/** \file * \brief Image Conversion * * See Copyright Notice in im_lib.h * $Id: im_convertcolor.cpp,v 1.3 2009/08/18 05:13:18 scuri Exp $ */ #include "im.h" #include "im_util.h" #include "im_complex.h" #include "im_image.h" #include "im_convert.h" #include "im_color.h" #include "im_counter.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include <assert.h> #include <memory.h> void imConvertMapToRGB(unsigned char* data, int count, int depth, int packed, long* palette, int palette_count) { int c, i, delta; unsigned char r[256], g[256], b[256]; unsigned char *r_data, *g_data, *b_data; unsigned char* src_data = data + count-1; if (packed) { r_data = data + depth*(count-1); g_data = r_data + 1; b_data = r_data + 2; delta = depth; } else { r_data = data + count - 1; g_data = data + 2*count - 1; b_data = data + 3*count - 1; delta = 1; } for (c = 0; c < palette_count; c++) imColorDecode(&r[c], &g[c], &b[c], palette[c]); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { int index = *src_data; *r_data = r[index]; *g_data = g[index]; *b_data = b[index]; r_data -= delta; g_data -= delta; b_data -= delta; src_data--; } } static void iConvertSetTranspMap(imbyte *src_map, imbyte *dst_alpha, int count, imbyte *transp_map, int transp_count) { for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (*src_map < transp_count) *dst_alpha = transp_map[*src_map]; else *dst_alpha = 255; /* opaque */ src_map++; dst_alpha++; } } static void iConvertSetTranspIndex(imbyte *src_map, imbyte *dst_alpha, int count, imbyte index) { for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (*src_map == index) *dst_alpha = 0; /* full transparent */ else *dst_alpha = 255; /* opaque */ src_map++; dst_alpha++; } } static void iConvertSetTranspColor(imbyte **dst_data, int count, imbyte r, imbyte g, imbyte b) { imbyte *pr = dst_data[0]; imbyte *pg = dst_data[1]; imbyte *pb = dst_data[2]; imbyte *pa = dst_data[3]; for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (*pr == r && *pg == g && *pb == b) *pa = 0; /* transparent */ else *pa = 255; /* opaque */ pr++; pg++; pb++; pa++; } } // convert bin2gray and gray2bin inline void iConvertBinary(imbyte* map, int count, imbyte value) { imbyte thres = (value == 255)? 1: 128; // if gray2bin, check for invalid gray that already is binary if (value != 255) { imbyte vmax = 0, *pmap = map; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (*pmap > vmax) vmax = *pmap; pmap++; } if (vmax == 1) thres = 1; else thres = vmax / 2; } for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (*map >= thres) *map = value; else *map = 0; map++; } } static void iConvertMap2Gray(const imbyte* src_map, imbyte* dst_map, int count, const long* palette, const int palette_count) { imbyte r, g, b; imbyte remap[256]; for (int c = 0; c < palette_count; c++) { imColorDecode(&r, &g, &b, palette[c]); remap[c] = imColorRGB2Luma(r, g, b); } for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { *dst_map++ = remap[*src_map++]; } } static void iConvertMapToRGB(const imbyte* src_map, imbyte* red, imbyte* green, imbyte* blue, int count, const long* palette, const int palette_count) { imbyte r[256], g[256], b[256]; for (int c = 0; c < palette_count; c++) imColorDecode(&r[c], &g[c], &b[c], palette[c]); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { int index = *src_map++; *red++ = r[index]; *green++ = g[index]; *blue++ = b[index]; } } template <class T> int iDoConvert2Gray(int count, int data_type, const T** src_data, int src_color_space, T** dst_data, int counter) { int i; T max; const T* src_map0 = src_data[0]; const T* src_map1 = src_data[1]; const T* src_map2 = src_data[2]; const T* src_map3 = (src_color_space == IM_CMYK)? src_data[3]: 0; T* dst_map = dst_data[0]; imCounterTotal(counter, count, "Converting To Gray..."); switch(src_color_space) { case IM_XYZ: max = (T)imColorMax(data_type); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { // scale to 0-1 float c1 = imColorReconstruct(*src_map1++, max); // use only Y component // do gamma correction then scale back to 0-max *dst_map++ = imColorQuantize(imColorTransfer2Nonlinear(c1), max); if (!imCounterInc(counter)) return IM_ERR_COUNTER; } break; case IM_CMYK: max = (T)imColorMax(data_type); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { T r, g, b; // result is still 0-max imColorCMYK2RGB(*src_map0++, *src_map1++, *src_map2++, *src_map3++, r, g, b, max); *dst_map++ = imColorRGB2Luma(r, g, b); if (!imCounterInc(counter)) return IM_ERR_COUNTER; } break; case IM_RGB: for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { *dst_map++ = imColorRGB2Luma(*src_map0++, *src_map1++, *src_map2++); if (!imCounterInc(counter)) return IM_ERR_COUNTER; } break; case IM_LUV: case IM_LAB: max = (T)imColorMax(data_type); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { // to increase precision do intermediate conversions in float float c0 = imColorReconstruct(*src_map0++, max); // scale to 0-1 c0 = imColorLightness2Luminance(c0); // do the convertion // do gamma correction then scale back to 0-max *dst_map++ = imColorQuantize(imColorTransfer2Nonlinear(c0), max); if (!imCounterInc(counter)) return IM_ERR_COUNTER; } break; default: return IM_ERR_DATA; } return IM_ERR_NONE; } template <class T> int iDoConvert2RGB(int count, int data_type, const T** src_data, int src_color_space, T** dst_data, int counter) { int i; T max, zero; const T* src_map0 = src_data[0]; const T* src_map1 = src_data[1]; const T* src_map2 = src_data[2]; const T* src_map3 = (src_color_space == IM_CMYK)? src_data[3]: 0; T* dst_map0 = dst_data[0]; T* dst_map1 = dst_data[1]; T* dst_map2 = dst_data[2]; imCounterTotal(counter, count, "Converting To RGB..."); switch(src_color_space) { case IM_XYZ: max = (T)imColorMax(data_type); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { // to increase precision do intermediate conversions in float // scale to 0-1 float c0 = imColorReconstruct(*src_map0++, max); float c1 = imColorReconstruct(*src_map1++, max); float c2 = imColorReconstruct(*src_map2++, max); // result is still 0-1 imColorXYZ2RGB(c0, c1, c2, c0, c1, c2, 1.0f); // do gamma correction then scale back to 0-max *dst_map0++ = imColorQuantize(imColorTransfer2Nonlinear(c0), max); *dst_map1++ = imColorQuantize(imColorTransfer2Nonlinear(c1), max); *dst_map2++ = imColorQuantize(imColorTransfer2Nonlinear(c2), max); if (!imCounterInc(counter)) return IM_ERR_COUNTER; } break; case IM_YCBCR: max = (T)imColorMax(data_type); zero = (T)imColorZero(data_type); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { imColorYCbCr2RGB(*src_map0++, *src_map1++, *src_map2++, *dst_map0++, *dst_map1++, *dst_map2++, zero, max); } break; case IM_CMYK: max = (T)imColorMax(data_type); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { // result is still 0-max imColorCMYK2RGB(*src_map0++, *src_map1++, *src_map2++, *src_map3++, *dst_map0++, *dst_map1++, *dst_map2++, max); if (!imCounterInc(counter)) return IM_ERR_COUNTER; } break; case IM_LUV: case IM_LAB: max = (T)imColorMax(data_type); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { // to increase precision do intermediate conversions in float // scale to 0-1 and -0.5/+0.5 float c0 = imColorReconstruct(*src_map0++, max); float c1 = imColorReconstruct(*src_map1++, max) - 0.5f; float c2 = imColorReconstruct(*src_map2++, max) - 0.5f; if (src_color_space == IM_LUV) imColorLuv2XYZ(c0, c1, c2, // conversion in-place c0, c1, c2); else imColorLab2XYZ(c0, c1, c2, // conversion in-place c0, c1, c2); imColorXYZ2RGB(c0, c1, c2, // conversion in-place c0, c1, c2, 1.0f); // do gamma correction then scale back to 0-max *dst_map0++ = imColorQuantize(imColorTransfer2Nonlinear(c0), max); *dst_map1++ = imColorQuantize(imColorTransfer2Nonlinear(c1), max); *dst_map2++ = imColorQuantize(imColorTransfer2Nonlinear(c2), max); if (!imCounterInc(counter)) return IM_ERR_COUNTER; } break; default: return IM_ERR_DATA; } return IM_ERR_NONE; } template <class T> int iDoConvert2YCbCr(int count, int data_type, const T** src_data, int src_color_space, T** dst_data, int counter) { int i; T zero; const T* src_map0 = src_data[0]; const T* src_map1 = src_data[1]; const T* src_map2 = src_data[2]; T* dst_map0 = dst_data[0]; T* dst_map1 = dst_data[1]; T* dst_map2 = dst_data[2]; imCounterTotal(counter, count, "Converting To YCbCr..."); switch(src_color_space) { case IM_RGB: zero = (T)imColorZero(data_type); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { imColorRGB2YCbCr(*src_map0++, *src_map1++, *src_map2++, *dst_map0++, *dst_map1++, *dst_map2++, zero); if (!imCounterInc(counter)) return IM_ERR_COUNTER; } break; default: return IM_ERR_DATA; } return IM_ERR_NONE; } template <class T> int iDoConvert2XYZ(int count, int data_type, const T** src_data, int src_color_space, T** dst_data, int counter) { int i; T max; const T* src_map0 = src_data[0]; const T* src_map1 = (src_color_space == IM_GRAY)? 0: src_data[1]; const T* src_map2 = (src_color_space == IM_GRAY)? 0: src_data[2]; T* dst_map0 = dst_data[0]; T* dst_map1 = dst_data[1]; T* dst_map2 = dst_data[2]; imCounterTotal(counter, count, "Converting To XYZ..."); switch(src_color_space) { case IM_GRAY: max = (T)imColorMax(data_type); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { // scale to 0-1 float c0 = imColorReconstruct(*src_map0++, max); // do gamma correction c0 = imColorTransfer2Linear(c0); // then scale back to 0-max *dst_map0++ = imColorQuantize(c0*0.9505f, max); // Compensate D65 white point *dst_map1++ = imColorQuantize(c0, max); *dst_map2++ = imColorQuantize(c0*1.0890f, max); if (!imCounterInc(counter)) return IM_ERR_COUNTER; } break; case IM_RGB: max = (T)imColorMax(data_type); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { // to increase precision do intermediate conversions in float // scale to 0-1 float c0 = imColorReconstruct(*src_map0++, max); float c1 = imColorReconstruct(*src_map1++, max); float c2 = imColorReconstruct(*src_map2++, max); // do gamma correction c0 = imColorTransfer2Linear(c0); c1 = imColorTransfer2Linear(c1); c2 = imColorTransfer2Linear(c2); // result is still 0-1 imColorRGB2XYZ(c0, c1, c2, c0, c1, c2); // then scale back to 0-max *dst_map0++ = imColorQuantize(c0, max); *dst_map1++ = imColorQuantize(c1, max); *dst_map2++ = imColorQuantize(c2, max); if (!imCounterInc(counter)) return IM_ERR_COUNTER; } break; case IM_LUV: case IM_LAB: max = (T)imColorMax(data_type); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { // to increase precision do intermediate conversions in float // scale to 0-1 and -0.5/+0.5 float c0 = imColorReconstruct(*src_map0++, max); float c1 = imColorReconstruct(*src_map1++, max) - 0.5f; float c2 = imColorReconstruct(*src_map2++, max) - 0.5f; if (src_color_space == IM_LUV) imColorLuv2XYZ(c0, c1, c2, // convertion in-place c0, c1, c2); else imColorLab2XYZ(c0, c1, c2, // convertion in-place c0, c1, c2); // scale back to 0-max *dst_map0++ = imColorQuantize(c0, max); *dst_map1++ = imColorQuantize(c1, max); *dst_map2++ = imColorQuantize(c2, max); if (!imCounterInc(counter)) return IM_ERR_COUNTER; } break; default: return IM_ERR_DATA; } return IM_ERR_NONE; } template <class T> int iDoConvert2Lab(int count, int data_type, const T** src_data, int src_color_space, T** dst_data, int counter) { int i; T max; const T* src_map0 = src_data[0]; const T* src_map1 = (src_color_space == IM_GRAY)? 0: src_data[1]; const T* src_map2 = (src_color_space == IM_GRAY)? 0: src_data[2]; T* dst_map0 = dst_data[0]; T* dst_map1 = dst_data[1]; T* dst_map2 = dst_data[2]; imCounterTotal(counter, count, "Converting To Lab..."); switch(src_color_space) { case IM_GRAY: max = (T)imColorMax(data_type); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { // scale to 0-1 float c0 = imColorReconstruct(*src_map0++, max); // do gamma correction c0 = imColorTransfer2Linear(c0); // do conversion c0 = imColorLuminance2Lightness(c0); // then scale back to 0-max *dst_map0++ = imColorQuantize(c0, max); // update only the L component if (!imCounterInc(counter)) return IM_ERR_COUNTER; } break; case IM_RGB: max = (T)imColorMax(data_type); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { // to increase precision do intermediate conversions in float // scale to 0-1 float c0 = imColorReconstruct(*src_map0++, max); float c1 = imColorReconstruct(*src_map1++, max); float c2 = imColorReconstruct(*src_map2++, max); // do gamma correction c0 = imColorTransfer2Linear(c0); c1 = imColorTransfer2Linear(c1); c2 = imColorTransfer2Linear(c2); imColorRGB2XYZ(c0, c1, c2, // convertion in-place c0, c1, c2); imColorXYZ2Lab(c0, c1, c2, // convertion in-place c0, c1, c2); // then scale back to 0-max *dst_map0++ = imColorQuantize(c0, max); *dst_map1++ = imColorQuantize(c1 + 0.5f, max); *dst_map2++ = imColorQuantize(c2 + 0.5f, max); if (!imCounterInc(counter)) return IM_ERR_COUNTER; } break; case IM_XYZ: max = (T)imColorMax(data_type); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { // to increase precision do intermediate conversions in float // scale to 0-1 and -0.5/+0.5 float c0 = imColorReconstruct(*src_map0++, max); float c1 = imColorReconstruct(*src_map1++, max); float c2 = imColorReconstruct(*src_map2++, max); imColorXYZ2Lab(c0, c1, c2, // convertion in-place c0, c1, c2); // scale back to 0-max *dst_map0++ = imColorQuantize(c0, max); *dst_map1++ = imColorQuantize(c1 + 0.5f, max); *dst_map2++ = imColorQuantize(c2 + 0.5f, max); if (!imCounterInc(counter)) return IM_ERR_COUNTER; } break; case IM_LUV: max = (T)imColorMax(data_type); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { // to increase precision do intermediate conversions in float // scale to 0-1 and -0.5/+0.5 float c0 = imColorReconstruct(*src_map0++, max); float c1 = imColorReconstruct(*src_map1++, max) - 0.5f; float c2 = imColorReconstruct(*src_map2++, max) - 0.5f; imColorLuv2XYZ(c0, c1, c2, // convertion in-place c0, c1, c2); imColorXYZ2Lab(c0, c1, c2, // convertion in-place c0, c1, c2); // scale back to 0-max *dst_map0++ = imColorQuantize(c0, max); *dst_map1++ = imColorQuantize(c1 + 0.5f, max); *dst_map2++ = imColorQuantize(c2 + 0.5f, max); if (!imCounterInc(counter)) return IM_ERR_COUNTER; } break; default: return IM_ERR_DATA; } return IM_ERR_NONE; } template <class T> int iDoConvert2Luv(int count, int data_type, const T** src_data, int src_color_space, T** dst_data, int counter) { int i; T max; const T* src_map0 = src_data[0]; const T* src_map1 = (src_color_space == IM_GRAY)? 0: src_data[1]; const T* src_map2 = (src_color_space == IM_GRAY)? 0: src_data[2]; T* dst_map0 = dst_data[0]; T* dst_map1 = dst_data[1]; T* dst_map2 = dst_data[2]; imCounterTotal(counter, count, "Converting To Luv..."); switch(src_color_space) { case IM_GRAY: max = (T)imColorMax(data_type); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { // scale to 0-1 float c0 = imColorReconstruct(*src_map0++, max); // do gamma correction c0 = imColorTransfer2Linear(c0); // do conversion c0 = imColorLuminance2Lightness(c0); // then scale back to 0-max *dst_map0++ = imColorQuantize(c0, max); // update only the L component if (!imCounterInc(counter)) return IM_ERR_COUNTER; } break; case IM_RGB: max = (T)imColorMax(data_type); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { // to increase precision do intermediate conversions in float // scale to 0-1 float c0 = imColorReconstruct(*src_map0++, max); float c1 = imColorReconstruct(*src_map1++, max); float c2 = imColorReconstruct(*src_map2++, max); // do gamma correction c0 = imColorTransfer2Linear(c0); c1 = imColorTransfer2Linear(c1); c2 = imColorTransfer2Linear(c2); imColorRGB2XYZ(c0, c1, c2, // convertion in-place c0, c1, c2); imColorXYZ2Luv(c0, c1, c2, // convertion in-place c0, c1, c2); // then scale back to 0-max *dst_map0++ = imColorQuantize(c0, max); *dst_map1++ = imColorQuantize(c1 + 0.5f, max); *dst_map2++ = imColorQuantize(c2 + 0.5f, max); if (!imCounterInc(counter)) return IM_ERR_COUNTER; } break; case IM_XYZ: max = (T)imColorMax(data_type); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { // to increase precision do intermediate conversions in float // scale to 0-1 and -0.5/+0.5 float c0 = imColorReconstruct(*src_map0++, max); float c1 = imColorReconstruct(*src_map1++, max); float c2 = imColorReconstruct(*src_map2++, max); imColorXYZ2Luv(c0, c1, c2, // convertion in-place c0, c1, c2); // scale back to 0-max *dst_map0++ = imColorQuantize(c0, max); *dst_map1++ = imColorQuantize(c1 + 0.5f, max); *dst_map2++ = imColorQuantize(c2 + 0.5f, max); if (!imCounterInc(counter)) return IM_ERR_COUNTER; } break; case IM_LAB: max = (T)imColorMax(data_type); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { // to increase precision do intermediate conversions in float // scale to 0-1 and -0.5/+0.5 float c0 = imColorReconstruct(*src_map0++, max); float c1 = imColorReconstruct(*src_map1++, max) - 0.5f; float c2 = imColorReconstruct(*src_map2++, max) - 0.5f; imColorLab2XYZ(c0, c1, c2, // convertion in-place c0, c1, c2); imColorXYZ2Luv(c0, c1, c2, // convertion in-place c0, c1, c2); // scale back to 0-max *dst_map0++ = imColorQuantize(c0, max); *dst_map1++ = imColorQuantize(c1 + 0.5f, max); *dst_map2++ = imColorQuantize(c2 + 0.5f, max); if (!imCounterInc(counter)) return IM_ERR_COUNTER; } break; default: return IM_ERR_DATA; } return IM_ERR_NONE; } template <class T> int iDoConvertColorSpace(int count, int data_type, const T** src_data, int src_color_space, T** dst_data, int dst_color_space) { int ret = IM_ERR_DATA, convert2rgb = 0; if ((dst_color_space == IM_XYZ || dst_color_space == IM_LAB || dst_color_space == IM_LUV) && (src_color_space == IM_CMYK || src_color_space == IM_YCBCR)) { convert2rgb = 1; } if (dst_color_space == IM_YCBCR && src_color_space != IM_RGB) convert2rgb = 1; int counter = imCounterBegin("Convert Color Space"); if (convert2rgb) { ret = iDoConvert2RGB(count, data_type, src_data, src_color_space, dst_data, counter); if (ret != IM_ERR_NONE) { imCounterEnd(counter); return ret; } src_data = (const T**)dst_data; src_color_space = IM_RGB; } switch(dst_color_space) { case IM_GRAY: ret = iDoConvert2Gray(count, data_type, src_data, src_color_space, dst_data, counter); break; case IM_RGB: ret = iDoConvert2RGB(count, data_type, src_data, src_color_space, dst_data, counter); break; case IM_YCBCR: ret = iDoConvert2YCbCr(count, data_type, src_data, src_color_space, dst_data, counter); break; case IM_XYZ: ret = iDoConvert2XYZ(count, data_type, src_data, src_color_space, dst_data, counter); break; case IM_LAB: ret = iDoConvert2Lab(count, data_type, src_data, src_color_space, dst_data, counter); break; case IM_LUV: ret = iDoConvert2Luv(count, data_type, src_data, src_color_space, dst_data, counter); break; default: ret = IM_ERR_DATA; break; } imCounterEnd(counter); return ret; } static int iConvertColorSpace(const imImage* src_image, imImage* dst_image) { switch(src_image->data_type) { case IM_BYTE: return iDoConvertColorSpace(src_image->count, src_image->data_type, (const imbyte**)src_image->data, src_image->color_space, (imbyte**)dst_image->data, dst_image->color_space); case IM_USHORT: return iDoConvertColorSpace(src_image->count, src_image->data_type, (const imushort**)src_image->data, src_image->color_space, (imushort**)dst_image->data, dst_image->color_space); case IM_INT: return iDoConvertColorSpace(src_image->count, src_image->data_type, (const int**)src_image->data, src_image->color_space, (int**)dst_image->data, dst_image->color_space); case IM_FLOAT: return iDoConvertColorSpace(src_image->count, src_image->data_type, (const float**)src_image->data, src_image->color_space, (float**)dst_image->data, dst_image->color_space); case IM_CFLOAT: /* treat complex as two real values */ return iDoConvertColorSpace(2*src_image->count, src_image->data_type, (const float**)src_image->data, src_image->color_space, (float**)dst_image->data, dst_image->color_space); } return IM_ERR_DATA; } int imConvertColorSpace(const imImage* src_image, imImage* dst_image) { int ret = IM_ERR_NONE; assert(src_image); assert(dst_image); if (!imImageMatchDataType(src_image, dst_image)) return IM_ERR_DATA; if (src_image->color_space != dst_image->color_space) { switch(dst_image->color_space) { case IM_RGB: switch(src_image->color_space) { case IM_BINARY: memcpy(dst_image->data[0], src_image->data[0], dst_image->plane_size); iConvertBinary((imbyte*)dst_image->data[0], dst_image->count, 255); memcpy(dst_image->data[1], dst_image->data[0], dst_image->plane_size); memcpy(dst_image->data[2], dst_image->data[0], dst_image->plane_size); ret = IM_ERR_NONE; break; case IM_MAP: iConvertMapToRGB((imbyte*)src_image->data[0], (imbyte*)dst_image->data[0], (imbyte*)dst_image->data[1], (imbyte*)dst_image->data[2], dst_image->count, src_image->palette, src_image->palette_count); ret = IM_ERR_NONE; break; case IM_GRAY: memcpy(dst_image->data[0], src_image->data[0], dst_image->plane_size); memcpy(dst_image->data[1], src_image->data[0], dst_image->plane_size); memcpy(dst_image->data[2], src_image->data[0], dst_image->plane_size); ret = IM_ERR_NONE; break; default: ret = iConvertColorSpace(src_image, dst_image); break; } break; case IM_GRAY: switch(src_image->color_space) { case IM_BINARY: memcpy(dst_image->data[0], src_image->data[0], dst_image->size); iConvertBinary((imbyte*)dst_image->data[0], dst_image->count, 255); ret = IM_ERR_NONE; break; case IM_MAP: iConvertMap2Gray((imbyte*)src_image->data[0], (imbyte*)dst_image->data[0], dst_image->count, src_image->palette, src_image->palette_count); ret = IM_ERR_NONE; break; case IM_YCBCR: memcpy(dst_image->data[0], src_image->data[0], dst_image->plane_size); ret = IM_ERR_NONE; break; default: ret = iConvertColorSpace(src_image, dst_image); break; } break; case IM_MAP: switch(src_image->color_space) { case IM_BINARY: // no break, same procedure as gray case IM_GRAY: memcpy(dst_image->data[0], src_image->data[0], dst_image->size); dst_image->palette_count = src_image->palette_count; memcpy(dst_image->palette, src_image->palette, dst_image->palette_count*sizeof(long)); ret = IM_ERR_NONE; break; case IM_RGB: dst_image->palette_count = 256; ret = imConvertRGB2Map(src_image->width, src_image->height, (imbyte*)src_image->data[0], (imbyte*)src_image->data[1], (imbyte*)src_image->data[2], (imbyte*)dst_image->data[0], dst_image->palette, &dst_image->palette_count); break; default: ret = IM_ERR_DATA; break; } break; case IM_BINARY: switch(src_image->color_space) { case IM_GRAY: memcpy(dst_image->data[0], src_image->data[0], dst_image->size); iConvertBinary((imbyte*)dst_image->data[0], dst_image->count, 1); ret = IM_ERR_NONE; break; case IM_MAP: // convert to gray, then convert to binary iConvertMap2Gray((imbyte*)src_image->data[0], (imbyte*)dst_image->data[0], dst_image->count, src_image->palette, src_image->palette_count); iConvertBinary((imbyte*)dst_image->data[0], dst_image->count, 1); ret = IM_ERR_NONE; break; case IM_YCBCR: // convert to gray, then convert to binary memcpy(dst_image->data[0], src_image->data[0], dst_image->plane_size); iConvertBinary((imbyte*)dst_image->data[0], dst_image->count, 1); ret = IM_ERR_NONE; break; default: // convert to gray, then convert to binary dst_image->color_space = IM_GRAY; ret = iConvertColorSpace(src_image, dst_image); dst_image->color_space = IM_BINARY; if (ret == IM_ERR_NONE) iConvertBinary((imbyte*)dst_image->data[0], dst_image->count, 1); ret = IM_ERR_NONE; break; } break; case IM_YCBCR: switch(src_image->color_space) { case IM_GRAY: memcpy(dst_image->data[0], src_image->data[0], dst_image->plane_size); ret = IM_ERR_NONE; break; default: ret = iConvertColorSpace(src_image, dst_image); break; } break; default: ret = iConvertColorSpace(src_image, dst_image); break; } } if (src_image->has_alpha && dst_image->has_alpha) memcpy(dst_image->data[dst_image->depth], src_image->data[src_image->depth], src_image->plane_size); else if (dst_image->color_space == IM_RGB && dst_image->data_type == IM_BYTE && dst_image->has_alpha) { if (src_image->color_space == IM_RGB) { imbyte* transp_color = (imbyte*)imImageGetAttribute(src_image, "TransparencyColor", NULL, NULL); if (transp_color) iConvertSetTranspColor((imbyte**)dst_image->data, dst_image->count, *(transp_color+0), *(transp_color+1), *(transp_color+2)); else memset(dst_image->data[3], 255, dst_image->count); } else { int transp_count; imbyte* transp_index = (imbyte*)imImageGetAttribute(src_image, "TransparencyIndex", NULL, NULL); imbyte* transp_map = (imbyte*)imImageGetAttribute(src_image, "TransparencyMap", NULL, &transp_count); if (transp_map) iConvertSetTranspMap((imbyte*)src_image->data[0], (imbyte*)dst_image->data[3], dst_image->count, transp_map, transp_count); else if (transp_index) iConvertSetTranspIndex((imbyte*)src_image->data[0], (imbyte*)dst_image->data[3], dst_image->count, *transp_index); else memset(dst_image->data[3], 255, dst_image->count); } } return ret; }