/** \file * \brief Image Conversion * * See Copyright Notice in im_lib.h * $Id: im_convertbitmap.cpp,v 1.1 2008/10/17 06:10:16 scuri Exp $ */ #include "im.h" #include "im_util.h" #include "im_complex.h" #include "im_image.h" #include "im_convert.h" #include "im_counter.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include <assert.h> #include <memory.h> int imConvertToBitmap(const imImage* src_image, imImage* dst_image, int cpx2real, float gamma, int abssolute, int cast_mode) { assert(src_image); assert(dst_image); if (!imImageMatchSize(src_image, dst_image) || !imImageIsBitmap(dst_image)) return IM_ERR_DATA; int counter = imCounterBegin("Building Bitmap"); int ret; if (src_image->data_type == IM_BYTE) { // NO data type conversion, only color mode conversion ret = imConvertColorSpace(src_image, dst_image); } else { if (src_image->color_space == IM_RGB || src_image->color_space == IM_GRAY) { // data type conversion, but NO color mode conversion ret = imConvertDataType(src_image, dst_image, cpx2real, gamma, abssolute, cast_mode); } else { // data type conversion AND color mode conversion imImage* temp_image = imImageCreate(src_image->width, src_image->height, dst_image->color_space, src_image->data_type); if (!temp_image) ret = IM_ERR_MEM; else { // first convert color_mode in the bigger precision ret = imConvertColorSpace(src_image, temp_image); if (ret == IM_ERR_NONE) { // second just convert data type ret = imConvertDataType(temp_image, dst_image, cpx2real, gamma, abssolute, cast_mode); } imImageDestroy(temp_image); } } } imCounterEnd(counter); return ret; } template <class T> void iDoChangePacking(const T* src_data, T* dst_data, int width, int height, int depth, int src_is_packed) { int count = width*height; if (src_is_packed) { for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { for (int d = 0; d < depth; d++) { *(dst_data + d*count) = *src_data++; } dst_data++; } } else { for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { for (int d = 0; d < depth; d++) { *dst_data++ = *(src_data + d*count); } src_data++; } } } void imConvertPacking(const void* src_data, void* dst_data, int width, int height, int depth, int data_type, int src_is_packed) { switch(data_type) { case IM_BYTE: iDoChangePacking((const imbyte*)src_data, (imbyte*)dst_data, width, height, depth, src_is_packed); break; case IM_USHORT: iDoChangePacking((const imushort*)src_data, (imushort*)dst_data, width, height, depth, src_is_packed); break; case IM_INT: iDoChangePacking((const int*)src_data, (int*)dst_data, width, height, depth, src_is_packed); break; case IM_FLOAT: iDoChangePacking((const float*)src_data, (float*)dst_data, width, height, depth, src_is_packed); break; case IM_CFLOAT: iDoChangePacking((const imcfloat*)src_data, (imcfloat*)dst_data, width, height, depth, src_is_packed); break; } }