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<title>Lua Binding</title>
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<h2>Lua Binding</h2>
<h3><a name="Overview">Overview</a></h3>

    All the CD functions are available in Lua, with a few exceptions. We call it <strong>
        CDLua</strong>. To use them the general application will do 
	require&quot;cdlua&quot;, and require&quot;cdluaxxxx&quot; to all other secondary libraries that 
	are needed. The functions and definitions will be available under the table 
	&quot;cd&quot; using the following name rules:</p>
    <pre>cdXxx  -&gt; cd.Xxx    (for functions)<br />wdXxx  -&gt; cd.wXxx   (for WD functions)<br />CD_XXX -&gt; cd.XXX    (for definitions)<br />cdCanvasXXX(canvas,... =&gt; canvas:XXX(...   (for methods)<br /></pre>
        New functions (without equivalents in C) were implemented to create and 
		destroy objects that do not exist in C. For instance functions were 
		developed to create and destroy images, pattern, stipple and 
		palette.&nbsp;All the metatables have the &quot;tostring&quot; metamethod implemented 
		to help debuging. Some functions were modified to receive those objects 
		as parameters.</p>
        Also the functions which receive values by reference in C were modified. 
		Generally, the values of parameters that would have their values 
		modified are now returned by the function in the same order.</p>
        Notice that, as opposed to C, in which enumeration flags are<i> </i>
		combined with the bitwise operator OR, in Lua the flags are added 
        In Lua all parameters are checked and a Lua error is emitted when the 
		check fails.</p>
        All the objects are garbage collected by the Lua garbage collector, 
		except the canvas because there can be different Lua canvases pointing 
		to the same C canvas. The &quot;tostring&quot; metamethod of the Lua canvas will 
		print both values, Lua and C. The equal method will compare the C canvas 
        <strong>Lua</strong> 5.1 &quot;require&quot; can be used for all the <strong>
		libraries. You can use <b>require</b>&quot;<b>cdlua</b>&quot; and so on, but the 
		LUA_CPATH must also contains the following: 

<pre>&quot;./lib?51.so;&quot;    [in UNIX]

&quot;.\\?51.dll;&quot;     [in Windows]
<p>The <a href="http://luabinaries.luaforge.net/">LuaBinaries</a> distribution 
already includes these modifications on the default search path.</p>
<p>The simplest form <b>require</b>&quot;<b>cd</b>&quot; and so on, can not be used 
because there are CD dynamic libraries with names that will conflict with the 
names used by <b>require</b> during search.</p>
        Additionally you can statically link the <strong>CDLua</strong> 
		libraries, but you must call the initialization functions manually. The <strong>
  <font face="Courier New">cdlua_open</font></strong> function is declared in 
		the header file <strong><font face="Courier New">cdlua</font><font size="2" face="Courier New">.</font><font face="Courier New">h</font></strong>, 
		see the example below:</p>
    <div align="center">
      <table border="1" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#111111" id="AutoNumber1">
          <pre>#include &lt;lua.h&gt;
#include &lt;lualib.h&gt;
#include &lt;lauxlib.h&gt;
<b><font color="#FF0000">#include &lt;cdlua.h&gt;</font></b></pre>
          <pre>void main(void)
  lua_State *L = lua_open();


<b>  <font color="#FF0000">cdlua_open(L);</font>

<h3>Exchanging Values between C and Lua</h3>

  <p>Because of some applications that interchange the use of CD canvases in Lua 
	and C, we build a few C functions that are available in &quot;cdlua.h&quot;:</p>

<pre>cdCanvas* cdlua_checkcanvas(lua_State* L, int pos);
void cdlua_pushcanvas(lua_State* L, cdCanvas* canvas);</pre>

