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<h2>CD_IUP - IUP Driver (cdiup.h)</h2>

  <p>This driver provides access to an interface element of a IUP canvas. IUP is a portable user-interface library used 
  to create portable user-interface applications. See
	<a target="_top" href="http://www.tecgraf.puc-rio.br/iup">IUP documentation</a>.</p>


  <p>The canvas is created by means of a call to the function <font face="Courier">
  <a href="../func/init.html#cdCreateCanvas"><strong>cdCreateCanvas</strong></a>(CD_IUP, 
  Data)</font>, after which other CD functions can be called as usual. This function creates a CD canvas based on the 
  existing IUP canvas. The parameter <font face="Courier">Data</font> is a pointer to a handle of the IUP canvas (<font face="Courier">Ihandle*</font>). 
  For use with CDLUA, a canvas created with IUPLUA must necessarily be passed as parameter.</p>
  <p>Any amount of such canvases may exist simultaneously, but they should not use the same IUP canvas. It is important 
  to note that a call to function <a href="../func/init.html#cdKillCanvas">
  <font face="Courier"><strong>cdKillCanvas</strong></font></a> is required to <b>close</b> the file properly.</p>
  <p>The CD canvas is automatically stored in the IUP canvas as the <strong>&quot;<font face="Courier">_CD_CANVAS</font>&quot;</strong> 

  <p>To use this driver, it must be linked with the &quot;<b><font face="Courier">iupcd</font></b>&quot; 
	library available in the 
	IUP distribution. </p>
  <p>In Lua, it is necessary to call function <strong><font face="Courier">cdluaiup_open() </font></strong>after a call 
  to function <strong><font face="Courier">cdlua_open()</font></strong>, apart from linking with the &quot;<strong><font face="Courier">iupluacd</font></strong>&quot; 
  library. To use with require must be require&quot;iupluacd&quot; or require&quot;iupluacd51&quot;.</p>
  <p>To use this driver in Windows using GDI+ is necessary to call 
  <font face="Courier"><strong>
  cdUseContextPlus</strong></font><strong><font face="Courier">(1)</font></strong> 
  before creating the canvas.</p>

<h3>Behavior of Functions</h3>

  <p>This driver is greatly platform-dependent, but little dependent on the IUP library. For further detail, see the <b>
  Behavior of Functions</b> in each platform: <a href="win32.html">Microsoft Windows (GDI)</a>, <a href="gdiplus.html">
  Windows Using GDI+</a>, <a href="xwin.html">X-Windows (XLIB)</a>. However, it should be noted that some functions 
  behave differently from the basic functions of each platform.</p>

  <li><a href="../func/init.html#cdActivate"><font face="Courier"><strong>
  cdCanvasActivate</strong></font></a>: updates the canvas size; the IUP canvas might have been resized.</li>
<h4>Exclusive Attributes</h4>
  <li>&quot;<b><font face="Courier">WINDOWRGN</font></b>&quot;: set the shape of a window to the current complex clipping region 
  (set only). If data is NULL the region is reset.</li>

