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    <h2 align="center">CDLua+IMLua</h2>

When CD is used togheter with the IM library in Lua, the CD bitmap and the IM 
image objects in Lua have a few more methods. These methods allow to map the <font face="Courier New">imImage</font> 
  structure to the <font face="Courier New">cdBitmap</font> structure and add some facilities to draw 
on an imImage using a CD 
  canvas. See also the <a target="_blank" href="http://www.tecgraf.puc-rio.br/im">IM documentation</a>.<p>Color values and palettes can be created and used transparently in both libraries. Palettes and color values are 
  100% compatible between CD and IM.</p>

 You must link the application with the "cdluaim51" library.<p>
See also the <a target="_top" href="http://www.tecgraf.puc-rio.br/im">IM 
documentation</a>.<pre class="function">int <strong><span style="font-size: 110%"><a name="cdlua_open">cdluaim_open</a></span></strong>(lua_State* L); [in C] [for Lua 5]</pre>

Must be called to enable the additional methods. Can be called only after CDLua 
and IMLua were initialized. require&quot;cdluaim&quot; can also be used. <br>
 Returns 0 (leaves nothing on the top of the stack).<hr>
	<h3>Available methods</h3>
	<pre class="function">bitmap:imImageCreate() -&gt; image: imImage [in Lua] 
<p>Creates an imImage from a cdBitmap.</p>
<pre class="function">image:cdCreateBitmap() -&gt; bitmap: cdBitmap [in Lua]</pre>
<p>Creates a cdBitmap from an imImage. The imImage must be a bitmap image, see 
&quot;image:<strong>IsBitmap</strong>&quot;. </p>
<pre class="function">image:cdInitBitmap() -&gt; bitmap: cdBitmap [in Lua]</pre>
<p>Creates a cdBitmap from an imImage, but reuses image data. When the 
cdBitmap is destroyed, the data is preserved. </p>
<pre class="function">image:cdCanvasPutImageRect(canvas: cdCanvas, x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number, xmin: number, xmax: number, ymin: number, ymax: number) [in Lua] </pre>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Draws the imImage into the given cdCanvas. The imImage must be a 
bitmap image, see \ref imImageIsBitmap. </p>
<pre class="function">image:wdCanvasPutImageRect(canvas: cdCanvas, x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number, xmin: number, xmax: number, ymin: number, ymax: number) [in Lua]     </pre>
<p>Draws the imImage into the given cdCanvas using world coordinates. The 
imImage must be a bitmap image, see \ref imImageIsBitmap. </p>
<pre class="function">image:cdCanvasGetImage(canvas: cdCanvas, x: number, y: number) [in Lua]     </pre>
<p>Retrieve the imImage data from the given cdCanvas. The imImage must be a 
IM_RGB/IM_BYTE image. </p>
<pre class="function">image:cdCreateCanvas([res: number]) -&gt; canvas: cdCanvas [in Lua]    </pre>
	<p>&nbsp;Creates a cdCanvas using the <a href="drv/irgb.html">CD_IMAGERGB</a> driver. Resolution is optional, 
	default is 3.8 pixels per milimiter (96.52 DPI). The imImage must be a 
	IM_RGB/IM_BYTE image. </p>