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<h2>Image Processing Guide</h2>
<h3 align="left"><a name="Using">Using</a></h3>

  <p>You should include one or more headers: &lt;im_process_ana.h&gt;, 
  &lt;im_process_glo.h&gt;, &lt;im_process_loc.h&gt; and &lt;im_process_pon.h&gt;. And you must 
  link with the &quot;im_process.a/im_process.lib&quot; library. In Lua call 
  <p>The processing operations are very simple to use. Usually you just have to 
  call the respective function. But you will have to ensure yourself that the 
  image parameters for the input and output data are correct. Here is an 
    <pre>void imProcessFlip(const imImage* src_image, imImage* dst_image);</pre>
  <p>The processing operations are exclusive for the <b>imImage</b> structure. 
  This makes the implementation cleaner and much easier to process color images 
  since the planes are separated. But remmber that you can always use the 
  <strong>imImageInit</strong> function to initializes an <b>imImage</b> structure with 
  your own buffer.</p>
<p>The image data of the output image is assumed to be zero before any 
operation. This is always true after creating a new image, but if you are 
reusing an image for several operation use <strong>imImageClear</strong> to zero 
the image data between operations.&nbsp;</p>

<h3><a name="new">New Operations</a></h3>

  <p>An operation complexity is directly affected by the number of data types it 
  will operate.</p>
  <p>If it is only one, than it is as simple as:</p>
    <pre>void DoProc(imbyte* data, int width, int height)
  for (int y = 0; y &lt; height; y++)
    for (int x = 0; x &lt; width; x++)
      // Do something
      int offset = y * width + x;

      data[offset] = 0;

void SampleProc(imImage* image)
  // a loop for all the color planes
  for (int d = 0; d &lt; image-&gt;depth; d++)
    // Notice that the same operation may be used to process each color component
    DoProc((imbyte*)image-&gt;data[d], image-&gt;width, image-&gt;height);
  <p>Or if you want to use templates to allow a more number of types:</p>
    <pre>template &lt;class T&gt; 
void DoProc2(const T* src_data, T* dst_data, int count)
  for (int i = 0; i &lt; count; i++)
    src_data[i] = dst_data[i];
    // or a more low level approach
    *src_data++ = *dst_data++;

// This is a sample that do not depends on the spatial distribution of the data.
// It uses data[0], the pointer where all depths depends on.

void SampleProc2(const imImage* src_image, imImage* dst_image)
  int total_count = src_image-&gt;count * src_image-&gt;depth; 
  case IM_BYTE:
    DoProc((imbyte*)src_image-&gt;data[0], (imbyte*)dst_image-&gt;data[0], total_count);
  case IM_USHORT:
    DoProc((imushort*)src_image-&gt;data[0], (imushort*)dst_image-&gt;data[0], total_count);
  case IM_INT: 
    DoProc((int*)src_image-&gt;data[0], (int*)dst_image-&gt;data[0], total_count);
  case IM_FLOAT: 
    DoProc((float*)src_image-&gt;data[0], (float*)dst_image-&gt;data[0], total_count);
  case IM_CFLOAT: 
    DoProc((imcfloat*)src_image-&gt;data[0], (imcfloat*)dst_image-&gt;data[0], total_count);
  <p>The first sample can be implemented in C, but the second sample can not, it 
  must be in C++. Check the manual and the source code for many operations 
  already available.</p>

<h3><a name="count">Counters</a></h3>

  <p>To add support for the counter callback to a new operation is very simple. 
  The following code shows how:</p>
    <pre>int counter = imCounterBegin(&quot;Process Test 1&quot;);
imCounterTotal(counter, count_steps, &quot;Processing&quot;);

for (int i = 0; i &lt; count_steps; i++)
  // Do something

  if (!imCounterInc(counter))
    return IM_ERR_COUNTER;

  <p>Every time you call <b>imCounterTotal</b> between a <b>imCounterBegin</b>/<b>imCounterEnd</b> for the same counter means 
  that you are starting a count at that counter. So one operation can be 
  composed by many sub-operations and still have a counter to display progress. 
  For example, each call to the <b>imFileReadImageData</b> starts a new 
  count for the same counter.</p>
  <p>A nice thing to do when counting is not to display too small progress. To 
  accomplish that in the implementation of the counter callback consider a 
  minimum delay from one display to another.</p>
  <p>See <a href="doxygen/group__counter.html">
  Utilities / Counter</a>.</p>

