-- Contribution by Gustavo Lyrio require"imlua" require"imlua_process" require"cdlua" require"cdluaim" require"iuplua" require"iupluacd" --IupCanvas Example in IupLua cv = iup.canvas {rastersize="640x480"} dg = iup.dialog{iup.frame{cv}; title="Rotate Test"} -- Simple parameters width = 640 height = 480 screen_width = 1024 screen_height = 768 image = im.FileImageLoad("flower.jpg") Timage = {} --Timage.x0 = (width/2) - (image:Width()/2) --Timage.y0 = (height/2) - (image:Height()/2) Timage.x0 = 0 Timage.y0 = 0 function cv:action() canvas:Activate() canvas:Clear() if (image2) then image2:cdCanvasPutImageRect(canvas, Timage.x0, Timage.y0, image2:Width(), image2:Height(), 0,0,0,0) end return iup.DEFAULT end function cv:motion_cb(x, y, status) cd.Activate(canvas) y = cd.UpdateYAxis(y) if iup.isbutton1(status) == true then end return iup.DEFAULT end function cv:button_cb(but, pressed, x, y, status) if iup.isbutton1(status) == false then end return iup.DEFAULT end dg:map() canvas = cd.CreateCanvas(cd.IUP, cv.handle) dg:showxy(iup.CENTER, iup.CENTER) -- Rotation Test image:AddAlpha() -- option 1: to avoid a black background image:SetAlpha(255) local w, h = im.ProcessCalcRotateSize(image:Width(), image:Height(), math.cos(math.pi/4), math.sin(math.pi/4)) image2 = im.ImageCreateBased(image, w, h) --image2 = im.ImageCreate(w, h, im.RGB, im.BYTE) -- option 2: to avoid a black background --im.ProcessRenderConstant(image2, {255, 255, 255}) im.ProcessRotate(image, image2, math.cos(math.pi/4), math.sin(math.pi/4), 1) canvas:Activate() canvas:Clear() --original --image:cdCanvasPutImageRect(canvas, Timage.x0, Timage.y0, image:Width(), image:Height(), 0,0,0,0) --processed image2:cdCanvasPutImageRect(canvas, Timage.x0, Timage.y0, image2:Width(), image2:Height(), 0,0,0,0) if (not iup.MainLoopLevel or iup.MainLoopLevel()==0) then iup.MainLoop() end