PROJNAME = cd LIBNAME = cdluacairo OPT = YES DEFINES = CD_NO_OLD_INTERFACE SRCDIR = lua5 SRC = cdluacairo5.c DEF_FILE = cdluacairo5.def ifneq ($(findstring Win, $(TEC_SYSNAME)), ) # In Win32 will work only for the Win32 base driver, # it will NOT work for the GDK base driver. LIBS = cdcairo else ifdef GTK_DEFAULT # In Linux will work only for the GDK base driver, # it will NOT work for the X11 base driver. # The main cd library already includes the Cairo driver. LIBS = else # In Other Unices will work only for the X11 base driver, # it will NOT work for the GDK base driver. LIBS = cdcairo endif endif ifdef USE_LUA52 LIBNAME := $(LIBNAME)52 else USE_LUA51 = Yes LIBNAME := $(LIBNAME)51 endif NO_LUALINK = Yes USE_CD = YES USE_CDLUA = YES CD = ..