path: root/src/lua5/im_process.lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/lua5/im_process.lua')
1 files changed, 326 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/lua5/im_process.lua b/src/lua5/im_process.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d91d5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lua5/im_process.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
+-- Creates a new function, with the name suffixed by "New". This new function
+-- creates a new image, based on a source image, and calls the previous function
+-- with this new image.
+-- We assume here that the functions returns only one parameter or none.
+local function OneSourceOneDest (funcname, width, height, color_space, data_type)
+ local func = im[funcname]
+ assert(func) -- see if function is really defined
+ -- define function with "New" suffix
+ im[funcname.."New"] = function (src_image, ...)
+ -- create destination image
+ local dst_image = im.ImageCreateBased(src_image, width, height, color_space, data_type)
+ -- call previous method, repassing all parameters
+ local ret = func(src_image, dst_image, unpack(arg))
+ if (ret) then
+ return ret, dst_image
+ else
+ return dst_image
+ end
+ end
+-- This function is similar to OneSourceOneDest, but it receives two source
+-- images.
+local function TwoSourcesOneDest (funcname, width, height, color_space, data_type)
+ local func = im[funcname]
+ -- see if function is really defined
+ assert(func, string.format("undefined function `%s'", funcname))
+ -- define function with "New" suffix
+ im[funcname.."New"] = function (src_image1, src_image2, ...)
+ -- create destination image
+ local dst_image = im.ImageCreateBased(src_image1, width, height, color_space, data_type)
+ -- call previous method, repassing all parameters
+ local ret = func(src_image1, src_image2, dst_image, unpack(arg))
+ if (ret) then
+ return ret, dst_image
+ else
+ return dst_image
+ end
+ end
+-- This function is similar to OneSourceOneDest, but it receives three source
+-- images.
+local function ThreeSourcesOneDest (funcname, width, height, color_space, data_type)
+ local func = im[funcname]
+ assert(func) -- see if function is really defined
+ -- define function with "New" suffix
+ im[funcname.."New"] = function (src_image1, src_image2, src_image3, ...)
+ -- create destination image
+ local dst_image = im.ImageCreateBased(src_image1, width, height, color_space, data_type)
+ -- call previous method, repassing all parameters
+ local ret = func(src_image1, src_image2, src_image3, dst_image, unpack(arg))
+ if (ret) then
+ return ret, dst_image
+ else
+ return dst_image
+ end
+ end
+-- This function is similar to OneSourceOneDest, but it creates two destiny
+-- images.
+local function OneSourceTwoDests (funcname, width, height, color_space, data_type)
+ local func = im[funcname]
+ assert(func) -- see if function is really defined
+ -- define function with "New" suffix
+ im[funcname.."New"] = function (src_image, ...)
+ -- create destination image
+ local dst_image1 = im.ImageCreateBased(src_image, width, height, color_space, data_type)
+ local dst_image2 = im.ImageCreateBased(src_image, width, height, color_space, data_type)
+ -- call previous method, repassing all parameters
+ local ret = func(src_image, dst_image1, dst_image2, unpack(arg))
+ if (ret) then
+ return ret, dst_image1, dst_image2
+ else
+ return dst_image1, dst_image2
+ end
+ end
+-- This function is similar to OneSourceOneDest, but it creates three destiny
+-- images.
+local function OneSourceThreeDests (funcname, width, height, color_space, data_type)
+ local func = im[funcname]
+ assert(func) -- see if function is really defined
+ -- define function with "New" suffix
+ im[funcname.."New"] = function (src_image, ...)
+ -- create destination image
+ local dst_image1 = im.ImageCreateBased(src_image, width, height, color_space, data_type)
+ local dst_image2 = im.ImageCreateBased(src_image, width, height, color_space, data_type)
+ local dst_image3 = im.ImageCreateBased(src_image, width, height, color_space, data_type)
+ -- call previous method, repassing all parameters
+ local ret = func(src_image, dst_image1, dst_image2, dst_image3, unpack(arg))
+ if (ret) then
+ return ret, dst_image1, dst_image2, dst_image3
+ else
+ return dst_image1, dst_image2, dst_image3
+ end
+ end
+local function hough_height(image)
+ local function sqr(x) return x*x end
+ local rmax = math.sqrt(sqr(image:Width()) + sqr(image:Height())) / 2
+ return 2*rmax+1
+OneSourceOneDest("AnalyzeFindRegions", nil, nil, nil, im.USHORT)
+OneSourceOneDest("ProcessHoughLines", 180, hough_height, im.GRAY, im.INT)
+OneSourceOneDest("ProcessDistanceTransform", nil, nil, nil, im.FLOAT)
+OneSourceOneDest("ProcessRegionalMaximum", nil, nil, im.BINARY, nil)
+function im.ProcessReduceNew (src_image, width, height)
+ local dst_image = im.ImageCreateBased(src_image, width, height)
+ return im.ProcessReduce(src_image, dst_image), dst_image
+function im.ProcessResizeNew (src_image, width, height)
+ local dst_image = im.ImageCreateBased(src_image, width, height)
+ return im.ProcessResize(src_image, dst_image), dst_image
+OneSourceOneDest("ProcessReduceBy4", function (image) return image:Width() / 2 end,
+ function (image) return image:Height() / 2 end)
+function im.ProcessCropNew (src_image, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
+ local width = xmax - xmin + 1
+ local height = xmax - ymin + 1
+ local dst_image = im.ImageCreateBased(src_image, width, height)
+ im.ProcessCrop(src_image, dst_image, xmin, ymin)
+ return dst_image
+function im.ProcessAddMarginsNew (src_image, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
+ local width = xmax - xmin + 1
+ local height = xmax - ymin + 1
+ local dst_image = im.ImageCreateBased(src_image, width, height)
+ im.ProcessAddMargins(src_image, dst_image, xmin, ymin)
+ return dst_image
+function im.ProcessRotateNew (src_image, cos0, sin0, order)
+ local width, height = im.ProcessCalcRotateSize(src_image:Width(), src_image:Height(), cos0, sin0)
+ local dst_image = im.ImageCreateBased(src_image, width, height)
+ return im.ProcessRotate(src_image, dst_image, cos0, sin0, order), dst_image
+OneSourceOneDest("ProcessRotate90", function (image) return image:Height() end, function (image) return image:Width() end)
+OneSourceTwoDests("ProcessInterlaceSplit", nil, function (image) if (image:Height()) then return image:Height() else return image:Height()/2 end end)
+function im.ProcessInterlaceSplitNew(src_image)
+ -- create destination image
+ local dst_height1 = src_image:Height()/2
+ if math.mod(src_image:Height(), 2) then
+ dst_height1 = dst_height1 + 1
+ end
+ local dst_image1 = im.ImageCreateBased(src_image, nil, dst_height1)
+ local dst_image2 = im.ImageCreateBased(src_image, nil, src_image:Height()/2)
+ -- call method, repassing all parameters
+ im.ProcessInterlaceSplit(src_image, dst_image1, dst_image2)
+ return dst_image1, dst_image2
+local function int_datatype (image)
+ local data_type = image:DataType()
+ if data_type == im.BYTE or data_type == im.USHORT then
+ data_type = im.INT
+ end
+ return data_type
+OneSourceOneDest("ProcessDiffOfGaussianConvolve", nil, nil, nil, int_datatype)
+OneSourceOneDest("ProcessLapOfGaussianConvolve", nil, nil, nil, int_datatype)
+function im.ProcessArithmeticConstOpNew (src_image, src_const, op)
+ local dst_image = im.ImageCreateBased(src_image)
+ im.ProcessArithmeticConstOp(src_image, src_const, dst_image, op)
+ return dst_image
+TwoSourcesOneDest("ProcessMergeComplex", nil, nil, nil, im.CFLOAT)
+function im.ProcessMultipleMeanNew (src_image_list, dst_image)
+ local dst_image = im.ImageCreateBased(src_image_list[1])
+ im.ProcessMultipleMean(src_image_list, dst_image)
+ return dst_image
+function im.ProcessMultipleStdDevNew (src_image_list, mean_image)
+ local dst_image = im.ImageCreateBased(src_image_list[1])
+ im.ProcessMultipleStdDev(src_image_list, mean_image, dst_image)
+ return dst_image
+OneSourceOneDest("ProcessQuantizeRGBUniform", nil, nil, im.MAP, nil)
+function im.ProcessSplitYChromaNew (src_image)
+ local y_image = im.ImageCreateBased(src_image, nil, nil, im.GRAY, im.BYTE)
+ local chroma_image = im.ImageCreateBased(src_image, nil, nil, im.RGB, im.BYTE)
+ im.ProcessSplitYChroma(src_image, y_image, chroma_image)
+ return y_image, chroma_image
+OneSourceThreeDests("ProcessSplitHSI", nil, nil, im.GRAY, im.FLOAT)
+ThreeSourcesOneDest("ProcessMergeHSI", nil, nil, im.RGB, im.BYTE)
+function im.ProcessSplitComponentsNew (src_image)
+ local depth = src_image:Depth()
+ local dst_images = {}
+ for i = 1, depth do
+ table.insert(dst_images, im.ImageCreateBased(src_image, nil, nil, im.GRAY))
+ end
+ im.ProcessSplitComponents(src_image, dst_images)
+ return unpack(dst_images)
+function im.ProcessMergeComponentsNew (src_image_list)
+ local dst_image = im.ImageCreateBased(src_image_list[1], nil, nil, im.RGB)
+ im.ProcessMergeComponents(src_image_list, dst_image)
+ return dst_image
+OneSourceOneDest("ProcessNormalizeComponents", nil, nil, nil, im.FLOAT)
+OneSourceOneDest("ProcessUnNormalize", nil, nil, nil, im.BYTE)
+OneSourceOneDest("ProcessDirectConv", nil, nil, nil, im.BYTE)
+OneSourceOneDest("ProcessRangeContrastThreshold", nil, nil, im.BINARY, nil)
+OneSourceOneDest("ProcessLocalMaxThreshold", nil, nil, im.BINARY, nil)
+OneSourceOneDest("ProcessThreshold", nil, nil, im.BINARY, nil)
+OneSourceOneDest("ProcessHysteresisThreshold", nil, nil, im.BINARY, nil)
+OneSourceOneDest("ProcessUniformErrThreshold", nil, nil, im.BINARY, nil)
+OneSourceOneDest("ProcessMinMaxThreshold", nil, nil, im.BINARY, nil)
+OneSourceOneDest("ProcessSliceThreshold", nil, nil, im.BINARY, nil)