/** \file * \brief SVG driver * * See Copyright Notice in cd.h */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <limits.h> #include <math.h> #include <locale.h> #include "cd.h" #include "wd.h" #include "cd_private.h" #include "cdsvg.h" #include "lodepng.h" #include "base64.h" struct _cdCtxCanvas { cdCanvas* canvas; char bgColor[20]; char fgColor[20]; char* linecap; char* linejoin; char linestyle[50]; char pattern[50]; char* old_locale; char* font_weight; char* font_style; char* font_decoration; char font_family[256]; char font_size[10]; double opacity; int hatchboxsize; /* private */ int last_fill_mode; int last_clip_poly; int last_clip_rect; int clip_control; int clip_polygon; int transform_control; FILE* file; }; static void cdtransform(cdCtxCanvas *ctxcanvas, const double* matrix); static void cdkillcanvas(cdCtxCanvas* ctxcanvas) { if (ctxcanvas->clip_control) fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "</g>\n"); /* close clipping container */ if (ctxcanvas->transform_control) fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "</g>\n"); /* close transform container */ fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "</g>\n"); /* close global container */ fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "</svg>\n"); fclose(ctxcanvas->file); if (ctxcanvas->old_locale) { setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, ctxcanvas->old_locale); free(ctxcanvas->old_locale); } memset(ctxcanvas, 0, sizeof(cdCtxCanvas)); free(ctxcanvas); } static int cdclip(cdCtxCanvas *ctxcanvas, int clip_mode) { if (ctxcanvas->clip_control) { int old_transform_control = ctxcanvas->transform_control; if (ctxcanvas->transform_control) { fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "</g>\n"); /* close transform container */ ctxcanvas->transform_control = 0; } fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "</g>\n"); /* close clipping container */ ctxcanvas->clip_control = 0; if (old_transform_control) cdtransform(ctxcanvas, ctxcanvas->canvas->matrix); /* reopen transform container */ } switch (clip_mode) { case CD_CLIPAREA: /* open clipping container */ fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "<g clip-path=\"url(#cliprect%d)\">\n", ctxcanvas->last_clip_rect); ctxcanvas->clip_control = 1; break; case CD_CLIPPOLYGON: if (ctxcanvas->clip_polygon) { /* open clipping container */ fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "<g clip-path=\"url(#clippoly%d)\" clip-rule:%s >\n", ctxcanvas->last_clip_poly, (ctxcanvas->canvas->fill_mode==CD_EVENODD)? "evenodd": "nonzero"); ctxcanvas->clip_control = 1; } break; } return clip_mode; } static void cdfcliparea(cdCtxCanvas *ctxcanvas, double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax) { double x, y, w, h; ctxcanvas->canvas->clip_rect.xmin = (int)xmin; ctxcanvas->canvas->clip_rect.ymin = (int)ymin; ctxcanvas->canvas->clip_rect.xmax = (int)xmax; ctxcanvas->canvas->clip_rect.ymax = (int)ymax; x = xmin; y = ymin; w = xmax - xmin + 1; h = ymax - ymin + 1; fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "<clipPath id=\"cliprect%d\">\n", ++ctxcanvas->last_clip_rect); fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "<rect x=\"%g\" y=\"%g\" width=\"%g\" height=\"%g\" />\n", x, y, w, h); fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "</clipPath>\n"); if (ctxcanvas->canvas->clip_mode == CD_CLIPAREA) cdclip(ctxcanvas, CD_CLIPAREA); } static void cdcliparea(cdCtxCanvas *ctxcanvas, int xmin, int xmax, int ymin, int ymax) { cdfcliparea(ctxcanvas, (double)xmin, (double)xmax, (double)ymin, (double)ymax); } static void cdtransform(cdCtxCanvas *ctxcanvas, const double* matrix) { if (ctxcanvas->transform_control) { int old_clip_control = ctxcanvas->clip_control; if (ctxcanvas->clip_control) { fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "</g>\n"); /* close clipping container */ ctxcanvas->clip_control = 0; } fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "</g>\n"); /* close transform container */ ctxcanvas->transform_control = 0; if (old_clip_control) cdclip(ctxcanvas, ctxcanvas->canvas->clip_mode); /* reopen clipping container */ } if (matrix) { double xmatrix[6]; /* Matrix identity + invert axis */ xmatrix[0] = 1; xmatrix[1] = 0; xmatrix[2] = 0; xmatrix[3] = -1; xmatrix[4] = 0; xmatrix[5] = (ctxcanvas->canvas->h-1); /* compose transform */ cdMatrixMultiply(matrix, xmatrix); /* open transform container */ fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "<g transform=\"matrix(%g %g %g %g %g %g)\">\n", xmatrix[0], xmatrix[1], xmatrix[2], xmatrix[3], xmatrix[4], xmatrix[5]); ctxcanvas->transform_control = 1; ctxcanvas->canvas->invert_yaxis = 0; } else ctxcanvas->canvas->invert_yaxis = 1; } static void cdfline(cdCtxCanvas *ctxcanvas, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) { fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "<line x1=\"%g\" y1=\"%g\" x2=\"%g\" y2=\"%g\" style=\"fill:none; stroke:%s; stroke-width:%d; stroke-linecap:%s; stroke-linejoin:%s; stroke-dasharray:%s; opacity:%g\" />\n", x1, y1, x2, y2, ctxcanvas->fgColor, ctxcanvas->canvas->line_width, ctxcanvas->linecap, ctxcanvas->linejoin, ctxcanvas->linestyle, ctxcanvas->opacity); } static void cdline(cdCtxCanvas *ctxcanvas, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { cdfline(ctxcanvas, (double)x1, (double)y1, (double)x2, (double)y2); } static void cdfrect(cdCtxCanvas *ctxcanvas, double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax) { fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "<rect x=\"%g\" y=\"%g\" width=\"%g\" height=\"%g\" style=\"fill:none; stroke:%s; stroke-width:%d; stroke-linecap:%s; stroke-linejoin:%s; stroke-dasharray:%s; opacity:%g\" />\n", xmin, ymin, xmax-xmin, ymax-ymin, ctxcanvas->fgColor, ctxcanvas->canvas->line_width, ctxcanvas->linecap, ctxcanvas->linejoin, ctxcanvas->linestyle, ctxcanvas->opacity); } static void cdrect(cdCtxCanvas *ctxcanvas, int xmin, int xmax, int ymin, int ymax) { cdfrect(ctxcanvas, (double)xmin, (double)xmax, (double)ymin, (double)ymax); } static void cdfbox(cdCtxCanvas *ctxcanvas, double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax) { fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "<rect x=\"%g\" y=\"%g\" width=\"%g\" height=\"%g\" style=\"fill:%s; stroke:none; opacity:%g\" />\n", xmin, ymin, xmax-xmin, ymax-ymin, (ctxcanvas->canvas->interior_style == CD_SOLID) ? ctxcanvas->fgColor: ctxcanvas->pattern, ctxcanvas->opacity); } static void cdbox(cdCtxCanvas *ctxcanvas, int xmin, int xmax, int ymin, int ymax) { cdfbox(ctxcanvas, (double)xmin, (double)xmax, (double)ymin, (double)ymax); } static void sCalcArc(cdCanvas* canvas, double xc, double yc, double w, double h, double a1, double a2, double *arcStartX, double *arcStartY, double *arcEndX, double *arcEndY, int *largeArc, int swap) { /* computation is done as if the angles are counterclockwise, and yaxis is NOT inverted. */ cdfCanvasGetArcStartEnd(xc, yc, w, h, a1, a2, arcStartX, arcStartY, arcEndX, arcEndY); if (canvas->invert_yaxis) { /* fix axis orientation */ *arcStartY = 2*yc - *arcStartY; *arcEndY = 2*yc - *arcEndY; } else { /* it is clock-wise when axis NOT inverted */ if (swap) { _cdSwapDouble(*arcStartX, *arcEndX); _cdSwapDouble(*arcStartY, *arcEndY); } } if (fabs(a2-a1) > 180.0) *largeArc = 1; else *largeArc = 0; } static void cdfarc(cdCtxCanvas *ctxcanvas, double xc, double yc, double w, double h, double a1, double a2) { double arcStartX, arcStartY, arcEndX, arcEndY; int largeArc; if((a1 == 0.0) && (a2 == 360.0)) /* an ellipse/circle */ { fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "<ellipse cx=\"%g\" cy=\"%g\" rx=\"%g\" ry=\"%g\" style=\"fill:none; stroke:%s; stroke-width:%d; stroke-linecap:%s; stroke-linejoin:%s; stroke-dasharray:%s; opacity:%g\" />\n", xc, yc, w/2, h/2, ctxcanvas->fgColor, ctxcanvas->canvas->line_width, ctxcanvas->linecap, ctxcanvas->linejoin, ctxcanvas->linestyle, ctxcanvas->opacity); return; } sCalcArc(ctxcanvas->canvas, xc, yc, w, h, a1, a2, &arcStartX, &arcStartY, &arcEndX, &arcEndY, &largeArc, 1); fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "<path d=\"M%g,%g A%g,%g 0 %d,0 %g,%g\" style=\"fill:none; stroke:%s; stroke-width:%d; stroke-linecap:%s; stroke-linejoin:%s; stroke-dasharray:%s; opacity:%g\" />\n", arcStartX, arcStartY, w/2, h/2, largeArc, arcEndX, arcEndY, ctxcanvas->fgColor, ctxcanvas->canvas->line_width, ctxcanvas->linecap, ctxcanvas->linejoin, ctxcanvas->linestyle, ctxcanvas->opacity); } static void cdarc(cdCtxCanvas *ctxcanvas, int xc, int yc, int w, int h, double a1, double a2) { cdfarc(ctxcanvas, (double)xc, (double)yc, (double)w, (double)h, a1, a2); } static void cdfsector(cdCtxCanvas *ctxcanvas, double xc, double yc, double w, double h, double a1, double a2) { double arcStartX, arcStartY, arcEndX, arcEndY; int largeArc; if((a1 == 0.0) && (a2 == 360.0)) /* an ellipse/circle */ { fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "<ellipse cx=\"%g\" cy=\"%g\" rx=\"%g\" ry=\"%g\" style=\"fill:%s; stroke:none; opacity:%g\" />\n", xc, yc, w/2, h/2, (ctxcanvas->canvas->interior_style == CD_SOLID) ? ctxcanvas->fgColor: ctxcanvas->pattern, ctxcanvas->opacity); return; } sCalcArc(ctxcanvas->canvas, xc, yc, w, h, a1, a2, &arcStartX, &arcStartY, &arcEndX, &arcEndY, &largeArc, 1); fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "<path d=\"M%g,%g L%g,%g A%g,%g 0 %d,0 %g,%g Z\" style=\"fill:%s; stroke:none; opacity:%g\" />\n", xc, yc, arcStartX, arcStartY, w/2, h/2, largeArc, arcEndX, arcEndY, (ctxcanvas->canvas->interior_style == CD_SOLID) ? ctxcanvas->fgColor: ctxcanvas->pattern, ctxcanvas->opacity); } static void cdsector(cdCtxCanvas *ctxcanvas, int xc, int yc, int w, int h, double a1, double a2) { cdfsector(ctxcanvas, (double)xc, (double)yc, (double)w, (double)h, a1, a2); } static void cdfchord(cdCtxCanvas *ctxcanvas, double xc, double yc, double w, double h, double a1, double a2) { double arcStartX, arcStartY, arcEndX, arcEndY; int largeArc; sCalcArc(ctxcanvas->canvas, xc, yc, w, h, a1, a2, &arcStartX, &arcStartY, &arcEndX, &arcEndY, &largeArc, 1); fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "<path d=\"M%g,%g A%g,%g 0 %d,0 %g,%g Z\" style=\"fill:%s; stroke:none; opacity:%g\" />\n", arcStartX, arcStartY, w/2, h/2, largeArc, arcEndX, arcEndY, (ctxcanvas->canvas->interior_style == CD_SOLID) ? ctxcanvas->fgColor: ctxcanvas->pattern, ctxcanvas->opacity); } static void cdchord(cdCtxCanvas *ctxcanvas, int xc, int yc, int w, int h, double a1, double a2) { cdfchord(ctxcanvas, (double)xc, (double)yc, (double)w, (double)h, a1, a2); } static void cdftext(cdCtxCanvas *ctxcanvas, double x, double y, const char *text, int len) { char* anchor; char* alignment; int i; switch (ctxcanvas->canvas->text_alignment) { case CD_NORTH: case CD_NORTH_EAST: case CD_NORTH_WEST: alignment = "text-before-edge"; break; case CD_SOUTH: case CD_SOUTH_EAST: case CD_SOUTH_WEST: alignment = "text-after-edge"; break; case CD_CENTER: case CD_EAST: case CD_WEST: alignment = "middle"; break; case CD_BASE_CENTER: case CD_BASE_LEFT: case CD_BASE_RIGHT: default: alignment = "baseline"; break; } switch (ctxcanvas->canvas->text_alignment) { case CD_WEST: case CD_NORTH_WEST: case CD_SOUTH_WEST: case CD_BASE_LEFT: anchor = "start"; break; case CD_CENTER: case CD_NORTH: case CD_SOUTH: case CD_BASE_CENTER: anchor = "middle"; break; case CD_EAST: case CD_NORTH_EAST: case CD_SOUTH_EAST: case CD_BASE_RIGHT: default: anchor = "end"; break; } /* Characters are putting in file using hexadecimal representations */ /* <text> string </text> no print special characters, like cedilla and acutes */ /* Future solution: use glyphs in embedded fonts (TO DO)*/ if (ctxcanvas->canvas->text_orientation != 0) { double text_cos = cos(ctxcanvas->canvas->text_orientation*CD_DEG2RAD); double text_sin = sin(ctxcanvas->canvas->text_orientation*CD_DEG2RAD); if (ctxcanvas->canvas->use_matrix) /* Transformation active */ fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "<text transform=\"matrix(%g %g %g %g %g %g)\" font-family=\"%s\" font-size=\"%s\" font-style=\"%s\" font-weight=\"%s\" text-decoration=\"%s\" text-anchor=\"%s\" dominant-baseline=\"%s\" fill=\"%s\">\n", text_cos, text_sin, text_sin, -text_cos, x, y, ctxcanvas->font_family, ctxcanvas->font_size, ctxcanvas->font_style, ctxcanvas->font_weight, ctxcanvas->font_decoration, anchor, alignment, ctxcanvas->fgColor); else fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "<text transform=\"matrix(%g %g %g %g %g %g)\" font-family=\"%s\" font-size=\"%s\" font-style=\"%s\" font-weight=\"%s\" text-decoration=\"%s\" text-anchor=\"%s\" dominant-baseline=\"%s\" fill=\"%s\">\n", text_cos, -text_sin, text_sin, text_cos, x, y, ctxcanvas->font_family, ctxcanvas->font_size, ctxcanvas->font_style, ctxcanvas->font_weight, ctxcanvas->font_decoration, anchor, alignment, ctxcanvas->fgColor); for(i = 0; i < len; i++) fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "&#x%02X;", (unsigned char)text[i]); fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "\n</text>\n"); } else { fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "<text x=\"%g\" y=\"%g\" font-family=\"%s\" font-size=\"%s\" font-style=\"%s\" font-weight=\"%s\" text-decoration=\"%s\" text-anchor=\"%s\" dominant-baseline=\"%s\" fill=\"%s\">\n", x, y, ctxcanvas->font_family, ctxcanvas->font_size, ctxcanvas->font_style, ctxcanvas->font_weight, ctxcanvas->font_decoration, anchor, alignment, ctxcanvas->fgColor); for(i = 0; i < len; i++) fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "&#x%02X;", (unsigned char)text[i]); fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "\n</text>\n"); } } static void cdtext(cdCtxCanvas *ctxcanvas, int x, int y, const char *text, int len) { cdftext(ctxcanvas, (double)x, (double)y, text, len); } static void sWritePointsF(cdCtxCanvas *ctxcanvas, cdfPoint* poly, int n, int close) { int i; for(i = 0; i<n; i++) fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "%g,%g ", poly[i].x, poly[i].y); if (close) fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "%g,%g ", poly[0].x, poly[0].y); } static void sWritePoints(cdCtxCanvas *ctxcanvas, cdPoint* poly, int n, int close) { int i; for(i = 0; i<n; i++) fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "%d,%d ", poly[i].x, poly[i].y); if (close) fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "%d,%d ", poly[0].x, poly[0].y); } static void cdfpoly(cdCtxCanvas *ctxcanvas, int mode, cdfPoint* poly, int n) { char* rule; if (mode == CD_PATH) { int i, p, clip_path = 0, end_path, current_set; for (p=0; p<ctxcanvas->canvas->path_n; p++) { if (ctxcanvas->canvas->path[p] == CD_PATH_CLIP) { clip_path = 1; break; } } if (clip_path) fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "<clipPath id=\"clippoly%d\">\n", ++ctxcanvas->last_clip_poly); /* starts a new path */ fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "<path d=\""); end_path = 0; current_set = 0; i = 0; for (p=0; p<ctxcanvas->canvas->path_n; p++) { switch(ctxcanvas->canvas->path[p]) { case CD_PATH_NEW: if (!end_path) fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "\" />\n"); fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "<path d=\""); end_path = 0; current_set = 0; break; case CD_PATH_MOVETO: if (i+1 > n) return; fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "M %g %g ", poly[i].x, poly[i].y); current_set = 1; i++; break; case CD_PATH_LINETO: if (i+1 > n) return; fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "L %g %g ", poly[i].x, poly[i].y); current_set = 1; i++; break; case CD_PATH_ARC: { double xc, yc, w, h, a1, a2; double arcStartX, arcStartY, arcEndX, arcEndY; int largeArc, sweep = 0; if (i+3 > n) return; if (!cdfCanvasGetArcPath(ctxcanvas->canvas, poly+i, &xc, &yc, &w, &h, &a1, &a2)) return; sCalcArc(ctxcanvas->canvas, xc, yc, w, h, a1, a2, &arcStartX, &arcStartY, &arcEndX, &arcEndY, &largeArc, 0); if (ctxcanvas->canvas->invert_yaxis && (a2-a1)<0) /* can be clockwise */ sweep = 1; if (current_set) fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "L %g %g A %g %g 0 %d %d %g %g ", arcStartX, arcStartY, w/2, h/2, largeArc, sweep, arcEndX, arcEndY); else fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "M %g %g A %g %g 0 %d %d %g %g ", arcStartX, arcStartY, w/2, h/2, largeArc, sweep, arcEndX, arcEndY); current_set = 1; i += 3; } break; case CD_PATH_CURVETO: if (i+3 > n) return; fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "C %g %g %g %g %g %g ", poly[i].x, poly[i].y, poly[i+1].x, poly[i+1].y, poly[i+2].x, poly[i+2].y); current_set = 1; i += 3; break; case CD_PATH_CLOSE: fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "Z "); break; case CD_PATH_FILL: rule = (ctxcanvas->canvas->fill_mode==CD_EVENODD)? "evenodd": "nonzero"; fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "\" style=\"fill:%s; fill-rule:%s; stroke:none; opacity:%g\" />\n", (ctxcanvas->canvas->interior_style == CD_SOLID) ? ctxcanvas->fgColor: ctxcanvas->pattern, rule, ctxcanvas->opacity); end_path = 1; break; case CD_PATH_STROKE: fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "\" style=\"fill:none; stroke:%s; stroke-width:%d; stroke-linecap:%s; stroke-linejoin:%s; stroke-dasharray:%s; opacity:%g\" />\n", ctxcanvas->fgColor, ctxcanvas->canvas->line_width, ctxcanvas->linecap, ctxcanvas->linejoin, ctxcanvas->linestyle, ctxcanvas->opacity); end_path = 1; break; case CD_PATH_FILLSTROKE: rule = (ctxcanvas->canvas->fill_mode==CD_EVENODD)? "evenodd": "nonzero"; fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "\" style=\"fill:%s; fill-rule:%s; stroke:%s; stroke-width:%d; stroke-linecap:%s; stroke-linejoin:%s; stroke-dasharray:%s; opacity:%g\" />\n", (ctxcanvas->canvas->interior_style == CD_SOLID) ? ctxcanvas->fgColor: ctxcanvas->pattern, rule, ctxcanvas->fgColor, ctxcanvas->canvas->line_width, ctxcanvas->linecap, ctxcanvas->linejoin, ctxcanvas->linestyle, ctxcanvas->opacity); end_path = 1; break; case CD_PATH_CLIP: fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "\" />\n"); fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "</clipPath>\n"); ctxcanvas->clip_polygon = 1; cdclip(ctxcanvas, CD_CLIPPOLYGON); end_path = 1; break; } } return; } switch (mode) { case CD_CLOSED_LINES: fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "<polygon style=\"fill:none; stroke:%s; stroke-width:%d; stroke-linecap:%s; stroke-linejoin:%s; stroke-dasharray:%s; opacity:%g\" points=\"", ctxcanvas->fgColor, ctxcanvas->canvas->line_width, ctxcanvas->linecap, ctxcanvas->linejoin, ctxcanvas->linestyle, ctxcanvas->opacity); sWritePointsF(ctxcanvas, poly, n, 1); fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "\" />\n"); break; case CD_OPEN_LINES: fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "<polyline style=\"fill:none; stroke:%s; stroke-width:%d; stroke-linecap:%s; stroke-linejoin:%s; stroke-dasharray:%s; opacity:%g\" points=\"", ctxcanvas->fgColor, ctxcanvas->canvas->line_width, ctxcanvas->linecap, ctxcanvas->linejoin, ctxcanvas->linestyle, ctxcanvas->opacity); sWritePointsF(ctxcanvas, poly, n, 0); fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "\" />\n"); break; case CD_BEZIER: fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "<path d=\"M%g,%g C", poly[0].x, poly[0].y); sWritePointsF(ctxcanvas, poly+1, n-1, 0); fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "\" style=\"fill:none; stroke:%s; stroke-width:%d; stroke-linecap:%s; stroke-linejoin:%s; stroke-dasharray:%s; opacity:%g\" />\n", ctxcanvas->fgColor, ctxcanvas->canvas->line_width, ctxcanvas->linecap, ctxcanvas->linejoin, ctxcanvas->linestyle, ctxcanvas->opacity); break; case CD_FILL: if(ctxcanvas->canvas->fill_mode==CD_EVENODD) rule = "evenodd"; else rule = "nonzero"; fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "<polygon style=\"fill:%s; fill-rule:%s; stroke:none; opacity:%g\" points=\"", (ctxcanvas->canvas->interior_style == CD_SOLID) ? ctxcanvas->fgColor: ctxcanvas->pattern, rule, ctxcanvas->opacity); sWritePointsF(ctxcanvas, poly, n, 0); fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "\" />\n"); break; case CD_CLIP: fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "<clipPath id=\"clippoly%d\">\n", ++ctxcanvas->last_clip_poly); fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "<polygon points=\""); sWritePointsF(ctxcanvas, poly, n, 0); fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "\" />\n"); fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "</clipPath>\n"); ctxcanvas->clip_polygon = 1; if (ctxcanvas->canvas->clip_mode == CD_CLIPPOLYGON) cdclip(ctxcanvas, CD_CLIPPOLYGON); break; } } static void cdpoly(cdCtxCanvas *ctxcanvas, int mode, cdPoint* poly, int n) { char* rule; if (mode == CD_PATH) { int i, p, clip_path = 0, end_path, current_set; for (p=0; p<ctxcanvas->canvas->path_n; p++) { if (ctxcanvas->canvas->path[p] == CD_PATH_CLIP) { clip_path = 1; break; } } if (clip_path) fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "<clipPath id=\"clippoly%d\">\n", ++ctxcanvas->last_clip_poly); /* starts a new path */ fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "<path d=\""); end_path = 0; current_set = 0; i = 0; for (p=0; p<ctxcanvas->canvas->path_n; p++) { switch(ctxcanvas->canvas->path[p]) { case CD_PATH_NEW: if (!end_path) fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "\" />\n"); fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "<path d=\""); end_path = 0; current_set = 0; break; case CD_PATH_MOVETO: if (i+1 > n) return; fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "M %d %d ", poly[i].x, poly[i].y); current_set = 1; i++; break; case CD_PATH_LINETO: if (i+1 > n) return; fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "L %d %d ", poly[i].x, poly[i].y); current_set = 1; i++; break; case CD_PATH_ARC: { int xc, yc, w, h; double a1, a2; double arcStartX, arcStartY, arcEndX, arcEndY; int largeArc, sweep = 0; if (i+3 > n) return; if (!cdCanvasGetArcPath(ctxcanvas->canvas, poly+i, &xc, &yc, &w, &h, &a1, &a2)) return; sCalcArc(ctxcanvas->canvas, xc, yc, w, h, a1, a2, &arcStartX, &arcStartY, &arcEndX, &arcEndY, &largeArc, 0); if (ctxcanvas->canvas->invert_yaxis && (a2-a1)<0) /* can be clockwise */ sweep = 1; if (current_set) fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "L %g %g A %d %d 0 %d %d %g %g ", arcStartX, arcStartY, w/2, h/2, largeArc, sweep, arcEndX, arcEndY); else fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "M %g %g A %d %d 0 %d %d %g %g ", arcStartX, arcStartY, w/2, h/2, largeArc, sweep, arcEndX, arcEndY); current_set = 1; i += 3; } break; case CD_PATH_CURVETO: if (i+3 > n) return; fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "C %d %d %d %d %d %d ", poly[i].x, poly[i].y, poly[i+1].x, poly[i+1].y, poly[i+2].x, poly[i+2].y); current_set = 1; i += 3; break; case CD_PATH_CLOSE: fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "Z "); break; case CD_PATH_FILL: rule = (ctxcanvas->canvas->fill_mode==CD_EVENODD)? "evenodd": "nonzero"; fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "\" style=\"fill:%s; fill-rule:%s; stroke:none; opacity:%g\" />\n", (ctxcanvas->canvas->interior_style == CD_SOLID) ? ctxcanvas->fgColor: ctxcanvas->pattern, rule, ctxcanvas->opacity); end_path = 1; break; case CD_PATH_STROKE: fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "\" style=\"fill:none; stroke:%s; stroke-width:%d; stroke-linecap:%s; stroke-linejoin:%s; stroke-dasharray:%s; opacity:%g\" />\n", ctxcanvas->fgColor, ctxcanvas->canvas->line_width, ctxcanvas->linecap, ctxcanvas->linejoin, ctxcanvas->linestyle, ctxcanvas->opacity); end_path = 1; break; case CD_PATH_FILLSTROKE: rule = (ctxcanvas->canvas->fill_mode==CD_EVENODD)? "evenodd": "nonzero"; fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "\" style=\"fill:%s; fill-rule:%s; stroke:%s; stroke-width:%d; stroke-linecap:%s; stroke-linejoin:%s; stroke-dasharray:%s; opacity:%g\" />\n", (ctxcanvas->canvas->interior_style == CD_SOLID) ? ctxcanvas->fgColor: ctxcanvas->pattern, rule, ctxcanvas->fgColor, ctxcanvas->canvas->line_width, ctxcanvas->linecap, ctxcanvas->linejoin, ctxcanvas->linestyle, ctxcanvas->opacity); end_path = 1; break; case CD_PATH_CLIP: fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "\" />\n"); fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "</clipPath>\n"); ctxcanvas->clip_polygon = 1; cdclip(ctxcanvas, CD_CLIPPOLYGON); end_path = 1; break; } } return; } switch (mode) { case CD_CLOSED_LINES: fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "<polygon style=\"fill:none; stroke:%s; stroke-width:%d; stroke-linecap:%s; stroke-linejoin:%s; stroke-dasharray:%s; opacity:%g\" points=\"", ctxcanvas->fgColor, ctxcanvas->canvas->line_width, ctxcanvas->linecap, ctxcanvas->linejoin, ctxcanvas->linestyle, ctxcanvas->opacity); sWritePoints(ctxcanvas, poly, n, 1); fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "\" />\n"); break; case CD_OPEN_LINES: fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "<polyline style=\"fill:none; stroke:%s; stroke-width:%d; stroke-linecap:%s; stroke-linejoin:%s; stroke-dasharray:%s; opacity:%g\" points=\"", ctxcanvas->fgColor, ctxcanvas->canvas->line_width, ctxcanvas->linecap, ctxcanvas->linejoin, ctxcanvas->linestyle, ctxcanvas->opacity); sWritePoints(ctxcanvas, poly, n, 0); fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "\" />\n"); break; case CD_BEZIER: fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "<path d=\"M%d,%d C", poly[0].x, poly[0].y); sWritePoints(ctxcanvas, poly+1, n-1, 0); fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "\" style=\"fill:none; stroke:%s; stroke-width:%d; stroke-linecap:%s; stroke-linejoin:%s; stroke-dasharray:%s; opacity:%g\" />\n", ctxcanvas->fgColor, ctxcanvas->canvas->line_width, ctxcanvas->linecap, ctxcanvas->linejoin, ctxcanvas->linestyle, ctxcanvas->opacity); break; case CD_FILL: if(ctxcanvas->canvas->fill_mode==CD_EVENODD) rule = "evenodd"; else rule = "nonzero"; fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "<polygon style=\"fill:%s; fill-rule:%s; stroke:none; opacity:%g\" points=\"", (ctxcanvas->canvas->interior_style == CD_SOLID) ? ctxcanvas->fgColor: ctxcanvas->pattern, rule, ctxcanvas->opacity); sWritePoints(ctxcanvas, poly, n, 0); fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "\" />\n"); break; case CD_CLIP: fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "<clipPath id=\"clippoly%d\">\n", ++ctxcanvas->last_clip_poly); fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "<polygon points=\""); sWritePoints(ctxcanvas, poly, n, 0); fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "\" />\n"); fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "</clipPath>\n"); ctxcanvas->clip_polygon = 1; if (ctxcanvas->canvas->clip_mode == CD_CLIPPOLYGON) cdclip(ctxcanvas, CD_CLIPPOLYGON); break; } } static int cdlinestyle(cdCtxCanvas *ctxcanvas, int style) { switch (style) { case CD_CONTINUOUS: /* empty dash */ default: sprintf(ctxcanvas->linestyle, "%s", "0"); break; case CD_DASHED: sprintf(ctxcanvas->linestyle, "%s", "6,2"); break; case CD_DOTTED: sprintf(ctxcanvas->linestyle, "%s", "2,2"); break; case CD_DASH_DOT: sprintf(ctxcanvas->linestyle, "%s", "6,2,2,2"); break; case CD_DASH_DOT_DOT: sprintf(ctxcanvas->linestyle, "%s", "6,2,2,2,2,2"); break; case CD_CUSTOM: { int i; sprintf(ctxcanvas->linestyle, "%d", ctxcanvas->canvas->line_dashes[0]); for (i = 1; i < ctxcanvas->canvas->line_dashes_count; i++) sprintf(ctxcanvas->linestyle, "%s, %d", ctxcanvas->linestyle, ctxcanvas->canvas->line_dashes[i]); } break; } return style; } static int cdlinecap(cdCtxCanvas *ctxcanvas, int cap) { if(cap == CD_CAPROUND) ctxcanvas->linecap = "round"; else if(cap == CD_CAPSQUARE) ctxcanvas->linecap = "square"; else /* CD_CAPFLAT */ ctxcanvas->linecap = "butt"; return cap; } static int cdlinejoin(cdCtxCanvas *ctxcanvas, int join) { if(join == CD_ROUND) ctxcanvas->linejoin = "round"; else if(join == CD_BEVEL) ctxcanvas->linejoin = "bevel"; else /* CD_MITER */ ctxcanvas->linejoin = "miter"; return join; } static int cdhatch(cdCtxCanvas *ctxcanvas, int style) { int hsize = ctxcanvas->hatchboxsize - 1; int hhalf = hsize / 2; sprintf(ctxcanvas->pattern, "url(#pattern%d)", ++ctxcanvas->last_fill_mode); fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "<pattern id=\"pattern%d\" patternUnits=\"userSpaceOnUse\" x=\"0\" y=\"0\" width=\"%d\" height=\"%d\">\n", ctxcanvas->last_fill_mode, hsize, hsize); if (ctxcanvas->canvas->back_opacity==CD_OPAQUE) { fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "<rect x=\"0\" y=\"0\" width=\"%d\" height=\"%d\" style=\"fill:%s; stroke:none; opacity:%g\" />\n", hsize, hsize, ctxcanvas->bgColor, ctxcanvas->opacity); } switch(style) { case CD_HORIZONTAL: fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "<line x1=\"%d\" y1=\"%d\" x2=\"%d\" y2=\"%d\" style=\"fill:none; stroke:%s; opacity:%g\" />\n", 0, hhalf, hsize, hhalf, ctxcanvas->fgColor, ctxcanvas->opacity); break; case CD_VERTICAL: fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "<line x1=\"%d\" y1=\"%d\" x2=\"%d\" y2=\"%d\" style=\"fill:none; stroke:%s; opacity:%g\" />\n", hhalf, 0, hhalf, hsize, ctxcanvas->fgColor, ctxcanvas->opacity); break; case CD_BDIAGONAL: fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "<line x1=\"%d\" y1=\"%d\" x2=\"%d\" y2=\"%d\" style=\"fill:none; stroke:%s; opacity:%g\" />\n", 0, hsize, hsize, 0, ctxcanvas->fgColor, ctxcanvas->opacity); break; case CD_FDIAGONAL: fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "<line x1=\"%d\" y1=\"%d\" x2=\"%d\" y2=\"%d\" style=\"fill:none; stroke:%s; opacity:%g\" />\n", 0, 0, hsize, hsize, ctxcanvas->fgColor, ctxcanvas->opacity); break; case CD_CROSS: fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "<line x1=\"%d\" y1=\"%d\" x2=\"%d\" y2=\"%d\" style=\"fill:none; stroke:%s; opacity:%g\" />\n", hsize, 0, hsize, hsize, ctxcanvas->fgColor, ctxcanvas->opacity); fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "<line x1=\"%d\" y1=\"%d\" x2=\"%d\" y2=\"%d\" style=\"fill:none; stroke:%s; opacity:%g\" />\n", 0, hhalf, hsize, hhalf, ctxcanvas->fgColor, ctxcanvas->opacity); break; case CD_DIAGCROSS: fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "<line x1=\"%d\" y1=\"%d\" x2=\"%d\" y2=\"%d\" style=\"fill:none; stroke:%s; opacity:%g\" />\n", 0, 0, hsize, hsize, ctxcanvas->fgColor, ctxcanvas->opacity); fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "<line x1=\"%d\" y1=\"%d\" x2=\"%d\" y2=\"%d\" style=\"fill:none; stroke:%s; opacity:%g\" />\n", hsize, 0, 0, hsize, ctxcanvas->fgColor, ctxcanvas->opacity); break; } fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "</pattern>\n"); return style; } static void make_pattern(cdCtxCanvas *ctxcanvas, int n, int m, void* data, int (*data2rgb)(cdCtxCanvas *ctxcanvas, int n, int i, int j, void* data, unsigned char*r, unsigned char*g, unsigned char*b)) { int i, j, ret; unsigned char r, g, b; char color[20]; sprintf(ctxcanvas->pattern, "url(#pattern%d)", ++ctxcanvas->last_fill_mode); fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "<pattern id=\"pattern%d\" patternUnits=\"userSpaceOnUse\" x=\"0\" y=\"0\" width=\"%d\" height=\"%d\">\n", ctxcanvas->last_fill_mode, n, m); for (j = 0; j < m; j++) { for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { /* internal transform, affects also pattern orientation */ if (ctxcanvas->canvas->invert_yaxis) ret = data2rgb(ctxcanvas, n, i, m-1 - j, data, &r, &g, &b); else ret = data2rgb(ctxcanvas, n, i, j, data, &r, &g, &b); if (ret == -1) continue; sprintf(color, "rgb(%d,%d,%d)", (int)r, (int)g, (int)b); fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "<rect x=\"%g\" y=\"%g\" width=\"%g\" height=\"%g\" style=\"fill:%s; opacity:%g\" />\n", (double)i, (double)j, 1.0, 1.0, color, ctxcanvas->opacity); } } fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "</pattern>\n"); } static int long2rgb(cdCtxCanvas *ctxcanvas, int n, int i, int j, void* data, unsigned char*r, unsigned char*g, unsigned char*b) { long* long_data = (long*)data; (void)ctxcanvas; cdDecodeColor(long_data[j*n+i], r, g, b); return 1; } static void cdpattern(cdCtxCanvas *ctxcanvas, int n, int m, const long int *pattern) { make_pattern(ctxcanvas, n, m, (void*)pattern, long2rgb); } static int uchar2rgb(cdCtxCanvas *ctxcanvas, int n, int i, int j, void* data, unsigned char*r, unsigned char*g, unsigned char*b) { unsigned char* uchar_data = (unsigned char*)data; if (uchar_data[j*n+i]) cdDecodeColor(ctxcanvas->canvas->foreground, r, g, b); else { if (ctxcanvas->canvas->back_opacity==CD_TRANSPARENT) return -1; else cdDecodeColor(ctxcanvas->canvas->background, r, g, b); } return 1; } static void cdstipple(cdCtxCanvas *ctxcanvas, int n, int m, const unsigned char *stipple) { make_pattern(ctxcanvas, n, m, (void*)stipple, uchar2rgb); } static int cdfont(cdCtxCanvas *ctxcanvas, const char* type_face, int style, int size) { /* Define type_face and size */ if (type_face != NULL) sprintf(ctxcanvas->font_family, "%s", type_face); if (size > 0) sprintf(ctxcanvas->font_size, "%dpt", size); else sprintf(ctxcanvas->font_size, "%dpx", (-1)*size); if (style != -1) { /* Define styles and decorations */ if (style & CD_BOLD) ctxcanvas->font_weight = "bold"; else ctxcanvas->font_weight = "normal"; if (style & CD_ITALIC) ctxcanvas->font_style = "italic"; else ctxcanvas->font_style = "normal"; if (style & CD_STRIKEOUT || style & CD_UNDERLINE) { if (style & CD_STRIKEOUT && style & CD_UNDERLINE) ctxcanvas->font_decoration = "line-through underline"; else { if (style & CD_STRIKEOUT) ctxcanvas->font_decoration = "line-through"; if (style & CD_UNDERLINE) ctxcanvas->font_decoration = "underline"; } } else ctxcanvas->font_decoration = "none"; } return 1; } static long cdbackground(cdCtxCanvas *ctxcanvas, long int color) { unsigned char r, g, b; cdDecodeColor(color, &r, &g, &b); sprintf(ctxcanvas->bgColor, "rgb(%d,%d,%d)", (int)r, (int)g, (int)b); return color; } static long cdforeground(cdCtxCanvas *ctxcanvas, long int color) { unsigned char r, g, b; cdDecodeColor(color, &r, &g, &b); sprintf(ctxcanvas->fgColor, "rgb(%d,%d,%d)", (int)r, (int)g, (int)b); return color; } static void cdputimagerectrgb(cdCtxCanvas *ctxcanvas, int iw, int ih, const unsigned char *r, const unsigned char *g, const unsigned char *b, int x, int y, int w, int h, int xmin, int xmax, int ymin, int ymax) { int i, j, d, rw, rh, rgb_size, target_size; unsigned char* rgb_data, *rgb_buffer; size_t buffer_size; LodePNG_Encoder encoder; char* rgb_target; if (xmin<0 || ymin<0 || xmax-xmin+1>iw || ymax-ymin+1>ih) return; rw = xmax-xmin+1; rh = ymax-ymin+1; rgb_size = 4*rw*rh; rgb_data = (unsigned char*)malloc(rgb_size); if (!rgb_data) return; d = 0; for (i=ymax; i>=ymin; i--) { for (j=xmin; j<=xmax; j++) { rgb_data[d] = r[i*iw+j]; d++; rgb_data[d] = g[i*iw+j]; d++; rgb_data[d] = b[i*iw+j]; d++; rgb_data[d] = (unsigned char)0xFF; d++; } } LodePNG_Encoder_init(&encoder); LodePNG_encode(&encoder, &rgb_buffer, &buffer_size, rgb_data, rw, rh); target_size = (buffer_size+2)/3*4+1; rgb_target = (char*)malloc(target_size); base64_encode(rgb_buffer, buffer_size, rgb_target, target_size); if (ctxcanvas->canvas->use_matrix) /* Transformation active */ fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "<image transform=\"matrix(%d %d %d %d %d %d)\" width=\"%d\" height=\"%d\" xlink:href=\"data:image/png;base64,%s\"/>\n", 1, 0, 0, -1, x, y+h, w, h, rgb_target); else fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "<image transform=\"matrix(%d %d %d %d %d %d)\" width=\"%d\" height=\"%d\" xlink:href=\"data:image/png;base64,%s\"/>\n", 1, 0, 0, 1, x, y-h, w, h, rgb_target); free(rgb_data); free(rgb_buffer); free(rgb_target); LodePNG_Encoder_cleanup(&encoder); } static void cdputimagerectrgba(cdCtxCanvas *ctxcanvas, int iw, int ih, const unsigned char *r, const unsigned char *g, const unsigned char *b, const unsigned char *a, int x, int y, int w, int h, int xmin, int xmax, int ymin, int ymax) { int i, j, d, rw, rh, rgb_size, target_size; size_t buffer_size; unsigned char* rgb_data, *rgb_buffer; LodePNG_Encoder encoder; char* rgb_target; if (xmin<0 || ymin<0 || xmax-xmin+1>iw || ymax-ymin+1>ih) return; rw = xmax-xmin+1; rh = ymax-ymin+1; rgb_size = 4*rw*rh; rgb_data = (unsigned char*)malloc(rgb_size); if (!rgb_data) return; d = 0; for (i=ymax; i>=ymin; i--) { for (j=xmin; j<=xmax; j++) { rgb_data[d] = r[i*iw+j]; d++; rgb_data[d] = g[i*iw+j]; d++; rgb_data[d] = b[i*iw+j]; d++; rgb_data[d] = a[i*iw+j]; d++; } } LodePNG_Encoder_init(&encoder); LodePNG_encode(&encoder, &rgb_buffer, &buffer_size, rgb_data, rw, rh); target_size = (buffer_size+2)/3*4+1; rgb_target = (char*)malloc(target_size); base64_encode(rgb_buffer, buffer_size, rgb_target, target_size); if (ctxcanvas->canvas->use_matrix) /* Transformation active */ fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "<image transform=\"matrix(%d %d %d %d %d %d)\" width=\"%d\" height=\"%d\" xlink:href=\"data:image/png;base64,%s\"/>\n", 1, 0, 0, -1, x, y+h, w, h, rgb_target); else fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "<image transform=\"matrix(%d %d %d %d %d %d)\" width=\"%d\" height=\"%d\" xlink:href=\"data:image/png;base64,%s\"/>\n", 1, 0, 0, 1, x, y-h, w, h, rgb_target); free(rgb_data); free(rgb_buffer); free(rgb_target); LodePNG_Encoder_cleanup(&encoder); } static void cdputimagerectmap(cdCtxCanvas *ctxcanvas, int iw, int ih, const unsigned char *index, const long int *colors, int x, int y, int w, int h, int xmin, int xmax, int ymin, int ymax) { int i, j, d, rw, rh, rgb_size, target_size; unsigned char* rgb_data, *rgb_buffer; size_t buffer_size; LodePNG_Encoder encoder; char* rgb_target; if (xmin<0 || ymin<0 || xmax-xmin+1>iw || ymax-ymin+1>ih) return; rw = xmax-xmin+1; rh = ymax-ymin+1; rgb_size = 4*rw*rh; rgb_data = (unsigned char*)malloc(rgb_size); if (!rgb_data) return; d = 0; for (i=ymax; i>=ymin; i--) { for (j=xmin; j<=xmax; j++) { unsigned char r, g, b; cdDecodeColor(colors[index[i*iw+j]], &r, &g, &b); rgb_data[d] = r; d++; rgb_data[d] = g; d++; rgb_data[d] = b; d++; rgb_data[d] = (unsigned char)0xFF; d++; } } LodePNG_Encoder_init(&encoder); LodePNG_encode(&encoder, &rgb_buffer, &buffer_size, rgb_data, rw, rh); target_size = (buffer_size+2)/3*4+1; rgb_target = (char*)malloc(target_size); base64_encode(rgb_buffer, buffer_size, rgb_target, target_size); if (ctxcanvas->canvas->use_matrix) /* Transformation active */ fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "<image transform=\"matrix(%d %d %d %d %d %d)\" width=\"%d\" height=\"%d\" xlink:href=\"data:image/png;base64,%s\"/>\n", 1, 0, 0, -1, x, y+h, w, h, rgb_target); else fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "<image transform=\"matrix(%d %d %d %d %d %d)\" width=\"%d\" height=\"%d\" xlink:href=\"data:image/png;base64,%s\"/>\n", 1, 0, 0, 1, x, y-h, w, h, rgb_target); free(rgb_data); free(rgb_buffer); free(rgb_target); LodePNG_Encoder_cleanup(&encoder); } static void cdpixel(cdCtxCanvas *ctxcanvas, int x, int y, long int color) { unsigned char r, g, b; cdDecodeColor(color, &r, &g, &b); fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "<circle cx=\"%d\" cy=\"%d\" r=\"0.5\" style=\"fill:rgb(%d,%d,%d); stroke:none; opacity:%g\" />\n", x, y, r, g, b, ctxcanvas->opacity); } static void cddeactivate (cdCtxCanvas* ctxcanvas) { fflush(ctxcanvas->file); } static void cdflush (cdCtxCanvas* ctxcanvas) { fflush(ctxcanvas->file); } static void set_hatchboxsize_attrib(cdCtxCanvas *ctxcanvas, char* data) { int hatchboxsize; if (data == NULL) { ctxcanvas->hatchboxsize = 8; return; } sscanf(data, "%d", &hatchboxsize); ctxcanvas->hatchboxsize = hatchboxsize; } static char* get_hatchboxsize_attrib(cdCtxCanvas *ctxcanvas) { static char size[10]; sprintf(size, "%d", ctxcanvas->hatchboxsize); return size; } static cdAttribute hatchboxsize_attrib = { "HATCHBOXSIZE", set_hatchboxsize_attrib, get_hatchboxsize_attrib }; static void set_opacity_attrib(cdCtxCanvas *ctxcanvas, char* data) { if (data) { int opacity = 255; sscanf(data, "%d", &opacity); if (opacity < 0) ctxcanvas->opacity = 0.0; else if (opacity > 255) ctxcanvas->opacity = 1.0; else ctxcanvas->opacity = (double)opacity/255.0; } else ctxcanvas->opacity = 1.0; } static char* get_opacity_attrib(cdCtxCanvas *ctxcanvas) { static char data[50]; sprintf(data, "%d", cdRound(ctxcanvas->opacity*255.0)); return data; } static cdAttribute opacity_attrib = { "OPACITY", set_opacity_attrib, get_opacity_attrib }; static void set_cmd_attrib(cdCtxCanvas *ctxcanvas, char* data) { fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "%s", data); } static cdAttribute cmd_attrib = { "CMD", set_cmd_attrib, NULL }; static void cdcreatecanvas(cdCanvas *canvas, void *data) { char filename[10240] = ""; char* strdata = (char*)data; double w_mm = INT_MAX*3.78, h_mm = INT_MAX*3.78, res = 3.78; cdCtxCanvas* ctxcanvas; strdata += cdGetFileName(strdata, filename); if (filename[0] == 0) return; sscanf(strdata, "%lgx%lg %lg", &w_mm, &h_mm, &res); ctxcanvas = (cdCtxCanvas *)malloc(sizeof(cdCtxCanvas)); memset(ctxcanvas, 0, sizeof(cdCtxCanvas)); /* SVN specification states that number must use dot as decimal separator */ ctxcanvas->old_locale = cdStrDup(setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, NULL)); setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C"); ctxcanvas->file = fopen(filename, "w"); if (!ctxcanvas->file) { free(ctxcanvas); return; } /* store the base canvas */ ctxcanvas->canvas = canvas; /* update canvas context */ canvas->w = (int)(w_mm * res); canvas->h = (int)(h_mm * res); canvas->w_mm = w_mm; canvas->h_mm = h_mm; canvas->bpp = 24; canvas->xres = res; canvas->yres = res; canvas->invert_yaxis = 1; /* update canvas context */ canvas->ctxcanvas = ctxcanvas; ctxcanvas->last_fill_mode = -1; ctxcanvas->last_clip_poly = -1; ctxcanvas->last_clip_rect = -1; ctxcanvas->clip_control = 0; ctxcanvas->transform_control = 0; ctxcanvas->clip_polygon = 0; ctxcanvas->hatchboxsize = 8; ctxcanvas->opacity = 1.0; cdRegisterAttribute(canvas, &cmd_attrib); cdRegisterAttribute(canvas, &hatchboxsize_attrib); cdRegisterAttribute(canvas, &opacity_attrib); fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"); fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "<svg xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\" xmlns:xlink=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink\" width=\"%gpt\" height=\"%gpt\" viewBox=\"0 0 %d %d\" version=\"1.1\">\n", CD_MM2PT*canvas->w_mm, CD_MM2PT*canvas->h_mm, canvas->w, canvas->h); fprintf(ctxcanvas->file, "<g>\n"); /* open global container */ } static void cdinittable(cdCanvas* canvas) { canvas->cxPixel = cdpixel; canvas->cxLine = cdline; canvas->cxPoly = cdpoly; canvas->cxRect = cdrect; canvas->cxBox = cdbox; canvas->cxArc = cdarc; canvas->cxSector = cdsector; canvas->cxChord = cdchord; canvas->cxText = cdtext; canvas->cxClip = cdclip; canvas->cxClipArea = cdcliparea; canvas->cxFont = cdfont; canvas->cxPutImageRectRGB = cdputimagerectrgb; canvas->cxPutImageRectRGBA = cdputimagerectrgba; canvas->cxPutImageRectMap = cdputimagerectmap; canvas->cxFLine = cdfline; canvas->cxFPoly = cdfpoly; canvas->cxFRect = cdfrect; canvas->cxFBox = cdfbox; canvas->cxFArc = cdfarc; canvas->cxFSector = cdfsector; canvas->cxFChord = cdfchord; canvas->cxFText = cdftext; canvas->cxFClipArea = cdfcliparea; canvas->cxLineStyle = cdlinestyle; canvas->cxLineCap = cdlinecap; canvas->cxLineJoin = cdlinejoin; canvas->cxHatch = cdhatch; canvas->cxStipple = cdstipple; canvas->cxPattern = cdpattern; canvas->cxBackground = cdbackground; canvas->cxForeground = cdforeground; canvas->cxTransform = cdtransform; canvas->cxFlush = cdflush; canvas->cxDeactivate = cddeactivate; canvas->cxKillCanvas = cdkillcanvas; } static cdContext cdSVGContext = { CD_CAP_ALL & ~(CD_CAP_CLEAR | CD_CAP_PLAY | CD_CAP_PALETTE | CD_CAP_REGION | CD_CAP_IMAGESRV | CD_CAP_WRITEMODE | CD_CAP_FONTDIM | CD_CAP_TEXTSIZE | CD_CAP_GETIMAGERGB), 0, cdcreatecanvas, cdinittable, NULL, NULL, }; cdContext* cdContextSVG(void) { return &cdSVGContext; }