-- bit.tobit bit.tohex bit.bnot bit.band bit.bor bit.bxor -- bit.lshift bit.rshift bit.arshift bit.rol bit.ror bit.bswap dalosp.binaryops = { operations = { XOR = 0, AND = 1, OR = 2, ADD = 3, SUB = 4, }, opnames = { [0] = "XOR", [1] = "AND", [2] = "OR", [3] = "ADD", [4] = "SUB", }, configure = function (self) local accept, operation, maximize = iup.GetParam(self.name .. " configuration", nil, [[ Operation: %l|xor|and|or|add|sub|{Binary operation that's going to occur} Maximize: %b[No,Yes]{Check if you want to maximize the output} ]], self.op or 0, self.maximize and 1 or 0) if accept then self.op = operation self.maximize = maximize == 1 end end, input_change = function (self, ind) local h1 = self:get_linked_input(1) local h2 = self:get_linked_input(2) local op = self.extra.op or dalosp.binaryops.operations.XOR if h1 and h2 then self.color = cd.GREEN local obj = { h1 = h1, h2 = h2, op = op, maximize = self.extra.maximize, offset = 0, size = self.extra.maximize and math.max(h1:getsize(), h2:getsize()) or math.min(h1:getsize(), h2:getsize()), canread = function (self) return true end, canwrite = function (self) return false end, canseek = function (self) return true end, canwatch = function (self) return false end, getname = function (self) return end, tell = function (self) return self.offset end, getsize = function (self) return self.size end, getmodif = function (self) return 0 end, flush = function (self) return true end, seek = function (self, offset, wheel) if wheel == SEEK_SET then self.offset = offset elseif wheel == SEEK_CUR then self.offset = self.offset + offset elseif wheel == SEEK_END then self.offset = self.size + offset else error "Unknown wheel" end if self.offset < 0 then self.offset = 0 end if self.offset >= self.size then self.offset = self.size end return self.offset end, read = function (self, dummy, count) count = math.min(count, self.size - self.offset) if count == 0 then if self.got_eof then self.lh:close() end self.got_eof = true return 0 end self.got_eof = false self.h1:seek(self.offset) self.h2:seek(self.offset) local r1, t1 = self.h1:read(count) local r2, t2 = self.h2:read(count) local r = self.maximize and math.max(r1, r2) or math.min(r1, r2) self.offset = self.offset + r if r == 0 then self.got_eof = true return 0 end local t = {} local op if self.op == dalosp.binaryops.operations.XOR then op = bit.bxor elseif self.op == dalosp.binaryops.operations.AND then op = bit.band elseif self.op == dalosp.binaryops.operations.OR then op = bit.bor elseif self.op == dalosp.binaryops.operations.ADD then op = function(a, b) return a + b end elseif self.op == dalosp.binaryops.operations.SUB then op = function(a, b) return a - b end end for i = 0, r - 1 do t[i] = bit.band(op(t1[i % r1], t2[i % r2]), 255) end return r, t end, } local newh = HandleLua(obj) obj.lh = newh self:set_houtput(newh) self.dcanvas:draw() else self.color = cd.YELLOW self:set_houtput(nil) self.dcanvas:draw() end end, draw = function (self, cv, x, y, w, h) dalosp.object.default_draw(self, cv, x, y, w, h) local cx, cy = x + w / 2, cv:InvertYAxis(y + h / 2) local op = self.extra.op or dalosp.binaryops.operations.XOR cv:TextAlignment(cd.CENTER) cv:Foreground(cd.BLACK) cv:Text(cx, cy, dalosp.binaryops.opnames[op]) end, create = function (d, tab) tab.ninputs = 2 tab.noutputs = 1 tab.otype = dalos.objtype.LUA_FILTER tab.configure = dalosp.binaryops.configure tab.input_change = dalosp.binaryops.input_change tab.default_name = "Binary Ops" tab.draw = dalosp.binaryops.draw local extra = { } local obj = dalos.object(d, tab, extra) end, } dalos.binaryops = dalosp.binaryops.create dalos:register_obj("Binary Ops", dalos.binaryops)