/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------* | PDFlib - A library for generating PDF on the fly | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) 1997-2006 Thomas Merz and PDFlib GmbH. All rights reserved. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | This software is subject to the PDFlib license. It is NOT in the | | public domain. Extended versions and commercial licenses are | | available, please check http://www.pdflib.com. | | | *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* $Id: p_type3.c,v 1.1 2008/10/17 06:11:49 scuri Exp $ * * Routines for Type 3 (user-defined) fonts * */ #include "p_intern.h" #include "p_font.h" #include "p_image.h" int pdf_get_t3colorized(PDF *p) { return p->fonts[p->t3slot].t3font->colorized; } static void pdf_init_t3font(PDF *p, pdf_t3font *t3font, int glyph_capacity) { static char fn[] = "pdf_init_t3font"; int i; /* statement order is critical for cleanup! */ t3font->curr_glyph = 0; t3font->next_glyph = 0; t3font->capacity = glyph_capacity; t3font->glyphs = (pdf_t3glyph *) pdc_malloc(p->pdc, t3font->capacity * sizeof (pdf_t3glyph), fn); for (i = 0; i < t3font->capacity; i++) t3font->glyphs[i].name = NULL; t3font->charprocs_id = PDC_BAD_ID; t3font->pass = 0; } void pdf_cleanup_t3font(PDF *p, pdf_t3font *t3font) { int i; for (i = 0; i < t3font->next_glyph; i++) { if (t3font->glyphs[i].name) { pdc_free(p->pdc, t3font->glyphs[i].name); t3font->glyphs[i].name = NULL; } } pdc_free(p->pdc, t3font->glyphs); t3font->glyphs = NULL; } static void pdf_type3_protocol(PDF *p, pdf_font *font, pdc_encodingvector *ev) { /* logging protocol */ if (pdc_logg_is_enabled(p->pdc, 2, trc_font)) { char *glyphname; pdc_ushort uv = 0; int gid, code, width = 0; for (gid = 0; gid < font->t3font->next_glyph; gid++) { glyphname = NULL; pdc_logg(p->pdc, "\t\tGlyph%4d: ", gid); if (ev != NULL) { code = font->ft.gid2code[gid]; uv = ev->codes[code]; if (glyphname == NULL) glyphname = ev->chars[code]; width = fnt_get_glyphwidth(code, &font->ft); pdc_logg(p->pdc, "code=%3d ", code); } if (width == FNT_MISSING_WIDTH) width = 0; pdc_logg(p->pdc, "U+%04X width=%4d \"%s\"\n", uv, width, glyphname); } } } /* * We found a Type 3 font in the cache, but its encoding doesn't match. * Make a copy of the font in a new slot, and attach the new encoding. */ pdc_bool pdf_handle_t3font(PDF *p, const char *fontname, pdc_encoding enc, pdf_font *font, int *slot) { static const char fn[] = "pdf_handle_t3font"; const char *encname; char *fname; size_t namlen; pdf_font *deffont = &p->fonts[*slot]; pdc_encodingvector *ev = pdc_get_encoding_vector(p->pdc, enc); fnt_font_metric *ftm = &font->ft.m; size_t nalloc; int code, gid; pdc_bool newinst = pdc_false; /* font name incl. encoding name */ encname = pdc_get_user_encoding(p->pdc, enc); namlen = strlen(fontname) + strlen(encname) + 2; fname = (char *) pdc_malloc(p->pdc, namlen, fn); pdc_sprintf(p->pdc, pdc_false, fname, "%s.%s", fontname, encname); /* we have to copy the available font. * otherwise the original font will be changed */ newinst = deffont->ft.enc != pdc_invalidenc; pdc_logg_cond(p->pdc, 1, trc_font, "\n\tType3 font \"%s\" with %d glyphs found\n", fontname, deffont->t3font->next_glyph); if (newinst) { pdc_logg_cond(p->pdc, 1, trc_font, "\tInstance with specified encoding will be created\n"); } /* copy data from available font (see pdf__begin_font()) */ font->ft.m.type = fnt_Type3; font->ft.matrix = deffont->ft.matrix; font->t3font = deffont->t3font; font->ft.numglyphs = deffont->t3font->next_glyph; nalloc = (size_t) font->ft.numglyphs; ftm->name = fname; font->ft.name = pdc_strdup(p->pdc, fname); font->ft.enc = enc; font->ft.issymbfont = pdc_false; font->opt.embedding = pdc_true; if (enc >= pdc_winansi) { font->codesize = 1; font->ft.numcodes = 256; font->lastcode = -1; ftm->widths = (int *) pdc_calloc(p->pdc, (size_t) font->ft.numcodes * sizeof(int), fn); ftm->numwidths = font->ft.numcodes; } font->ft.code2gid = (pdc_ushort *) pdc_calloc(p->pdc, (size_t) font->ft.numcodes * sizeof(pdc_ushort), fn); font->ft.gid2code = (pdc_ushort *) pdc_calloc(p->pdc, nalloc * sizeof (pdc_ushort), fn); /* fill up font arrays */ for (gid = 0; gid < font->ft.numglyphs; gid++) { const char *str = NULL, *glyphname = font->t3font->glyphs[gid].name; if (enc >= pdc_winansi) { /* search for code */ for (code = 0; code < font->ft.numcodes; code++) { if (ev->chars[code] != NULL) str = ev->chars[code]; else if (ev->codes[code]) str = pdc_unicode2glyphname(p->pdc, ev->codes[code]); if (str != NULL && !pdc_strcmp(glyphname, str)) break; } /* code found */ if (code < font->ft.numcodes) { font->ft.code2gid[code] = gid; font->ft.gid2code[gid] = code; if (!gid) font->gid0code = code; if (font->opt.monospace) ftm->widths[code] = font->opt.monospace; else ftm->widths[code] = (int) (font->t3font->glyphs[gid].width + 0.5); } } } pdf_type3_protocol(p, font, ev); /* font flags */ if (!pdf_make_fontflag(p, font)) return pdc_false; if (newinst) { *slot = -1; } else { if (deffont->apiname != NULL) pdc_free(p->pdc, deffont->apiname); *deffont = *font; deffont->hasoriginal = pdc_true; } return pdc_true; } pdc_bool pdf_isvalid_font(PDF *p, int slot) { if (slot > -1 && slot < p->fonts_number) { pdf_font *font = &p->fonts[slot]; if (!font->opt.auxiliary && (font->t3font == NULL || font->t3font->pass != 2)) return pdc_true; } return pdc_false; } #define PDF_FAMILYNAME_FLAG PDC_OPT_UNSUPP #define PDF_STRETCH_FLAG PDC_OPT_UNSUPP #define PDF_WEIGHT_FLAG PDC_OPT_UNSUPP /* * internal font stretch values */ #define PDF_FS_ULTRACONDENSED 1 #define PDF_FS_EXTRACONDENSED 2 #define PDF_FS_CONDENSED 3 #define PDF_FS_SEMICONDENSED 4 #define PDF_FS_NORMAL 5 #define PDF_FS_SEMIEXPANDED 6 #define PDF_FS_EXPANDED 7 #define PDF_FS_EXTRAEXPANDED 8 #define PDF_FS_ULTRAEXPANDED 9 static const pdc_keyconn pdf_fontstretch_keylist[] = { {"UltraCondensed", PDF_FS_ULTRACONDENSED}, {"ExtraCondensed", PDF_FS_EXTRACONDENSED}, {"Condensed", PDF_FS_CONDENSED}, {"SemiCondensed", PDF_FS_SEMICONDENSED}, {"Normal", PDF_FS_NORMAL}, {"SemiExpanded", PDF_FS_SEMIEXPANDED}, {"Expanded", PDF_FS_EXPANDED}, {"ExtraExpanded", PDF_FS_EXTRAEXPANDED}, {"UltraExpanded", PDF_FS_ULTRAEXPANDED}, {NULL, 0} }; /* conf. with fnt_fontweight_keylist[] in ft_font.c */ static const pdc_keyconn pdf_fontweight_keylist[] = { {"thin", FNT_FW_THIN}, {"extralight", FNT_FW_EXTRALIGHT}, {"light", FNT_FW_LIGHT}, {"normal", FNT_FW_NORMAL}, {"medium", FNT_FW_MEDIUM}, {"semibold", FNT_FW_SEMIBOLD}, {"bold", FNT_FW_BOLD}, {"extrabold", FNT_FW_EXTRABOLD}, {"black", FNT_FW_BLACK}, {NULL, 0} }; /* definitions of begin font options */ static const pdc_defopt pdf_begin_font_options[] = { {"colorized", pdc_booleanlist, 0, 1, 1, 0.0, 0.0, NULL}, {"widthsonly", pdc_booleanlist, 0, 1, 1, 0.0, 0.0, NULL}, {"familyname", pdc_stringlist, PDF_FAMILYNAME_FLAG, 1, 1, 1.0, PDF_MAX_FONTNAME, NULL}, {"stretch", pdc_keywordlist, PDF_STRETCH_FLAG, 1, 1, 0.0, 0.0, pdf_fontstretch_keylist}, {"weight", pdc_keywordlist, PDF_WEIGHT_FLAG, 1, 1, 0.0, 0.0, pdf_fontweight_keylist}, PDC_OPT_TERMINATE }; void pdf__begin_font( PDF *p, const char *fontname, int len, pdc_scalar a, pdc_scalar b, pdc_scalar c, pdc_scalar d, pdc_scalar e, pdc_scalar f, const char *optlist) { static const char fn[] = "pdf__begin_font"; char *fname; pdc_resopt *results; pdf_font tmpfont, *font; pdf_font_options fo; pdc_scalar det; pdc_clientdata cdata; int colorized = pdc_false; int metricsonly = pdc_false; int slot; if (fontname == NULL) pdc_error(p->pdc, PDC_E_ILLARG_EMPTY, "fontname", 0, 0, 0); /* Converting fontname */ fname = pdf_convert_name(p, fontname, len, PDC_CONV_WITHBOM); if (fname == NULL || *fname == '\0') pdc_error(p->pdc, PDC_E_ILLARG_EMPTY, "fontname", 0, 0, 0); fontname = pdc_errprintf(p->pdc, "%.*s", PDC_ERR_MAXSTRLEN, fname); pdc_free(p->pdc, fname); pdc_logg_cond(p->pdc, 1, trc_font, "\tBegin of Type3 font \"%s\"\n", fontname); /* error message prefix */ pdc_push_errmsg(p->pdc, PDF_E_T3_FONT_PREFIX, fontname, 0, 0, 0); /* look for an already existing font */ for (slot = 0; slot < p->fonts_number; slot++) { if (!pdc_strcmp(p->fonts[slot].apiname, fontname)) { if (p->fonts[slot].t3font->pass == 1) { pdc_logg_cond(p->pdc, 1, trc_font, "\tType3 font [%d] with metric definition found\n", slot); PDF_CHECK_STATE(p, pdf_state_document); p->fonts[slot].t3font->pass = 2; p->t3slot = slot; pdc_pop_errmsg(p->pdc); pdf_pg_suspend(p); PDF_SET_STATE(p, pdf_state_font); return; } pdc_error(p->pdc, PDF_E_T3_FONTEXISTS, 0, 0, 0, 0); } } pdc_check_number(p->pdc, "a", a); pdc_check_number(p->pdc, "b", b); pdc_check_number(p->pdc, "c", c); pdc_check_number(p->pdc, "d", d); pdc_check_number(p->pdc, "e", e); pdc_check_number(p->pdc, "f", f); det = a*d - b*c; if (det == 0) pdc_error(p->pdc, PDC_E_ILLARG_MATRIX, pdc_errprintf(p->pdc, "%f %f %f %f %f %f", a, b, c, d, e, f), 0, 0, 0); /* parsing optlist */ pdf_set_clientdata(p, &cdata); results = pdc_parse_optionlist(p->pdc, optlist, pdf_begin_font_options, &cdata, pdc_true); pdc_get_optvalues("colorized", results, &colorized, NULL); pdc_get_optvalues("widthsonly", results, &metricsonly, NULL); pdc_cleanup_optionlist(p->pdc, results); /* initialize font struct */ font = &tmpfont; pdf_init_font_options(p, &fo); pdf_init_font(p, font, &fo); /* * We store the new font in a font slot marked with "invalidenc" encoding. * When the font is used for the first time we modify the encoding. * Later uses will make a copy if the encoding is different. */ /* API font name */ font->apiname = pdc_strdup(p->pdc, fontname); font->ft.m.type = fnt_Type3; font->hasoriginal = pdc_true; font->ft.matrix.a = a; font->ft.matrix.b = b; font->ft.matrix.c = c; font->ft.matrix.d = d; font->ft.matrix.e = e; font->ft.matrix.f = f; font->t3font = (pdf_t3font*) pdc_malloc(p->pdc, sizeof(pdf_t3font), fn); pdf_init_t3font(p, font->t3font, T3GLYPHS_CHUNKSIZE); font->t3font->colorized = colorized; /* the resource id is needed until the font dict is written */ font->t3font->res_id = pdc_alloc_id(p->out); /* Now everything is fine, insert Type3 font with invalid encoding */ slot = pdf_insert_font(p, font); /* * We must store a pointer to the current font because its glyph * definitions may use other fonts and we would be unable to find * "our" current font again. This pointer lives throughout the * font definition, and will be reset in PDF_end_font() below. */ p->t3slot = slot; if (metricsonly) { font->t3font->pass = 1; pdc_logg_cond(p->pdc, 2, trc_font, "\t\tonly for metric definition\n"); } else { pdf_pg_suspend(p); } pdc_pop_errmsg(p->pdc); PDF_SET_STATE(p, pdf_state_font); if (!p->pdc->smokerun) pdc_logg_cond(p->pdc, 1, trc_api, "[Begin font %d]\n", p->t3slot); } void pdf__end_font(PDF *p) { int ig; pdf_font *font; pdf_t3font *t3font; PDF_SET_STATE(p, pdf_state_document); font = &p->fonts[p->t3slot]; t3font = font->t3font; /* error message prefix */ pdc_push_errmsg(p->pdc, PDF_E_T3_FONT_PREFIX, font->apiname, 0, 0, 0); if (t3font->pass == 0) { pdf_t3glyph glyph0 = t3font->glyphs[0]; /* search for .notdef glyph */ if (pdc_strcmp(glyph0.name, (char *) pdc_get_notdef_glyphname())) { for (ig = 0; ig < t3font->next_glyph; ig++) { if (!pdc_strcmp(t3font->glyphs[ig].name, (char *) pdc_get_notdef_glyphname())) break; } if (ig < t3font->next_glyph) { pdc_logg_cond(p->pdc, 2, trc_font, "\tGlyph id %d: \"%s\" will be exchanged " "with glyph id 0: \"%s\"\n", ig, t3font->glyphs[ig].name, glyph0.name); t3font->glyphs[0] = t3font->glyphs[ig]; t3font->glyphs[ig] = glyph0; } else { pdc_warning(p->pdc, PDF_E_T3_MISSNOTDEF, 0, 0, 0, 0); } } } if (t3font->pass != 1) { t3font->charprocs_id = pdc_alloc_id(p->out); pdc_begin_obj(p->out, t3font->charprocs_id); /* CharProcs dict */ pdc_begin_dict(p->out); for (ig = 0; ig < t3font->next_glyph; ig++) { pdf_t3glyph *glyph = &t3font->glyphs[ig]; if (glyph->charproc_id != PDC_BAD_ID) { pdf_put_pdfname(p, glyph->name); pdc_objref(p->out, "", glyph->charproc_id); } } pdc_end_dict(p->out); pdc_end_obj(p->out); /* CharProcs dict */ pdc_begin_obj(p->out, t3font->res_id); pdc_begin_dict(p->out); /* Resource dict */ pdf_write_page_fonts(p); /* Font resources */ pdf_write_page_colorspaces(p); /* Color space resources */ pdf_write_page_pattern(p); /* Pattern resources */ pdf_write_xobjects(p); /* XObject resources */ pdc_end_dict(p->out); /* Resource dict */ pdc_end_obj(p->out); /* Resource object */ pdf_pg_resume(p, -1); if (p->flush & pdc_flush_content) pdc_flush_stream(p->out); /* see pdf__begin_glyph */ pdf_init_tstate(p); pdf_init_gstate(p); pdf_init_cstate(p); } pdc_logg_cond(p->pdc, 1, trc_font, "\tEnd of Type3 font \"%s\"\n", font->apiname); pdc_pop_errmsg(p->pdc); if (!p->pdc->smokerun) pdc_logg_cond(p->pdc, 1, trc_api, "[End font %d]\n", p->t3slot); p->t3slot = -1; } void pdf__begin_glyph( PDF *p, const char *glyphname, pdc_scalar wx, pdc_scalar llx, pdc_scalar lly, pdc_scalar urx, pdc_scalar ury) { static const char fn[] = "pdf__begin_glyph"; pdf_font *font; pdf_t3font *t3font; pdf_t3glyph *glyph = NULL; int ig; if (glyphname == NULL || *glyphname == '\0') pdc_error(p->pdc, PDC_E_ILLARG_EMPTY, "glyphname", 0, 0, 0); font = &p->fonts[p->t3slot]; t3font = font->t3font; /* error message prefix */ pdc_push_errmsg(p->pdc, PDF_E_T3_FONT_PREFIX, font->apiname, 0, 0, 0); for (ig = 0; ig < t3font->next_glyph; ig++) { glyph = &t3font->glyphs[ig]; if (!pdc_strcmp(glyph->name, glyphname)) { if (t3font->pass == glyph->pass) pdc_error(p->pdc, PDF_E_T3_GLYPH, glyphname, 0, 0, 0); else break; } } /* new glyph */ if (ig == t3font->next_glyph) { if (t3font->pass == 2) pdc_error(p->pdc, PDF_E_T3_UNKOWNGLYPH, glyphname, 0, 0, 0); pdc_check_number(p->pdc, "wx", wx); pdc_check_number(p->pdc, "llx", llx); pdc_check_number(p->pdc, "lly", lly); pdc_check_number(p->pdc, "urx", urx); pdc_check_number(p->pdc, "ury", ury); if (t3font->colorized == pdc_true && (llx != 0 || lly != 0 || urx != 0 || ury != 0)) pdc_error(p->pdc, PDF_E_T3_BADBBOX, 0, 0, 0, 0); if (ig == t3font->capacity) { t3font->capacity *= 2; t3font->glyphs = (pdf_t3glyph *) pdc_realloc(p->pdc, t3font->glyphs, t3font->capacity * sizeof (pdf_t3glyph), fn); } glyph = &t3font->glyphs[ig]; glyph->charproc_id = PDC_BAD_ID; glyph->name = pdc_strdup(p->pdc, glyphname); glyph->wx = wx; glyph->llx = llx; glyph->lly = lly; glyph->urx = urx; glyph->ury = ury; /* see comment in p_font.c for explanation */ glyph->width = 1000 * wx * font->ft.matrix.a; /* if the strdup above fails, cleanup won't touch this slot. */ t3font->next_glyph++; } glyph->pass = t3font->pass; t3font->curr_glyph = ig; pdc_logg_cond(p->pdc, 1, trc_font, "\tBegin of Type3 font glyph \"%s\"\n", glyphname); if (t3font->pass != 1) { if (t3font->pass == 2) pdc_logg_cond(p->pdc, 2, trc_font, "\t\tglyph [%d] was used in text\n", ig); glyph->charproc_id = pdc_begin_obj(p->out, PDC_NEW_ID); pdc_begin_dict(p->out); p->length_id = pdc_alloc_id(p->out); pdc_objref(p->out, "/Length", p->length_id); if (pdc_get_compresslevel(p->out)) pdc_puts(p->out, "/Filter/FlateDecode\n"); pdc_end_dict(p->out); pdc_begin_pdfstream(p->out); if (t3font->colorized == pdc_true) pdc_printf(p->out, "%f 0 d0\n", glyph->wx); else { pdc_printf(p->out, "%f 0 %f %f %f %f d1\n", glyph->wx, glyph->llx, glyph->lly, glyph->urx, glyph->ury); /* adjust the font's bounding box */ if (glyph->llx < font->ft.bbox.llx) font->ft.bbox.llx = glyph->llx; if (glyph->lly < font->ft.bbox.lly) font->ft.bbox.lly = glyph->lly; if (glyph->urx > font->ft.bbox.urx) font->ft.bbox.urx = glyph->urx; if (glyph->ury > font->ft.bbox.ury) font->ft.bbox.ury = glyph->ury; } /* we must initialize the text, graphics and color state * otherwise the user get unpredictable appearance of a * glyph because of optimizing outputting graphics properties. * Following statements were inserted due to bug #719 */ pdf_init_tstate(p); pdf_init_gstate(p); pdf_init_cstate(p); PDF_SET_STATE(p, pdf_state_glyph); } else { PDF_SET_STATE(p, pdf_state_glyphmetric); } pdc_pop_errmsg(p->pdc); if (!p->pdc->smokerun) pdc_logg_cond(p->pdc, 1, trc_api, "[Begin glyph %d]\n", ig); } void pdf__end_glyph(PDF *p) { pdf_t3font *t3font = p->fonts[p->t3slot].t3font; pdf_t3glyph *glyph = &t3font->glyphs[t3font->curr_glyph]; int ig = t3font->curr_glyph; if (t3font->pass != 1 && glyph->charproc_id != PDC_BAD_ID) { /* check whether pdf__save() and pdf__restore() calls are balanced */ if (p->curr_ppt->sl > 0) pdc_error(p->pdc, PDF_E_GSTATE_UNMATCHEDSAVE, 0, 0, 0, 0); pdf_end_text(p); pdc_end_pdfstream(p->out); /* glyph description stream */ pdc_end_obj(p->out); /* glyph description */ pdc_put_pdfstreamlength(p->out, p->length_id); } PDF_SET_STATE(p, pdf_state_font); pdc_logg_cond(p->pdc, 1, trc_font, "\tEnd of Type3 font glyph \"%s\"\n", t3font->glyphs[ig].name); if (!p->pdc->smokerun) pdc_logg_cond(p->pdc, 1, trc_api, "[End glyph %d]\n", ig); } void pdf_init_type3(PDF *p) { p->t3slot = -1; }