/* * FTGL - OpenGL font library * * Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Henry Maddocks <ftgl@opengl.geek.nz> * Copyright (c) 2008 Éric Beets <ericbeets@free.fr> * Copyright (c) 2008 Sam Hocevar <sam@zoy.org> * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, * TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE * SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "config.h" #include "FTInternals.h" static const FTPoint static_ftpoint; static const FTBBox static_ftbbox; FTGL_BEGIN_C_DECLS #define C_TOR(cname, cargs, cxxname, cxxarg, cxxtype) \ FTGLfont* cname cargs \ { \ cxxname *f = new cxxname cxxarg; \ if(f->Error()) \ { \ delete f; \ return NULL; \ } \ FTGLfont *ftgl = (FTGLfont *)malloc(sizeof(FTGLfont)); \ ftgl->ptr = f; \ ftgl->type = cxxtype; \ return ftgl; \ } // FTBitmapFont::FTBitmapFont(); C_TOR(ftglCreateBitmapFont, (const char *fontname), FTBitmapFont, (fontname), FONT_BITMAP); // FTBufferFont::FTBufferFont(); C_TOR(ftglCreateBufferFont, (const char *fontname), FTBufferFont, (fontname), FONT_BUFFER); // FTExtrudeFont::FTExtrudeFont(); C_TOR(ftglCreateExtrudeFont, (const char *fontname), FTExtrudeFont, (fontname), FONT_EXTRUDE); // FTOutlineFont::FTOutlineFont(); C_TOR(ftglCreateOutlineFont, (const char *fontname), FTOutlineFont, (fontname), FONT_OUTLINE); // FTPixmapFont::FTPixmapFont(); C_TOR(ftglCreatePixmapFont, (const char *fontname), FTPixmapFont, (fontname), FONT_PIXMAP); // FTPolygonFont::FTPolygonFont(); C_TOR(ftglCreatePolygonFont, (const char *fontname), FTPolygonFont, (fontname), FONT_POLYGON); // FTTextureFont::FTTextureFont(); C_TOR(ftglCreateTextureFont, (const char *fontname), FTTextureFont, (fontname), FONT_TEXTURE); // FTCustomFont::FTCustomFont(); class FTCustomFont : public FTFont { public: FTCustomFont(char const *fontFilePath, void *p, FTGLglyph * (*makeglyph) (FT_GlyphSlot, void *)) : FTFont(fontFilePath), data(p), makeglyphCallback(makeglyph) {} ~FTCustomFont() {} FTGlyph* MakeGlyph(FT_GlyphSlot slot) { FTGLglyph *g = makeglyphCallback(slot, data); FTGlyph *glyph = g->ptr; // XXX: we no longer need g, and no one will free it for us. Not // very elegant, and we need to make sure no one else will try to // use it. free(g); return glyph; } private: void *data; FTGLglyph *(*makeglyphCallback) (FT_GlyphSlot, void *); }; C_TOR(ftglCreateCustomFont, (char const *fontFilePath, void *data, FTGLglyph * (*makeglyphCallback) (FT_GlyphSlot, void *)), FTCustomFont, (fontFilePath, data, makeglyphCallback), FONT_CUSTOM); #define C_FUN(cret, cname, cargs, cxxerr, cxxname, cxxarg) \ cret cname cargs \ { \ if(!f || !f->ptr) \ { \ fprintf(stderr, "FTGL warning: NULL pointer in %s\n", #cname); \ cxxerr; \ } \ return f->ptr->cxxname cxxarg; \ } // FTFont::~FTFont(); void ftglDestroyFont(FTGLfont *f) { if(!f || !f->ptr) { fprintf(stderr, "FTGL warning: NULL pointer in %s\n", __FUNCTION__); return; } delete f->ptr; free(f); } // bool FTFont::Attach(const char* fontFilePath); C_FUN(int, ftglAttachFile, (FTGLfont *f, const char* path), return 0, Attach, (path)); // bool FTFont::Attach(const unsigned char *pBufferBytes, // size_t bufferSizeInBytes); C_FUN(int, ftglAttachData, (FTGLfont *f, const unsigned char *p, size_t s), return 0, Attach, (p, s)); // void FTFont::GlyphLoadFlags(FT_Int flags); C_FUN(void, ftglSetFontGlyphLoadFlags, (FTGLfont *f, FT_Int flags), return, GlyphLoadFlags, (flags)); // bool FTFont::CharMap(FT_Encoding encoding); C_FUN(int, ftglSetFontCharMap, (FTGLfont *f, FT_Encoding enc), return 0, CharMap, (enc)); // unsigned int FTFont::CharMapCount(); C_FUN(unsigned int, ftglGetFontCharMapCount, (FTGLfont *f), return 0, CharMapCount, ()); // FT_Encoding* FTFont::CharMapList(); C_FUN(FT_Encoding *, ftglGetFontCharMapList, (FTGLfont* f), return NULL, CharMapList, ()); // virtual bool FTFont::FaceSize(const unsigned int size, // const unsigned int res = 72); C_FUN(int, ftglSetFontFaceSize, (FTGLfont *f, unsigned int s, unsigned int r), return 0, FaceSize, (s, r > 0 ? r : 72)); // unsigned int FTFont::FaceSize() const; // XXX: need to call FaceSize() as FTFont::FaceSize() because of FTGLTexture C_FUN(unsigned int, ftglGetFontFaceSize, (FTGLfont *f), return 0, FTFont::FaceSize, ()); // virtual void FTFont::Depth(float depth); C_FUN(void, ftglSetFontDepth, (FTGLfont *f, float d), return, Depth, (d)); // virtual void FTFont::Outset(float front, float back); C_FUN(void, ftglSetFontOutset, (FTGLfont *f, float front, float back), return, FTFont::Outset, (front, back)); // void FTFont::UseDisplayList(bool useList); C_FUN(void, ftglSetFontDisplayList, (FTGLfont *f, int l), return, UseDisplayList, (l != 0)); // float FTFont::Ascender() const; C_FUN(float, ftglGetFontAscender, (FTGLfont *f), return 0.f, Ascender, ()); // float FTFont::Descender() const; C_FUN(float, ftglGetFontDescender, (FTGLfont *f), return 0.f, Descender, ()); // float FTFont::LineHeight() const; C_FUN(float, ftglGetFontLineHeight, (FTGLfont *f), return 0.f, LineHeight, ()); // void FTFont::BBox(const char* string, float& llx, float& lly, float& llz, // float& urx, float& ury, float& urz); extern "C++" { C_FUN(static FTBBox, _ftglGetFontBBox, (FTGLfont *f, char const *s, int len), return static_ftbbox, BBox, (s, len)); } void ftglGetFontBBox(FTGLfont *f, const char* s, int len, float c[6]) { FTBBox ret = _ftglGetFontBBox(f, s, len); FTPoint lower = ret.Lower(), upper = ret.Upper(); c[0] = lower.Xf(); c[1] = lower.Yf(); c[2] = lower.Zf(); c[3] = upper.Xf(); c[4] = upper.Yf(); c[5] = upper.Zf(); } // float FTFont::Advance(const char* string); C_FUN(float, ftglGetFontAdvance, (FTGLfont *f, char const *s), return 0.0, Advance, (s)); // virtual void Render(const char* string, int renderMode); extern "C++" { C_FUN(static FTPoint, _ftglRenderFont, (FTGLfont *f, char const *s, int len, FTPoint pos, FTPoint spacing, int mode), return static_ftpoint, Render, (s, len, pos, spacing, mode)); } void ftglRenderFont(FTGLfont *f, const char *s, int mode) { _ftglRenderFont(f, s, -1, FTPoint(), FTPoint(), mode); } // FT_Error FTFont::Error() const; C_FUN(FT_Error, ftglGetFontError, (FTGLfont *f), return -1, Error, ()); FTGL_END_C_DECLS