path: root/src/lua5/imlua_process.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/lua5/imlua_process.c')
1 files changed, 3091 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/lua5/imlua_process.c b/src/lua5/imlua_process.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a6fe64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lua5/imlua_process.c
@@ -0,0 +1,3091 @@
+/** \file
+ * \brief IM Lua 5 Binding
+ *
+ * See Copyright Notice in im_lib.h
+ * $Id: imlua_process.c,v 1.1 2008/10/17 06:16:32 scuri Exp $
+ */
+#include <memory.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "im.h"
+#include "im_image.h"
+#include "im_process.h"
+#include "im_util.h"
+#include <lua.h>
+#include <lauxlib.h>
+#include "imlua.h"
+#include "imlua_aux.h"
+#include "imlua_image.h"
+ Image Statistics Calculations
+ im.CalcRMSError(image1, image2)
+static int imluaCalcRMSError (lua_State *L)
+ imImage* image1 = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage* image2 = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ imlua_match(L, image1, image2);
+ lua_pushnumber(L, imCalcRMSError(image1, image2));
+ return 1;
+ im.CalcSNR(src_image, noise_image)
+static int imluaCalcSNR (lua_State *L)
+ imImage* src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage* noise_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ imlua_match(L, src_image, noise_image);
+ lua_pushnumber(L, imCalcSNR(src_image, noise_image));
+ return 1;
+ im.CalcCountColors(src_image)
+static int imluaCalcCountColors (lua_State *L)
+ imImage* src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imlua_checkdatatype(L, 1, src_image, IM_BYTE);
+ if (src_image->color_space >= IM_CMYK)
+ luaL_argerror(L, 1, "color space can be RGB, Gray, Binary or Map only");
+ lua_pushnumber(L, imCalcCountColors(src_image));
+ return 1;
+ im.CalcHistogram(src_image, plane, cumulative)
+static int imluaCalcHistogram (lua_State *L)
+ imImage* src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ int plane = luaL_checkint(L, 2);
+ int cumulative = luaL_checkint(L, 3);
+ switch (src_image->data_type)
+ {
+ case IM_BYTE:
+ {
+ unsigned long hist[256];
+ imCalcHistogram((imbyte*) src_image->data[plane], src_image->count, hist, cumulative);
+ imlua_newarrayulong(L, hist, 256, 0);
+ }
+ break;
+ case IM_USHORT:
+ {
+ unsigned long hist[65535];
+ imCalcUShortHistogram(src_image->data[plane], src_image->count, hist, cumulative);
+ imlua_newarrayulong(L, hist, 65535, 0);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ luaL_argerror(L, 1, "data_type can be byte or ushort only");
+ break;
+ }
+ return 1;
+ im.CalcGrayHistogram(src_image, cumulative)
+static int imluaCalcGrayHistogram (lua_State *L)
+ unsigned long hist[256];
+ imImage* src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ int cumulative = luaL_checkint(L, 2);
+ imlua_checkdatatype(L, 1, src_image, IM_BYTE);
+ if (src_image->color_space >= IM_CMYK)
+ luaL_argerror(L, 1, "color space can be RGB, Gray, Binary or Map only");
+ imCalcGrayHistogram(src_image, hist, cumulative);
+ imlua_newarrayulong(L, hist, 256, 0);
+ return 1;
+ im.CalcImageStatistics(src_image)
+static int imluaCalcImageStatistics (lua_State *L)
+ imStats stats;
+ imImage *image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ if (image->data_type == IM_CFLOAT)
+ luaL_argerror(L, 1, "data type can NOT be of type cfloat");
+ imCalcImageStatistics(image, &stats);
+ lua_newtable(L);
+ lua_pushstring(L, "max"); lua_pushnumber(L, stats.max); lua_settable(L, -3);
+ lua_pushstring(L, "min"); lua_pushnumber(L, stats.min); lua_settable(L, -3);
+ lua_pushstring(L, "positive"); lua_pushnumber(L, stats.positive); lua_settable(L, -3);
+ lua_pushstring(L, "negative"); lua_pushnumber(L, stats.negative); lua_settable(L, -3);
+ lua_pushstring(L, "zeros"); lua_pushnumber(L, stats.zeros); lua_settable(L, -3);
+ lua_pushstring(L, "mean"); lua_pushnumber(L, stats.mean); lua_settable(L, -3);
+ lua_pushstring(L, "stddev"); lua_pushnumber(L, stats.stddev); lua_settable(L, -3);
+ return 1;
+ im.CalcHistogramStatistics(src_image)
+static int imluaCalcHistogramStatistics (lua_State *L)
+ imStats stats;
+ imImage *image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imlua_checkdatatype(L, 1, image, IM_BYTE);
+ imCalcHistogramStatistics(image, &stats);
+ lua_newtable(L);
+ lua_pushstring(L, "max"); lua_pushnumber(L, stats.max); lua_settable(L, -3);
+ lua_pushstring(L, "min"); lua_pushnumber(L, stats.min); lua_settable(L, -3);
+ lua_pushstring(L, "positive"); lua_pushnumber(L, stats.positive); lua_settable(L, -3);
+ lua_pushstring(L, "negative"); lua_pushnumber(L, stats.negative); lua_settable(L, -3);
+ lua_pushstring(L, "zeros"); lua_pushnumber(L, stats.zeros); lua_settable(L, -3);
+ lua_pushstring(L, "mean"); lua_pushnumber(L, stats.mean); lua_settable(L, -3);
+ lua_pushstring(L, "stddev"); lua_pushnumber(L, stats.stddev); lua_settable(L, -3);
+ return 1;
+ im.CalcHistoImageStatistics
+static int imluaCalcHistoImageStatistics (lua_State *L)
+ int* median;
+ int* mode;
+ imImage *image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imlua_checkdatatype(L, 1, image, IM_BYTE);
+ median = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*image->depth);
+ mode = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*image->depth);
+ imCalcHistoImageStatistics(image, median, mode);
+ imlua_newarrayint (L, median, image->depth, 0);
+ imlua_newarrayint (L, mode, image->depth, 0);
+ free(median);
+ free(mode);
+ return 2;
+ Image Analysis
+ im.AnalyzeFindRegions(src_image, dst_image, connect, touch_border)
+static int imluaAnalyzeFindRegions (lua_State *L)
+ imImage* src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage* dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ int connect = luaL_checkint(L, 3);
+ int touch_border = lua_toboolean(L, 4);
+ imlua_checkcolorspace(L, 1, src_image, IM_BINARY);
+ imlua_checktype(L, 2, dst_image, IM_GRAY, IM_USHORT);
+ luaL_argcheck(L, (connect == 4 || connect == 8), 3, "invalid connect value, must be 4 or 8");
+ lua_pushnumber(L, imAnalyzeFindRegions(src_image, dst_image, connect, touch_border));
+ return 1;
+static int iGetMax(imImage* image)
+ int max = 0;
+ int i;
+ imushort* data = (imushort*)image->data[0];
+ for (i = 0; i < image->count; i++)
+ {
+ if (*data > max)
+ max = *data;
+ data++;
+ }
+ return max;
+static int imlua_checkregioncount(lua_State *L, int narg, imImage* image)
+ if (lua_isnoneornil(L, narg)) return iGetMax(image);
+ else return (int)luaL_checknumber(L, narg);
+ im.AnalyzeMeasureArea(image, [count])
+static int imluaAnalyzeMeasureArea (lua_State *L)
+ int count;
+ int *area;
+ imImage* image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imlua_checktype(L, 1, image, IM_GRAY, IM_USHORT);
+ count = imlua_checkregioncount(L, 2, image);
+ area = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int) * count);
+ imAnalyzeMeasureArea(image, area, count);
+ imlua_newarrayint(L, area, count, 0);
+ free(area);
+ return 1;
+ im.AnalyzeMeasurePerimArea(image)
+static int imluaAnalyzeMeasurePerimArea (lua_State *L)
+ int count;
+ float *perimarea;
+ imImage* image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imlua_checktype(L, 1, image, IM_GRAY, IM_USHORT);
+ count = imlua_checkregioncount(L, 2, image);
+ perimarea = (float*) malloc(sizeof(float) * count);
+ imAnalyzeMeasurePerimArea(image, perimarea);
+ imlua_newarrayfloat (L, perimarea, count, 0);
+ free(perimarea);
+ return 1;
+ im.AnalyzeMeasureCentroid(image, [area], [count])
+static int imluaAnalyzeMeasureCentroid (lua_State *L)
+ int count;
+ float *cx, *cy;
+ int *area;
+ imImage* image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imlua_checktype(L, 1, image, IM_GRAY, IM_USHORT);
+ area = imlua_toarrayint(L, 2, &count, 0);
+ count = imlua_checkregioncount(L, 3, image);
+ cx = (float*) malloc (sizeof(float) * count);
+ cy = (float*) malloc (sizeof(float) * count);
+ imAnalyzeMeasureCentroid(image, area, count, cx, cy);
+ imlua_newarrayfloat(L, cx, count, 0);
+ imlua_newarrayfloat(L, cy, count, 0);
+ if (area)
+ free(area);
+ free(cx);
+ free(cy);
+ return 2;
+ im.AnalyzeMeasurePrincipalAxis(image, [area], [cx], [cy])
+static int imluaAnalyzeMeasurePrincipalAxis (lua_State *L)
+ int count;
+ float *cx, *cy;
+ int *area;
+ float *major_slope, *major_length, *minor_slope, *minor_length;
+ imImage* image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imlua_checktype(L, 1, image, IM_GRAY, IM_USHORT);
+ area = imlua_toarrayint(L, 2, &count, 0);
+ cx = imlua_toarrayfloat(L, 3, NULL, 0);
+ cy = imlua_toarrayfloat(L, 4, NULL, 0);
+ count = imlua_checkregioncount(L, 5, image);
+ major_slope = (float*) malloc (sizeof(float) * count);
+ major_length = (float*) malloc (sizeof(float) * count);
+ minor_slope = (float*) malloc (sizeof(float) * count);
+ minor_length = (float*) malloc (sizeof(float) * count);
+ imAnalyzeMeasurePrincipalAxis(image, area, cx, cy, count, major_slope, major_length, minor_slope, minor_length);
+ imlua_newarrayfloat(L, major_slope, count, 0);
+ imlua_newarrayfloat(L, major_length, count, 0);
+ imlua_newarrayfloat(L, minor_slope, count, 0);
+ imlua_newarrayfloat(L, minor_length, count, 0);
+ if (area)
+ free(area);
+ if (cx)
+ free(cx);
+ if (cy)
+ free(cy);
+ free(major_slope);
+ free(major_length);
+ free(minor_slope);
+ free(minor_length);
+ return 4;
+ im.AnalyzeMeasureHoles
+static int imluaAnalyzeMeasureHoles (lua_State *L)
+ int holes_count, count;
+ int connect;
+ int *area = NULL;
+ float *perim = NULL;
+ imImage* image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imlua_checktype(L, 1, image, IM_GRAY, IM_USHORT);
+ connect = luaL_checkint(L, 2);
+ count = imlua_checkregioncount(L, 3, image);
+ area = (int*) malloc (sizeof(int) * count);
+ perim = (float*) malloc (sizeof(float) * count);
+ imAnalyzeMeasureHoles(image, connect, &holes_count, area, perim);
+ lua_pushnumber(L, holes_count);
+ imlua_newarrayint(L, area, holes_count, 0);
+ imlua_newarrayfloat(L, perim, holes_count, 0);
+ if (area)
+ free(area);
+ if (perim)
+ free(perim);
+ return 3;
+ im.AnalyzeMeasurePerimeter(image, [count])
+static int imluaAnalyzeMeasurePerimeter (lua_State *L)
+ int count;
+ float *perim;
+ imImage* image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imlua_checktype(L, 1, image, IM_GRAY, IM_USHORT);
+ count = imlua_checkregioncount(L, 2, image);
+ perim = (float*) malloc(sizeof(float) * count);
+ imAnalyzeMeasurePerimeter(image, perim, count);
+ imlua_newarrayfloat(L, perim, count, 0);
+ free(perim);
+ return 1;
+ im.ProcessPerimeterLine(src_image, dst_image)
+static int imluaProcessPerimeterLine (lua_State *L)
+ imImage* src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage* dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ luaL_argcheck(L, (src_image->data_type < IM_FLOAT), 1, "image data type can be integer only");
+ imlua_match(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ imProcessPerimeterLine(src_image, dst_image);
+ return 0;
+ im.ProcessPrune(src_image, dst_image, connect, start_size, end_size)
+static int imluaProcessPrune (lua_State *L)
+ imImage* src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage* dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ int connect = luaL_checkint(L, 3);
+ int start_size = luaL_checkint(L, 4);
+ int end_size = luaL_checkint(L, 5);
+ imlua_checkcolorspace(L, 1, src_image, IM_BINARY);
+ imlua_match(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ luaL_argcheck(L, (connect == 4 || connect == 8), 3, "invalid connect value, must be 4 or 8");
+ imProcessPrune(src_image, dst_image, connect, start_size, end_size);
+ return 0;
+ im.ProcessFillHoles(src_image, dst_image, connect)
+static int imluaProcessFillHoles (lua_State *L)
+ imImage* src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage* dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ int connect = luaL_checkint(L, 3);
+ imlua_checkcolorspace(L, 1, src_image, IM_BINARY);
+ imlua_match(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ luaL_argcheck(L, (connect == 4 || connect == 8), 3, "invalid connect value, must be 4 or 8");
+ imProcessFillHoles(src_image, dst_image, connect);
+ return 0;
+static void imlua_checkhoughsize(lua_State *L, imImage* image, imImage* hough_image, int param)
+#define IMSQR(_x) (_x*_x)
+ int hough_rmax;
+ if (hough_image->width != 180)
+ luaL_argerror(L, param, "invalid image width");
+ hough_rmax = (int)(sqrt((double)(IMSQR(image->width) + IMSQR(image->height)))/2.0);
+ if (hough_image->height != 2*hough_rmax+1)
+ luaL_argerror(L, param, "invalid image height");
+ im.ProcessHoughLines(src_image, dst_image)
+static int imluaProcessHoughLines (lua_State *L)
+ imImage* src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage* dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ imlua_checkcolorspace(L, 1, src_image, IM_BINARY);
+ imlua_checktype(L, 2, dst_image, IM_GRAY, IM_INT);
+ imlua_checkhoughsize(L, src_image, dst_image, 2);
+ lua_pushboolean(L, imProcessHoughLines(src_image, dst_image));
+ return 0;
+ im.ProcessHoughLinesDraw(src_image, hough_points, dst_image)
+static int imluaProcessHoughLinesDraw (lua_State *L)
+ imImage* src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage* hough_points = imlua_checkimage(L, 3);
+ imImage* dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 4);
+ imImage* hough = NULL;
+ if (lua_isuserdata(L, 2))
+ {
+ hough = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ imlua_checktype(L, 2, hough, IM_GRAY, IM_INT);
+ imlua_checkhoughsize(L, src_image, hough, 2);
+ }
+ imlua_checktype(L, 1, src_image, IM_GRAY, IM_BYTE);
+ imlua_checkcolorspace(L, 3, hough_points, IM_BINARY);
+ imlua_checkhoughsize(L, src_image, hough_points, 3);
+ imlua_matchsize(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ lua_pushnumber(L, imProcessHoughLinesDraw(src_image, hough, hough_points, dst_image));
+ return 0;
+ im.ProcessDistanceTransform(src_image, dst_image)
+static int imluaProcessDistanceTransform (lua_State *L)
+ imImage* src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage* dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ imlua_checkcolorspace(L, 1, src_image, IM_BINARY);
+ imlua_checkdatatype(L, 2, dst_image, IM_FLOAT);
+ imlua_matchsize(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ imProcessDistanceTransform(src_image, dst_image);
+ return 0;
+ im.ProcessRegionalMaximum(src_image, dst_image)
+static int imluaProcessRegionalMaximum (lua_State *L)
+ imImage* src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage* dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ imlua_checktype(L, 1, src_image, IM_GRAY, IM_FLOAT);
+ imlua_checkcolorspace(L, 2, dst_image, IM_BINARY);
+ imlua_matchsize(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ imProcessRegionalMaximum(src_image, dst_image);
+ return 0;
+ Image Resize
+ im.ProcessReduce(src_image, dst_image, order)
+static int imluaProcessReduce (lua_State *L)
+ imImage* src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage* dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ int order = luaL_checkint(L, 3);
+ imlua_matchcolor(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ luaL_argcheck(L, (order == 0 || order == 1), 3, "invalid order, must be 0 or 1");
+ lua_pushboolean(L, imProcessReduce(src_image, dst_image, order));
+ return 1;
+ im.ProcessResize(src_image, dst_image, order)
+static int imluaProcessResize (lua_State *L)
+ imImage* src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage* dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ int order = luaL_checkint(L, 3);
+ imlua_matchcolor(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ luaL_argcheck(L, (order == 0 || order == 1 || order == 3), 3, "invalid order, must be 0, 1 or 3");
+ lua_pushboolean(L, imProcessResize(src_image, dst_image, order));
+ return 1;
+ im.ProcessReduceBy4(src_image, dst_image)
+static int imluaProcessReduceBy4 (lua_State *L)
+ imImage* src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage* dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ imlua_matchcolor(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ luaL_argcheck(L,
+ dst_image->width == (src_image->width / 2) &&
+ dst_image->height == (src_image->height / 2), 3, "destiny image size must be source image width/2, height/2");
+ imProcessReduceBy4(src_image, dst_image);
+ return 0;
+ im.ProcessCrop(src_image, dst_image, xmin, ymin)
+static int imluaProcessCrop (lua_State *L)
+ imImage* src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage* dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ int xmin = luaL_checkint(L, 3);
+ int ymin = luaL_checkint(L, 4);
+ imlua_matchcolor(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ luaL_argcheck(L, xmin > 0 && xmin < src_image->width, 3, "xmin must be > 0 and < width");
+ luaL_argcheck(L, ymin > 0 && ymin < src_image->height, 3, "ymin must be > 0 and < height");
+ luaL_argcheck(L, dst_image->width < (src_image->width - xmin), 2, "destiny image size must be smaller than source image width-xmin, height-ymin");
+ luaL_argcheck(L, dst_image->height < (src_image->height - ymin), 2, "destiny image size must be smaller than source image width-xmin, height-ymin");
+ imProcessCrop(src_image, dst_image, xmin, ymin);
+ return 0;
+ im.ProcessInsert(src_image, region_image, dst_image, xmin, ymin)
+static int imluaProcessInsert (lua_State *L)
+ imImage* src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage* region_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ imImage* dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 3);
+ int xmin = luaL_checkint(L, 4);
+ int ymin = luaL_checkint(L, 5);
+ imlua_matchcolor(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ luaL_argcheck(L, xmin > 0 && xmin < src_image->width, 3, "xmin must be > 0 and < width");
+ luaL_argcheck(L, ymin > 0 && ymin < src_image->height, 3, "ymin must be > 0 and < height");
+ imProcessInsert(src_image, region_image, dst_image, xmin, ymin);
+ return 0;
+ im.ProcessAddMargins(src_image, dst_image, xmin, ymin)
+static int imluaProcessAddMargins (lua_State *L)
+ imImage* src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage* dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ int xmin = luaL_checkint(L, 3);
+ int ymin = luaL_checkint(L, 4);
+ imlua_matchcolor(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ luaL_argcheck(L, dst_image->width > (src_image->width + xmin), 2, "destiny image size must be greatter than source image width+xmin, height+ymin");
+ luaL_argcheck(L, dst_image->height > (src_image->height + ymin), 2, "destiny image size must be greatter than source image width+xmin, height+ymin");
+ imProcessAddMargins(src_image, dst_image, xmin, ymin);
+ return 0;
+ Geometric Operations
+ im.ProcessCalcRotateSize
+static int imluaProcessCalcRotateSize (lua_State *L)
+ int new_width, new_height;
+ int width = luaL_checkint(L, 1);
+ int height = luaL_checkint(L, 2);
+ double cos0 = (double) luaL_checknumber(L, 3);
+ double sin0 = (double) luaL_checknumber(L, 4);
+ imProcessCalcRotateSize(width, height, &new_width, &new_height, cos0, sin0);
+ lua_pushnumber(L, new_width);
+ lua_pushnumber(L, new_height);
+ return 2;
+ im.ProcessRotate
+static int imluaProcessRotate (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ double cos0 = (double) luaL_checknumber(L, 3);
+ double sin0 = (double) luaL_checknumber(L, 4);
+ int order = luaL_checkint(L, 5);
+ imlua_matchcolor(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ luaL_argcheck(L, (order == 0 || order == 1 || order == 3), 5, "invalid order, must be 0, 1 or 3");
+ lua_pushboolean(L, imProcessRotate(src_image, dst_image, cos0, sin0, order));
+ return 1;
+ im.ProcessRotateRef
+static int imluaProcessRotateRef (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ double cos0 = (double) luaL_checknumber(L, 3);
+ double sin0 = (double) luaL_checknumber(L, 4);
+ int x = luaL_checkint(L, 5);
+ int y = luaL_checkint(L, 6);
+ int to_origin = luaL_checkint(L, 7);
+ int order = luaL_checkint(L, 8);
+ imlua_matchcolor(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ luaL_argcheck(L, (order == 0 || order == 1 || order == 3), 5, "invalid order, must be 0, 1, or 3");
+ lua_pushboolean(L, imProcessRotateRef(src_image, dst_image, cos0, sin0, x, y, to_origin, order));
+ return 1;
+ im.ProcessRotate90
+static int imluaProcessRotate90 (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ int dir = luaL_checkint(L, 3);
+ imlua_matchcolor(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ luaL_argcheck(L, dst_image->width == src_image->height && dst_image->height == src_image->width, 2, "destiny width and height must have the source height and width");
+ luaL_argcheck(L, (dir == -1 || dir == 1), 3, "invalid dir, can be -1 or 1 only");
+ imProcessRotate90(src_image, dst_image, dir);
+ return 0;
+ im.ProcessRotate180
+static int imluaProcessRotate180 (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ imlua_match(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ imProcessRotate180(src_image, dst_image);
+ return 0;
+ im.ProcessMirror
+static int imluaProcessMirror (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ imlua_match(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ imProcessMirror(src_image, dst_image);
+ return 0;
+ im.ProcessFlip
+static int imluaProcessFlip (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ imlua_match(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ imProcessFlip(src_image, dst_image);
+ return 0;
+ im.ProcessInterlaceSplit
+static int imluaProcessInterlaceSplit (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *dst_image1 = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ imImage *dst_image2 = imlua_checkimage(L, 3);
+ imlua_matchcolor(L, src_image, dst_image1);
+ imlua_matchcolor(L, src_image, dst_image2);
+ luaL_argcheck(L, dst_image1->width == src_image->width && dst_image2->width == src_image->width, 2, "destiny width must be equal to source width");
+ if (src_image->height%2)
+ {
+ int dst_height1 = src_image->height/2 + 1;
+ luaL_argcheck(L, dst_image1->height == dst_height1, 2, "destiny1 height must be equal to source height/2+1 if height odd");
+ }
+ else
+ luaL_argcheck(L, dst_image1->height == src_image->height/2, 2, "destiny1 height must be equal to source height/2 if height even");
+ luaL_argcheck(L, dst_image2->height == src_image->height/2, 2, "destiny2 height must be equal to source height/2");
+ imProcessInterlaceSplit(src_image, dst_image1, dst_image2);
+ return 0;
+ im.ProcessRadial
+static int imluaProcessRadial (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ float k1 = (float) luaL_checknumber(L, 3);
+ int order = luaL_checkint(L, 4);
+ imlua_match(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ luaL_argcheck(L, (order == 0 || order == 1 || order == 3), 4, "invalid order");
+ lua_pushboolean(L, imProcessRadial(src_image, dst_image, k1, order));
+ return 1;
+ im.ProcessSwirl
+static int imluaProcessSwirl(lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ float k1 = (float) luaL_checknumber(L, 3);
+ int order = luaL_checkint(L, 4);
+ imlua_match(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ luaL_argcheck(L, (order == 0 || order == 1 || order == 3), 4, "invalid order, can be 0, 1 or 3");
+ lua_pushboolean(L, imProcessSwirl(src_image, dst_image, k1, order));
+ return 1;
+static void imlua_checknotcfloat(lua_State *L, imImage *image, int index)
+ if (image->data_type == IM_CFLOAT)
+ luaL_argerror(L, index, "image data type can NOT be cfloat");
+ Morphology Operations for Gray Images
+ im.ProcessGrayMorphConvolve
+static int imluaProcessGrayMorphConvolve (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ imImage *kernel = imlua_checkimage(L, 3);
+ int ismax = lua_toboolean(L, 4);
+ imlua_checknotcfloat(L, src_image, 1);
+ imlua_match(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ imlua_checkdatatype(L, 3, kernel, IM_INT);
+ imlua_matchsize(L, src_image, kernel);
+ lua_pushboolean(L, imProcessGrayMorphConvolve(src_image, dst_image, kernel, ismax));
+ return 1;
+ im.ProcessGrayMorphErode
+static int imluaProcessGrayMorphErode (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ int kernel_size = luaL_checkint(L, 3);
+ imlua_checknotcfloat(L, src_image, 1);
+ imlua_match(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ lua_pushboolean(L, imProcessGrayMorphErode(src_image, dst_image, kernel_size));
+ return 1;
+ im.ProcessGrayMorphDilate
+static int imluaProcessGrayMorphDilate (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ int kernel_size = luaL_checkint(L, 3);
+ imlua_checknotcfloat(L, src_image, 1);
+ imlua_match(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ lua_pushboolean(L, imProcessGrayMorphDilate(src_image, dst_image, kernel_size));
+ return 1;
+ im.ProcessGrayMorphOpen
+static int imluaProcessGrayMorphOpen (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ int kernel_size = luaL_checkint(L, 3);
+ imlua_checknotcfloat(L, src_image, 1);
+ imlua_match(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ lua_pushboolean(L, imProcessGrayMorphOpen(src_image, dst_image, kernel_size));
+ return 1;
+ im.ProcessGrayMorphClose
+static int imluaProcessGrayMorphClose (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ int kernel_size = luaL_checkint(L, 3);
+ imlua_checknotcfloat(L, src_image, 1);
+ imlua_match(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ lua_pushboolean(L, imProcessGrayMorphClose(src_image, dst_image, kernel_size));
+ return 1;
+ im.ProcessGrayMorphTopHat
+static int imluaProcessGrayMorphTopHat (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ int kernel_size = luaL_checkint(L, 3);
+ imlua_checknotcfloat(L, src_image, 1);
+ imlua_match(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ lua_pushboolean(L, imProcessGrayMorphTopHat(src_image, dst_image, kernel_size));
+ return 1;
+ im.ProcessGrayMorphWell
+static int imluaProcessGrayMorphWell (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ int kernel_size = luaL_checkint(L, 3);
+ imlua_checknotcfloat(L, src_image, 1);
+ imlua_match(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ lua_pushboolean(L, imProcessGrayMorphWell(src_image, dst_image, kernel_size));
+ return 1;
+ im.ProcessGrayMorphGradient
+static int imluaProcessGrayMorphGradient (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ int kernel_size = luaL_checkint(L, 3);
+ imlua_checknotcfloat(L, src_image, 1);
+ imlua_match(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ lua_pushboolean(L, imProcessGrayMorphGradient(src_image, dst_image, kernel_size));
+ return 1;
+ Morphology Operations for Binary Images
+ im.ProcessBinMorphConvolve
+static int imluaProcessBinMorphConvolve (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ imImage *kernel = imlua_checkimage(L, 3);
+ int hit_white = luaL_checkint(L, 4);
+ int iter = luaL_checkint(L, 5);
+ imlua_checkcolorspace(L, 1, src_image, IM_BINARY);
+ imlua_match(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ imlua_checkdatatype(L, 3, kernel, IM_INT);
+ imlua_matchsize(L, src_image, kernel);
+ lua_pushboolean(L, imProcessBinMorphConvolve(src_image, dst_image, kernel, hit_white, iter));
+ return 1;
+ im.ProcessBinMorphErode
+static int imluaProcessBinMorphErode (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ int kernel_size = luaL_checkint(L, 3);
+ int iter = luaL_checkint(L, 4);
+ imlua_checkcolorspace(L, 1, src_image, IM_BINARY);
+ imlua_match(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ lua_pushboolean(L, imProcessBinMorphErode(src_image, dst_image, kernel_size, iter));
+ return 1;
+ im.ProcessBinMorphDilate
+static int imluaProcessBinMorphDilate (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ int kernel_size = luaL_checkint(L, 3);
+ int iter = luaL_checkint(L, 4);
+ imlua_checkcolorspace(L, 1, src_image, IM_BINARY);
+ imlua_match(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ lua_pushboolean(L, imProcessBinMorphDilate(src_image, dst_image, kernel_size, iter));
+ return 1;
+ im.ProcessBinMorphOpen
+static int imluaProcessBinMorphOpen (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ int kernel_size = luaL_checkint(L, 3);
+ int iter = luaL_checkint(L, 4);
+ imlua_checkcolorspace(L, 1, src_image, IM_BINARY);
+ imlua_match(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ lua_pushboolean(L, imProcessBinMorphOpen(src_image, dst_image, kernel_size, iter));
+ return 1;
+ im.ProcessBinMorphClose
+static int imluaProcessBinMorphClose (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ int kernel_size = luaL_checkint(L, 3);
+ int iter = luaL_checkint(L, 4);
+ imlua_checkcolorspace(L, 1, src_image, IM_BINARY);
+ imlua_match(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ lua_pushboolean(L, imProcessBinMorphClose(src_image, dst_image, kernel_size, iter));
+ return 1;
+ im.ProcessBinMorphOutline
+static int imluaProcessBinMorphOutline (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ int kernel_size = luaL_checkint(L, 3);
+ int iter = luaL_checkint(L, 4);
+ imlua_checkcolorspace(L, 1, src_image, IM_BINARY);
+ imlua_match(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ lua_pushboolean(L, imProcessBinMorphOutline(src_image, dst_image, kernel_size, iter));
+ return 1;
+ im.ProcessBinMorphThin
+static int imluaProcessBinMorphThin (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ imlua_checkcolorspace(L, 1, src_image, IM_BINARY);
+ imlua_match(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ imProcessBinMorphThin(src_image, dst_image);
+ return 0;
+ Rank Convolution Operations
+ im.ProcessMedianConvolve
+static int imluaProcessMedianConvolve (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ int kernel_size = luaL_checkint(L, 3);
+ imlua_checknotcfloat(L, src_image, 1);
+ imlua_match(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ lua_pushboolean(L, imProcessMedianConvolve(src_image, dst_image, kernel_size));
+ return 1;
+ im.ProcessRangeConvolve
+static int imluaProcessRangeConvolve (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ int kernel_size = luaL_checkint(L, 3);
+ imlua_checknotcfloat(L, src_image, 1);
+ imlua_match(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ lua_pushboolean(L, imProcessRangeConvolve(src_image, dst_image, kernel_size));
+ return 1;
+ im.ProcessRankClosestConvolve
+static int imluaProcessRankClosestConvolve (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ int kernel_size = luaL_checkint(L, 3);
+ imlua_checknotcfloat(L, src_image, 1);
+ imlua_match(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ lua_pushboolean(L, imProcessRankClosestConvolve(src_image, dst_image, kernel_size));
+ return 1;
+ im.ProcessRankMaxConvolve
+static int imluaProcessRankMaxConvolve (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ int kernel_size = luaL_checkint(L, 3);
+ imlua_checknotcfloat(L, src_image, 1);
+ imlua_match(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ lua_pushboolean(L, imProcessRankMaxConvolve(src_image, dst_image, kernel_size));
+ return 1;
+ im.ProcessRankMinConvolve
+static int imluaProcessRankMinConvolve (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ int kernel_size = luaL_checkint(L, 3);
+ imlua_checknotcfloat(L, src_image, 1);
+ imlua_match(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ lua_pushboolean(L, imProcessRankMinConvolve(src_image, dst_image, kernel_size));
+ return 1;
+ Convolution Operations
+static void imlua_checkkernel(lua_State *L, imImage* kernel, int index)
+ imlua_checkcolorspace(L, index, kernel, IM_GRAY);
+ luaL_argcheck(L, kernel->data_type == IM_INT || kernel->data_type == IM_FLOAT, index, "kernel data type can be int or float only");
+ im.ProcessConvolve
+static int imluaProcessConvolve (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ imImage *kernel = imlua_checkimage(L, 3);
+ imlua_match(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ imlua_checkkernel(L, kernel, 3);
+ lua_pushboolean(L, imProcessConvolve(src_image, dst_image, kernel));
+ return 1;
+ im.ProcessConvolveDual
+static int imluaProcessConvolveDual (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ imImage *kernel1 = imlua_checkimage(L, 3);
+ imImage *kernel2 = imlua_checkimage(L, 4);
+ imlua_match(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ imlua_checkkernel(L, kernel1, 3);
+ imlua_checkkernel(L, kernel2, 4);
+ lua_pushboolean(L, imProcessConvolveDual(src_image, dst_image, kernel1, kernel2));
+ return 1;
+ im.ProcessConvolveRep
+static int imluaProcessConvolveRep (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ imImage *kernel = imlua_checkimage(L, 3);
+ int count = luaL_checkint(L, 4);
+ imlua_match(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ imlua_checkkernel(L, kernel, 3);
+ lua_pushboolean(L, imProcessConvolveRep(src_image, dst_image, kernel, count));
+ return 1;
+ im.ProcessConvolveSep
+static int imluaProcessConvolveSep (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ imImage *kernel = imlua_checkimage(L, 3);
+ imlua_match(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ imlua_checkkernel(L, kernel, 3);
+ lua_pushboolean(L, imProcessConvolveSep(src_image, dst_image, kernel));
+ return 1;
+ im.ProcessCompassConvolve
+static int imluaProcessCompassConvolve (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ imImage *kernel = imlua_checkimage(L, 3);
+ imlua_checknotcfloat(L, src_image, 1);
+ imlua_match(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ imlua_checkkernel(L, kernel, 3);
+ lua_pushboolean(L, imProcessCompassConvolve(src_image, dst_image, kernel));
+ return 1;
+ im.ProcessRotateKernel
+static int imluaProcessRotateKernel (lua_State *L)
+ imProcessRotateKernel(imlua_checkimage(L, 1));
+ return 0;
+ im.ProcessDiffOfGaussianConvolve
+static int imluaProcessDiffOfGaussianConvolve (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ float stddev1 = (float) luaL_checknumber(L, 3);
+ float stddev2 = (float) luaL_checknumber(L, 4);
+ if (src_image->data_type == IM_BYTE || src_image->data_type == IM_USHORT)
+ {
+ imlua_matchcolor(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ imlua_checkdatatype(L, 2, dst_image, IM_INT);
+ }
+ else
+ imlua_match(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ lua_pushboolean(L, imProcessDiffOfGaussianConvolve(src_image, dst_image, stddev1, stddev2));
+ return 1;
+ im.ProcessLapOfGaussianConvolve
+static int imluaProcessLapOfGaussianConvolve (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ float stddev = (float) luaL_checknumber(L, 3);
+ if (src_image->data_type == IM_BYTE || src_image->data_type == IM_USHORT)
+ {
+ imlua_matchcolor(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ imlua_checkdatatype(L, 2, dst_image, IM_INT);
+ }
+ else
+ imlua_match(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ lua_pushboolean(L, imProcessLapOfGaussianConvolve(src_image, dst_image, stddev));
+ return 1;
+ im.ProcessMeanConvolve
+static int imluaProcessMeanConvolve (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ int kernel_size = luaL_checkint(L, 3);
+ imlua_match(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ lua_pushboolean(L, imProcessMeanConvolve(src_image, dst_image, kernel_size));
+ return 1;
+ im.ProcessBarlettConvolve
+static int imluaProcessBarlettConvolve (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ int kernel_size = luaL_checkint(L, 3);
+ imlua_match(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ lua_pushboolean(L, imProcessBarlettConvolve(src_image, dst_image, kernel_size));
+ return 1;
+ im.ProcessGaussianConvolve
+static int imluaProcessGaussianConvolve (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ float stddev = (float) luaL_checknumber(L, 3);
+ imlua_match(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ lua_pushboolean(L, imProcessGaussianConvolve(src_image, dst_image, stddev));
+ return 1;
+ im.ProcessPrewittConvolve
+static int imluaProcessPrewittConvolve (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ imlua_match(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ lua_pushboolean(L, imProcessPrewittConvolve(src_image, dst_image));
+ return 1;
+ im.ProcessSplineEdgeConvolve
+static int imluaProcessSplineEdgeConvolve (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ imlua_match(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ lua_pushboolean(L, imProcessSplineEdgeConvolve(src_image, dst_image));
+ return 1;
+ im.ProcessSobelConvolve
+static int imluaProcessSobelConvolve (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ imlua_match(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ lua_pushboolean(L, imProcessSobelConvolve(src_image, dst_image));
+ return 1;
+ im.ProcessZeroCrossing
+static int imluaProcessZeroCrossing (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ luaL_argcheck(L, src_image->data_type == IM_INT || src_image->data_type == IM_FLOAT, 1, "image data type can be int or float only");
+ imlua_match(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ imProcessZeroCrossing(src_image, dst_image);
+ return 0;
+ im.ProcessCanny
+static int imluaProcessCanny (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ float stddev = (float) luaL_checknumber(L, 3);
+ imlua_checktype(L, 1, src_image, IM_GRAY, IM_BYTE);
+ imlua_match(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ imProcessCanny(src_image, dst_image, stddev);
+ return 0;
+ im.GaussianStdDev2Repetitions
+static int imluaGaussianKernelSize2StdDev(lua_State *L)
+ lua_pushnumber(L, imGaussianKernelSize2StdDev((int)luaL_checknumber(L, 1)));
+ return 1;
+ im.GaussianStdDev2KernelSize
+static int imluaGaussianStdDev2KernelSize (lua_State *L)
+ lua_pushnumber(L, imGaussianStdDev2KernelSize((float)luaL_checknumber(L, 1)));
+ return 1;
+ Arithmetic Operations
+ im.ProcessUnArithmeticOp
+static int imluaProcessUnArithmeticOp (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ int op = luaL_checkint(L, 3);
+ imlua_matchcolorspace(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ imProcessUnArithmeticOp(src_image, dst_image, op);
+ return 0;
+ im.ProcessArithmeticOp
+static int imluaProcessArithmeticOp (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image1 = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *src_image2 = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ imImage *dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 3);
+ int op = luaL_checkint(L, 4);
+ imlua_match(L, src_image1, src_image2);
+ imlua_matchsize(L, src_image1, dst_image);
+ imlua_matchsize(L, src_image2, dst_image);
+ switch (src_image1->data_type)
+ {
+ case IM_BYTE:
+ luaL_argcheck(L,
+ dst_image->data_type == IM_BYTE ||
+ dst_image->data_type == IM_USHORT ||
+ dst_image->data_type == IM_INT ||
+ dst_image->data_type == IM_FLOAT,
+ 2, "source image is byte, destiny image data type can be byte, ushort, int and float only.");
+ break;
+ case IM_USHORT:
+ luaL_argcheck(L,
+ dst_image->data_type == IM_USHORT ||
+ dst_image->data_type == IM_INT ||
+ dst_image->data_type == IM_FLOAT,
+ 2, "source image is ushort, destiny image data type can be ushort, int and float only.");
+ break;
+ case IM_INT:
+ luaL_argcheck(L,
+ dst_image->data_type == IM_INT ||
+ dst_image->data_type == IM_FLOAT,
+ 2, "source image is int, destiny image data type can be int and float only.");
+ break;
+ case IM_FLOAT:
+ luaL_argcheck(L,
+ dst_image->data_type == IM_FLOAT,
+ 2, "source image is float, destiny image data type can be float only.");
+ break;
+ case IM_CFLOAT:
+ luaL_argcheck(L,
+ dst_image->data_type == IM_CFLOAT,
+ 2, "source image is cfloat, destiny image data type can be cfloat only.");
+ break;
+ }
+ imProcessArithmeticOp(src_image1, src_image2, dst_image, op);
+ return 0;
+ im.ProcessArithmeticConstOp
+static int imluaProcessArithmeticConstOp (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ float src_const = (float) luaL_checknumber(L, 2);
+ imImage *dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 3);
+ int op = luaL_checkint(L, 4);
+ imlua_matchsize(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ switch (src_image->data_type)
+ {
+ case IM_BYTE:
+ luaL_argcheck(L,
+ dst_image->data_type == IM_BYTE ||
+ dst_image->data_type == IM_USHORT ||
+ dst_image->data_type == IM_INT ||
+ dst_image->data_type == IM_FLOAT,
+ 2, "source image is byte, destiny image data type can be byte, ushort, int and float only.");
+ break;
+ case IM_USHORT:
+ luaL_argcheck(L,
+ dst_image->data_type == IM_USHORT ||
+ dst_image->data_type == IM_INT ||
+ dst_image->data_type == IM_FLOAT,
+ 2, "source image is ushort, destiny image data type can be ushort, int and float only.");
+ break;
+ case IM_INT:
+ luaL_argcheck(L,
+ dst_image->data_type == IM_INT ||
+ dst_image->data_type == IM_FLOAT,
+ 2, "source image is int, destiny image data type can be int and float only.");
+ break;
+ case IM_FLOAT:
+ luaL_argcheck(L,
+ dst_image->data_type == IM_FLOAT,
+ 2, "source image is float, destiny image data type can be float only.");
+ break;
+ case IM_CFLOAT:
+ luaL_argcheck(L,
+ dst_image->data_type == IM_CFLOAT,
+ 2, "source image is cfloat, destiny image data type can be cfloat only.");
+ break;
+ }
+ imProcessArithmeticConstOp(src_image, src_const, dst_image, op);
+ return 0;
+ im.ProcessBlendConst
+static int imluaProcessBlendConst (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image1 = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *src_image2 = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ imImage *dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 3);
+ float alpha = (float) luaL_checknumber(L, 4);
+ imlua_match(L, src_image1, src_image2);
+ imlua_match(L, src_image1, dst_image);
+ imProcessBlendConst(src_image1, src_image2, dst_image, alpha);
+ return 0;
+ im.ProcessBlend
+static int imluaProcessBlend (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image1 = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *src_image2 = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ imImage *alpha_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 3);
+ imImage *dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 4);
+ imlua_match(L, src_image1, src_image2);
+ imlua_match(L, src_image1, dst_image);
+ imlua_matchdatatype(L, src_image1, alpha_image);
+ imProcessBlend(src_image1, src_image2, alpha_image, dst_image);
+ return 0;
+ im.ProcessSplitComplex
+static int imluaProcessSplitComplex (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *dst_image1 = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ imImage *dst_image2 = imlua_checkimage(L, 3);
+ int polar = luaL_checkint(L, 4);
+ imlua_checkdatatype(L, 1, src_image, IM_CFLOAT);
+ imlua_checkdatatype(L, 2, dst_image1, IM_FLOAT);
+ imlua_checkdatatype(L, 3, dst_image2, IM_FLOAT);
+ imlua_matchcolorspace(L, src_image, dst_image1);
+ imlua_matchcolorspace(L, src_image, dst_image2);
+ imProcessSplitComplex(src_image, dst_image1, dst_image2, polar);
+ return 0;
+ im.ProcessMergeComplex
+static int imluaProcessMergeComplex (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image1 = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *src_image2 = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ imImage *dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 3);
+ int polar = luaL_checkint(L, 5);
+ imlua_checkdatatype(L, 1, src_image1, IM_FLOAT);
+ imlua_checkdatatype(L, 2, src_image2, IM_FLOAT);
+ imlua_checkdatatype(L, 3, dst_image, IM_CFLOAT);
+ imlua_matchcolorspace(L, src_image1, src_image2);
+ imlua_matchcolorspace(L, src_image1, dst_image);
+ imProcessMergeComplex(src_image1, src_image2, dst_image, polar);
+ return 0;
+ im.ProcessMultipleMean
+static int imluaProcessMultipleMean (lua_State *L)
+ int i, src_image_count;
+ imImage *dst_image;
+ imImage **src_image_list;
+ luaL_checktype(L, 1, LUA_TTABLE);
+ src_image_count = imlua_getn(L, 1);
+ src_image_list = (imImage**)malloc(sizeof(imImage*)*src_image_count);
+ for (i = 0; i < src_image_count; i++)
+ {
+ lua_rawgeti(L, 1, i+1);
+ src_image_list[i] = imlua_checkimage(L, -1);
+ }
+ dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ for (i = 0; i < src_image_count; i++)
+ {
+ int check = imImageMatchDataType(src_image_list[i], dst_image);
+ if (!check) free(src_image_list);
+ imlua_matchcheck(L, check, "images must have the same size and data type");
+ }
+ imProcessMultipleMean((const imImage**)src_image_list, src_image_count, dst_image);
+ free(src_image_list);
+ return 0;
+ im.ProcessMultipleStdDev
+static int imluaProcessMultipleStdDev (lua_State *L)
+ int i, src_image_count, check;
+ imImage *dst_image, *mean_image;
+ imImage **src_image_list;
+ if (!lua_istable(L, 1))
+ luaL_argerror(L, 1, "must be a table");
+ lua_pushstring(L, "table");
+ lua_gettable(L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX);
+ lua_pushstring(L, "getn");
+ lua_gettable(L, -2);
+ src_image_count = luaL_checkint(L, -1);
+ lua_pop(L, 1);
+ src_image_list = (imImage**) malloc(src_image_count * sizeof(imImage*));
+ for (i = 0; i < src_image_count; i++)
+ {
+ lua_rawgeti(L, 1, i+1);
+ src_image_list[i] = imlua_checkimage(L, -1);
+ }
+ mean_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 3);
+ for (i = 0; i < src_image_count; i++)
+ {
+ check = imImageMatchDataType(src_image_list[i], dst_image);
+ if (!check) free(src_image_list);
+ imlua_matchcheck(L, check, "images must have the same size and data type");
+ }
+ check = imImageMatchDataType(mean_image, dst_image);
+ if (!check) free(src_image_list);
+ imlua_matchcheck(L, check, "images must have the same size and data type");
+ imProcessMultipleStdDev((const imImage**)src_image_list, src_image_count, mean_image, dst_image);
+ free(src_image_list);
+ return 0;
+ im.ProcessAutoCovariance
+static int imluaProcessAutoCovariance (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *mean_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ imImage *dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 3);
+ imlua_match(L, src_image, mean_image);
+ imlua_matchcolorspace(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ imlua_checkdatatype(L, 3, dst_image, IM_FLOAT);
+ lua_pushnumber(L, imProcessAutoCovariance(src_image, mean_image, dst_image));
+ return 1;
+ im.ProcessMultiplyConj
+static int imluaProcessMultiplyConj (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image1 = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *src_image2 = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ imImage *dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 3);
+ imlua_match(L, src_image1, src_image2);
+ imlua_match(L, src_image1, dst_image);
+ imProcessMultiplyConj(src_image1, src_image2, dst_image);
+ return 0;
+ Additional Image Quantization Operations
+ im.ProcessQuantizeRGBUniform
+static int imluaProcessQuantizeRGBUniform (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ int dither = luaL_checkint(L, 3);
+ imlua_checktype(L, 1, src_image, IM_RGB, IM_BYTE);
+ imlua_checkcolorspace(L, 2, dst_image, IM_MAP);
+ imlua_matchsize(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ imProcessQuantizeRGBUniform(src_image, dst_image, dither);
+ return 0;
+ im.ProcessQuantizeGrayUniform
+static int imluaProcessQuantizeGrayUniform (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ int grays = luaL_checkint(L, 3);
+ imlua_checktype(L, 1, src_image, IM_GRAY, IM_BYTE);
+ imlua_checktype(L, 2, dst_image, IM_GRAY, IM_BYTE);
+ imlua_match(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ imProcessQuantizeGrayUniform(src_image, dst_image, grays);
+ return 0;
+ Histogram Based Operations
+ im.ProcessExpandHistogram
+static int imluaProcessExpandHistogram (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ float percent = (float) luaL_checknumber(L, 3);
+ imlua_checkdatatype(L, 1, src_image, IM_BYTE);
+ imlua_match(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ luaL_argcheck(L, src_image->color_space == IM_RGB || src_image->color_space == IM_GRAY, 1, "color space can be RGB or Gray only");
+ luaL_argcheck(L, dst_image->color_space == IM_RGB || dst_image->color_space == IM_GRAY, 2, "color space can be RGB or Gray only");
+ imProcessExpandHistogram(src_image, dst_image, percent);
+ return 0;
+ im.ProcessEqualizeHistogram
+static int imluaProcessEqualizeHistogram (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ imlua_checkdatatype(L, 1, src_image, IM_BYTE);
+ imlua_match(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ luaL_argcheck(L, src_image->color_space == IM_RGB || src_image->color_space == IM_GRAY, 1, "color space can be RGB or Gray only");
+ luaL_argcheck(L, dst_image->color_space == IM_RGB || dst_image->color_space == IM_GRAY, 2, "color space can be RGB or Gray only");
+ imProcessEqualizeHistogram(src_image, dst_image);
+ return 0;
+ Color Processing Operations
+ im.ProcessSplitYChroma
+static int imluaProcessSplitYChroma (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *y_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ imImage *chroma_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 3);
+ imlua_checktype(L, 1, src_image, IM_RGB, IM_BYTE);
+ imlua_checktype(L, 2, y_image, IM_GRAY, IM_BYTE);
+ imlua_checktype(L, 3, chroma_image, IM_RGB, IM_BYTE);
+ imlua_matchsize(L, src_image, y_image);
+ imlua_matchsize(L, src_image, chroma_image);
+ imProcessSplitYChroma(src_image, y_image, chroma_image);
+ return 0;
+ im.ProcessSplitHSI
+static int imluaProcessSplitHSI (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *h_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ imImage *s_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 3);
+ imImage *i_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 4);
+ imlua_checkcolorspace(L, 1, src_image, IM_RGB);
+ luaL_argcheck(L, src_image->data_type == IM_BYTE || src_image->data_type == IM_FLOAT, 1, "data type can be float or byte only");
+ imlua_checktype(L, 2, h_image, IM_GRAY, IM_FLOAT);
+ imlua_checktype(L, 3, s_image, IM_GRAY, IM_FLOAT);
+ imlua_checktype(L, 4, i_image, IM_GRAY, IM_FLOAT);
+ imlua_matchsize(L, src_image, h_image);
+ imlua_matchsize(L, src_image, s_image);
+ imlua_matchsize(L, src_image, i_image);
+ imProcessSplitHSI(src_image, h_image, s_image, i_image);
+ return 0;
+ im.ProcessMergeHSI
+static int imluaProcessMergeHSI (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *h_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *s_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ imImage *i_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 3);
+ imImage *dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 4);
+ imlua_checktype(L, 1, h_image, IM_GRAY, IM_FLOAT);
+ imlua_checktype(L, 2, s_image, IM_GRAY, IM_FLOAT);
+ imlua_checktype(L, 3, i_image, IM_GRAY, IM_FLOAT);
+ imlua_checkcolorspace(L, 4, dst_image, IM_RGB);
+ luaL_argcheck(L, dst_image->data_type == IM_BYTE || dst_image->data_type == IM_FLOAT, 4, "data type can be float or byte only");
+ imlua_matchsize(L, dst_image, h_image);
+ imlua_matchsize(L, dst_image, s_image);
+ imlua_matchsize(L, dst_image, i_image);
+ imProcessMergeHSI(h_image, s_image, i_image, dst_image);
+ return 0;
+ im.ProcessSplitComponents(src_image, { r, g, b} )
+static int imluaProcessSplitComponents (lua_State *L)
+ int i;
+ imImage *src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage **dst_image_list;
+ luaL_checktype(L, 2, LUA_TTABLE);
+ if (imlua_getn(L, 2) != src_image->depth)
+ luaL_error(L, "number of destiny images must match the depth of the source image");
+ dst_image_list = (imImage**)malloc(sizeof(imImage*)*src_image->depth);
+ for (i = 0; i < src_image->depth; i++)
+ {
+ lua_pushnumber(L, i+1);
+ lua_gettable(L, 2);
+ dst_image_list[i] = imlua_checkimage(L, -1);
+ imlua_checkcolorspace(L, 2, dst_image_list[i], IM_GRAY); /* if error here, there will be a memory leak */
+ lua_pop(L, 1);
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < src_image->depth; i++)
+ {
+ int check = imImageMatchDataType(src_image, dst_image_list[i]);
+ if (!check) free(dst_image_list);
+ imlua_matchcheck(L, check, "images must have the same size and data type");
+ }
+ imProcessSplitComponents(src_image, dst_image_list);
+ free(dst_image_list);
+ return 0;
+ im.ProcessMergeComponents({r, g, b}, rgb)
+static int imluaProcessMergeComponents (lua_State *L)
+ int i;
+ imImage** src_image_list;
+ imImage *dst_image;
+ luaL_checktype(L, 1, LUA_TTABLE);
+ dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ if (imlua_getn(L, 1) != dst_image->depth)
+ luaL_error(L, "number of source images must match the depth of the destination image");
+ src_image_list = (imImage**)malloc(sizeof(imImage*)*dst_image->depth);
+ for (i = 0; i < dst_image->depth; i++)
+ {
+ lua_pushnumber(L, i+1);
+ lua_gettable(L, 1);
+ src_image_list[i] = imlua_checkimage(L, -1);
+ imlua_checkcolorspace(L, 1, src_image_list[i], IM_GRAY);
+ lua_pop(L, 1);
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < dst_image->depth; i++)
+ {
+ int check = imImageMatchDataType(src_image_list[i], dst_image);
+ if (!check) free(src_image_list);
+ imlua_matchcheck(L, check, "images must have the same size and data type");
+ }
+ imProcessMergeComponents((const imImage**)src_image_list, dst_image);
+ free(src_image_list);
+ return 0;
+ im.ProcessNormalizeComponents
+static int imluaProcessNormalizeComponents (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ imlua_checkdatatype(L, 2, dst_image, IM_FLOAT);
+ imlua_matchcolorspace(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ imProcessNormalizeComponents(src_image, dst_image);
+ return 0;
+ im.ProcessReplaceColor
+static int imluaProcessReplaceColor (lua_State *L)
+ int src_count, dst_count;
+ imImage *src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ float *src_color = imlua_toarrayfloat(L, 3, &src_count, 1);
+ float *dst_color = imlua_toarrayfloat(L, 4, &dst_count, 1);
+ imlua_checknotcfloat(L, src_image, 1);
+ imlua_match(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ luaL_argcheck(L, src_count == src_image->depth, 3, "the colors must have the same number of components of the images");
+ luaL_argcheck(L, dst_count == src_image->depth, 4, "the colors must have the same number of components of the images");
+ imProcessReplaceColor(src_image, dst_image, src_color, dst_color);
+ return 0;
+ Logical Arithmetic Operations
+ im.ProcessBitwiseOp
+static int imluaProcessBitwiseOp (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image1 = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *src_image2 = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ imImage *dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 3);
+ int op = luaL_checkint(L, 4);
+ luaL_argcheck(L, (src_image1->data_type < IM_FLOAT), 1, "image data type can be integer only");
+ imlua_match(L, src_image1, src_image2);
+ imlua_match(L, src_image1, dst_image);
+ imProcessBitwiseOp(src_image1, src_image2, dst_image, op);
+ return 0;
+ im.ProcessBitwiseNot
+static int imluaProcessBitwiseNot (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ luaL_argcheck(L, (src_image->data_type < IM_FLOAT), 1, "image data type can be integer only");
+ imlua_match(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ imProcessBitwiseNot(src_image, dst_image);
+ return 0;
+ im.ProcessBitMask(src_image, dst_image, mask, op)
+static int imluaProcessBitMask (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ unsigned char mask = imlua_checkmask(L, 3);
+ int op = luaL_checkint(L, 4);
+ imlua_checkdatatype(L, 1, src_image, IM_BYTE);
+ imlua_match(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ imProcessBitMask(src_image, dst_image, mask, op);
+ return 0;
+ im.ProcessBitPlane(src_image, dst_image, plane, reset)
+static int imluaProcessBitPlane (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ int plane = luaL_checkint(L, 3);
+ int reset = luaL_checkint(L, 4);
+ imlua_checkdatatype(L, 1, src_image, IM_BYTE);
+ imlua_match(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ imProcessBitPlane(src_image, dst_image, plane, reset);
+ return 0;
+ Synthetic Image Render
+/* NOTE: This breaks on multithread */
+static lua_State *g_renderState = NULL;
+int g_paramCount = 0;
+static float imluaRenderFunc (int x, int y, int d, float *param)
+ lua_State *L = g_renderState;
+ luaL_checktype(L, 2, LUA_TFUNCTION);
+ lua_pushvalue(L, 2);
+ lua_pushnumber(L, x);
+ lua_pushnumber(L, y);
+ lua_pushnumber(L, d);
+ imlua_newarrayfloat(L, param, g_paramCount, 1);
+ lua_call(L, 4, 1);
+ return (float) luaL_checknumber(L, -1);
+ im.ProcessRenderOp(image, function, name, param, plus)
+static int imluaProcessRenderOp (lua_State *L)
+ int count;
+ imImage *image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ const char *render_name = luaL_checkstring(L, 3);
+ float *param = imlua_toarrayfloat(L, 4, &count, 1);
+ int plus = luaL_checkint(L, 5);
+ imlua_checknotcfloat(L, image, 1);
+ luaL_checktype(L, 2, LUA_TFUNCTION);
+ g_renderState = L;
+ g_paramCount = count;
+ lua_pushboolean(L, imProcessRenderOp(image, imluaRenderFunc, (char*) render_name, param, plus));
+ return 1;
+static float imluaRenderCondFunc (int x, int y, int d, int *cond, float *param)
+ lua_State *L = g_renderState;
+ luaL_checktype(L, 2, LUA_TFUNCTION);
+ lua_pushvalue(L, 2);
+ lua_pushnumber(L, x);
+ lua_pushnumber(L, y);
+ lua_pushnumber(L, d);
+ imlua_newarrayfloat(L, param, g_paramCount, 1);
+ lua_call(L, 4, 2);
+ *cond = luaL_checkint(L, -1);
+ return (float) luaL_checknumber(L, -2);
+ im.ProcessRenderCondOp(image, function, name, param)
+static int imluaProcessRenderCondOp (lua_State *L)
+ int count;
+ imImage *image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ const char *render_name = luaL_checkstring(L, 3);
+ float *param = imlua_toarrayfloat(L, 4, &count, 1);
+ imlua_checknotcfloat(L, image, 1);
+ luaL_checktype(L, 2, LUA_TFUNCTION);
+ g_renderState = L;
+ g_paramCount = count;
+ lua_pushboolean(L, imProcessRenderCondOp(image, imluaRenderCondFunc, (char*) render_name, param));
+ return 1;
+ im.ProcessRenderAddSpeckleNoise
+static int imluaProcessRenderAddSpeckleNoise (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ float percent = (float) luaL_checknumber(L, 3);
+ imlua_checknotcfloat(L, src_image, 1);
+ imlua_match(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ lua_pushboolean(L, imProcessRenderAddSpeckleNoise(src_image, dst_image, percent));
+ return 1;
+ im.ProcessRenderAddGaussianNoise
+static int imluaProcessRenderAddGaussianNoise (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ float mean = (float) luaL_checknumber(L, 3);
+ float stddev = (float) luaL_checknumber(L, 4);
+ imlua_checknotcfloat(L, src_image, 1);
+ imlua_match(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ lua_pushboolean(L, imProcessRenderAddGaussianNoise(src_image, dst_image, mean, stddev));
+ return 1;
+ im.ProcessRenderAddUniformNoise
+static int imluaProcessRenderAddUniformNoise (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ float mean = (float) luaL_checknumber(L, 3);
+ float stddev = (float) luaL_checknumber(L, 4);
+ imlua_checknotcfloat(L, src_image, 1);
+ imlua_match(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ lua_pushboolean(L, imProcessRenderAddUniformNoise(src_image, dst_image, mean, stddev));
+ return 1;
+ im.ProcessRenderRandomNoise
+static int imluaProcessRenderRandomNoise (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imlua_checknotcfloat(L, image, 1);
+ lua_pushboolean(L, imProcessRenderRandomNoise(image));
+ return 1;
+ im.ProcessRenderConstant(image, [count])
+static int imluaProcessRenderConstant (lua_State *L)
+ int i;
+ float *value = NULL;
+ imImage *image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ int count = image->depth;
+ imlua_checknotcfloat(L, image, 1);
+ if (lua_istable(L, 2))
+ {
+ value = (float*) malloc (sizeof(float) * count);
+ for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
+ {
+ lua_rawgeti(L, 2, i+1);
+ value[i] = (float) lua_tonumber(L, -1);
+ lua_pop(L, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ lua_pushboolean(L, imProcessRenderConstant(image, value));
+ if (value)
+ free(value);
+ return 1;
+ im.ProcessRenderWheel
+static int imluaProcessRenderWheel (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ int int_radius = luaL_checkint(L, 2);
+ int ext_radius = luaL_checkint(L, 3);
+ imlua_checknotcfloat(L, image, 1);
+ lua_pushboolean(L, imProcessRenderWheel(image, int_radius, ext_radius));
+ return 1;
+ im.ProcessRenderCone
+static int imluaProcessRenderCone (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ int radius = luaL_checkint(L, 2);
+ imlua_checknotcfloat(L, image, 1);
+ lua_pushboolean(L, imProcessRenderCone(image, radius));
+ return 1;
+ im.ProcessRenderTent
+static int imluaProcessRenderTent (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ int width = luaL_checkint(L, 2);
+ int height = luaL_checkint(L, 3);
+ imlua_checknotcfloat(L, image, 1);
+ lua_pushboolean(L, imProcessRenderTent(image, width, height));
+ return 1;
+ im.ProcessRenderRamp
+static int imluaProcessRenderRamp (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ int start = luaL_checkint(L, 2);
+ int end = luaL_checkint(L, 3);
+ int dir = luaL_checkint(L, 4);
+ imlua_checknotcfloat(L, image, 1);
+ lua_pushboolean(L, imProcessRenderRamp(image, start, end, dir));
+ return 1;
+ im.ProcessRenderBox
+static int imluaProcessRenderBox (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ int width = luaL_checkint(L, 2);
+ int height = luaL_checkint(L, 3);
+ imlua_checknotcfloat(L, image, 1);
+ lua_pushboolean(L, imProcessRenderBox(image, width, height));
+ return 1;
+ im.ProcessRenderSinc
+static int imluaProcessRenderSinc (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ float xperiod = (float) luaL_checknumber(L, 2);
+ float yperiod = (float) luaL_checknumber(L, 3);
+ imlua_checknotcfloat(L, image, 1);
+ lua_pushboolean(L, imProcessRenderSinc(image, xperiod, yperiod));
+ return 1;
+ im.ProcessRenderGaussian
+static int imluaProcessRenderGaussian (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ float stddev = (float) luaL_checknumber(L, 2);
+ imlua_checknotcfloat(L, image, 1);
+ lua_pushboolean(L, imProcessRenderGaussian(image, stddev));
+ return 1;
+ im.ProcessRenderLapOfGaussian
+static int imluaProcessRenderLapOfGaussian (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ float stddev = (float) luaL_checknumber(L, 2);
+ imlua_checknotcfloat(L, image, 1);
+ lua_pushboolean(L, imProcessRenderLapOfGaussian(image, stddev));
+ return 1;
+ im.ProcessRenderCosine
+static int imluaProcessRenderCosine (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ float xperiod = (float) luaL_checknumber(L, 2);
+ float yperiod = (float) luaL_checknumber(L, 3);
+ imlua_checknotcfloat(L, image, 1);
+ lua_pushboolean(L, imProcessRenderCosine(image, xperiod, yperiod));
+ return 1;
+ im.ProcessRenderGrid
+static int imluaProcessRenderGrid (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ int x_space = luaL_checkint(L, 2);
+ int y_space = luaL_checkint(L, 3);
+ imlua_checknotcfloat(L, image, 1);
+ lua_pushboolean(L, imProcessRenderGrid(image, x_space, y_space));
+ return 1;
+ im.ProcessRenderChessboard
+static int imluaProcessRenderChessboard (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ int x_space = luaL_checkint(L, 2);
+ int y_space = luaL_checkint(L, 3);
+ imlua_checknotcfloat(L, image, 1);
+ lua_pushboolean(L, imProcessRenderChessboard(image, x_space, y_space));
+ return 1;
+ Tone Gamut Operations
+ im.ProcessToneGamut
+static int imluaProcessToneGamut (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ int op = luaL_checkint(L, 3);
+ float *param = NULL;
+ imlua_checknotcfloat(L, src_image, 1);
+ imlua_match(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ param = imlua_toarrayfloat(L, 4, NULL, 1);
+ imProcessToneGamut(src_image, dst_image, op, param);
+ if (param)
+ free(param);
+ return 0;
+ im.ProcessUnNormalize
+static int imluaProcessUnNormalize (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ imlua_checkdatatype(L, 1, src_image, IM_FLOAT);
+ imlua_checkdatatype(L, 2, dst_image, IM_BYTE);
+ imlua_matchcolorspace(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ imProcessUnNormalize(src_image, dst_image);
+ return 0;
+ im.ProcessDirectConv
+static int imluaProcessDirectConv (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ luaL_argcheck(L,
+ src_image->data_type == IM_USHORT ||
+ src_image->data_type == IM_INT ||
+ src_image->data_type == IM_FLOAT,
+ 1, "data type can be ushort, int or float only");
+ imlua_checkdatatype(L, 2, dst_image, IM_BYTE);
+ imlua_matchsize(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ imProcessDirectConv(src_image, dst_image);
+ return 0;
+ im.ProcessNegative
+static int imluaProcessNegative (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ imlua_checknotcfloat(L, src_image, 1);
+ imlua_match(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ imProcessNegative(src_image, dst_image);
+ return 0;
+ Threshold Operations
+ im.ProcessRangeContrastThreshold
+static int imluaProcessRangeContrastThreshold (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ int kernel_size = luaL_checkint(L, 3);
+ int min_range = luaL_checkint(L, 4);
+ imlua_checktype(L, 1, src_image, IM_GRAY, IM_BYTE);
+ luaL_argcheck(L, (src_image->data_type < IM_FLOAT), 1, "image data type can be integer only");
+ imlua_checkcolorspace(L, 2, dst_image, IM_BINARY);
+ imlua_matchsize(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ lua_pushboolean(L, imProcessRangeContrastThreshold(src_image, dst_image, kernel_size, min_range));
+ return 1;
+ im.ProcessLocalMaxThreshold
+static int imluaProcessLocalMaxThreshold (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ int kernel_size = luaL_checkint(L, 3);
+ int min_thres = luaL_checkint(L, 4);
+ imlua_checktype(L, 1, src_image, IM_GRAY, IM_BYTE);
+ luaL_argcheck(L, (src_image->data_type < IM_FLOAT), 1, "image data type can be integer only");
+ imlua_checkcolorspace(L, 2, dst_image, IM_BINARY);
+ imlua_matchsize(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ lua_pushboolean(L, imProcessLocalMaxThreshold(src_image, dst_image, kernel_size, min_thres));
+ return 1;
+ im.ProcessThreshold
+static int imluaProcessThreshold (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ int level = luaL_checkint(L, 3);
+ int value = luaL_checkint(L, 4);
+ imlua_checktype(L, 1, src_image, IM_GRAY, IM_BYTE);
+ luaL_argcheck(L, (src_image->data_type < IM_FLOAT), 1, "image data type can be integer only");
+ imlua_checkcolorspace(L, 2, dst_image, IM_BINARY);
+ imlua_matchsize(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ imProcessThreshold(src_image, dst_image, level, value);
+ return 0;
+ im.ProcessThresholdByDiff
+static int imluaProcessThresholdByDiff (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image1 = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *src_image2 = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ imImage *dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 3);
+ imlua_checktype(L, 1, src_image1, IM_GRAY, IM_BYTE);
+ imlua_match(L, src_image1, src_image2);
+ imlua_checkcolorspace(L, 2, dst_image, IM_BINARY);
+ imlua_matchsize(L, src_image1, dst_image);
+ imProcessThresholdByDiff(src_image1, src_image2, dst_image);
+ return 0;
+ im.ProcessHysteresisThreshold
+static int imluaProcessHysteresisThreshold (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ int low_thres = luaL_checkint(L, 3);
+ int high_thres = luaL_checkint(L, 4);
+ imlua_checktype(L, 1, src_image, IM_GRAY, IM_BYTE);
+ imlua_checkcolorspace(L, 2, dst_image, IM_BINARY);
+ imlua_matchsize(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ imProcessHysteresisThreshold(src_image, dst_image, low_thres, high_thres);
+ return 0;
+ im.ProcessHysteresisThresEstimate
+static int imluaProcessHysteresisThresEstimate (lua_State *L)
+ int low_thres, high_thres;
+ imImage *src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imlua_checktype(L, 1, src_image, IM_GRAY, IM_BYTE);
+ imProcessHysteresisThresEstimate(src_image, &low_thres, &high_thres);
+ lua_pushnumber(L, low_thres);
+ lua_pushnumber(L, high_thres);
+ return 2;
+ im.ProcessUniformErrThreshold
+static int imluaProcessUniformErrThreshold (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ imlua_checktype(L, 1, src_image, IM_GRAY, IM_BYTE);
+ imlua_checkcolorspace(L, 2, dst_image, IM_BINARY);
+ imlua_matchsize(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ lua_pushboolean(L, imProcessUniformErrThreshold(src_image, dst_image));
+ return 1;
+ im.ProcessDifusionErrThreshold
+static int imluaProcessDifusionErrThreshold (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ int level = luaL_checkint(L, 3);
+ imlua_checkdatatype(L, 1, src_image, IM_BYTE);
+ imlua_checkdatatype(L, 2, dst_image, IM_BYTE);
+ imlua_matchcheck(L, src_image->depth == dst_image->depth, "images must have the same depth");
+ imlua_matchsize(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ imProcessDifusionErrThreshold(src_image, dst_image, level);
+ return 0;
+ im.ProcessPercentThreshold
+static int imluaProcessPercentThreshold (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ float percent = (float) luaL_checknumber(L, 3);
+ imlua_checktype(L, 1, src_image, IM_GRAY, IM_BYTE);
+ imlua_checkcolorspace(L, 2, dst_image, IM_BINARY);
+ imlua_matchsize(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ lua_pushboolean(L, imProcessPercentThreshold(src_image, dst_image, percent));
+ return 1;
+ im.ProcessOtsuThreshold
+static int imluaProcessOtsuThreshold (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ imlua_checktype(L, 1, src_image, IM_GRAY, IM_BYTE);
+ imlua_checkcolorspace(L, 2, dst_image, IM_BINARY);
+ imlua_matchsize(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ lua_pushnumber(L, imProcessOtsuThreshold(src_image, dst_image));
+ return 1;
+ im.ProcessMinMaxThreshold
+static int imluaProcessMinMaxThreshold (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ imlua_checkcolorspace(L, 1, src_image, IM_GRAY);
+ luaL_argcheck(L, (src_image->data_type < IM_FLOAT), 1, "image data type can be integer only");
+ imlua_checkcolorspace(L, 2, dst_image, IM_BINARY);
+ imlua_matchsize(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ lua_pushboolean(L, imProcessMinMaxThreshold(src_image, dst_image));
+ return 1;
+ im.ProcessLocalMaxThresEstimate
+static int imluaProcessLocalMaxThresEstimate (lua_State *L)
+ int thres;
+ imImage *image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imlua_checkdatatype(L, 1, image, IM_BYTE);
+ imProcessLocalMaxThresEstimate(image, &thres);
+ lua_pushnumber(L, thres);
+ return 1;
+ im.ProcessSliceThreshold
+static int imluaProcessSliceThreshold (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ int start_level = luaL_checkint(L, 3);
+ int end_level = luaL_checkint(L, 4);
+ imlua_checkcolorspace(L, 1, src_image, IM_GRAY);
+ luaL_argcheck(L, (src_image->data_type < IM_FLOAT), 1, "image data type can be integer only");
+ imlua_checkcolorspace(L, 2, dst_image, IM_BINARY);
+ imlua_matchsize(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ imProcessSliceThreshold(src_image, dst_image, start_level, end_level);
+ return 0;
+ Special Effects
+ im.ProcessPixelate
+static int imluaProcessPixelate (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ int box_size = luaL_checkint(L, 3);
+ imlua_checkdatatype(L, 1, src_image, IM_BYTE);
+ imlua_match(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ imProcessPixelate(src_image, dst_image, box_size);
+ return 0;
+ im.ProcessPosterize
+static int imluaProcessPosterize (lua_State *L)
+ imImage *src_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 1);
+ imImage *dst_image = imlua_checkimage(L, 2);
+ int level = luaL_checkint(L, 3);
+ imlua_checkdatatype(L, 1, src_image, IM_BYTE);
+ imlua_match(L, src_image, dst_image);
+ luaL_argcheck(L, (level >= 1 && level <= 7), 3, "invalid level, must be >=1 and <=7");
+ imProcessPosterize(src_image, dst_image, level);
+ return 0;
+static const luaL_reg improcess_lib[] = {
+ {"CalcRMSError", imluaCalcRMSError},
+ {"CalcSNR", imluaCalcSNR},
+ {"CalcCountColors", imluaCalcCountColors},
+ {"CalcHistogram", imluaCalcHistogram},
+ /*{"CalcUShortHistogram", imluaCalcUShortHistogram}, done by imluaCalcHistogram */
+ {"CalcGrayHistogram", imluaCalcGrayHistogram},
+ {"CalcImageStatistics", imluaCalcImageStatistics},
+ {"CalcHistogramStatistics", imluaCalcHistogramStatistics},
+ {"CalcHistoImageStatistics", imluaCalcHistoImageStatistics},
+ {"AnalyzeFindRegions", imluaAnalyzeFindRegions},
+ {"AnalyzeMeasureArea", imluaAnalyzeMeasureArea},
+ {"AnalyzeMeasurePerimArea", imluaAnalyzeMeasurePerimArea},
+ {"AnalyzeMeasureCentroid", imluaAnalyzeMeasureCentroid},
+ {"AnalyzeMeasurePrincipalAxis", imluaAnalyzeMeasurePrincipalAxis},
+ {"AnalyzeMeasurePerimeter", imluaAnalyzeMeasurePerimeter},
+ {"AnalyzeMeasureHoles", imluaAnalyzeMeasureHoles},
+ {"ProcessPerimeterLine", imluaProcessPerimeterLine},
+ {"ProcessPrune", imluaProcessPrune},
+ {"ProcessFillHoles", imluaProcessFillHoles},
+ {"ProcessHoughLines", imluaProcessHoughLines},
+ {"ProcessHoughLinesDraw", imluaProcessHoughLinesDraw},
+ {"ProcessDistanceTransform", imluaProcessDistanceTransform},
+ {"ProcessRegionalMaximum", imluaProcessRegionalMaximum},
+ {"ProcessReduce", imluaProcessReduce},
+ {"ProcessResize", imluaProcessResize},
+ {"ProcessReduceBy4", imluaProcessReduceBy4},
+ {"ProcessCrop", imluaProcessCrop},
+ {"ProcessAddMargins", imluaProcessAddMargins},
+ {"ProcessInsert", imluaProcessInsert},
+ {"ProcessCalcRotateSize", imluaProcessCalcRotateSize},
+ {"ProcessRotate", imluaProcessRotate},
+ {"ProcessRotateRef", imluaProcessRotateRef},
+ {"ProcessRotate90", imluaProcessRotate90},
+ {"ProcessRotate180", imluaProcessRotate180},
+ {"ProcessMirror", imluaProcessMirror},
+ {"ProcessFlip", imluaProcessFlip},
+ {"ProcessRadial", imluaProcessRadial},
+ {"ProcessSwirl", imluaProcessSwirl},
+ {"ProcessInterlaceSplit", imluaProcessInterlaceSplit},
+ {"ProcessGrayMorphConvolve", imluaProcessGrayMorphConvolve},
+ {"ProcessGrayMorphErode", imluaProcessGrayMorphErode},
+ {"ProcessGrayMorphDilate", imluaProcessGrayMorphDilate},
+ {"ProcessGrayMorphOpen", imluaProcessGrayMorphOpen},
+ {"ProcessGrayMorphClose", imluaProcessGrayMorphClose},
+ {"ProcessGrayMorphTopHat", imluaProcessGrayMorphTopHat},
+ {"ProcessGrayMorphWell", imluaProcessGrayMorphWell},
+ {"ProcessGrayMorphGradient", imluaProcessGrayMorphGradient},
+ {"ProcessBinMorphConvolve", imluaProcessBinMorphConvolve},
+ {"ProcessBinMorphErode", imluaProcessBinMorphErode},
+ {"ProcessBinMorphDilate", imluaProcessBinMorphDilate},
+ {"ProcessBinMorphOpen", imluaProcessBinMorphOpen},
+ {"ProcessBinMorphClose", imluaProcessBinMorphClose},
+ {"ProcessBinMorphOutline", imluaProcessBinMorphOutline},
+ {"ProcessBinMorphThin", imluaProcessBinMorphThin},
+ {"ProcessMedianConvolve", imluaProcessMedianConvolve},
+ {"ProcessRangeConvolve", imluaProcessRangeConvolve},
+ {"ProcessRankClosestConvolve", imluaProcessRankClosestConvolve},
+ {"ProcessRankMaxConvolve", imluaProcessRankMaxConvolve},
+ {"ProcessRankMinConvolve", imluaProcessRankMinConvolve},
+ {"ProcessConvolve", imluaProcessConvolve},
+ {"ProcessConvolveDual", imluaProcessConvolveDual},
+ {"ProcessConvolveRep", imluaProcessConvolveRep},
+ {"ProcessConvolveSep", imluaProcessConvolveSep},
+ {"ProcessCompassConvolve", imluaProcessCompassConvolve},
+ {"ProcessRotateKernel", imluaProcessRotateKernel},
+ {"ProcessDiffOfGaussianConvolve", imluaProcessDiffOfGaussianConvolve},
+ {"ProcessLapOfGaussianConvolve", imluaProcessLapOfGaussianConvolve},
+ {"ProcessMeanConvolve", imluaProcessMeanConvolve},
+ {"ProcessBarlettConvolve", imluaProcessBarlettConvolve},
+ {"ProcessGaussianConvolve", imluaProcessGaussianConvolve},
+ {"ProcessSobelConvolve", imluaProcessSobelConvolve},
+ {"ProcessPrewittConvolve", imluaProcessPrewittConvolve},
+ {"ProcessSplineEdgeConvolve", imluaProcessSplineEdgeConvolve},
+ {"ProcessZeroCrossing", imluaProcessZeroCrossing},
+ {"ProcessCanny", imluaProcessCanny},
+ {"GaussianKernelSize2StdDev", imluaGaussianKernelSize2StdDev},
+ {"GaussianStdDev2KernelSize", imluaGaussianStdDev2KernelSize},
+ {"ProcessUnArithmeticOp", imluaProcessUnArithmeticOp},
+ {"ProcessArithmeticOp", imluaProcessArithmeticOp},
+ {"ProcessArithmeticConstOp", imluaProcessArithmeticConstOp},
+ {"ProcessBlendConst", imluaProcessBlendConst},
+ {"ProcessBlend", imluaProcessBlend},
+ {"ProcessSplitComplex", imluaProcessSplitComplex},
+ {"ProcessMergeComplex", imluaProcessMergeComplex},
+ {"ProcessMultipleMean", imluaProcessMultipleMean},
+ {"ProcessMultipleStdDev", imluaProcessMultipleStdDev},
+ {"ProcessAutoCovariance", imluaProcessAutoCovariance},
+ {"ProcessMultiplyConj", imluaProcessMultiplyConj},
+ {"ProcessQuantizeRGBUniform", imluaProcessQuantizeRGBUniform},
+ {"ProcessQuantizeGrayUniform", imluaProcessQuantizeGrayUniform},
+ {"ProcessExpandHistogram", imluaProcessExpandHistogram},
+ {"ProcessEqualizeHistogram", imluaProcessEqualizeHistogram},
+ {"ProcessSplitYChroma", imluaProcessSplitYChroma},
+ {"ProcessSplitHSI", imluaProcessSplitHSI},
+ {"ProcessMergeHSI", imluaProcessMergeHSI},
+ {"ProcessSplitComponents", imluaProcessSplitComponents},
+ {"ProcessMergeComponents", imluaProcessMergeComponents},
+ {"ProcessNormalizeComponents", imluaProcessNormalizeComponents},
+ {"ProcessReplaceColor", imluaProcessReplaceColor},
+ {"ProcessBitwiseOp", imluaProcessBitwiseOp},
+ {"ProcessBitwiseNot", imluaProcessBitwiseNot},
+ {"ProcessBitMask", imluaProcessBitMask},
+ {"ProcessBitPlane", imluaProcessBitPlane},
+ {"ProcessRenderOp", imluaProcessRenderOp},
+ {"ProcessRenderCondOp", imluaProcessRenderCondOp},
+ {"ProcessRenderAddSpeckleNoise", imluaProcessRenderAddSpeckleNoise},
+ {"ProcessRenderAddGaussianNoise", imluaProcessRenderAddGaussianNoise},
+ {"ProcessRenderAddUniformNoise", imluaProcessRenderAddUniformNoise},
+ {"ProcessRenderRandomNoise", imluaProcessRenderRandomNoise},
+ {"ProcessRenderConstant", imluaProcessRenderConstant},
+ {"ProcessRenderWheel", imluaProcessRenderWheel},
+ {"ProcessRenderCone", imluaProcessRenderCone},
+ {"ProcessRenderTent", imluaProcessRenderTent},
+ {"ProcessRenderRamp", imluaProcessRenderRamp},
+ {"ProcessRenderBox", imluaProcessRenderBox},
+ {"ProcessRenderSinc", imluaProcessRenderSinc},
+ {"ProcessRenderGaussian", imluaProcessRenderGaussian},
+ {"ProcessRenderLapOfGaussian", imluaProcessRenderLapOfGaussian},
+ {"ProcessRenderCosine", imluaProcessRenderCosine},
+ {"ProcessRenderGrid", imluaProcessRenderGrid},
+ {"ProcessRenderChessboard", imluaProcessRenderChessboard},
+ {"ProcessToneGamut", imluaProcessToneGamut},
+ {"ProcessUnNormalize", imluaProcessUnNormalize},
+ {"ProcessDirectConv", imluaProcessDirectConv},
+ {"ProcessNegative", imluaProcessNegative},
+ {"ProcessRangeContrastThreshold", imluaProcessRangeContrastThreshold},
+ {"ProcessLocalMaxThreshold", imluaProcessLocalMaxThreshold},
+ {"ProcessThreshold", imluaProcessThreshold},
+ {"ProcessThresholdByDiff", imluaProcessThresholdByDiff},
+ {"ProcessHysteresisThreshold", imluaProcessHysteresisThreshold},
+ {"ProcessHysteresisThresEstimate", imluaProcessHysteresisThresEstimate},
+ {"ProcessUniformErrThreshold", imluaProcessUniformErrThreshold},
+ {"ProcessDifusionErrThreshold", imluaProcessDifusionErrThreshold},
+ {"ProcessPercentThreshold", imluaProcessPercentThreshold},
+ {"ProcessOtsuThreshold", imluaProcessOtsuThreshold},
+ {"ProcessMinMaxThreshold", imluaProcessMinMaxThreshold},
+ {"ProcessLocalMaxThresEstimate", imluaProcessLocalMaxThresEstimate},
+ {"ProcessSliceThreshold", imluaProcessSliceThreshold},
+ {"ProcessPixelate", imluaProcessPixelate},
+ {"ProcessPosterize", imluaProcessPosterize},
+ Constants
+static const imlua_constant im_process_constants[] = {
+ { "UN_EQL", IM_UN_EQL, NULL },
+ { "UN_ABS", IM_UN_ABS, NULL },
+ { "UN_INC", IM_UN_INC, NULL },
+ { "UN_INV", IM_UN_INV, NULL },
+ { "UN_SQR", IM_UN_SQR, NULL },
+ { "UN_LOG", IM_UN_LOG, NULL },
+ { "UN_EXP", IM_UN_EXP, NULL },
+ { "UN_SIN", IM_UN_SIN, NULL },
+ { "UN_COS", IM_UN_COS, NULL },
+ { "BIT_OR", IM_BIT_OR, NULL },
+ { NULL, -1, NULL },
+/* from imlua_kernel.c */
+void imlua_open_kernel(lua_State *L);
+int imlua_open_process(lua_State *L)
+ luaL_register(L, "im", improcess_lib); /* leave "im" table at the top of the stack */
+ imlua_regconstants(L, im_process_constants);
+#ifdef TEC_64
+#include "im_process_be64.loh"
+#include "im_process_be32.loh"
+#ifdef TEC_64
+#ifdef WIN64
+#include "im_process_le64w.loh"
+#include "im_process_le64.loh"
+#include "im_process.loh"
+ imlua_open_kernel(L);
+ return 1;
+int luaopen_imlua_process(lua_State *L)
+ return imlua_open_process(L);
+int luaopen_imlua_process51(lua_State *L)
+ return imlua_open_process(L);