL; } void Balau::Events::Timeout::gotOwner(Task * task) { m_evt.set(task->getLoop()); m_evt.start(); } void Balau::Events::Async::gotOwner(Task * task) { m_evt.set(task->getLoop()); m_evt.start(); } void Balau::Events::Custom::gotOwner(Task * task) { m_loop = task->getLoop(); } void Balau::Task::operationYield(Events::BaseEvent * evt, enum OperationYieldType yieldType) throw (GeneralException) { Task * t = getCurrentTask(); if (evt) t->waitFor(evt); if (t->m_stackless) { AAssert(yieldType != SIMPLE, "You can't run simple operations from a stackless task."); } if (yieldType == STACKLESS) { AAssert(t->m_okayToEAgain, "You can't run a stackless operation from a non-okay-to-eagain task."); } bool gotSignal, doEAgain = false; do { doEAgain = t->yield(evt == NULL); static const char * YieldTypeToString[] = { "SIMPLE", "INTERRUPTIBLE", "STACKLESS", }; if (doEAgain) Printer::elog(E_TASK, "operation couldn't yield; yieldType = %s; okayToEAgain = %s", YieldTypeToString[yieldType], t->m_okayToEAgain ? "true" : "false"); else Printer::elog(E_TASK, "operation back from yielding; yieldType = %s; okayToEAgain = %s", YieldTypeToString[yieldType], t->m_okayToEAgain ? "true" : "false"); gotSignal = evt ? evt->gotSignal() : true; } while (((yieldType == SIMPLE) || !t->m_okayToEAgain) && !gotSignal); if (!evt) return; if ((yieldType != SIMPLE) && t->m_okayToEAgain && !gotSignal && doEAgain) { AAssert(!t->m_cannotEAgain, "task at %p in simple context mode can't EAgain", t); Printer::elog(E_TASK, "operation is throwing an EAgain exception with event %p", evt); throw EAgain(evt); } } void Balau::QueueBase::iPush(void * t, Events::Async * event) { ScopeLock sl(m_lock); Cell * c = new Cell(t); c->m_prev = m_back; if (m_back) m_back->m_next = c; else m_front = c; m_back = c; if (event) event->trigger(); else pthread_cond_signal(&m_cond); } void * Balau::QueueBase::iPop(Events::Async * event, bool wait) { ScopeLock sl(m_lock); while (!m_front && wait) { if (event) { Task::prepare(event); m_lock.leave(); Task::operationYield(event, Task::INTERRUPTIBLE); m_lock.enter(); if (event->gotSignal()) event->reset(); } else { pthread_cond_wait(&m_cond, &m_lock.m_lock); } } Cell * c = m_front; if (!c) return NULL; m_front = c->m_next; if (m_front) m_front->m_prev = NULL; else m_back = NULL; void * t = c->m_elem; delete c; return t; }