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authorscuri <scuri>2009-06-26 16:56:56 +0000
committerscuri <scuri>2009-06-26 16:56:56 +0000
commit734afa90c3dda1232e9490d08346be4f2ffefec1 (patch)
parentbc06f61ecaf94425ad9ca76bf8d069f915a34ef7 (diff)
*** empty log message ***
1 files changed, 107 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/lua/combine9.lua b/test/lua/combine9.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0bc1b17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/lua/combine9.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+--A script to compose 9 photos, with 4/6 aspect ratio
+function Confirm(title,msg)
+ if continue then
+ b=iup.Alarm(title, msg ,"Continue" ,"Exit")
+ if b==2 then continue=false print("Script Aborted!") end
+ end
+function Create_Host_Image()
+ if continue then
+ local screenx=1024*3 screeny=684*3
+ dst_photo = im.ImageCreate(screenx, screeny, im.RGB, im.BYTE)
+ resize_photo = im.ImageCreate(1024, 684, im.RGB, im.BYTE) -- for resize
+ end
+function Create_Host_Name(name)
+ if continue then
+ i=0
+ repeat
+ i=i+1
+ num=1000+i
+ numstr=string.sub(tostring(num),-3)
+-- path="D:/Composite/"
+ path="D:/Downloads/Test/"
+ ext=".jpg"
+ res,
+ io.close()
+ until not res
+ end
+function Get_Source_Photo()
+ if continue then
+-- path="D:/MyPictures/"
+ path="D:/Downloads/Test/*.jpg"
+ Source, err = iup.GetFile(path)
+ print("Source: ", Source)
+ if err<0 then continue=false end
+ end
+function Insert_Photo(num)
+ if continue then
+ title="Photo "..num.." of 9" msg=Source Confirm(title,msg)
+ wd=dst_photo:Width()
+ hd=dst_photo:Height()
+ --print("Dst Size:",wd,hd)
+ src_photo=im.FileImageLoadBitmap(Source)
+ valuex=src_photo:Width()
+ valuey=src_photo:Height()
+ --print("Source Size:",valuex,valuey)
+ panex={0,1024,2048,0,1024,2048,0,1024,2048}
+ paney={0,0,0,684,684,684,1368,1368,1368}
+ Xd=panex[num]
+ Yd=paney[num]
+ Wd=1024 Hd=684
+ -- extract a proportional rectangle from the source image
+ if 1.5*valuey>valuex then
+ Ws=valuex
+ Xs=0
+ Hs=math.floor(valuex/1.5)
+ Ys=math.floor((valuey-Hs)/2)
+ else
+ Hs=valuey
+ Ys=0
+ Ws=math.floor(1.5*Hs)
+ Xs=math.floor((valuex-Ws)/2)
+ end
+ --print("Crop Size:",Ws, Hs)
+ --print("Crop Shift:",Xs,Ys)
+ crop_photo = im.ImageCreate(Ws, Hs, im.RGB, im.BYTE)
+ im.ProcessCrop(src_photo, crop_photo, Xs,Ys)
+ im.ProcessResize(crop_photo, resize_photo, 1) -- do bilinear interpolation
+ im.ProcessInsert(dst_photo, resize_photo, dst_photo, Xd, Yd) -- insert resize in dst and place the result in dst
+ crop_photo:Destroy()
+ if num==9 then src_photo:CopyAttributes(dst_photo) end
+ end
+function Save_Composite_Photo()
+ if continue then
+ name="Composite"
+ Create_Host_Name(name)
+ dst_photo:Save(Result, "JPEG")
+ os.execute(Result)
+ end
+--Script Starts
+title="9 Panel Composite" msg="Photos can be anysize." Confirm(title,msg)
+for i=1,9 do
+ num=i
+ Get_Source_Photo()
+ Insert_Photo(num)
+ end