From d5022a82eb21beb49034b94f84c5d6f466562d5e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: pixel Date: Tue, 21 Dec 2004 16:02:11 +0000 Subject: Removing PCSX from PSX-Bundle (I now have true cvs access on sourceforge! Yay!) --- PcsxSrc/Win32/resource.h | 266 ----------------------------------------------- 1 file changed, 266 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 PcsxSrc/Win32/resource.h (limited to 'PcsxSrc/Win32/resource.h') diff --git a/PcsxSrc/Win32/resource.h b/PcsxSrc/Win32/resource.h deleted file mode 100644 index 6ed9ee6..0000000 --- a/PcsxSrc/Win32/resource.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,266 +0,0 @@ -//{{NO_DEPENDENCIES}} -// Microsoft Developer Studio generated include file. -// Used by pcsx.rc -// -#define IDS_TITLE 1 -#define IDR_MENU1 101 -#define IDI_APP_ICON 102 -#define IDD_MCDCONF 102 -#define DEBUG_DIALOG 103 -#define ABOUT_DIALOG 104 -#define IDD_CPUCONF 105 -#define SPLASH_LOGO 113 -#define IDD_GPREGS 114 -#define IDD_CP0REGS 115 -#define IDD_COP2D 116 -#define IDD_COP2C 117 -#define IDD_CONFIG 120 -#define IDD_MEMVIEW 136 -#define IDC_EDIT2 1001 -#define IDC_MCD2 1004 -#define IDC_ASMCHECK1 1005 -#define IDC_MCD1 1005 -#define IDC_MCDSEL1 1006 -#define IDC_STEP 1007 -#define IDC_MCDSEL2 1007 -#define IDC_XA 1007 -#define IDC_SIO 1008 -#define IDC_SKIP 1009 -#define IDC_MDEC 1009 -#define IDC_RESET 1010 -#define IDC_PSXAUTO 1010 -#define IDC_GO 1011 -#define IDC_PSXTYPES 1011 -#define IDC_BREAK 1012 -#define IDC_DISCPUQKEYS 1012 -#define IDC_QKEYS 1012 -#define IDC_EDIT1 1013 -#define IDC_CDDA 1013 -#define IDC_CLOSE 1014 -#define IDC_PCSX_ABOUT_TEXT 1014 -#define IDC_PSXOUT 1014 -#define IDC_ASM_SCROLL 1015 -#define IDC_CPU 1015 -#define IDC_ASMCHECK2 1016 -#define IDC_SPUIRQ 1016 -#define IDC_ASMCHECK3 1017 -#define IDC_MDEC2 1017 -#define IDC_CDTIMING 1017 -#define IDC_ASMCHECK4 1018 -#define IDC_ASMCHECK5 1019 -#define IDC_RELOAD1 1019 -#define IDC_CP07 1020 -#define IDC_ASMCHECK6 1020 -#define IDC_RELOAD2 1020 -#define IDC_ASMCHECK7 1021 -#define IDC_COPYTO2 1021 -#define IDC_ASMCHECK8 1022 -#define IDC_COPYTO1 1022 -#define IDC_ASMCHECK9 1023 -#define IDC_PASTE 1023 -#define IDC_ASMCHECK10 1024 -#define IDC_DELETE1 1024 -#define IDC_ASMCHECK11 1025 -#define IDC_DELETE2 1025 -#define IDC_ASMCHECK12 1026 -#define IDC_LIST1 1027 -#define IDC_ASMCHECK13 1027 -#define IDC_ASMCHECK14 1028 -#define IDC_LIST2 1028 -#define IDC_ASMCHECK15 1029 -#define IDC_ASMCHECK16 1030 -#define IDC_ASMCHECK17 1031 -#define IDC_ASMCHECK18 1032 -#define IDC_ASMCHECK19 1033 -#define IDC_CP021 1034 -#define IDC_ASMCHECK20 1034 -#define IDC_CP022 1035 -#define IDC_ASMCHECK21 1035 -#define IDC_CP023 1036 -#define IDC_ASMCHECK22 1036 -#define IDC_CP024 1037 -#define IDC_ASMCHECK23 1037 -#define IDC_CP025 1038 -#define IDC_ASMCHECK24 1038 -#define IDC_CP031 1044 -#define IDC_GPR0 1047 -#define IDC_GPR1 1048 -#define IDC_GPR2 1049 -#define IDC_GPR3 1050 -#define IDC_GPR4 1051 -#define IDC_GPR5 1052 -#define IDC_LISTGPU 1052 -#define IDC_GPR6 1053 -#define IDC_LISTSPU 1053 -#define IDC_GPR7 1054 -#define IDC_LISTCDR 1054 -#define IDC_GPR8 1055 -#define IDC_LISTBIOS 1055 -#define IDC_GPR9 1056 -#define IDC_CONFIGGPU 1056 -#define IDC_GPR10 1057 -#define IDC_TESTGPU 1057 -#define IDC_ABOUTGPU 1058 -#define IDC_CONFIGSPU 1059 -#define IDC_TESTSPU 1060 -#define IDC_ABOUTSPU 1061 -#define IDC_CONFIGCDR 1062 -#define IDC_GPR11 1063 -#define IDC_TESTCDR 1063 -#define IDC_ABOUTCDR 1064 -#define IDC_COMBODRIVE 1065 -#define IDC_LISTPAD1 1066 -#define IDC_CONFIGPAD1 1067 -#define IDC_GPR12 1068 -#define IDC_TESTPAD1 1068 -#define IDC_GPR13 1069 -#define IDC_ABOUTPAD1 1069 -#define IDC_GPR14 1070 -#define IDC_LISTPAD2 1070 -#define IDC_GPR15 1071 -#define IDC_CONFIGPAD2 1071 -#define IDC_GPR16 1072 -#define IDC_TESTPAD2 1072 -#define IDC_GPR17 1073 -#define IDC_ABOUTPAD2 1073 -#define IDC_GPR18 1074 -#define IDC_GPR19 1075 -#define IDC_GPR20 1076 -#define IDC_GPR21 1077 -#define IDC_GPR22 1078 -#define IDC_GPR23 1079 -#define IDC_GPR24 1080 -#define IDC_GPR25 1081 -#define IDC_GPR26 1082 -#define IDC_GPR27 1083 -#define IDC_GPR28 1084 -#define IDC_GPR29 1085 -#define IDC_GPR30 1086 -#define IDC_GPR31 1087 -#define IDC_GPR_PC 1089 -#define IDC_GPR_HI 1091 -#define IDC_GPR_LO 1092 -#define IDC_CP00 1093 -#define IDC_CP01 1094 -#define IDC_CP02 1095 -#define IDC_CP03 1096 -#define IDC_CP04 1097 -#define IDC_CP05 1098 -#define IDC_CP06 1099 -#define IDC_CP08 1100 -#define IDC_CP09 1101 -#define IDC_CP010 1102 -#define IDC_CP011 1103 -#define IDC_CP012 1104 -#define IDC_CP013 1105 -#define IDC_CP014 1106 -#define IDC_CP015 1107 -#define IDC_CP016 1108 -#define IDC_CP017 1109 -#define IDC_CP018 1110 -#define IDC_CP019 1111 -#define IDC_CP020 1112 -#define IDC_CP026 1113 -#define IDC_CP027 1114 -#define IDC_CP028 1115 -#define IDC_CP029 1116 -#define IDC_CP030 1117 -#define IDC_COP2D0 1118 -#define IDC_COP2D1 1119 -#define IDC_COP2D2 1120 -#define IDC_COP2D3 1121 -#define IDC_COP2D4 1122 -#define IDC_COP2D5 1123 -#define IDC_COP2D6 1124 -#define IDC_COP2D7 1125 -#define IDC_COP2D8 1126 -#define IDC_COP2D9 1127 -#define IDC_COP2D10 1128 -#define IDC_COP2D11 1129 -#define IDC_COP2D12 1130 -#define IDC_COP2D13 1131 -#define IDC_COP2D14 1132 -#define IDC_COP2D15 1133 -#define IDC_COP2D16 1134 -#define IDC_COP2D17 1135 -#define IDC_COP2D18 1136 -#define IDC_COP2D19 1137 -#define IDC_COP2D20 1138 -#define IDC_COP2D21 1139 -#define IDC_COP2D22 1140 -#define IDC_COP2D23 1141 -#define IDC_COP2D24 1142 -#define IDC_COP2D25 1143 -#define IDC_COP2D26 1144 -#define IDC_COP2D27 1145 -#define IDC_COP2D28 1146 -#define IDC_COP2D29 1147 -#define IDC_COP2D30 1148 -#define IDC_COP2D31 1149 -#define IDC_COP2C0 1152 -#define IDC_COP2C1 1153 -#define IDC_COP2C2 1154 -#define IDC_COP2C3 1155 -#define IDC_COP2C4 1156 -#define IDC_COP2C5 1157 -#define IDC_COP2C6 1158 -#define IDC_COP2C7 1159 -#define IDC_COP2C8 1160 -#define IDC_COP2C9 1161 -#define IDC_COP2C10 1162 -#define IDC_COP2C11 1163 -#define IDC_COP2C12 1164 -#define IDC_COP2C13 1165 -#define IDC_COP2C14 1166 -#define IDC_COP2C15 1167 -#define IDC_COP2C16 1168 -#define IDC_COP2C17 1169 -#define IDC_COP2C18 1170 -#define IDC_COP2C19 1171 -#define IDC_COP2C20 1172 -#define IDC_COP2C21 1173 -#define IDC_COP2C22 1174 -#define IDC_COP2C23 1175 -#define IDC_COP2C24 1176 -#define IDC_COP2C25 1177 -#define IDC_COP2C26 1178 -#define IDC_COP2C27 1179 -#define IDC_COP2C28 1180 -#define IDC_COP2C29 1181 -#define IDC_COP2C30 1182 -#define IDC_COP2C31 1183 -#define IDC_BUTTON1 1254 -#define IDC_BIOSDIR 1254 -#define IDC_FORMAT1 1254 -#define IDC_PLUGINSDIR 1255 -#define IDC_FORMAT2 1255 -#define ID_FILE_EXIT 40001 -#define ID_HELP_ABOUT 40002 -#define ID_FILE_RUN_CD 40003 -#define ID_FILE_RUN_EXE 40004 -#define ID_EMULATOR_PAUSE 40005 -#define ID_EMULATOR_RESET 40006 -#define ID_HELP_HELP 40007 -#define ID_DEBUG_ENABLE_DEBUGGER 40008 -#define ID_CONFIGURATION_GRAPHICS 40009 -#define ID_CONFIGURATION_SOUND 40010 -#define ID_CONFIGURATION_CDROM 40011 -#define ID_CONFIGURATION_MEMORYCARDMANAGER 40012 -#define ID_CONFIGURATION_CPU 40013 -#define ID_EMULATOR_RUN 40014 -#define ID_DEBUGREG 40015 -#define ID_DEBUG_MESSAGES 40015 -#define ID_CONFIGURATION_CONTROLLERS 40017 -#define ID_CONFIGURATION 40018 -#define ID_FILE_RUNCDBIOS 40026 - -// Next default values for new objects -// -#ifdef APSTUDIO_INVOKED -#ifndef APSTUDIO_READONLY_SYMBOLS -#define _APS_NEXT_RESOURCE_VALUE 108 -#define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE 40028 -#define _APS_NEXT_CONTROL_VALUE 1022 -#define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE 101 -#endif -#endif -- cgit v1.2.3