path: root/doc/API
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authorPixel <Pixel>2001-12-04 00:02:52 +0000
committerPixel <Pixel>2001-12-04 00:02:52 +0000
commitc0fc6d58ffd11919ad9ba845c13cb00fd7fadff2 (patch)
tree115db0d207ae75a6ac1e4e504ae59d5975bc1f47 /doc/API
parent4c92126b8eb52a43ccef28be0155374f2e6f7490 (diff)
Small changes
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1 files changed, 531 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/API b/doc/API
index e69de29..0b289f8 100644
--- a/doc/API
+++ b/doc/API
@@ -0,0 +1,531 @@
+Baltisot API
+Class Base:
+Every single class should at last derives from this class. It override most
+of the memory usage functions. Here is the list of the functions I did override:
+operator new
+operator delete
+I did wrote some little and stupid memory functions. Maybe I'll later use
+dlmalloc or something like this. The other function will throw an exception
+if something went wrong.
+If you can't write an inner-class function that has to allocate memory, use
+the x* functions:
+Class GeneralException:
+This is the generic exception that should be thrown by everything. And then
+the main() function should be written like this:
+int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
+ try {
+ /* your work here */
+ }
+ catch (GeneralException e) {
+ cerr << _("Main function got an exception: '") << e.GetMsg() << "'.\n";
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ catch (...) {
+ cerr << _("Unknow exception.\n") << endl;
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+Class derivated from GeneralException:
+We have the class MemoryException that will especially throw messages about
+Memory allocations problems. The class IOGeneral will be thrown for every
+problem about IO in general. The IOException is to be thrown by read & write
+when problems occurs. The IOAgain is thrown only when the Handle which is
+written or read is full and set to be non blocking. The last exception,
+TaskSwitch, will be thrown by every task that want to be suspended.
+You can inspire yourself from this class system to implements yours.
+Class String:
+A very big class that can handle a large bunch of functions. Countrary of the
+STL's string class, this one is a "over everything" one. As much as possible,
+a String will be created. Here is the list of the constructs:
+String() creates an empty string.
+String(const String &) copy another string safely.
+String(const char *) copy the specified pointer into the string.
+String(char) creates a one-char string.
+String(int) creates a string containing the string representation of the int.
+String(unsigned int) same with an unsigned int.
+String(long long) same with a long long.
+String(unsigned long long) same with an unsigned long long.
+String(double) same with a double.
+Now to list of the methods.
+const char * set(const char *, ...) and const char * set(const String &, ...)
+They are the same as a sprintf functions, by changing the contents of the
+string. They return the temporary buffer used to create the string. Beware, it
+is constant, and there is a max size. If it exceeds, the result will be truncated.
+const char * to_charp(size_t start = 0, ssize_t end = -1) const;
+It will copy the string into a temporary buffer. Beware, it is the same as the set
+function. The use of this function is depreciated. The arguments start and end
+specify two offsets of extraction into the string. If end == -1, then the whole
+string from the start offset will be copied.
+String extract(size_t start = 0, ssize_t end = -1) const;
+It will do the same as the extract function, but it will returns a String. Yet
+this function is not really good since it does call to_charp. But I'll translate
+it later with a better one.
+char * strdup(size_t = 0, ssize_t end = -1) const;
+This will produce a char *, still using the terrific to_charp function. I will soon
+use the extract function, I swear.
+int to_int() const;
+Tries to convert the String into an int. If the string is *exactly* not an int, it
+will returns 0. Even " 123" will be rejected.
+double to_double() const;
+The same with a double.
+String to_sqdate() const;
+This is a weired fonction that will convert the string "JJ/MM/AAAA" to "AAAAMMJJ".
+String to_sqltime() const;
+The same between "h:m" to the number h * 60 + m.
+String from_sqldate() const;
+String from_sqltime() const;
+Those two function will revert to the original strings.
+Well the four above functions are weired, but sometime useful.
+double datedif(const String &) const;
+This will compute the number of days between the two dates. One can be the
+string "today". This code is located into the file 'datedif.c' written by
+Micael Widell. Check into the file for copyright details.
+bool is_date() const;
+bool is_number() const;
+bool is_float() const;
+bool is_time() const;
+These four fonctions will check if the string is actually a date, a number (int),
+a float(well double too) and a time.
+size_t strlen() const;
+Returns the length of the string. The function is immediate because it is stored
+into the object.
+ssize_t strchr(char c, size_t start = 0) const;
+Looks and return the first offset for a given char into a string. It will look
+from the given start point. Returns -1 if the char is not found.
+ssize_t strrchr(char c) const;
+Look and return the last offset for a given char into a string. Returns -1
+if not found.
+ssize_t strstr(const String & str) const;
+It will returns the position of the string str, or -1 if not found.
+int strchrcnt(char c) const;
+It will count the number of time of the char c into the string.
+String & operator=(const String &);
+Only to be safe. Well, it will safely assign one string to another. Also safe
+to do s = s even if weired.
+String operator+(const String &) const;
+Concatens two strings to another third.
+String & operator+=(const String &) const;
+Add one string to the end.
+bool operator!=(const String &) const;
+bool operator==(const String &) const;
+bool operator<=(const String &) const;
+bool operator>=(const String &) const;
+bool operator<(const String &) const;
+bool operator>(const String &) const;
+The classical comparator fonctions. This will use strcmp so the meaning is the
+same. They are case sensitive. Maybe I will add a function to switch to
+case unsensitive with a global variable.
+char operator[](size_t i) const;
+Extract one char from the string. Like the classical char * does. Well, it will
+returns 0 if over the size of the string.
+One note: since you can construct a String with a char * or about everything else,
+you can write things like:
+String s = String("Pim ") + "pam " + "poum.";
+Just use your imagination.
+I've also overloaded the two operators << and >> for *stream:
+ostream & operator<<(ostream &, const String &);
+istream & operator>>(istream &, String &);
+They act as the Handles read and write function, so take a look at them.
+Class Regex:
+Well, to use this class, please read a bit the regex man page. You have two
+Regex(const String & regex, int cflags = REG_EXTENDED, int eflags = 0)
+Regex(const Regex &);
+The first construct gets its meaning from the regex man page. The cflag REG_NOSUB
+will always be applied. The second one is the classical copy-construct.
+You can match a regex against a string using:
+bool Match(const String &) const;
+which will return true if the string matches the regex, and false otherwise.
+The construct may return a GeneralException in case of compilation error.
+There is two global regex: any and empty. any.match(s) will always be true, and
+empty.match(s) will be true if s == "".
+Class Variables:
+Somewhat weired class. I designed it especially for the HttpServ class to handle
+the POST variables strings. But you can use it for your own purpose.
+The construct
+Variables(int n = 0);
+will initiate a stack of n empty variables. You can then use these methods:
+For the methods, one variable is in the shape: "Name=value"
+void SetTo(int i, const String & s);
+This will set the ith variables.
+String operator[](const String & s);
+This will returns the value of one variable name
+String operator[](int i);
+This will returns the ith variable.
+void Dump(Handle *, const String & format = "");
+This will dump the variables stack to the Handle. Especially designed to be
+used for the HttpServ. The format string is not yet usable.
+int GetNb();
+Returns the number of variables into the stack.
+void Add(const String &);
+Adds a new variable at the end of the stack.
+void Del(int);
+Deletes the ith variable.
+void Del(const String &);
+Deletes the variable given to his name.
+class Handle:
+This class is a base one to be derivated into others. Here is the list of the
+public construct:
+Handle(const Handle &);
+The per-copy construct will duplicate the handle. If you close one, the other
+will remains open.
+protected construct:
+Handle(int h);
+Only for childs. Used to fill the structure.
+virtual ssize_t read(void *buf, size_t count) throw (GeneralException);
+virtual ssize_t write(const void *buf, size_t count) throw (GeneralException);
+Self explainatory. Will never fail so the ssize_t type is only here for
+bool IsClosed(void);
+Returns true if the stream is closed. The stream will self close if it does
+hit end of file.
+void SetNonBlock(void);
+Set the handle non blocking. Will be *VERY* useful for the Task system.
+bool IsNonBlock(void);
+Returns true if the handle has been set non blocking.
+virtual bool CanRead();
+True if the handle can read.
+virtual bool CanWrite();
+True if the handle can write.
+virtual String GetName();
+The actual name of the Handle.
+virtual off_t GetSize();
+The size of the input opened file. Will clearly be removed in the future.
+virtual time_t GetModif();
+Get the modification time of the file if possible.
+void close() throw (GeneralException);
+Closes the handle.
+int GetHandle();
+This will get the handle number. Usage deprieciated but sometime necessary.
+virtual bool CanWatch();
+True if the handle can be watched (when non blocking)
+virtual void SetZ(int level) throw (GeneralException);
+Set the Handle to go through libz. Compress will occurs if write() and
+decompress will occurs if read(). Level between 0 and 9 sets the compression
+ratio. SetZ(0) will do nothing. You can't revert to SetZ(0) after SetZ to a
+non zero level.
+I've got two operators:
+Handle & operator<<(Handle &, const String &);
+Handle & operator>>(Handle &, String &);
+who works the same as the String >> and << operators.
+When <<, the string will be dumped as exactly.
+When >>, the string will be readed until \n or eof. The char \r is discarded.
+The char \n, if reached, is not stored.
+Class Input:
+Derivated from the Handle class. Not much to say with it, nothing added.
+The construct takes the file name to open. Just watch for an IOGeneral exception.
+Class Stdin_t:
+Designed to create the Stdin object. You can use it to input from the stdin. This
+will works even if the stdin was redirected AFTER the start of the main() function.
+Every Stdio_t object that will be instancied will be a dup from the current stdio
+and remains as it.
+Class Output:
+Derivated from the Handle class. Exactly as the Input class, not much to say.
+Class Stdout_t & Stderr_t:
+Exactly like the Stdin_t, and the Stdout & Stderr are the names of the global
+objects that you can use.
+Class Buffer:
+A virtual Handle that writes everything into a growing buffer. Very useful. You
+can even assign one buffer to another with the operator =. Should be overflow
+Class InPipe:
+This class is designed to hook stdout. When a further process will write to
+stdout, the result will be read into the InPipe created, if it has been hooked
+with the method Hook(). Designed to Hook only after a fork().
+Class OutPipe:
+The same but with stdin. You writes to the OutPipe, and the child process will
+read it into stdin.
+Class Socket:
+A merly complete class designed to be used on top of every socket using function.
+You have the following functions:
+bool SetLocal(const String & vhost, int port);
+It will bind the vhost and / or the port to the socket, and return true if binded.
+bool Connect(const String & host, int port);
+It will connect to the specified host / port, and return true if successful,
+using the vhost if binded, and local port if binded.
+bool Listen();
+It will begin to listen to the binded vhost and / or port, and return true if
+Socket Accept() throw (GeneralException);
+It will wait and return the socket of an incoming connection.
+bool IsConnected();
+bool IsListening();
+Self explanatory.
+int GetPort();
+Will return the port binded to a non-previously binded Listening socket.
+Class IRC:
+Not yet workable.
+Class TaskMan:
+This is a static class that will manage all the task created. The only general
+purpose of this class is to run the MainLoop() function. The Task itself will
+never really call any function of the TaskMan. Everything is located into the
+base class Task.
+Class Task:
+Only designed to be derivated. Let me introduce it, it's my little baby. It's
+not yet really finished but I'll end it soon.
+Each task has an internal state. It can be TASK_ON_HOLD, the default when created,
+TASK_DONE, when the task has finished its work, and TASK_BURST.
+When you design a Task, you should always have some virtual functions:
+virtual String GetName();
+That will return a canonical name for the task.
+virtual int Do() throw (GeneralException);
+That will process a "chunk" of things to do. The execution time of Do() should
+be reasonable. You design it as you wish but if it does block or last a very
+long time, the tasking system won't work.
+You can ask the TaskMan to "wake up" your task from some events. The only events
+working are the WaitFor(Task *) and WaitFor(Handle *). In the future there will
+be WaitFor(pid_t) and WaitFor(timeout).
+To "record" the internal process state of the method Do(), you have the protected
+variable 'current' that is defaulted to 0 at start time. With that, I encourage
+you to design your Do() function like this:
+switch(current) {
+case 0:
+ /* do some work */
+ WaitFor(something);
+ current = 1;
+ Suspend();
+case 1:
+ /* continue your work */
+ WaitFor(something_else);
+ current = 2;
+ Suspend();
+case 2:
+ ...
+If you return from the Do() function, you have to specify the state you want,
+from TASK_ON_HOLD (default), TASK_DONE (task finished) and TASK_BURST.
+TASK_BURST will say that at the next loop, the task should be launched even
+with no events. But you should then create yourself an event because if you
+don't, the burning task will overheat the TaskMan. The purpose of the TASK_BURST
+is to add events that was not able to be created during the creating of the
+object, or when a Task wants to signal something to another, it sets it to
+TASK_BURST using the SetBurst() method.
+GetState() will tells you the current state of your Task.
+A task can be Stop()ed or Restar()ed, and its state of pause can be given
+by IsStopped().
+Each task declares itself to the TaskMan, and if not WaitedBy() another task
+(Using the WaitFor(task) watches) it will be deleted when its state goes TASK_DONE.
+If not, it will remains zombie until the father task deletes it.
+The Suspend() function will act like a return GetState(). The only differences is
+that it is done by throwing an exception, so that you can call Suspend from
+within another method. You can also specify the new state by giving it as
+argument of Suspend().
+About the WaitFor() functions. The WaitFor(Task) is really simple. It will makes
+the TaskMan to call the Do() function when the specified task has ended. The
+waiting function HAS to delete the zombie. The WaitFor(Handle) accepts a flag.
+It is a | of the following flags: W4_READING, W4_WRITING, W4_STICKY. In all cases
+the task will be awoken if something bad happends to the handle. When a watch
+over a Handle occures, the watch is removed, unless W4_STICKY.
+A task can do anythings it wants, especially causing a GeneralException. Then it
+will ended by the TaskMan, like if it did returned TASK_DONE.
+Well I hoped I was enough clear. If not, read the source code of the following
+Class CopyJob:
+This task takes four parameters as creator:
+CopyJob(Handle * s, Handle * d, ssize_t max = -1, bool ds = false);
+The task will copy the handle s to the handle d. If max != -1 then it will copy
+at most max bytes. If the bool ds is true, then the source will be deleted when
+done. Not much to say. Very very very useful. Works binarly.
+Class ReadJob:
+ReadJob(Handle * s, Handle * d, const Regex & regex = empty);
+This task will read the source handle and write the result to the destination
+handle line by line, until a line matches the regex. The matching line will
+also be copied.
+Class HttpServ:
+This class is a task that can be launched from the main function, and will never
+end. It is specially designed to create distributed applications.