-- Based on a code from Stuart P. Bentley require"imlua" require"cdlua" require"cdluaim" require"iuplua" require"iupluacd" require"iupluaimglib" images={} frame=1 function print_error(err) local msg = {} msg[im.ERR_OPEN] = "Error Opening File." msg[im.ERR_MEM] = "Insuficient memory." msg[im.ERR_ACCESS] = "Error Accessing File." msg[im.ERR_DATA] = "Image type not Suported." msg[im.ERR_FORMAT] = "Invalid Format." msg[im.ERR_COMPRESS] = "Invalid or unsupported compression." if msg[err] then print(msg[err]) else print("Unknown Error.") end end function load_frames(file_name) ifile, err=im.FileOpen(file_name) if not ifile then print_error(err) return end images={} images.delays={} images.disposal={} frame=1 for i=1, select(3,ifile:GetInfo()) do images[i]=ifile:LoadBitmap(i-1) err, images[i] = im.ConvertColorSpaceNew(images[i], im.RGB, true) local delay=images[i]:GetAttribute("Delay") -- time to wait betweed frames in 1/100 of a second] if delay then images.delays[i]=delay[1]*10 -- timer in miliseconds else if (i == 1) then images.delays[i]=100 else images.delays[i]=images.delays[i-1] end end images.disposal[i]=images[i]:GetAttribute("Disposal", true) -- [UNDEF, LEAVE, RBACK, RPREV] end ifile:Close() cnv.rastersize = images[1]:Width().."x"..images[1]:Height() dlg.size=nil iup.Refresh(cnv) end t = iup.timer{} function start_timer() dlg.title = "Animated Gif" dlg.play_bt.image="IUP_MediaPause" dlg.play_bt.title="Pause" t.run = "NO" t.time = images.delays[frame] t.run = "YES" iup.Update(cnv) end function stop_timer() dlg.title = "Animated Gif "..frame.."/"..#images dlg.play_bt.image="IUP_MediaPlay" dlg.play_bt.title="Play" t.run="NO" iup.Update(cnv) end function set_frame(f) frame = f if frame > #images then frame = #images end if frame < 1 then frame = 1 end stop_timer() end function t:action_cb() frame = frame + 1 if frame == #images+1 then frame = 1 end start_timer() end cnv = iup.canvas{border = "NO"} function cnv:map_cb()-- the CD canvas can only be created when the IUP canvas is mapped canvas = cd.CreateCanvas(cd.IUP, self) canvas:Activate() start_timer() end function cnv:action()-- called everytime the IUP canvas needs to be repainted canvas:Activate() if (images.disposal[frame] == "RBACK") then canvas:Clear() end images[frame]:cdCanvasPutImageRect(canvas, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) -- use default values end function cnv:resize_cb() canvas:Activate() canvas:Clear() end function cnv:button_cb(but, pressed) if (but == iup.BUTTON1 and pressed==1) then local file_name, error = iup.GetFile("*.*") if error ~= 0 then return end load_frames(file_name) canvas:Activate() canvas:Clear() start_timer() end end buts = iup.hbox{ iup.button{title="First", image="IUP_MediaGotoBegin", action=function(self) set_frame(1) end}, iup.button{title="Previous", image="IUP_MediaRewind", action=function(self) set_frame(frame-1) end}, iup.button{title="Pause", image="IUP_MediaPause", action=function(self) if (t.run=="YES") then stop_timer() else start_timer() end end}, iup.button{title="Next", image="IUP_MediaForward", action=function(self) set_frame(frame+1) end}, iup.button{title="Last", image="IUP_MediaGoToEnd", action=function(self) set_frame(#images) end}, } dlg = iup.dialog{iup.vbox{cnv, buts},title="Animated Gif", margin="5x5", gap=10} dlg.play_bt = dlg[1][2][3] function dlg:close_cb() iup.Destroy(t) images=nil --Destroys will be called by the garbage collector canvas:Kill() self:destroy() return iup.IGNORE -- because we destroy the dialog end load_frames(iup.GetFile("*.*")) dlg:show() iup.MainLoop()