require("iuplua") require("iupluagl") require("luagl") require("imlua") iup.key_open() texture = 0 cnv = iup.glcanvas{buffer="DOUBLE", rastersize = "640x480"} function cnv:resize_cb(width, height) iup.GLMakeCurrent(self) gl.Viewport(0, 0, width, height) end function cnv:action(x, y) iup.GLMakeCurrent(self) gl.PixelStore(gl.UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1) gl.Clear('COLOR_BUFFER_BIT,DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT') -- Clear Screen And Depth Buffer gl.DrawPixelsRaw (image:Width(), image:Height(), glformat, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, gldata) iup.GLSwapBuffers(self) end function cnv:k_any(c) if c == iup.K_q or c == iup.K_ESC then return iup.CLOSE end if c == iup.K_F1 then if fullscreen then fullscreen = false dlg.fullscreen = "No" else fullscreen = true dlg.fullscreen = "Yes" end end if c == iup.K_F2 then fileName = iup.GetFile("*.*") new_image = im.FileImageLoadBitmap(fileName) if (not new_image) then iup.Message("Error", "LoadBitmap failed.") else gldata, glformat = new_image:GetOpenGLData() if (image) then image:Destroy() end image = new_image iup.Update(cnv) end end end if arg and arg[1] ~= nil then fileName = arg[1] else fileName = iup.GetFile("*.*") end image = im.FileImageLoadBitmap(fileName) if (not image) then error("LoadBitmap failed.") end gldata, glformat = image:GetOpenGLData() dlg = iup.dialog{cnv; title="LuaGL/IUP/IM Loader"} dlg:show() cnv.rastersize = nil -- reset minimum limitation if (iup.MainLoopLevel()==0) then iup.MainLoop() end