-- lua multicrop_avi.lua 60 60 0 0 newfile.avi DSC003*.jpg require"imlua" require"imlua_process" require"imlua_avi" err_msg = { "No error.", "Error while opening the file.", "Error while accessing the file.", "Invalid or unrecognized file format.", "Invalid or unsupported data.", "Invalid or unsupported compression.", "Insuficient memory", "Interrupted by the counter", } -- Margin parameters x1 = arg[1] x2 = arg[2] y1 = arg[3] y2 = arg[4] new_filename = arg[5] filename1 = arg[6] if (not x1 or not x2 or not y1 or not y2 or not new_filename or not filename1) then print("Must have the rectangle coordinates and at least one file name as parameters.") print(" Can have more than one file name as parameters and can use wildcards.") print(" Usage:") print(" lua multicrop_avi.lua x1 x2 y1 y2 new_filename filename1 filename2 ...") return end print(">>> Crop of multiple images <<<") function ProcessImageFile(file_name, ifile) print("Loading File: "..file_name) local image, err = im.FileImageLoad(file_name); if (err and err ~= im.ERR_NONE) then error(err_msg[err+1]) end local new_image = im.ProcessCropNew(image, x1, image:Width()-1-x2, y1, image:Height()-1-y2) ifile:SaveImage(new_image) new_image:Destroy() image:Destroy() end ifile = im.FileNew(new_filename, "AVI") --ifile:SetInfo("MP42") -- Microsoft MPEG-4 Video Codec V2 --ifile:SetInfo("DIVX") -- DivX must be installed ifile:SetInfo("CUSTOM") -- show compression dialog -- (once you choosed the compression that give the best results -- you can then edit the script and hardcode it) ifile:SetAttribute("FPS", im.FLOAT, {15}) -- Frames per second --ifile:SetAttribute("AVIQuality", im.INT, {-1}) -- Default Quality file_count = 0 for index,value in ipairs(arg) do if (index > 5) then ProcessImageFile(arg[index], ifile) file_count = file_count + 1 end end ifile:Close() if (file_count > 1) then print("Processed "..file_count.." Files.") end print("Saved File: "..new_filename)