-- lua5.1 makevideo.lua newfile.wmv DSC0*.jpg require"imlua" require"imlua_wmv" err_msg = { "No error.", "Error while opening the file.", "Error while accessing the file.", "Invalid or unrecognized file format.", "Invalid or unsupported data.", "Invalid or unsupported compression.", "Insuficient memory", "Interrupted by the counter", } -- Margin parameters new_filename = arg[1] filename1 = arg[2] if (not new_filename or not filename1) then error("invalid parameters") end function ProcessImageFile(file_name, ifile) print("Loading File: "..file_name) local image, err = im.FileImageLoad(file_name); if (err and err ~= im.ERR_NONE) then error(err_msg[err+1]) end err = ifile:SaveImage(image) if (err and err ~= im.ERR_NONE) then error(err_msg[err+1]) end image:Destroy() end ifile = im.FileNew(new_filename, "WMV") ifile:SetAttribute("FPS", im.FLOAT, {15}) -- Frames per second file_count = 0 for index,value in ipairs(arg) do if (index > 5) then ProcessImageFile(arg[index], ifile) file_count = file_count + 1 end end ifile:Close() if (file_count > 1) then print("Processed "..file_count.." Files.") end print("Saved File: "..new_filename)