-- Enhanced from a script written by Wim Langers require'cdlua' require'iuplua' require'iupluacd' require'cdluapdf' function DrawInCanvas(canvas) -- If you want that your coordinates means the same thing independent from the driver -- then set the Window to be the your "world" coordinate system canvas:wWindow(0, 50, 0, 50) -- The you just have to choose how this "world" will be showed in the canvas by setting the Viewport -- Since you set a square world, set a square Viewport to keep the aspect ratio local width, height = canvas:GetSize() local square_size = width if (width > height) then square_size = height end canvas:wViewport(0, square_size, 0, square_size) -- The file drivers will have the same size all the time, but the dialog you can change its size -- since this is dinamically changed, the drawing will scale on screen when the dialog is resized -- if you do not want that, you can set wWindow and wViewport in another place in the code canvas:Foreground(cd.BLACK) canvas:TextAlignment(cd.CENTER) canvas:TextOrientation(0) -- size in mm actually do not depend on the transformation canvas:wFont('Courier', cd.BOLD, 3) -- size in mm canvas:wLineWidth(0.25) -- size in mm canvas:wRect(10,10 + 8,10 + 1,10 + 7) canvas:wText(10 + 2,10 + 2,'S') canvas:wText(10 + 2,10 + 5,'R') canvas:wText(10 + 6,10 + 5,'Q') canvas:wArc(10 + 9,10 + 2,2,2,0,360) canvas:wSector(20,20,2,2,0,360) end -- PS canvas = cd.CreateCanvas(cd.PS,'test.ps -l0 -r0 -b0 -t0 -o') -- no margins, landscape as a rotation, default size A4, 300 DPI DrawInCanvas(canvas) cd.KillCanvas(canvas) -- PDF canvas = cd.CreateCanvas(cd.PDF,'test.pdf -o') -- landscape as just a swith between w and h, default size A4, 300 DPI DrawInCanvas(canvas) cd.KillCanvas(canvas) -- SVG canvas = cd.CreateCanvas(cd.SVG,'test.svg 50x50') -- size in mm, 96 DPI DrawInCanvas(canvas) cd.KillCanvas(canvas) -- Screen iupCanvas = iup.canvas{scrollbar = 'yes'} dlg = iup.dialog{iupCanvas, title="Canvas Test", size="100x100"} function iupCanvas:map_cb() canvas = cd.CreateCanvas(cd.IUP,self) -- store the CD canvas in a IUP attribute end function iupCanvas:action() canvas:Activate() canvas:Clear() DrawInCanvas(canvas) end dlg:show() iup.MainLoop()