PROJNAME = cd LIBNAME = cdgl OPT = YES DEFINES = CD_NO_OLD_INTERFACE SRC = drv/cdgl.c INCLUDES = . sim ftgl freetype2 LIBS = ftgl ifeq ($(findstring Win, $(TEC_SYSNAME)), ) # LIBS += iconv endif USE_OPENGL = YES USE_CD = YES CD = .. ifneq ($(findstring AIX, $(TEC_UNAME)), ) NO_FONTCONFIG = Yes endif ifneq ($(findstring IRIX, $(TEC_UNAME)), ) NO_FONTCONFIG = Yes endif ifneq ($(findstring SunOS, $(TEC_UNAME)), ) NO_FONTCONFIG = Yes endif ifneq ($(findstring MacOS, $(TEC_UNAME)), ) ifeq ($(TEC_SYSMINOR), 5) #Darwin9 Only - OpenGL bug fix for Fink, when the message bellow appears # ld: cycle in dylib re-exports with /usr/X11R6/lib/libGL.dylib LFLAGS=-dylib_file /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libGL.dylib:/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libGL.dylib endif BUILD_DYLIB=Yes endif