AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2009-10-20Fixing an utterly stupid typo...Pixel
2009-06-09Fixing printdir.Pixel
2009-06-09Adding dvdmode to the dirtree object.Pixel
2009-05-25Adding the option to read or not the size in the lzss_decomp routine.Pixel
2009-05-16Adding cd/dvdabstract classes to the lua exports.Pixel
2009-03-23Adding old cd-tool features back.Pixel
2009-03-23Cosmetic fixes.Pixel
2009-03-10Fixing pathtable building.Pixel
2009-03-10Fixing cdutils constructor from within Lua.Pixel
2007-07-27Fixing Dalos.originpixel
2007-07-27Upgrading to Lua-5.1pixel
2007-05-30Swapping argument order.pixel
2007-05-30Introducing objname.pixel
2007-03-06Moving MSVC code around.pixel
2007-02-07Fixing win32 port of poll.pixel
2006-11-13AMD64 fixes.pixel
2006-10-28Fixing caps in class names.pixel
2006-07-18Having better optimisation.pixel
2006-07-17MAX != max...pixel
2006-07-17Fixing the path table issue... and the name-from-template one as well!pixel
2006-07-17Let's pack the MSVC way... *sigh*pixel
2006-07-16*** empty log message ***pixel
2006-02-09Adding changes into the main Visual Studio project file.pixel
2006-02-09Reporting the latests API changes into Dalos - yet it's only a test software,...pixel
2006-02-09Adding thread creation/destruction hooks.pixel
2006-02-02Fixing dump warning/compilations issues under MSVC.pixel
2006-02-02Removing a lot of warnings, as well as a bunch of terrible bugs!pixel
2006-02-02OUCH! What a typo!pixel
2006-02-02Fixing old Dalos, and fixing Linux compilation.pixel
2006-02-01Updating win32's makefiles.pixel
2006-01-31Way too much changes - all over.pixel
2005-12-02Added cascade stuff for buttons, and cleaned source a bit.pixel
2005-12-02Adding PSx-Patcher to the tree.pixel
2005-12-02Cleaning things a bitpixel
2005-12-01Slightly better sortingpixel
2005-12-01Having relative paths in the project properties.pixel
2005-12-01*** empty log message ***pixel
2005-12-01Updating MSVC direcotory tree with Visual Studio 2005 support.pixel
2005-12-01Adding the elf hasing algorithm for huh... quite no reason.pixel
2005-12-01hotfixing a printing bugpixel
2005-11-13Fixing various stuff, especially DVD reading.pixel
2005-11-13Fixing typos...pixel
2005-11-09Fixing more cross platform issues...pixel
2005-11-05Fixing Dalos a bit, and fixing DVD support.pixel
2005-11-02Adding DVD support, and updating zlib.pixel
2005-10-22Adding that funky auto-dependancy system :)pixel
2005-10-13Updating zlib to 1.2.3.pixel
2005-10-13Fixing various (fucking) macos X issues.pixel
2005-10-13Adding MacOS X Makefile.pixel