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+<!doctype HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML//EN">
+ <head>
+ <title>Client Images</title>
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+ <h2 align="center">Client Images</h2>
+ <p>There are 2 kinds of client images: RGB and Indexed RGB (or MAP). The RGB
+ image is composed by 3 buffers: red, green and blue (more colors, more memory).
+ The MAP image is composed by 1 buffer of indices for a table and one table of
+ encoded RGB values (less colors, less memory).
+ </p>
+ <p>The image buffer is described by its width and height in pixels. The starting
+ point of the buffer is the origin of the image, which is located at its bottom
+ left corner. To retrieve a pixel in the image, use the formula <font>pixel(x,y)=buffer[y*width
+ + x]</font>.
+ </p>
+ <p>The Put functions may do zoom in or out; zero order interpolation is used to
+ scale the image. It is not possible to specify a part of the image to be drawn.</p>
+ <hr>
+ <pre class="function"><span class="mainFunction">void <a name="cdGetImageRGB">cdCanvasGetImageRGB</a>(cdCanvas* canvas, unsigned char *r,
+ unsigned char *g,
+ unsigned char *b,
+ int x, int y, int w, int h); [in C]</span>
+canvas:GetImageRGB(imagergb: cdImageRGB; x, y: number) [in Lua]</pre>
+ <p>Returns the red, green and blue components of each pixel in a server image.
+ The RGB components are provided in three matrices stored as byte arrays. The <strong>
+ <tt>(i,j)</tt></strong> component of these matrices is at the address <strong><tt>
+ (j*w+i)</tt></strong>. As occurs with all primitives from the Canvas Draw
+ library, the pixel <strong><tt>(0,0)</tt></strong> is at the bottom left
+ corner, and the pixel <strong><tt>(w-1,h-1)</tt></strong> is that the upper
+ right corner of the image rectangle.</p>
+ <pre class="function"><span class="mainFunction">void <a name="cdPutImageRectRGB">cdCanvasPutImageRectRGB</a>(cdCanvas* canvas, int iw, int ih,
+ const unsigned char *r,
+ const unsigned char *g,
+ const unsigned char *b,
+ int x, int y, int w, int h,
+ int xmin, int xmax, int ymin, int ymax); [in C]</span>
+void wdCanvasPutImageRectRGB(cdCanvas* canvas, int iw, int ih,
+ const unsigned char *r,
+ const unsigned char *g,
+ const unsigned char *b,
+ double x, double y, double w, double h,
+ int xmin, int xmax, int ymin, int ymax); (WC) [in C]
+canvas:PutImageRectRGB(imagergb: cdImageRGB; x, y, w, h, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax: number) [in Lua]
+canvas:wPutImageRectRGB(imagergb: cdImageRGB; x, y, w, h, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax: number) (WC) [in Lua]</pre>
+ <p>Puts, in a specified area of the canvas, an image with its red, green and blue
+ components defined in the three matrices stored in byte arrays. The <strong><tt>(i,j)</tt></strong>
+ component of these matrices is at the address <strong><tt>(j*iw+i)</tt></strong>.
+ The pixel <strong><tt>(0,0)</tt></strong> is at the bottom left corner, and the
+ pixel <strong><tt>(iw-1,ih-1)</tt></strong> is that the upper right corner of
+ the image rectangle.
+ </p>
+ <p>Parameters <strong><font>w</font></strong> and <font><strong>h</strong></font>
+ refer to the target rectangle of the canvas, so that it is possible to reduce
+ or expand the image drawn. If <strong><font>w</font></strong> and <strong><font>h</font></strong>
+ are 0, the size of the image is assumed (<strong><font>iw</font></strong> and <strong>
+ <font>ih</font></strong>).
+ </p>
+ <p>It also allows specifying a rectangle inside the image to be drawn, if <strong><font>
+ xmin</font>, <font>xmax</font>, <font>ymin</font> </strong>and <strong><font>ymax</font></strong>
+ are 0 then the whole image is assumed.
+ </p>
+ <p>If the driver has bpp &lt;=8 or only 256 colors or less, then the image is
+ converted to 256 optimal colors using the function <strong><font>cdRGB2Map</font></strong>
+ and is drawn using <strong><font>cdPutImageRectMap</font></strong>.</p>
+ <pre class="function"><span class="mainFunction">void <a name="cdPutImageRectRGBA">cdCanvasPutImageRectRGBA</a>(cdCanvas* canvas, int iw, int ih,
+ const unsigned char *r,
+ const unsigned char *g,
+ const unsigned char *b,
+ const unsigned char *a,
+ int x, int y, int w, int h,
+ int xmin, int xmax, int ymin, int ymax); [in C]</span>
+void wdCanvasPutImageRectRGBA(cdCanvas* canvas, int iw, int ih,
+ const unsigned char *r,
+ const unsigned char *g,
+ const unsigned char *b,
+ const unsigned char *a,
+ double x, double y, double w, double h,
+ int xmin, int xmax, int ymin, int ymax); (WC) [in C]
+canvas:PutImageRectRGBA(imagergba: cdImageRGBA; x, y, w, h, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax: number) [in Lua]
+canvas:wPutImageRectRGBA(imagergba: cdImageRGBA; x, y, w, h, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax: number) (WC) [in Lua]</pre>
+ <p>The same as function&nbsp; <font><strong>cdPutImageRectRGB</strong></font>,
+ except for the fact that it is possible to specify an alpha channel. The
+ resulting color is the image color weighted by the alpha value, using the
+ formula <strong><tt>result=(source * alpha + destiny * (255 - alpha))/255</tt></strong>.
+ This means that, if alpha is 0, the resulting color is the target color
+ (completely transparent), and, if alpha is 255, the resulting color is the
+ original image color (completely opaque).</p>
+ <p>If this function is not defined for a given driver or if alpha is <font>NULL</font>,
+ then the function <strong><font>cdPutImageRectRGB</font></strong> is used, as
+ long as it is defined.</p>
+ <pre class="function"><span class="mainFunction">void <a name="cdPutImageRectMap">cdCanvasPutImageRectMap</a>(cdCanvas* canvas, int iw, int ih,
+ const unsigned char *index,
+ const long int *colors,
+ int x, int y, int w, int h,
+ int xmin, int xmax, int ymin, int ymax); [in C]</span>
+void wdCanvasPutImageRectMap(cdCanvas* canvas, int iw, int ih,
+ const unsigned char *index,
+ const long int *colors,
+ double x, double y, double w, double h,
+ int xmin, int xmax, int ymin, int ymax); (WC) [in C]
+canvas:PutImageRectMap(imagemap: cdImageMap; palette: cdPalette; x, y, w, h, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax: number) [in Lua]
+canvas:wPutImageRectMap(imagemap: cdImageMap; palette: cdPalette; x, y, w, h, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax: number) (WC) [in Lua]</pre>
+ <p>The same as function&nbsp; <font><strong>cdPutImageRectRGB</strong></font>,
+ except for the fact that the colors are provided by means of an index matrix
+ (map). The color corresponding to a given index is given in&nbsp; <font><b>colors[index]</b></font>.
+ The map is also a matrix stored as a byte vector. If the color vector is null,
+ then a vector with 256 gray tones is assumed.</p>
+ <pre class="function"><span class="mainFunction">void <a name="cdRGB2Map">cdRGB2Map</a>(int iw, int ih,
+ const unsigned char *r,
+ const unsigned char *g,
+ const unsigned char *b,
+ unsigned char *index,
+ int pal_size, long *color); [in C]</span>
+cd.RGB2Map(imagergb: cdImageRGB, imagemap: cdImageMap, palette: cdPalette) [in Lua]</pre>
+ <p>Converts an RGB image into an image with 256 indexed colors. The resulting
+ image must have the same size (width x length) as the RGB image. It is
+ necessary to allocate memory for the arrays <strong><font>map</font></strong> and
+ <strong><font>colors</font></strong>. This is the same algorithm used in the IM
+ library - in fact, the same code.</p>
+ <h3>Extras</h3>
+ <p>The following functions are used only for encapsulating the several types of
+ client images from the library in a single structure, simplifying their
+ treatment.&nbsp;</p>
+ <p>For such, a public structure was created, called <font><b>cdBitmap</b></font>,
+ which will store the image. From this structure, the following fields are
+ officially defined:</p>
+ <pre>cdBitmap:
+ int w /* image width */
+ int h /* image heigth */
+ int type /* image type: CD_RGBA, CD_RGB or CD_MAP */</pre>
+ <pre class="function"><span class="mainFunction">cdBitmap* <a name="cdCreateBitmap">cdCreateBitmap</a>(int w, int h, int type); [in C]</span>
+cd.CreateBitmap(w, h, type: number) -&gt; (bitmap: cdBitmap) [in Lua]</pre>
+ <p>Creates an image with width <strong>w</strong>, and height <strong>h</strong> and
+ of type <strong>type</strong>. The type can be <font>CD_RGBA, CD_RGB or CD_MAP</font>.
+ However, <font>CD_MAP</font> only means that the image will have 256 colors if <strong>
+ type</strong> is greater than 0. It is assumed that the image will be MAP
+ with the same number of colors in the palette as <strong>type</strong>.
+ Internally, the color palette is always allocated with 256 entries, which may
+ or may not be totally fulfilled. In this case, the value of <strong>type</strong>
+ can be changed as wished.</p>
+ <pre class="function"><span class="mainFunction">cdBitmap* <a name="cdInitBitmap">cdInitBitmap</a>(int w, int h, int type, ...); [in C]</span>
+[There is no equivalent in Lua]</pre>
+ <p>Similar to <strong><font>cdCreateBitmap</font></strong>, but it accepts the
+ data area already allocated by the user. The parameters vary according to the
+ image type.</p>
+ <pre><font>CD_RGBA - (unsigned char* red, unsigned char* green, unsigned char* blue, unsigned char* alpha)
+CD_RGB - (unsigned char* red, unsigned char* green, unsigned char* blue)
+CD_MAP - (unsigned char* index, lont int* colors)</font></pre>
+ <pre class="function"><span class="mainFunction">void <a name="cdKillBitmap">cdKillBitmap</a>(cdBitmap* image); [in C]</span>
+cd.KillBitmap(bitmap: cdBitmap) [in Lua]</pre>
+ <p>Liberates the memory allocated for the image. If this function is not
+ called in Lua, the garbage collector will call it.</p>
+ <pre class="function"><span class="mainFunction">unsigned char* <a name="cdBitmapGetData">cdBitmapGetData</a>(cdBitmap* image, int dataptr); [in C]</span>
+cd.BitmapGetData(bitmap: cdBitmap; dataptr: number) -&gt; (data: cdImageChannel) [in Lua]</pre>
+ <p>Returns a pointer to the image's data area according to <font><strong>dataptr</strong></font>.
+ The following values are defined for <font><strong>dataptr</strong>:</font></p>
+ <pre><strong>CD_IRED</strong> - red component of an RGB image. cdImageChannel in Lua.
+<strong>CD_IGREEN</strong> - green component of an RGB image. cdImageChannel in Lua.
+<strong>CD_IBLUE</strong> - blue component of an RGB image. cdImageChannel in Lua.
+<strong>CD_IALPHA</strong> - alpha component of an RGBA image. cdImageChannel in Lua.
+<strong>CD_INDEX</strong> - indices of a MAP image. cdImageChannel in Lua.
+<strong>CD_COLORS</strong> - color table of a MAP image. In this case, a type conversion must be made to <strong>(long int*)</strong>. cdPalette in Lua.</pre>
+ <p>In Lua, channels are also available as tables, see <a href="#DataAccess">Data
+ Access</a>.&nbsp;
+ </p>
+ <pre class="function"><span class="mainFunction">void <a name="cdBitmapSetRect">cdBitmapSetRect</a>(cdBitmap* image, int xmin, int xmax, int ymin, int ymax); [in C]</span>
+cd.BitmapSetRect(bitmap: cdBitmap; xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax: number) [in Lua]</pre>
+ <p>Allows specifying a region of interest inside the image to be used by the
+ function <b><font>cdPutBitmap</font></b>. If no region was defined, the whole
+ image is used, that is, (0, w-1, 0, h-1).</p>
+ <pre class="function"><span class="mainFunction">void <a name="cdPutBitmap">cdCanvasPutBitmap</a>(cdCanvas* canvas, cdBitmap* image, int x, int y, int w, int h); [in C]</span>
+void wdCanvasPutBitmap(cdCanvas* canvas, cdBitmap* image, double x, double y, double w, double h); (WC) [in C]
+canvas:PutBitmap(image: cdBitmap; x, y, w, h: number) [in Lua]
+canvas:wPutBitmap(bitmap: cdBitmap; x, y, w, h: number) (WC) [in Lua]</pre>
+ <p>Draws the&nbsp; image in the position (x,y), changing the scale. It
+ encapsulates <font><strong>cdPutImageRectRGB</strong>, <strong>cdPutImageRectRGBA</strong></font>
+ and <strong><font>cdPutImageRectMap</font></strong>. The region of the image
+ drawn depends on the rectangle defined by <strong><font>cdBitmapSetRect</font></strong>.
+ If no rectangle was defined, then the whole image is used.</p>
+ <p>The parameters <strong>w</strong> and <strong>h</strong> allow scaling the
+ image, increasing or decreasing its dimensions when drawn. If&nbsp; <strong>w</strong>
+ and/or <strong>h</strong> are 0, then no scale change is assumed.
+ </p>
+ <pre class="function"><span class="mainFunction">void <a name="cdGetBitmap">cdCanvasGetBitmap</a>(cdCanvas* canvas, cdBitmap* image, int x, int y); [in C]</span>
+canvas:GetBitmap(bitmap: cdBitmap; x, y: number) [in Lua]</pre>
+ <p>Encapsulates <strong><font>cdGetImageRGB</font></strong>. Nothing happens if
+ the image is MAP.</p>
+ <pre class="function"><span class="mainFunction">void <a name="cdBitmapRGB2Map">cdBitmapRGB2Map</a>(cdBitmap* image_rgb, cdBitmap* image_map); [in C]</span>
+cd.BitmapRGB2Map(bitmap_rgb: cdBitmap, bitmap_map: cdBitmap) [in Lua]</pre>
+ <p>Encapsulates <strong><font>cdRGB2Map</font></strong>. The images must be of
+ types <font>RGB(A)</font> and <font>MAP</font>, respectively.</p>
+ <h3>Extras in Lua (Deprecated)</h3>
+ <pre class="function"><a name="cdCreateImageRGB">cd.CreateImageRGB</a>(width, height: number) -&gt; (imagergb: cdImageRGB)</pre>
+ <p>Creates an RGB image in Lua. Deprecated use <strong>cd.CreateBitmap</strong>.</p>
+ <pre class="function"><a name="cdKillImageRGB">cd.KillImageRGB</a>(imagergb: cdImageRGB)</pre>
+ <p>Destroys the created RGB image and liberates allocated memory. If this
+ function is not called in Lua, the garbage collector will call it. Deprecated use <strong>
+ cd.KillBitmap</strong>.</p>
+ <pre class="function"><a name="cdCreateImageRGBA">cd.CreateImageRGBA</a>(width, height: number) -&gt; (imagergba: cdImageRGBA)</pre>
+ <p>Creates an RGBA image in Lua. Deprecated use <strong>cd.CreateBitmap</strong>.</p>
+ <pre class="function"><a name="cdKillImageRGBA">cd.KillImageRGBA</a>(imagergba: cdImageRGBA)</pre>
+ <p>Destroys the created RGBA image and liberates allocated memory. If this
+ function is not called in Lua, the garbage collector will call it. Deprecated use <strong>
+ cd.KillBitmap</strong>.</p>
+ <pre class="function"><a name="cdCreateImageMap">cd.CreateImageMap</a>(width, height: number) -&gt; (imagemap: cdImageMap)</pre>
+ <p>Creates a Map image in Lua. Deprecated use <strong>cd.CreateBitmap</strong>.</p>
+ <pre class="function"><a name="cdKillImageMap">cd.KillImageMap</a>(imagemap: cdImageMap)</pre>
+ <p>Destroys the created Map image and liberates allocated memory. If this
+ function is not called in Lua, the garbage collector will call it. Deprecated use <strong>
+ cd.KillBitmap</strong>.</p>
+ <h3><a name="DataAccess">Data Access</a></h3>
+ <p>Data access in Lua is done directly using the operator "<font>[y*width + x]</font>"
+ in image channels. Each channel works as a value table which should be
+ consulted or modified in the following way:</p>
+ <pre><font>image = cd.CreateBitmap(100, 200)
+image.r[y*100 + x] = 255
+image.g[y*100 + x] = 128
+image.b[y*100 + x] = 0
+green = image.g[y*100 + x] -- it will return 128</font></pre>
+ <p>The order of the tables <em>is</em> important, so that <font size="3">image[n].r</font>
+ has no meaning to CDLua and the expression will cause an error. Finally,
+ the user could expect the value of <font size="3">image[n]</font> to be of type <font>
+ lightuserdata</font>. Unfortunately, this is not the case, and such expression
+ will cause the same error.</p>
+ <p>In the old <font>cdImageMap </font>images, the channel must be not
+ specified: <font size="3">imagemap[y*100+x]</font>.</p>
+ <p>Known channel names are:</p>
+ <pre>r - red channel of RGB or RGBA images.
+g - gree channel of RGB or RGBA images.
+b - blue channel of RGB or RGBA images.
+a - alpha channel of RGBA images.
+m - indices channel of MAP images (valid only for cdBitmap objects).
+p - colors table of MAP images (valid only for cdBitmap objects). It is a cdPalette object.</pre>
+ </body>
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