To Do
- MOV (using QuickTime SDK and QT4Linux)
- TIFF Annotations
- Linux Capture (using Video4Linux)
- Use libavcodec and libavformat in Linux. AVI using libavifile in Linux (UNIX ?)
- MPEG-2 (using MSSG?)
- VC-1 Coded using Microsoft VC-1 Encoder SDK
- In SunOS using the Sun WorkShop 6 C++, an error occurs when linking an application.
- In AIX we do not have the C++ for AIX installed, so the library is not available.
For the Processing library:
- Dithering Techniques
- Adaptative Thresholds
- Warping
- Rolling Ball Filter
- Butterworth, Deconvolution
- Inverse Filter, Homomorphic Restoration
- Watershed, Convex Hull
- Other Measures
Our plans for the future include:
- Imaging Tutorial in the documentation
- Support for the Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives
- JPEG and TIFF Thumbnails
- Formats: FLI, DV, FPX (Flash Pix), EXR (Industrial Light & Magic High Dynamic Range Format), MNG,
Microsoft HD Photo
- ECW write
- OpenML?
- WIA and TWAIN?