/** \file * \brief AVI - Windows Audio-Video Interleaved RIFF * * See Copyright Notice in im_lib.h * $Id: im_format_avi.cpp,v 1.4 2009/06/14 17:02:34 scuri Exp $ */ #include "im_format.h" #include "im_format_avi.h" #include "im_util.h" #include "im_counter.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <windows.h> #include <vfw.h> #include "im_dib.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <memory.h> static const char* iAVICompTable[15] = { "NONE", "RLE", // Microsoft RLE "CINEPACK", // Cinepak Codec by Radius "MSVC", // Microsoft Video 1 "M261", // Microsoft H.261 Video Codec "M263", // Microsoft H.263 Video Codec "I420", // Intel 4:2:0 Video Codec (same as M263) "IV32", // Intel Indeo Video Codec 3.2 "IV41", // Intel Indeo Video Codec 4.5 "IV50", // Intel Indeo Video 5.1 "IYUV", // Intel IYUV Codec "MPG4", // Microsoft MPEG-4 Video Codec V1 "MP42", // Microsoft MPEG-4 Video Codec V2 "DIVX", // DivX 5.0.4 Codec (must be installed) "CUSTOM" // (show compression dialog) }; class imFileFormatAVI: public imFileFormatBase { PAVIFILE file; PAVISTREAM stream; imDib* dib; float fps; unsigned int rmask, gmask, bmask, roff, goff, boff; /* pixel bit mask control when reading 16 and 32 bpp images */ PGETFRAME frame; // used when reading int current_frame; COMPVARS compvars; // used when writing int use_compressor; void ReadPalette(unsigned char* bmp_colors); void WritePalette(unsigned char* bmp_colors); void FixRGBOrder(int bpp); void InitMasks(imDib* dib); public: imFileFormatAVI(const imFormat* _iformat): imFileFormatBase(_iformat) {} ~imFileFormatAVI() {} int Open(const char* file_name); int New(const char* file_name); void Close(); void* Handle(int index); int ReadImageInfo(int index); int ReadImageData(void* data); int WriteImageInfo(); int WriteImageData(void* data); }; class imFormatAVI: public imFormat { public: imFormatAVI() :imFormat("AVI", "Windows Audio-Video Interleaved RIFF", "*.avi;", iAVICompTable, 15, 1) {} ~imFormatAVI() {} imFileFormatBase* Create(void) const { return new imFileFormatAVI(this); } int CanWrite(const char* compression, int color_mode, int data_type) const; }; void imFormatRegisterAVI(void) { imFormatRegister(new imFormatAVI()); } int imFileFormatAVI::Open(const char* file_name) { /* initializes avi file library, can be called many times */ AVIFileInit(); /* open existing file */ HRESULT hr = AVIFileOpen(&file, file_name, OF_READ, NULL); if (hr != 0) { AVIFileExit(); if (hr == AVIERR_FILEOPEN) return IM_ERR_OPEN; else if (hr == AVIERR_BADFORMAT || hr == REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG) return IM_ERR_FORMAT; else return IM_ERR_ACCESS; } /* get the video stream */ hr = AVIFileGetStream(file, &stream, streamtypeVIDEO, 0); if (hr != 0) { AVIFileRelease(this->file); AVIFileExit(); if (hr == AVIERR_NODATA) return IM_ERR_DATA; else return IM_ERR_ACCESS; } /* get stream info */ AVISTREAMINFO streaminfo; AVIStreamInfo(stream, &streaminfo, sizeof(AVISTREAMINFO)); this->image_count = streaminfo.dwLength; this->fps = (float)streaminfo.dwRate / (float)streaminfo.dwScale; if (streaminfo.fccHandler == mmioFOURCC('D','I','B',' ')) strcpy(this->compression, "NONE"); else if (streaminfo.fccHandler == mmioFOURCC('M','R','L','E')) strcpy(this->compression, "RLE"); else if (streaminfo.fccHandler == mmioFOURCC('c','v','i','d')) strcpy(this->compression, "CINEPACK"); else { DWORD handler = streaminfo.fccHandler; this->compression[0] = (char)handler; this->compression[1] = (char)(handler >> 8); this->compression[2] = (char)(handler >> 16); this->compression[3] = (char)(handler >> 24); this->compression[4] = 0; } this->frame = 0; this->use_compressor = 0; this->dib = 0; this->current_frame = 0; return IM_ERR_NONE; } int imFileFormatAVI::New(const char* file_name) { /* initializes avi file library, can be called many times */ AVIFileInit(); /* creates a new file */ HRESULT hr = AVIFileOpen(&file, file_name, OF_WRITE | OF_CREATE, NULL); if (hr != 0) { AVIFileExit(); if (hr == AVIERR_FILEOPEN) return IM_ERR_OPEN; else if (hr == AVIERR_BADFORMAT || hr == REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG) return IM_ERR_FORMAT; else return IM_ERR_ACCESS; } this->frame = 0; this->stream = 0; this->use_compressor = 0; this->dib = 0; return IM_ERR_NONE; } void imFileFormatAVI::Close() { if (this->dib) imDibDestroy(this->dib); if (this->use_compressor) { ICSeqCompressFrameEnd(&this->compvars); ICCompressorFree(&this->compvars); } if (this->frame) AVIStreamGetFrameClose(this->frame); if (this->stream) AVIStreamRelease(this->stream); AVIFileRelease(this->file); AVIFileExit(); /* called one for each AVIFileInit */ } void* imFileFormatAVI::Handle(int index) { if (index == 1) return (void*)this->file; else if (index == 2) return (void*)this->stream; else return NULL; } int imFileFormatAVI::ReadImageInfo(int index) { this->current_frame = index; if (this->frame) // frame reading already prepared return IM_ERR_NONE; /* get stream format */ LONG formsize; AVIStreamReadFormat(stream, 0, NULL, &formsize); BITMAPINFO *bmpinfo = (BITMAPINFO*)malloc(formsize); HRESULT hr = AVIStreamReadFormat(stream, 0, bmpinfo, &formsize); if (hr != 0) { free(bmpinfo); return IM_ERR_ACCESS; } int top_down = 0; if (bmpinfo->bmiHeader.biHeight < 0) top_down = 1; this->width = bmpinfo->bmiHeader.biWidth; this->height = top_down? -bmpinfo->bmiHeader.biHeight: bmpinfo->bmiHeader.biHeight; int bpp = bmpinfo->bmiHeader.biBitCount; imAttribTable* attrib_table = AttribTable(); attrib_table->Set("FPS", IM_FLOAT, 1, &fps); this->file_data_type = IM_BYTE; if (bpp > 8) { this->file_color_mode = IM_RGB; this->file_color_mode |= IM_PACKED; } else { this->palette_count = 1 << bpp; this->file_color_mode = IM_MAP; } if (bpp < 8) this->convert_bpp = bpp; if (bpp == 32) this->file_color_mode |= IM_ALPHA; if (top_down) this->file_color_mode |= IM_TOPDOWN; if (bpp <= 8) { /* updates the palette_count based on the number of colors used */ if (bmpinfo->bmiHeader.biClrUsed != 0 && (int)bmpinfo->bmiHeader.biClrUsed < this->palette_count) this->palette_count = bmpinfo->bmiHeader.biClrUsed; ReadPalette((unsigned char*)bmpinfo->bmiColors); } free(bmpinfo); this->line_buffer_extra = 4; // room enough for padding /* prepares to read data from the stream */ if (bpp == 32 || bpp == 16) { BITMAPINFOHEADER info; memset(&info, 0, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)); info.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); info.biWidth = width; info.biHeight = height; info.biPlanes = 1; info.biBitCount = (WORD)bpp; frame = AVIStreamGetFrameOpen(stream, &info); } else frame = AVIStreamGetFrameOpen(stream, NULL); if (!frame) return IM_ERR_ACCESS; return IM_ERR_NONE; } int imFileFormatAVI::WriteImageInfo() { if (dib) { if (dib->bmih->biWidth != width || dib->bmih->biHeight != height || imColorModeSpace(file_color_mode) != imColorModeSpace(user_color_mode)) return IM_ERR_DATA; return IM_ERR_NONE; // parameters can be set only once } // force bottom up orientation this->file_data_type = IM_BYTE; this->file_color_mode = imColorModeSpace(this->user_color_mode); int bpp; if (this->file_color_mode == IM_RGB) { this->file_color_mode |= IM_PACKED; bpp = 24; if (imColorModeHasAlpha(this->user_color_mode)) { this->file_color_mode |= IM_ALPHA; bpp = 32; this->rmask = 0x00FF0000; this->roff = 16; this->gmask = 0x0000FF00; this->goff = 8; this->bmask = 0x000000FF; this->boff = 0; } } else bpp = 8; this->line_buffer_extra = 4; // room enough for padding imAttribTable* attrib_table = AttribTable(); const void* attrib_data = attrib_table->Get("FPS"); if (attrib_data) fps = *(float*)attrib_data; else fps = 15; if (this->compression[0] == 0 || imStrEqual(this->compression, "NONE")) this->use_compressor = 0; else this->use_compressor = 1; dib = imDibCreate(width, height, bpp); if (use_compressor) { memset(&compvars, 0, sizeof(COMPVARS)); compvars.cbSize = sizeof(COMPVARS); if (imStrEqual(this->compression, "CUSTOM")) { if (ICCompressorChoose(NULL, ICMF_CHOOSE_DATARATE | ICMF_CHOOSE_KEYFRAME, dib->dib, NULL, &compvars, "Choose Compression") == FALSE) return IM_ERR_COMPRESS; } else { compvars.dwFlags = ICMF_COMPVARS_VALID; compvars.fccType = ICTYPE_VIDEO; int* attrib = (int*)attrib_table->Get("KeyFrameRate"); if (attrib) compvars.lKey = *attrib; else compvars.lKey = 15; // same defaults of the dialog attrib = (int*)attrib_table->Get("DataRate"); if (attrib) compvars.lDataRate = *attrib / 8; else compvars.lDataRate = 300; // same defaults of the dialog attrib = (int*)attrib_table->Get("AVIQuality"); if (attrib) compvars.lQ = *attrib; else compvars.lQ = (DWORD)ICQUALITY_DEFAULT; if (imStrEqual(this->compression, "RLE")) compvars.fccHandler = mmioFOURCC('M','R','L','E'); else if (imStrEqual(this->compression, "CINEPACK")) compvars.fccHandler = mmioFOURCC('c','v','i','d'); else compvars.fccHandler = mmioFOURCC(compression[0],compression[1],compression[2],compression[3]); compvars.hic = ICOpen(ICTYPE_VIDEO, compvars.fccHandler, ICMODE_COMPRESS); } if (compvars.hic == NULL) use_compressor = 0; } AVISTREAMINFO streaminfo; memset(&streaminfo, 0, sizeof(AVISTREAMINFO)); streaminfo.fccType = streamtypeVIDEO; streaminfo.dwScale = 1000; streaminfo.dwRate = (DWORD)(fps*1000); SetRect(&streaminfo.rcFrame, 0, 0, width, height); if (use_compressor) { streaminfo.fccHandler = compvars.fccHandler; streaminfo.dwQuality = compvars.lQ; } else { streaminfo.fccHandler = mmioFOURCC('D','I','B',' '); streaminfo.dwQuality = (DWORD)ICQUALITY_DEFAULT; } /* creates a new stream in the new file */ HRESULT hr = AVIFileCreateStream(file, &stream, &streaminfo); if (hr != 0) return IM_ERR_ACCESS; /* set stream format */ if (use_compressor) { if (!ICSeqCompressFrameStart(&compvars, dib->bmi)) return IM_ERR_COMPRESS; hr = AVIStreamSetFormat(stream, 0, compvars.lpbiOut, dib->size - dib->bits_size); } else hr = AVIStreamSetFormat(stream, 0, dib->dib, dib->size - dib->bits_size); if (hr != 0) return IM_ERR_ACCESS; return IM_ERR_NONE; } void imFileFormatAVI::ReadPalette(unsigned char* bmp_colors) { /* convert the color map to the IM format */ for (int c = 0; c < this->palette_count; c++) { int i = c * 4; this->palette[c] = imColorEncode(bmp_colors[i + 2], bmp_colors[i + 1], bmp_colors[i]); } } void imFileFormatAVI::WritePalette(unsigned char* bmp_colors) { /* convert the color map to the IM format */ for (int c = 0; c < this->palette_count; c++) { int i = c * 4; imColorDecode(&bmp_colors[i + 2], &bmp_colors[i + 1], &bmp_colors[i], this->palette[c]); bmp_colors[i + 3] = 0; } } void imFileFormatAVI::InitMasks(imDib* dib) { if (dib->bmih->biCompression == BI_BITFIELDS) { unsigned int Mask; unsigned int *PalMask = (unsigned int*)dib->bmic; this->roff = 0; this->rmask = Mask = PalMask[0]; while (!(Mask & 0x01) && (Mask != 0)) {Mask >>= 1; this->roff++;} this->goff = 0; this->gmask = Mask = PalMask[1]; while (!(Mask & 0x01) && (Mask != 0)) {Mask >>= 1; this->goff++;} this->boff = 0; this->bmask = Mask = PalMask[2]; while (!(Mask & 0x01) && (Mask != 0)) {Mask >>= 1; this->boff++;} } else { if (dib->bmih->biBitCount == 16) { this->rmask = 0x7C00; this->roff = 10; this->gmask = 0x03E0; this->goff = 5; this->bmask = 0x001F; this->boff = 0; } else { this->rmask = 0x00FF0000; this->roff = 16; this->gmask = 0x0000FF00; this->goff = 8; this->bmask = 0x000000FF; this->boff = 0; } } } void imFileFormatAVI::FixRGBOrder(int bpp) { int x; switch (bpp) { case 16: { /* inverts the WORD values if not intel */ if (imBinCPUByteOrder() == IM_BIGENDIAN) imBinSwapBytes2(this->line_buffer, this->width); imushort* word_data = (imushort*)this->line_buffer; imbyte* byte_data = (imbyte*)this->line_buffer; // from end to start for (x = this->width-1; x >= 0; x--) { imushort word_value = word_data[x]; int c = x*3; byte_data[c] = (imbyte)((((rmask & word_value) >> roff) * 255) / (rmask >> roff)); byte_data[c+1] = (imbyte)((((gmask & word_value) >> goff) * 255) / (gmask >> goff)); byte_data[c+2] = (imbyte)((((bmask & word_value) >> boff) * 255) / (bmask >> boff)); } } break; case 32: { /* inverts the DWORD values if not intel */ if (imBinCPUByteOrder() == IM_BIGENDIAN) imBinSwapBytes4(this->line_buffer, this->width); unsigned int* dword_data = (unsigned int*)this->line_buffer; imbyte* byte_data = (imbyte*)this->line_buffer; for (x = 0; x < this->width; x++) { unsigned int dword_value = dword_data[x]; int c = x*4; byte_data[c] = (imbyte)((rmask & dword_value) >> roff); byte_data[c+1] = (imbyte)((gmask & dword_value) >> goff); byte_data[c+2] = (imbyte)((bmask & dword_value) >> boff); byte_data[c+3] = (imbyte)((0xFF000000 & dword_value) >> 24); } } break; default: // 24 { imbyte* byte_data = (imbyte*)this->line_buffer; for (x = 0; x < this->width; x++) { int c = x*3; imbyte temp = byte_data[c]; // swap R and B byte_data[c] = byte_data[c+2]; byte_data[c+2] = temp; } } break; } } int imFileFormatAVI::ReadImageData(void* data) { imCounterTotal(this->counter, this->height, "Reading AVI Frame..."); void* packed_dib = AVIStreamGetFrame(this->frame, this->current_frame); if (!packed_dib) return IM_ERR_ACCESS; dib = imDibCreateReference((imbyte*)packed_dib, NULL); if (dib->bmih->biBitCount == 16 || dib->bmih->biBitCount == 32) InitMasks(dib); else if (dib->bmih->biBitCount <= 8) { this->palette_count = dib->palette_count; ReadPalette((unsigned char*)dib->bmic); } imbyte* bits = dib->bits; for (int row = 0; row < this->height; row++) { CopyMemory(this->line_buffer, bits, dib->line_size); bits += dib->line_size; if (dib->bmih->biBitCount > 8) FixRGBOrder(dib->bmih->biBitCount); imFileLineBufferRead(this, data, row, 0); if (!imCounterInc(this->counter)) { imDibDestroy(dib); dib = NULL; return IM_ERR_COUNTER; } } imDibDestroy(dib); dib = NULL; this->current_frame++; return IM_ERR_NONE; } int imFileFormatAVI::WriteImageData(void* data) { imCounterTotal(this->counter, this->height, "Writing AVI Frame..."); if (dib->bmih->biBitCount <= 8) { WritePalette((unsigned char*)dib->bmic); /* this must be called here to update the palette */ AVIStreamSetFormat(this->stream, 0, dib->dib, dib->size - dib->bits_size); } imbyte* bits = dib->bits; for (int row = 0; row < this->height; row++) { imFileLineBufferWrite(this, data, row, 0); if (dib->bmih->biBitCount > 8) FixRGBOrder(dib->bmih->biBitCount); CopyMemory(bits, this->line_buffer, dib->line_size); bits += dib->line_size; if (!imCounterInc(this->counter)) return IM_ERR_COUNTER; } bits = dib->bits; LONG bits_size = dib->bits_size; DWORD flags = 0; if (this->use_compressor) { BOOL key = FALSE; bits = (imbyte*)ICSeqCompressFrame(&this->compvars, 0, bits, &key, &bits_size); if (key == TRUE) flags = AVIIF_KEYFRAME; if (!bits) { bits = dib->bits; bits_size = dib->bits_size; } } HRESULT hr = AVIStreamWrite(this->stream, this->image_count, 1, bits, bits_size, flags, NULL, NULL); if (hr != 0) return IM_ERR_ACCESS; this->image_count++; return IM_ERR_NONE; } int imFormatAVI::CanWrite(const char* compression, int color_mode, int data_type) const { (void)compression; int color_space = imColorModeSpace(color_mode); if (color_space == IM_YCBCR || color_space == IM_LAB || color_space == IM_LUV || color_space == IM_XYZ || color_space == IM_CMYK) return IM_ERR_DATA; if (data_type != IM_BYTE) return IM_ERR_DATA; return IM_ERR_NONE; }