CD_IUP - IUP Driver (cdiup.h)

This driver provides access to an interface element of a IUP canvas. IUP is a portable user-interface library used to create portable user-interface applications. See IUP documentation.


The canvas is created by means of a call to the function cdCreateCanvas(CD_IUP, Data), after which other CD functions can be called as usual. This function creates a CD canvas based on the existing IUP canvas. The parameter Data is a pointer to a handle of the IUP canvas (Ihandle*). For use with CDLUA, a canvas created with IUPLUA must necessarily be passed as parameter.

Any amount of such canvases may exist simultaneously, but they should not use the same IUP canvas. It is important to note that a call to function cdKillCanvas is required to close the file properly.

The CD canvas is automatically stored in the IUP canvas as the "_CD_CANVAS" attribute.

To use this driver, it must be linked with the "iupcd" library available in the IUP distribution.

In Lua, it is necessary to call function cdluaiup_open() after a call to function cdlua_open(), apart from linking with the "iupluacd" library. This is not necessary if you do require"iupluacd".

Behavior of Functions

This driver is very platform-dependent, although little dependent on the IUP library.

For further detail, see the Behavior of Functions in each base driver: GDI, GDK and X-Win. To use this driver with a context plus base driver is necessary to call cdUseContextPlus(1) before creating the canvas, see the GDI+Cairo and XRender base drivers.

However, it should be noted that some functions behave differently from the basic functions of each platform.


Exclusive Attributes