#include #include #include #include #include #include "config.h" #include "BHeap.h" #include "FHeap.h" #include "BinHeap.h" #include "PLList.h" char N[] = { 5, 9, 10, 29, 6, 1, 15, 18, 25, 11, 2, 14, 23, 16, 17, 3, 8, 24, 20, 13, 30, 21, 26, 4, 7, 28, 12, 27, 19, 22, }; int method = -1; FILE *input; struct termios initial_settings, new_settings; char *method_names[] = { N_("0 - Binary Heap"), N_("1 - Binomial Heap"), N_("2 - Fibonacci Heap"), N_("3 - Sorted chained list"), NULL }; char *menu[] = { N_("a - Add a key into the priority list"), N_("c - Change priority list type"), N_("d - Delete a Key from the priority list"), N_("e - Extract Min onto the priority list"), N_("l - Lower Key onto a key of the priority list"), N_("p - Print the current priority list on the screen"), N_("r - Remove the whole priority list"), N_("t - Test the priority list algorithms"), N_("q - Quit"), NULL }; void exception(int e, char *msg) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", msg); tcsetattr(fileno(input), TCSANOW, &initial_settings); exit(-1); } PriorityList *newlist(int method) { switch (method) { case 0: return new BinHeap; break; case 1: return new BHeap; break; case 2: return new FHeap; break; case 3: return new PLList; break; default: cerr << _("Unknow priority list type: ") << method << endl; exception(1, "Exitting"); return NULL; } } void DoCombTest(int method, int number) { int i, n; Key_t K, oK; Datas_t Datas; PriorityList *T; cerr << _("Creation of a priority list and adding ") << number << _(" random entrie(s)..."); T = newlist(method); for (i = 1; i <= number; i++) { T->Insert(rand() % 100, NULL); } cerr << _("Ok.\nDeleting the list..."); oK = P_INFINITY; for (i = number; i >= 1; i--) { if (T->n() != i) { cerr << _("List has ") << T->n() << _(" keys. Expecting ") << i << endl; exception(1, _("List corrupted.")); } if ((n = T->rn()) != i) { cerr << _("List has ") << T->rn() << _(" keys (real count). Expecting ") << i << endl; exception(1, _("List corrupted.")); } K = T->Extract_Min(Datas); if (oK < K) exception(1, _("Incorrect order.")); } delete T; cerr << _("Ok.\n"); } void FullTest(int method) { PriorityList *T; Datas_t Datas; Cell C1, C2, C3 = NULL; Key_t K; int i; cerr << _("Size of a PriorityList cell: ") << sizeof(PriorityList) << endl; cerr << _("Size of a BHeap cell : ") << sizeof(BHeap) << endl; cerr << _("Size of a FHeap cell : ") << sizeof(FHeap) << endl; cerr << _("Size of a PLList header : ") << sizeof(PLList) << endl; cerr << _("Size of a CList cell : ") << sizeof(CList) << endl; cerr << _("Size of a SList cell : ") << sizeof(SList) << endl; cerr << _("Size of a BinHeap header : ") << sizeof(BinHeap) << endl; cerr << _("Size of a BinHeap cell : ") << sizeof(binheap_t) << endl; DoCombTest(method, 0); DoCombTest(method, 30); DoCombTest(method, 70); DoCombTest(method, 1000); cerr << _("Creating a priority list and adding keys:\n"); T = newlist(method); for (i = 0; i < 30; i++) { fprintf(stderr, "%i ", N[i]); C1 = T->Insert(N[i], NULL); if (N[i] == 30) C3 = C1; } fprintf(stderr, "59 54 -10\n"); C1 = T->Insert(59, NULL); C2 = T->Insert(54, NULL); T->Insert(-10, NULL); cerr << _("Ok.\nList browsing...\n"); T->Dump(cerr); cerr << _("Ok.\nExtract_Min + List browsing...\n"); cerr << T->Extract_Min(Datas) << endl; T->Dump(cerr); cerr << _("Ok.\nLower_Key(0) over 59...\n"); T->Lower_Key(C1, 0); cerr << _("Ok.\nList browsing...\n"); T->Dump(cerr); cerr << _("Ok.\nDelete over 54...\n"); T->Delete(Datas, C2); cerr << _("Ok.\nList browsing...\n"); T->Dump(cerr); cerr << _("Ok.\nLower_Key(-12) over 30...\n"); T->Lower_Key(C3, -12); cerr << _("Ok.\nList browsing...\n"); T->Dump(cerr); cerr << _("Ok.\nExtract_Min...\n"); cerr << T->Extract_Min(Datas) << endl; cerr << _("Ok.\nExtracting datas...\n"); for (i = 0; i <= 29; i++) { cerr << _("Minimum #") << i << " = " << (K = (T->Extract_Min(Datas))) << endl; if (K != i) exception(1, _("Incorrect order.")); } cerr << _("Ok.\n\nAll the tests were successfull\n"); return; } void Usage(void) { cerr << _("Usage: testTas [type]\n"); exit(-1); } int getchoice(char *greet, char *choices[], FILE * in) { int chosen = 0; int selected; char **option; do { cerr << _("Choice: ") << greet << endl; option = choices; while (*option) { cerr << *(option++) << endl; } do { selected = fgetc(in); } while (selected == '\n' || selected == '\r'); option = choices; while (*option) { if (selected == *option[0]) { chosen = 1; break; } option++; } if (!chosen) { cerr << _("Incorrect choice, select again\n"); } } while (!chosen); return selected; } char **buildslots(PriorityList * T, Cell * Cells, char option) { char **slots, **r, temp[BUFSIZ]; int i; r = slots = (char **) malloc(12 * sizeof(char *)); for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (Cells[i] || option) { if (Cells[i]) { sprintf(temp, _("%i - Key: %i"), i, T->ReadKey(Cells[i])); } else { sprintf(temp, _("%i - Empty slot"), i); } *(slots++) = strdup(temp); } } if (option) *(slots++) = strdup(_("n - Don't store")); *(slots++) = strdup(_("c - Cancel")); *slots = NULL; return r; } void freeslots(char **slots) { char **t; for (t = slots; *t; t++) free(*t); free(slots); } void initterm(FILE * in) { tcgetattr(fileno(input), &initial_settings); new_settings = initial_settings; new_settings.c_lflag &= ~ICANON; new_settings.c_lflag &= ~ECHO; new_settings.c_cc[VMIN] = 1; new_settings.c_cc[VTIME] = 0; new_settings.c_lflag &= ~ISIG; if (tcsetattr(fileno(input), TCSANOW, &new_settings) != 0) { cerr << _("could not set attributes\n"); exit(-1); } } void clearterm(FILE * in) { tcsetattr(fileno(input), TCSANOW, &initial_settings); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { char choice = 0, **slots; PriorityList *T, * Temp; Datas_t Datas; Cell Cells[10], M; int i; Key_t Key; /* Lecture des arguments de la ligne de commande. */ while (--argc) { argv++; if ((strlen(*argv) != 1) || (((*argv)[0] < '0' || (*argv)[0] > '3'))) { cerr << _("Unknow priority list type: ") << *argv << endl; Usage(); } if (method != -1) { cerr << _("Extra command: ") << *argv << endl; Usage(); } method = (*argv)[0] - '0'; } if (method == -1) method = 0; /* Initialisation du terminal. */ if (!isatty(fileno(stdout))) { cerr << _("You are not a terminal, Ok.\n"); } input = fopen("/dev/tty", "r"); if (!input) { cerr << _("Unable to open /dev/tty\n"); exit(1); } initterm(input); /* Debut du programme de test. */ for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { Cells[i] = NULL; } T = newlist(method); do { cerr << "\n\n\n\n"; cerr << _("Priority list type: ") << method_names[method] << endl; choice = getchoice(_("Please select an action"), menu, input); cerr << _("You have chosen: ") << choice << "\n\n"; switch (choice) { case 'a': // Ajout d'une clef. slots = buildslots(T, Cells, 1); choice = getchoice(_("Please select a slot to save the cell"), slots, input); if (choice == 'c') { freeslots(slots); break; } if (choice == 'n') { choice = -1; } else { choice -= '0'; } cerr << _("Please type in a key to add") << endl; clearterm(input); cin >> Key; initterm(input); if (choice == -1) { T->Insert(Key, NULL); } else { Cells[choice] = T->Insert(Key, NULL); } freeslots(slots); break; case 'c': // Changement du type. Temp = T; cerr << "\n\n\n\n"; method = getchoice(_("Please select a priority list type"), method_names, input) - '0'; cerr << "Creation de la nouvelle file\n"; T = newlist(method); cerr << "Union avec l'ancienne\n"; T->Union(Temp); delete Temp; for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { Cells[i] = NULL; } break; case 'd': // Effacement d'une clef. slots = buildslots(T, Cells, 0); choice = getchoice(_("Please select a key to delete"), slots, input); if (choice == 'c') { freeslots(slots); break; } choice -= '0'; cerr << _("Delete result: ") << T->Delete(Datas, Cells[choice]); Cells[choice] = NULL; freeslots(slots); break; case 'e': // Extract Min. M = T->Min(); for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (Cells[i] == M) { Cells[i] = NULL; break; } } cerr << _("Extract Min result: ") << T->Extract_Min(Datas); break; case 'l': // Lower Key. slots = buildslots(T, Cells, 0); choice = getchoice(_("Please select a key to lower"), slots, input); if (choice == 'c') { freeslots(slots); break; } choice -= '0'; cerr << _("Please type in the new key") << endl; clearterm(input); cin >> Key; initterm(input); cerr << _("Lower key result: ") << T->Lower_Key(Cells[choice], Key) ? _("True") : _("False"); freeslots(slots); break; case 'p': // Print T->Dump(cerr); break; case 'r': // Delete delete T; T = newlist(method); break; case 't': // Test FullTest(method); break; } } while (choice != 'q'); clearterm(input); exit(0); }