/* IM 3 sample that calculates the Forward FFT, process in the domain frequency, and calculates the Inverse FFT. Needs "im.lib" and "im_fftw.lib". Usage: proc_fourier <input_file_name> <output_file_name> <output_format> Example: proc_fourier test.tif test_proc.tif TIFF */ #include <im.h> #include <im_image.h> #include <im_process.h> #include <im_convert.h> #include <im_complex.h> #include <stdio.h> void FreqDomainProc(imImage* fft_image) { // a loop for all the color planes for (int d = 0; d < fft_image->depth; d++) { imcfloat* data = (imcfloat*)fft_image->data[d]; for (int y = 0; y < fft_image->height; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < fft_image->width; x++) { // Do something // Remeber that the zero frequency is at the center int offset = y * fft_image->width + x; data[offset].imag = 0; // notice in the result that the imaginary part has an important hole. } } } } void PrintError(int error) { switch (error) { case IM_ERR_OPEN: printf("Error Opening File.\n"); break; case IM_ERR_MEM: printf("Insuficient memory.\n"); break; case IM_ERR_ACCESS: printf("Error Accessing File.\n"); break; case IM_ERR_DATA: printf("Image type not Suported.\n"); break; case IM_ERR_FORMAT: printf("Invalid Format.\n"); break; case IM_ERR_COMPRESS: printf("Invalid or unsupported compression.\n"); break; default: printf("Unknown Error.\n"); } } imImage* LoadImage(const char* file_name) { int error; imFile* ifile = imFileOpen(file_name, &error); if (!ifile) { PrintError(error); return 0; } imImage* image = imFileLoadImage(ifile, 0, &error); // load the first image in the file. if (!image) PrintError(error); imFileClose(ifile); return image; } void SaveImage(imImage* image, const char* file_name, const char* format) { int error; imFile* ifile = imFileNew(file_name, format, &error); if (!ifile) { PrintError(error); return; } error = imFileSaveImage(ifile, image); if (error != IM_ERR_NONE) PrintError(error); imFileClose(ifile); } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { if (argc < 4) { printf("Invalid number of arguments.\n"); return 0; } // Loads the image from file imImage* image = LoadImage(argv[1]); if (!image) return 0; // Creates a new image similar of the original but with complex data type. // FFTW does not requires that the image size is a power of 2. imImage* fft_image = imImageCreate(image->width, image->height, image->color_space, IM_CFLOAT); if (!image) return 0; // Forward FFT imProcessFFTW(image, fft_image); // The user processing FreqDomainProc(fft_image); // The inverse is still a complex image imImage* ifft_image = imImageClone(fft_image); if (!image) return 0; // Inverse FFT imProcessIFFTW(fft_image, ifft_image); // Converts the complex image to the same type of the original image // so we can reuse its buffer // (usually will be a bitmap image so we can also view the result) if (image->data_type != IM_CFLOAT) { // This function will scan for min and max values before converting the data type // There wiil be no gamma conversion, use abssolute values, and only the real part will be considered. imConvertDataType(ifft_image, image, IM_CPX_REAL, IM_GAMMA_LINEAR, 1, IM_CAST_MINMAX); } SaveImage(image, argv[2], argv[3]); imImageDestroy(image); imImageDestroy(fft_image); imImageDestroy(ifft_image); return 1; }