#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef _WIN32 void ctime_r(const time_t * t, char * str) { #ifdef _MSVC ctime_s(str, 32, t); #else strcpy(str, ctime(t)); #endif } #endif // this may look weird for a dumb test, but I always // struggle to remember this formula, so I'm going // to put it here as a "data generator" and then // I'll know where to find it if I ever need it. class DiscreteCos { public: DiscreteCos() { generate(); } static const unsigned int DC_2PI = 2048; static const unsigned int DC_PI = 1024; static const unsigned int DC_PI2 = 512; int32_t cos(unsigned int t) { t %= DC_2PI; int32_t r; if (t < DC_PI2) { r = m_cosTable[t]; } else if (t < DC_PI) { r = -m_cosTable[DC_PI - 1 - t]; } else if (t < (DC_PI + DC_PI2)) { r = -m_cosTable[t - DC_PI]; } else { r = m_cosTable[DC_2PI - 1 - t]; } return r; } // sin(x) = cos(x - pi / 2) int32_t sin(unsigned int t) { t %= DC_2PI; if (t < DC_PI2) return cos(t + DC_2PI - DC_PI2); return cos(t - DC_PI2); } private: int32_t m_cosTable[512] = { 16777216, // 2^24 * cos(0 * 2pi / 2048) 16777137, // 2^24 * cos(1 * 2pi / 2048) = C = f(1) }; // f(n) = cos(n * 2pi / 2048) // f(n) = 2 * f(1) * f(n - 1) - f(n - 2) void generate() { int64_t C = m_cosTable[1]; for (int i = 2; i < 512; i++) m_cosTable[i] = ((C * m_cosTable[i - 1]) >> 23) - m_cosTable[i - 2]; m_cosTable[511] = 0; } }; DiscreteCos dc; class DataGenerator { public: DataGenerator() { generate(); } static const size_t size = 128 * 1024; const uint8_t * getData() { return (uint8_t *) m_data; } private: static const int nEntries = size / 4; void generate() { for (int i = 0; i < nEntries; i++) { int64_t c = dc.cos(i); // This version is actually too hardcore, and generates // uncompressible data. Fun! // c *= ((int64_t(i) * 100) << 24) / nEntries; // this one is technically wrong, but at least it produces // compressible data, so who cares about maths. c *= i % (10 * 1024); c >>= 24; m_data[i] = c; } } int32_t m_data[nEntries]; }; DataGenerator dg; using namespace Balau; class SimpleTaskTest : public Task { virtual void Do(); const char * getName() const { return "SimpleTaskTest"; } }; void SimpleTaskTest::Do() { bool failed = false; try { IO i(new Input("SomeInexistantFile.txt")); i->open(); } catch (ENoEnt & e) { failed = true; } TAssert(failed); IO i(new Input("tests/rtest.txt")); i->open(); Printer::log(M_STATUS, "Opened file %s:", i->getName()); Printer::log(M_STATUS, " - size = %" PRIi64, i->getSize()); char mtimestr[32]; time_t mtime = i->getMTime(); ctime_r(&mtime, mtimestr); char * nl = strrchr(mtimestr, '\n'); if (nl) *nl = 0; Printer::log(M_STATUS, " - mtime = %li (%s)", mtime, mtimestr); off_t s = i->rtell(); TAssert(s == 0); i->rseek(0, SEEK_END); s = i->rtell(); TAssert(s == i->getSize()); i->rseek(0, SEEK_SET); char * buf1 = (char *) Balau::malloc(i->getSize()); ssize_t r = i->read(buf1, s + 15); Printer::log(M_STATUS, "Read %zi bytes (instead of %" PRIi64 ")", r, s + 15); TAssert(i->isEOF()) char * buf2 = (char *) Balau::malloc(i->getSize()); i->rseek(0, SEEK_SET); TAssert(!i->isEOF()); TAssert(i->rtell() == 0); r = i->read(buf2, 5); TAssert(r == 5); TAssert(i->rtell() == 5); r = i->read(buf2 + 5, s - 5); TAssert(r == (s - 5)); TAssert(memcmp(buf1, buf2, s) == 0); IO o(new Output("tests/out.txt")); o->open(); s = o->wtell(); TAssert(s == 0); s = o->getSize(); TAssert(s == 0); o->writeString("foo\n"); IO b(new Buffer()); s = b->rtell(); TAssert(s == 0); s = b->wtell(); TAssert(s == 0); b->writeString("foo\n"); s = b->rtell(); TAssert(s == 0); s = b->wtell(); TAssert(s == 4); b->writeString("bar\r\n"); s = b->rtell(); TAssert(s == 0); s = b->wtell(); TAssert(s == 9); b->writeString("eof"); s = b->rtell(); TAssert(s == 0); s = b->wtell(); TAssert(s == 12); IO strm(new BStream(b)); String str; str = strm->readString(); TAssert(str == "foo"); str = strm->readString(); TAssert(str == "bar"); str = strm->readString(); TAssert(str == "eof"); s = b->rtell(); TAssert(s == 12); TAssert(b->isEOF()); { IO o(new Output("tests/out.z")); o->open(); IO z(new ZStream(o)); z->detach(); z->writeString("foobar\n"); } { IO o(new Output("tests/out.gz")); o->open(); IO z(new ZStream(o, Z_BEST_COMPRESSION, ZStream::GZIP)); z->detach(); z->writeString("foobar\n"); } { IO o(new Output("tests/out.raw")); o->open(); IO z(new ZStream(o, Z_BEST_COMPRESSION, ZStream::RAW)); z->detach(); z->writeString("foobar\n"); } { IO i(new Input("tests/out.z")); i->open(); IO z(new ZStream(i)); IO s(new BStream(z)); z->detach(); s->detach(); String f = s->readString(); TAssert(f == "foobar"); } { IO i(new Input("tests/out.gz")); i->open(); IO z(new ZStream(i, Z_BEST_COMPRESSION, ZStream::GZIP)); IO s(new BStream(z)); z->detach(); s->detach(); String f = s->readString(); TAssert(f == "foobar"); } { IO i(new Input("tests/out.raw")); i->open(); IO z(new ZStream(i, Z_BEST_COMPRESSION, ZStream::RAW)); IO s(new BStream(z)); z->detach(); s->detach(); String f = s->readString(); TAssert(f == "foobar"); } } class StacklessTaskTest : public StacklessTask { virtual void Do(); const char * getName() const { return "StacklessTaskTest"; } IO h, s; uint8_t data[dg.size]; ssize_t r; }; void StacklessTaskTest::Do() { StacklessBegin(); h = new Output("tests/data.raw"); StacklessOperation(h.asA()->open()); StacklessOperation(r = h->write(dg.getData(), dg.size)); TAssert(r == dg.size); StacklessOperation(h->close()); h = new Input("tests/data.raw"); StacklessOperation(h.asA()->open()); StacklessOperation(r = h->read(data, dg.size)); TAssert(r == dg.size); StacklessOperation(h->close()); h = new Output("tests/data.gz"); StacklessOperation(h.asA()->open()); s = new ZStream(h, Z_BEST_COMPRESSION, ZStream::GZIP); StacklessOperation(r = s->write(dg.getData(), dg.size)); TAssert(r == dg.size); StacklessOperation(s->close()); h = new Input("tests/data.gz"); StacklessOperation(h.asA()->open()); s = new ZStream(h, Z_BEST_COMPRESSION, ZStream::GZIP); StacklessOperation(r = s->read(data, dg.size)); TAssert(r == dg.size); TAssert(memcmp(dg.getData(), data, dg.size) == 0); StacklessOperation(s->close()); StacklessEnd(); } void MainTask::Do() { Printer::log(M_STATUS, "Test::Handles running."); Events::TaskEvent taskEvt; TaskMan::registerTask(new SimpleTaskTest(), &taskEvt); waitFor(&taskEvt); TAssert(!taskEvt.gotSignal()); yield(); TAssert(taskEvt.gotSignal()); taskEvt.ack(); TaskMan::registerTask(new StacklessTaskTest(), &taskEvt); waitFor(&taskEvt); TAssert(!taskEvt.gotSignal()); yield(); TAssert(taskEvt.gotSignal()); taskEvt.ack(); Printer::log(M_STATUS, "Test::Handles passed."); }