Valkyrie Profile CD1 730448880 VP_d1 4472 0 5 START 3 Misc stuff related to start menu. 6 6 START 2 Video Intro 7 129 SOUNDS 3 Attaque + ARGL 130 363 SOUNDS 3 Phrases invocs + nom 364 415 SOUNDS 3 Phrase Choc + Finishing Strike + Nom de l'attaque 416 615 SOUNDS 3 Super attaque terminée 616 616 SOUNDS 3 Son bizarre 617 895 SOUNDS 3 Raté + Magies 896 1018 SOUNDS 3 Voix des boss 1019 1019 SOUNDS 3 Voix de la Valkyrie en fin de combat 1020 1523 COMBAT 3 Personnages et monstres pour les combats 1524 1635 SOUNDS 3 Début de combat + reste 1636 1659 MISC02 3 Misc02 1660 1676 SOUNDS 3 D'autres sons... 1677 1685 SOUNDS 3 Sons répétés ( sounds 7 ) 1686 1808 MISC03 3 Misc03 1809 1822 MAGIC 3 Sounds Magic 1 1823 1823 MAGIC 2 Videos Magic 1 1824 1836 MAGIC 3 Sounds Magic 2 1837 1837 MAGIC 2 Videos Magic 2 1838 1851 MAGIC 3 Sounds Magic 3 1852 1852 MAGIC 2 Videos Magic 3 1853 1865 MAGIC 3 Sounds Magic 4 1866 1866 MAGIC 2 Videos Magic 4 1867 1879 MAGIC 3 Sounds Magic 5 1880 1880 MAGIC 2 Videos Magic 5 1881 1893 MAGIC 3 Sounds Magic 6 1894 1894 MAGIC 2 Videos Magic 6 1895 1907 MAGIC 3 Sounds Magic 7 1908 1908 MAGIC 2 Videos Magic 7 1909 1922 MAGIC 3 Sounds Magic 8 1923 1923 MAGIC 2 Videos Magic 8 1924 1937 MAGIC 3 Sounds Magic 9 1938 1938 MAGIC 2 Videos Magic 9 1939 1952 MAGIC 3 Sounds Magic 10 1953 1953 MAGIC 2 Videos Magic 10 1954 1966 MAGIC 3 Sounds Magic 11 1967 1967 MAGIC 2 Videos Magic 11 1968 1981 MAGIC 3 Sounds Magic 12 1982 1982 MAGIC 2 Videos Magic 12 1983 1984 MAGIC 3 Sounds Magic 13 1985 1985 MAGIC 2 Videos Magic 13 1986 2015 MISC04 3 Misc04 2016 2093 SOUNDS 3 Sounds of Death 2094 2095 SOUNDS 3 No Idea 2096 2170 SOUNDS 3 Victory 2171 2209 MISC05 3 Misc05 2210 2289 MUSIC 3 Musics 2290 3140 MISC06 3 Misc06 3141 3141 LEVEL 3 Sounds Level 1 3142 3142 LEVEL 2 Videos Level 1 3143 3143 LEVEL 3 Sounds Level 2 3144 3145 LEVEL 2 Videos Level 2 3146 3146 LEVEL 3 Sounds Level 3 3147 3147 LEVEL 2 Videos Level 3 3148 3149 LEVEL 3 Sounds Level 4 3150 3151 LEVEL 2 Videos Level 4 3152 3152 LEVEL 3 Sounds Level 5 3153 3153 LEVEL 2 Videos Level 5 3154 3155 LEVEL 3 Sounds Level 6 3156 3156 LEVEL 2 Videos Level 6 3157 3157 LEVEL 3 Sounds Level 7 3158 3158 LEVEL 2 Videos Level 7 3159 3159 LEVEL 3 Sounds Level 8 3160 3163 LEVEL 2 Videos Level 8 3164 3164 LEVEL 3 Sounds Level 9 3165 3167 LEVEL 2 Videos Level 9 3168 3168 LEVEL 3 Sounds Level 10 3169 3173 LEVEL 2 Videos Level 10 3174 3175 LEVEL 3 Sounds Level 11 3176 3176 LEVEL 2 Videos Level 11 3177 3178 LEVEL 3 Sounds Level 12 3179 3179 LEVEL 2 Videos Level 12 3180 3181 LEVEL 3 Sounds Level 13 3182 3182 LEVEL 2 Videos Level 13 3183 3184 LEVEL 3 Sounds Level 14 3185 3185 LEVEL 2 Videos Level 14 3186 3187 LEVEL 3 Sounds Level 15 3188 3206 LEVEL 2 Videos Level 15 3207 3208 FULL 3 Sounds Fullscreen 3209 3210 FULL 2 Videos Fullscreen 3211 3212 FULL 3 Sounds Fullscreen 3213 3213 FULL 2 Videos Fullscreen 3214 3215 FULL 3 Sounds Fullscreen 3216 4471 MISC07 3 Misc07