/* * Copyright (c) 2003 Matteo Frigo * Copyright (c) 2003 Massachusetts Institute of Technology * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ /* This file was automatically generated --- DO NOT EDIT */ /* Generated on Sat Jul 5 22:11:23 EDT 2003 */ #include "codelet-rdft.h" /* Generated by: /homee/stevenj/cvs/fftw3.0.1/genfft/gen_hc2hc -compact -variables 4 -sign 1 -n 5 -dif -name hb_5 -include hb.h */ /* * This function contains 40 FP additions, 28 FP multiplications, * (or, 26 additions, 14 multiplications, 14 fused multiply/add), * 27 stack variables, and 20 memory accesses */ /* * Generator Id's : * $Id: hb_5.c,v 1.1 2008/10/17 06:12:08 scuri Exp $ * $Id: hb_5.c,v 1.1 2008/10/17 06:12:08 scuri Exp $ * $Id: hb_5.c,v 1.1 2008/10/17 06:12:08 scuri Exp $ */ #include "hb.h" static const R *hb_5(R *rio, R *iio, const R *W, stride ios, int m, int dist) { DK(KP250000000, +0.250000000000000000000000000000000000000000000); DK(KP587785252, +0.587785252292473129168705954639072768597652438); DK(KP951056516, +0.951056516295153572116439333379382143405698634); DK(KP559016994, +0.559016994374947424102293417182819058860154590); int i; for (i = m - 2; i > 0; i = i - 2, rio = rio + dist, iio = iio - dist, W = W + 8) { E T1, Tj, TG, Ts, T8, Ti, T9, Tn, TD, Tu, Tg, Tt; { E T7, Tr, T4, Tq; T1 = rio[0]; { E T5, T6, T2, T3; T5 = rio[WS(ios, 2)]; T6 = iio[-WS(ios, 3)]; T7 = T5 + T6; Tr = T5 - T6; T2 = rio[WS(ios, 1)]; T3 = iio[-WS(ios, 4)]; T4 = T2 + T3; Tq = T2 - T3; } Tj = KP559016994 * (T4 - T7); TG = FMA(KP951056516, Tq, KP587785252 * Tr); Ts = FNMS(KP951056516, Tr, KP587785252 * Tq); T8 = T4 + T7; Ti = FNMS(KP250000000, T8, T1); } { E Tf, Tm, Tc, Tl; T9 = iio[0]; { E Td, Te, Ta, Tb; Td = iio[-WS(ios, 2)]; Te = rio[WS(ios, 3)]; Tf = Td - Te; Tm = Td + Te; Ta = iio[-WS(ios, 1)]; Tb = rio[WS(ios, 4)]; Tc = Ta - Tb; Tl = Ta + Tb; } Tn = FNMS(KP951056516, Tm, KP587785252 * Tl); TD = FMA(KP951056516, Tl, KP587785252 * Tm); Tu = KP559016994 * (Tc - Tf); Tg = Tc + Tf; Tt = FNMS(KP250000000, Tg, T9); } rio[0] = T1 + T8; iio[-WS(ios, 4)] = T9 + Tg; { E TE, TM, TI, TK, TC, TH; TC = Tj + Ti; TE = TC - TD; TM = TC + TD; TH = Tu + Tt; TI = TG + TH; TK = TH - TG; { E TB, TF, TJ, TL; TB = W[0]; TF = W[1]; rio[WS(ios, 1)] = FNMS(TF, TI, TB * TE); iio[-WS(ios, 3)] = FMA(TB, TI, TF * TE); TJ = W[6]; TL = W[7]; iio[0] = FMA(TJ, TK, TL * TM); rio[WS(ios, 4)] = FNMS(TL, TK, TJ * TM); } } { E To, TA, Tw, Ty, Tk, Tv; Tk = Ti - Tj; To = Tk - Tn; TA = Tk + Tn; Tv = Tt - Tu; Tw = Ts + Tv; Ty = Tv - Ts; { E Th, Tp, Tx, Tz; Th = W[2]; Tp = W[3]; rio[WS(ios, 2)] = FNMS(Tp, Tw, Th * To); iio[-WS(ios, 2)] = FMA(Th, Tw, Tp * To); Tx = W[4]; Tz = W[5]; iio[-WS(ios, 1)] = FMA(Tx, Ty, Tz * TA); rio[WS(ios, 3)] = FNMS(Tz, Ty, Tx * TA); } } } return W; } static const tw_instr twinstr[] = { {TW_FULL, 0, 5}, {TW_NEXT, 1, 0} }; static const hc2hc_desc desc = { 5, "hb_5", twinstr, {26, 14, 14, 0}, &GENUS, 0, 0, 0 }; void X(codelet_hb_5) (planner *p) { X(khc2hc_dif_register) (p, hb_5, &desc); }