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  title_bgcolor = "#3366CC",
  copyright_link = "http://www.tecgraf.puc-rio.br",
  search_link = "http://www.tecgraf.puc-rio.br/im",
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  copyright_name = "Tecgraf/PUC-Rio",
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    bar_title = "IM - Version 3.5",
    title = "IM - An Imaging Tool",

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      name= {en= "Product"},
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        { name= {en= "Availability"}, link= "prod.html#available" },
        { name= {en= "Support"}, link= "prod.html#support" },
        { name= {en= "Credits"}, link= "prod.html#thanks" },
        { name= {en= "Documentation"}, link= "prod.html#docs" },
        { link= "", name= {en= "" } },
        { name= {en= "Copyright/License"}, link= "copyright.html" },
        { name= {en= "Download"}, link= "download.html",
              name= {en= "Library Download Tips"},
              link= "download_tips.html"
        { name= {nl= "CVS"}, link= "cvs.html" },
        { name= {en= "History"}, link= "history.html" },
        { name= {en= "To Do"}, link= "to_do.html" },
        { name= {en= "Comparing"}, link= "toolkits.html" }
      name= {en= "Guide"},
      link= "guide.html",
        { name= {en= "Getting Started"}, link= "guide.html#startup" },
        { name= {en= "Building Applications"}, link= "guide.html#buildapp" },
        { name= {en= "Building the Library"}, link= "guide.html#buildlib" },
        { name= {en= "CD Compatibility"}, link= "guide.html#CD" },
        { name= {en= "OpenGL Compatibility"}, link= "guide.html#opengl" },
        { name= {en= "IM 2.x Compatibility"}, link= "guide.html#compat" },
        { name= {en= "Migrating OLD Code" }, link= "guide.html#migra"   },
        { name= {en= "Names Convention"}, link= "guide.html#names" },
        { name= {en= "C x C++ Usage"}, link= "guide.html#cpp" },
        { link= "", name= {en= "" } },
        { name= {en= "Samples"}, link= "samples.html" },
        { name= {en= "Lua Binding"}, link= "imlua.html" }
    { link= "", name= {en= "" } },
      link= "representation.html", 
      name= {en= "Representation" },
          name= {en= "Guide" },       
          link= "rep_guide.html",
            { link= "rep_guide.html#raw", name= {en= "Raw Data Buffer" } },
            { link= "rep_guide.html#imImage", name= {en= "imImage" } }
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            { link= "doxygen/group__cnvutil.html", name= {en= "Raw Data Conversion" } },
            { link= "doxygen/group__colormodeutl.html", name= {en= "Color Mode Utilities" } }
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      name= {en= "Storage" }, 
          name= {en= "Guide" },       
          link= "storage_guide.html", 
            { name= {en= "Reading" },         link= "storage_guide.html#read"    },
            { name= {en= "Writing" },         link= "storage_guide.html#write"   },
            { name= {en= "About File Formats"}, link= "storage_guide.html#formats" },
            { name= {en= "New File Formats"}, link= "storage_guide.html#filesdk" },
            { name= {en= "Memory I/O and Others"}, link= "storage_guide.html#binfilemem" }
          name= {en= "Samples" },       
          link= "storage_samples.html", 
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            { link= "storage_samples.html#im_copy", name= {en= "Copy" } }
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            { link= "doxygen/group__jpeg.html", name= {en= "JPEG - JPEG File Interchange Format" } },
            { link= "doxygen/group__krn.html", name= {en= "KRN - IM Kernel File Format" } },
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            { link= "doxygen/group__png.html", name= {en= "PNG - Portable Network Graphic Format" } },
            { link= "doxygen/group__pnm.html", name= {en= "PNM - Netpbm Portable Image Map" } },
            { link= "doxygen/group__ras.html", name= {en= "RAS - Sun Raster File" } },
            { link= "doxygen/group__sgi.html", name= {en= "SGI - Silicon Graphics Image File Format" } },
            { link= "doxygen/group__tga.html", name= {en= "TGA - Truevision Graphics Adapter File" } },
            { link= "doxygen/group__tiff.html", name= {en= "TIFF - Tagged Image File Format" } },
            { link= "",                        name= {en= "" } },
            { link= "doxygen/group__avi.html", name= {en= "AVI - Windows Audio-Video Interleaved RIFF" } },
            { link= "doxygen/group__jp2.html", name= {en= "JP2 - JPEG-2000 JP2 File Format" } },
            { link= "doxygen/group__wmv.html", name= {en= "WMV - Windows Media Video Format" } },
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          link= "capture_guide.html", 
            { link= "capture_guide.html#Using", name= {en= "Using" } },
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          link= "capture_samples.html",
            { link= "capture_samples.html#glut_capture", name= {en= "GLUT Capture" } },
            { link= "capture_samples.html#iupglcap", name= {en= "IUP OpenGL Capture" } }
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            { link= "",                        name= {en= "" } },
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            { link= "", name= {en= "" } },
            { link= "doxygen/group__colorutl.html", name= {en= "Color Utilities" } },
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            { link= "", name= {en= "" } },
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