#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- #needed so we can say foo.dll: foo.cpp and it will just work .SUFFIXES: .tlb .il .dll .cpp .js .cs .vb .rc .ocx .reg .resources .txt .resX .wsdl .asmx .lex #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define the names of the compilers we ship _BC=vbc.exe _CL=cl.exe _C1=C1.dll _CX=c1xx.dll _C2=c2.dll _CS=csc.exe _JS=jsc.exe _ASSEM=ilasm.exe # Comment this line out to turn debug mode off #DEBUG=TRUE #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Use the _MAKE_STOP environment variable if you want NMAKE to stop on error # if not defined (default), NMAKE will IGNORE errors and continue !IFNDEF _MAKE_STOP .IGNORE : !ENDIF #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Allow builds with custom compiler path !IFDEF CUST_CS _CS=$(CUST_CS) !ENDIF #define the names of some common tools _TLBIMP=tlbimp.exe _TLBEXP=tlbexp.exe _REGASM=regasm.exe _REGSVR=regsvr32.exe _RSC=rc.exe _RESGEN=resgen.exe _AL=al.exe _SHAREDNAME=sn.exe _LEX=flex.exe -l _MAKE_IN_DIR = call "$(COMMONTOOLSPATH)\MakInDir.bat" _GACUTIL=gacutil.exe _WSDL=wsdl.exe _XSD=xsd.exe #define our basic link line for managed code !IFDEF DEBUG _LINK=link.exe /INCREMENTAL /NOLOGO /DEBUG /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE /MACHINE:IX86 /NODEFAULTLIB:LIBC !ELSE _LINK=link.exe /INCREMENTAL /NOLOGO /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE /MACHINE:IX86 /NODEFAULTLIB:LIBCD !ENDIF #this is used for compiling C# samples #reset this in individual sample makefile to your imports if required _IMPORTS= #this is used for compiling C# samples, that use Resources #reset this in individual sample makefile to your resource imports if required _WIN32RES= #This is used for compiling C# samples that use Assembly and key files #reset this in individual sample makefile to your resource imports if required _KEYFILE= #this is used for compiling C# samples #set the default out directory to . _OUTDIR=. #Set what to clean by default !IFNDEF _CLEANFILES _CLEANFILES=*.obj *.tlb *.reg !ENDIF #set some command C++ flags _CFLAGS=$(_CCFLAGS) /c /EHsc /D "_WINDOWS" /D "ZLIB_DLL" #set debug as the default for c++ !IFDEF DEBUG _CDFLAGS=$(_CFLAGS) /Zi !ELSE _CDFLAGS=$(_CFLAGS) !ENDIF #set some command link flags _LFLAGS=-noentry _LDFLAGS=-noentry -dll !IFDEF DEBUG _CS_DLL_FLAGS=/nologo /t:library /debug+ $(TRACE) _CS_EXE_FLAGS=/nologo /t:exe /debug+ $(TRACE) _VB_DLL_FLAGS=/nologo /t:library /debug+ $(TRACE) _VB_EXE_FLAGS=/nologo /t:exe /debug+ $(TRACE) _JS_DLL_FLAGS=/nologo /t:library /debug+ $(TRACE) _JS_EXE_FLAGS=/nologo /t:exe /debug+ $(TRACE) _RESGEN_FLAGS= !ELSE _CS_DLL_FLAGS=/nologo /t:library $(TRACE) _CS_EXE_FLAGS=/nologo $(TRACE) _VB_DLL_FLAGS=/nologo /t:library $(TRACE) _VB_EXE_FLAGS=/nologo /t:exe $(TRACE) _JS_DLL_FLAGS=/nologo $(TRACE) _JS_EXE_FLAGS=/nologo /exe $(TRACE) _RESGEN_FLAGS= !ENDIF !IFDEF OS _RMDIR=rd /s /q !ELSE _RMDIR=deltree /y !ENDIF #default compile and link for c++ files building a dll #note: name.cpp and name.dll must match .cpp.dll: if not exist $(_OUTDIR) md $(_OUTDIR) $(_CL) $(_CDFLAGS) $*.cpp $(_LINK) $(_LDFLAGS) $(_LIBS) $*.obj #default compile and link for c++ files building a exe #note: name.cpp and name.exe must match .cpp.exe: if not exist $(_OUTDIR) md $(_OUTDIR) $(_CL) $(_CDFLAGS) $*.cpp $(_LINK) $(_LFLAGS) $(_LIBS) $*.obj .lex.c: if not exist $(_OUTDIR) md $(_OUTDIR) $(_LEX) -o$*.c $*.lex #default compile and link for c++ files building an obj #note: name.cpp and name.obj must match .cpp.obj: $(_CL) $(_CDFLAGS) $*.cpp #default compile and link for c++ files building an exe #note: name.obj and name.exe must match .obj.exe: $(_LINK) $(_LFLAGS) $(_LIBS) $** #default compile and link for c++ files building a dll .obj.dll: $(_LINK) $(_LDFLAGS) $(_LIBS) $*.obj #default compiling vb files .vb.dll: if not exist $(_OUTDIR) md $(_OUTDIR) $(_BC) $(_VB_DLL_FLAGS) $(_IMPORTS) /out:$(_OUTDIR)\$@ $** $(COMMONTOOLSPATH)\QuickStart\QSVersion.vb $(_WIN32RES) $(_KEYFILE) .vb.exe: if not exist $(_OUTDIR) md $(_OUTDIR) $(_BC) $(_VB_EXE_FLAGS) $(_IMPORTS) /out:$(_OUTDIR)\$@ $** $(COMMONTOOLSPATH)\QuickStart\QSVersion.vb $(_WIN32RES) $(_KEYFILE) #default compiling C# files .cs.dll: if not exist $(_OUTDIR) md $(_OUTDIR) $(_CS) $(_CS_DLL_FLAGS) $(_IMPORTS) /out:$(_OUTDIR)\$@ $** $(COMMONTOOLSPATH)\QuickStart\QSVersion.cs $(_WIN32RES) $(_KEYFILE) #default compiling C# files .cs.exe: if not exist $(_OUTDIR) md $(_OUTDIR) $(_CS) $(_CS_EXE_FLAGS) $(_IMPORTS) /out:$(_OUTDIR)\$@ $** $(COMMONTOOLSPATH)\QuickStart\QSVersion.cs $(_WIN32RES) $(_KEYFILE) #default compiling C# files .js.dll: if not exist $(_OUTDIR) md $(_OUTDIR) $(_JS) $(_JS_DLL_FLAGS) $(_IMPORTS) /out:$(_OUTDIR)\$@ $** $(COMMONTOOLSPATH)\QuickStart\QSVersion.js $(_WIN32RES) $(_KEYFILE) #default compiling C# files .js.exe: if not exist $(_OUTDIR) md $(_OUTDIR) $(_JS) $(_JS_EXE_FLAGS) $(_IMPORTS) /out:$(_OUTDIR)\$@ $** $(COMMONTOOLSPATH)\QuickStart\QSVersion.js $(_WIN32RES) $(_KEYFILE) #default for registering an ocx .ocx.reg: $(_REGSVR) /s $*.ocx #define for compiling il to an exe .il.exe: $(_ASSEM) $*.il #define for compiling il to a dll .il.dll: $(_ASSEM) $*.il /DLL #define for compiling asm to an exe .asm.exe: $(_ASSEM) $*.asm #define for compiling asm to an exe .asm.dll: $(_ASSEM) $*.asm /DLL #define for compiling Service Desc Language to C# (names must match (files & classes)) .wsdl.cs: !IFDEF _NAMESPACE !IFDEF _SDLPATH $(_WSDL) /l:CS /n:$(_NAMESPACE) /out:$*.cs $(_SDLPATH) !ELSE $(_WSDL) /l:CS /n:$(_NAMESPACE) /out:$*.cs $** !ENDIF !ELSE !IFDEF _SDLPATH $(_WSDL) /l:CS /n:$* /out:$*.cs $(_SDLPATH) !ELSE $(_WSDL) /l:CS /n:$* /out:$*.cs $** !ENDIF !ENDIF #define for compiling Service Desc Language to JScript (names must match (files & classes)) .wsdl.js: !IFDEF _NAMESPACE !IFDEF _SDLPATH $(_WSDL) /l:JS /n:$(_NAMESPACE) /out:$*.js $(_SDLPATH) !ELSE $(_WSDL) /l:JS /n:$(_NAMESPACE) /out:$*.js $** !ENDIF !ELSE !IFDEF _SDLPATH $(_WSDL) /l:JS /n:$*JS /out:$*.js $(_SDLPATH) !ELSE $(_WSDL) /l:JS /n:$*JS /out:$*.js $** !ENDIF !ENDIF #define for compiling Service Desc Language to VB (names must match (files & classes)) .wsdl.vb: !IFDEF _NAMESPACE !IFDEF _SDLPATH $(_WSDL) /l:VB /n:$(_NAMESPACE) /out:$*.vb $(_SDLPATH) !ELSE $(_WSDL) /l:VB /n:$(_NAMESPACE) /out:$*.vb $** !ENDIF !ELSE !IFDEF _SDLPATH $(_WSDL) /l:VB /n:$*VB /out:$*.vb $(_SDLPATH) !ELSE $(_WSDL) /l:VB /n:$*VB /out:$*.vb $** !ENDIF !ENDIF #define for compiling Service Desc Language from Web Service to JS .asmx.js: !IFDEF _NAMESPACE !IFDEF _SDLPATH $(_WSDL) /l:JS /n:$(_NAMESPACE) /out:$*.js $(_SDLPATH) !ELSE $(_WSDL) /l:JS /n:$(_NAMESPACE) /out:$*.js $** !ENDIF !ELSE !IFDEF _SDLPATH $(_WSDL) /l:JS /n:$*JS /out:$*.js $(_SDLPATH) !ELSE $(_WSDL) /l:JS /n:$*JS /out:$*.js $** !ENDIF !ENDIF #define for compiling Service Desc Language from Web Service to CSharp .asmx.cs: !IFDEF _NAMESPACE !IFDEF _SDLPATH $(_WSDL) /l:CS /n:$(_NAMESPACE) /out:$*.cs $(_SDLPATH) !ELSE $(_WSDL) /l:CS /n:$(_NAMESPACE) /out:$*.cs $** !ENDIF !ELSE !IFDEF _SDLPATH $(_WSDL) /l:CS /n:$* /out:$*.cs $(_SDLPATH) !ELSE $(_WSDL) /l:CS /n:$* /out:$*.cs $** !ENDIF !ENDIF #define for compiling Service Desc Language from Web Service to VB .asmx.vb: !IFDEF _NAMESPACE !IFDEF _SDLPATH $(_WSDL) /l:VB /n:$(_NAMESPACE) /out:$*.vb $(_SDLPATH) !ELSE $(_WSDL) /l:VB /n:$(_NAMESPACE) /out:$*.vb $** !ENDIF !ELSE !IFDEF _SDLPATH $(_WSDL) /l:VB /n:$*VB /out:$*.vb $(_SDLPATH) !ELSE $(_WSDL) /l:VB /n:$*VB /out:$*.vb $** !ENDIF !ENDIF #define for compiling RESX files to resource files using Resgen .resX.resources: $(_RESGEN) $(_RESGEN_FLAGS) $*.resX $*.resources #define for compiling .TXT files to resource files using Resgen .txt.resources: $(_RESGEN) $(_RESGEN_FLAGS) $*.txt $*.resources