/** \file * \brief WMV - Windows Media Video Format * * See Copyright Notice in im_lib.h * $Id: im_format_wmv.cpp,v 1.3 2009/08/23 23:57:52 scuri Exp $ */ #include "im_format.h" #include "im_util.h" #include "im_format_wmv.h" #include "im_counter.h" #include <wmsdk.h> //#include <Dvdmedia.h> #define AMINTERLACE_1FieldPerSample 0x00000002 #define AMINTERLACE_Field1First 0x00000004 #include "im_dib.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <memory.h> #define SAFE_RELEASE( x ) \ if ( x ) \ { \ x->Release(); \ x = NULL; \ } #define SAFE_ARRAYDELETE( x ) \ if ( x ) \ { \ delete[] x; \ x = NULL; \ } static HRESULT iConfigCompressedStream( IWMStreamConfig * pStreamConfig, IWMProfile * pIWMProfile, BOOL fIsVBR, DWORD dwBitrate, DWORD dwQuality, DWORD dwSecPerKey, WM_MEDIA_TYPE * pmt ) { WORD wFALSE = 0; HRESULT hr = S_OK; do { // This is used just to get the stream number, it will be released and // NOT added to the profile IWMStreamConfig * pStreamConfig2 = NULL; hr = pIWMProfile->CreateNewStream( WMMEDIATYPE_Video, &pStreamConfig2 ); if (FAILED(hr)) break; WORD wStreamNum = 0; hr = pStreamConfig2->GetStreamNumber( &wStreamNum ); SAFE_RELEASE( pStreamConfig2 ); if (FAILED(hr)) break; // Configure the stream hr = pStreamConfig->SetStreamNumber( wStreamNum ); if (FAILED(hr)) break; hr = pStreamConfig->SetStreamName( L"Video Stream" ); if (FAILED(hr)) break; // Each stream in the profile has to have a unique connection name. // Let's use the stream number to create it. WCHAR pwszConnectionName[10]; swprintf( pwszConnectionName, L"Video%d", (DWORD)wStreamNum ); hr = pStreamConfig->SetConnectionName( pwszConnectionName ); if (FAILED(hr)) break; hr = pStreamConfig->SetBitrate( dwBitrate ); if (FAILED(hr)) break; hr = pStreamConfig->SetBufferWindow( (DWORD)-1 ); if (FAILED(hr)) break; IWMVideoMediaProps * pIWMMediaProps = NULL; hr = pStreamConfig->QueryInterface( IID_IWMVideoMediaProps, (void **) &pIWMMediaProps ); if (FAILED(hr)) break; hr = pIWMMediaProps->SetQuality( dwQuality ); hr = pIWMMediaProps->SetMaxKeyFrameSpacing( 10000 * (QWORD)dwSecPerKey ); hr = pIWMMediaProps->SetMediaType( pmt ); SAFE_RELEASE( pIWMMediaProps ); if (FAILED(hr)) break; IWMPropertyVault* pPropertyVault = NULL; hr = pStreamConfig->QueryInterface( IID_IWMPropertyVault, (void**)&pPropertyVault ); if (FAILED(hr)) break; hr = pPropertyVault->SetProperty( g_wszVBREnabled, WMT_TYPE_BOOL, (BYTE*)&fIsVBR, sizeof( BOOL ) ); if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) && fIsVBR) pPropertyVault->SetProperty( g_wszVBRQuality, WMT_TYPE_DWORD, (BYTE*)&dwQuality, sizeof( DWORD ) ); SAFE_RELEASE( pPropertyVault ); hr = S_OK; } while( wFALSE ); return( hr ); } static HRESULT iCreateCompressedStream(IWMProfileManager * pManager, IWMStreamConfig* *pNewStreamConfig, WM_MEDIA_TYPE* *pNewMediaType, WORD biBitCount, GUID subtype) { IWMCodecInfo * pCodecInfo = NULL; IWMMediaProps * pMediaProps = NULL; IWMStreamConfig* pStreamConfig = NULL; WM_MEDIA_TYPE* pMediaType = NULL; HRESULT hr = S_OK; WORD wFALSE = 0; do { hr = pManager->QueryInterface(IID_IWMCodecInfo, (void **) &pCodecInfo); if (FAILED(hr)) break; DWORD cCodecs; hr = pCodecInfo->GetCodecInfoCount( WMMEDIATYPE_Video, &cCodecs ); if (FAILED(hr)) break; for( int i = cCodecs-1; i >= 0; i-- ) { DWORD cFormats; hr = pCodecInfo->GetCodecFormatCount( WMMEDIATYPE_Video, i, &cFormats ); if (FAILED(hr)) break; for(DWORD j = 0; j < cFormats; j++ ) { SAFE_RELEASE( pStreamConfig ); hr = pCodecInfo->GetCodecFormat( WMMEDIATYPE_Video, i, j, &pStreamConfig ); if (FAILED(hr)) break; SAFE_RELEASE( pMediaProps ); hr = pStreamConfig->QueryInterface( IID_IWMMediaProps, (void **) &pMediaProps ); if (FAILED(hr)) break; DWORD cbMT; hr = pMediaProps->GetMediaType( NULL, &cbMT ); if (FAILED(hr)) break; SAFE_ARRAYDELETE( pMediaType ); pMediaType = (WM_MEDIA_TYPE *) new BYTE[ cbMT ]; if( !pMediaType ) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; break; } hr = pMediaProps->GetMediaType( pMediaType, &cbMT ); if (FAILED(hr)) break; if( pMediaType->formattype != WMFORMAT_VideoInfo || pMediaType->subtype != subtype) // This is our main target { SAFE_RELEASE( pStreamConfig ); continue; } WMVIDEOINFOHEADER* pVIH = (WMVIDEOINFOHEADER*) pMediaType->pbFormat; if( pVIH->bmiHeader.biBitCount >= biBitCount ) break; // SUCCESS !!!!! SAFE_RELEASE( pStreamConfig ); } if( FAILED( hr ) || NULL != pStreamConfig ) break; } if (FAILED(hr)) break; if( NULL == pStreamConfig ) { hr = NS_E_VIDEO_CODEC_NOT_INSTALLED; break; } } while( wFALSE ); SAFE_RELEASE( pCodecInfo ); SAFE_RELEASE( pMediaProps ); *pNewStreamConfig = pStreamConfig; *pNewMediaType = pMediaType; return( hr ); } static HRESULT iAddCompressedVideoStream( IWMProfileManager * pManager, IWMProfile * pIWMProfile, GUID subtype, BITMAPINFOHEADER * bmiHeader, float fps, BOOL fIsVBR, DWORD dwBitRate, DWORD dwQuality, DWORD dwSecPerKey) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; WORD wFALSE = 0; IWMStreamConfig* pStreamConfig = NULL; WM_MEDIA_TYPE* pMediaType = NULL; do { hr = iCreateCompressedStream(pManager, &pStreamConfig, &pMediaType, bmiHeader->biBitCount, subtype); if (FAILED(hr)) break; WMVIDEOINFOHEADER * pVIH = (WMVIDEOINFOHEADER *) pMediaType->pbFormat; pVIH->dwBitRate = dwBitRate; // Video content does not play correctly unless it is encoded // to a size that is a multiple of four for both width and height. pVIH->bmiHeader.biWidth = ((bmiHeader->biWidth + 3) / 4) * 4; pVIH->bmiHeader.biHeight = ((bmiHeader->biHeight + 3) / 4) * 4; pVIH->rcSource.left = 0; pVIH->rcSource.top = 0; pVIH->rcSource.bottom = pVIH->bmiHeader.biHeight; pVIH->rcSource.right = pVIH->bmiHeader.biWidth; pVIH->rcTarget = pVIH->rcSource; pVIH->dwBitErrorRate = 0; pVIH->AvgTimePerFrame = (LONGLONG)(10000000.0f / fps); hr = iConfigCompressedStream( pStreamConfig, pIWMProfile, fIsVBR, dwBitRate, dwQuality, dwSecPerKey, pMediaType ); if (FAILED(hr)) break; hr = pIWMProfile->AddStream( pStreamConfig ); if (FAILED(hr)) break; } while( wFALSE ); SAFE_RELEASE( pStreamConfig ); SAFE_ARRAYDELETE( pMediaType ); return( hr ); } static HRESULT iConfigUncompressedStream( IWMStreamConfig * pStreamConfig, DWORD dwBitrate, WM_MEDIA_TYPE * pmt ) { WORD wFALSE = 0; HRESULT hr = S_OK; do { // Configure the stream hr = pStreamConfig->SetStreamName( L"Video Stream" ); if (FAILED(hr)) break; // Each stream in the profile has to have a unique connection name. // Let's use the stream number to create it. WORD wStreamNum = 0; hr = pStreamConfig->GetStreamNumber( &wStreamNum ); if (FAILED(hr)) break; WCHAR pwszConnectionName[10]; swprintf( pwszConnectionName, L"Video%d", (DWORD)wStreamNum ); hr = pStreamConfig->SetConnectionName( pwszConnectionName ); if (FAILED(hr)) break; hr = pStreamConfig->SetBitrate( dwBitrate ); if (FAILED(hr)) break; hr = pStreamConfig->SetBufferWindow( 0 ); if (FAILED(hr)) break; IWMMediaProps * pIWMMediaProps = NULL; hr = pStreamConfig->QueryInterface( IID_IWMMediaProps, (void **) &pIWMMediaProps ); if (FAILED(hr)) break; hr = pIWMMediaProps->SetMediaType( pmt ); SAFE_RELEASE( pIWMMediaProps ); if (FAILED(hr)) break; IWMPropertyVault* pPropertyVault = NULL; hr = pStreamConfig->QueryInterface( IID_IWMPropertyVault, (void**)&pPropertyVault ); if (FAILED(hr)) break; BOOL fFalse = FALSE; hr = pPropertyVault->SetProperty( g_wszVBREnabled, WMT_TYPE_BOOL, (BYTE*)&fFalse, sizeof( BOOL ) ); SAFE_RELEASE( pPropertyVault ); hr = S_OK; } while( wFALSE ); return( hr ); } static HRESULT iAddUncompressedVideoStream( IWMProfile * pProfile, BITMAPINFOHEADER * bmiHeader, int BitmapInfoSize, int BitmapDataSize, float fps) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; WORD wFALSE = 0; IWMStreamConfig* pStreamConfig = NULL; WM_MEDIA_TYPE* pMediaType = NULL; do { hr = pProfile->CreateNewStream( WMMEDIATYPE_Video, &pStreamConfig ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) break; DWORD cbVideoInfo = sizeof(WMVIDEOINFOHEADER) - sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + BitmapInfoSize; // Create a new Media Type pMediaType = (WM_MEDIA_TYPE*) new BYTE[ sizeof( WM_MEDIA_TYPE ) + cbVideoInfo ]; if ( !pMediaType) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; break; } switch (bmiHeader->biBitCount) { case 32: pMediaType->subtype = WMMEDIASUBTYPE_RGB32; break; case 24: pMediaType->subtype = WMMEDIASUBTYPE_RGB24; break; case 8: pMediaType->subtype = WMMEDIASUBTYPE_RGB8; break; } pMediaType->majortype = WMMEDIATYPE_Video; pMediaType->bFixedSizeSamples = TRUE; pMediaType->bTemporalCompression = FALSE; pMediaType->lSampleSize = BitmapDataSize; pMediaType->formattype = WMFORMAT_VideoInfo; pMediaType->pUnk = NULL; pMediaType->cbFormat = cbVideoInfo; pMediaType->pbFormat = ( ((BYTE*) pMediaType) + sizeof( WM_MEDIA_TYPE ) ); // Format data is immediately after media type WMVIDEOINFOHEADER * pVIH = (WMVIDEOINFOHEADER *) pMediaType->pbFormat; pVIH->rcSource.left = 0; pVIH->rcSource.top = 0; pVIH->rcSource.bottom = bmiHeader->biHeight; pVIH->rcSource.right = bmiHeader->biWidth; pVIH->rcTarget = pVIH->rcSource; pVIH->dwBitRate = (DWORD)(BitmapDataSize * fps); pVIH->dwBitErrorRate = 0; pVIH->AvgTimePerFrame = (LONGLONG)(10000000.0f / fps); CopyMemory(&pVIH->bmiHeader, bmiHeader, BitmapInfoSize); hr = iConfigUncompressedStream( pStreamConfig, pVIH->dwBitRate, pMediaType ); if (FAILED(hr)) break; hr = pProfile->AddStream( pStreamConfig ); if (FAILED(hr)) break; } while( wFALSE ); SAFE_RELEASE( pStreamConfig ); SAFE_ARRAYDELETE( pMediaType ); return( hr ); } #define WMV_COMPRESS_COUNT 7 #define WMV_UNCOMPRESS_COUNT 9 static GUID iWMVCompSubtypeTable[WMV_COMPRESS_COUNT+WMV_UNCOMPRESS_COUNT]; static void iInitGuid() { iWMVCompSubtypeTable[0] = WMMEDIASUBTYPE_MP43; iWMVCompSubtypeTable[1] = WMMEDIASUBTYPE_MP4S; iWMVCompSubtypeTable[2] = WMMEDIASUBTYPE_WMV1; iWMVCompSubtypeTable[3] = WMMEDIASUBTYPE_MSS1; iWMVCompSubtypeTable[4] = WMMEDIASUBTYPE_WMV2; iWMVCompSubtypeTable[5] = WMMEDIASUBTYPE_MSS2; iWMVCompSubtypeTable[6] = WMMEDIASUBTYPE_WMV3; iWMVCompSubtypeTable[WMV_COMPRESS_COUNT+0] = WMMEDIASUBTYPE_RGB555; iWMVCompSubtypeTable[WMV_COMPRESS_COUNT+1] = WMMEDIASUBTYPE_RGB24; iWMVCompSubtypeTable[WMV_COMPRESS_COUNT+2] = WMMEDIASUBTYPE_RGB32; iWMVCompSubtypeTable[WMV_COMPRESS_COUNT+3] = WMMEDIASUBTYPE_I420; iWMVCompSubtypeTable[WMV_COMPRESS_COUNT+4] = WMMEDIASUBTYPE_IYUV; iWMVCompSubtypeTable[WMV_COMPRESS_COUNT+5] = WMMEDIASUBTYPE_YV12; iWMVCompSubtypeTable[WMV_COMPRESS_COUNT+6] = WMMEDIASUBTYPE_YUY2; iWMVCompSubtypeTable[WMV_COMPRESS_COUNT+7] = WMMEDIASUBTYPE_UYVY; iWMVCompSubtypeTable[WMV_COMPRESS_COUNT+8] = WMMEDIASUBTYPE_YVYU; } static const char* iWMVCompTable[WMV_COMPRESS_COUNT+1] = { "NONE", "MPEG-4v3", "MPEG-4v1", "WMV7", "WMV7Screen", "WMV8", "WMV9Screen", "WMV9" }; static const char* iWMFCompFindName(GUID SubType) { int i; for(i = 0; i < WMV_COMPRESS_COUNT; i++) { if (SubType == iWMVCompSubtypeTable[i]) return iWMVCompTable[i+1]; } for(; i < WMV_COMPRESS_COUNT+WMV_UNCOMPRESS_COUNT; i++) { if (SubType == iWMVCompSubtypeTable[i]) return iWMVCompTable[0]; } return "Unknown"; } static GUID iWMFCompFindSubType(const char* compression) { if (compression[0] == 0) return WMMEDIASUBTYPE_WMV3; for(int i = 0; i < WMV_COMPRESS_COUNT; i++) { if (imStrEqual(compression, iWMVCompTable[i+1])) return iWMVCompSubtypeTable[i]; } return WMMEDIASUBTYPE_Base; } class imFileFormatWMV: public imFileFormatBase { IWMSyncReader* Reader; // When reading WM_MEDIA_TYPE* MediaType; WORD stream_number; DWORD seekable; int current_frame; IWMWriter* Writer; // When writing DWORD input_number; DWORD BitmapDataSize; DWORD BitmapInfoSize; float fps; WCHAR wfile_name[4096]; IWMHeaderInfo* HeaderInfo; BITMAPINFOHEADER* bmiHeader; unsigned int rmask, gmask, bmask, roff, goff, boff; /* pixel bit mask control when reading 16 and 32 bpp images */ void ReadPalette(unsigned char* bmp_colors); void WritePalette(unsigned char* bmp_colors); void FixRGB(int bpp); void InitMasks(imDib* dib); void iReadAttrib(imAttribTable* attrib_table); void iWriteAttrib(imAttribTable* attrib_table); void CalcFPS(); void SetOutputProps(); int SetInputProps(); int SetProfile(); public: imFileFormatWMV(const imFormat* _iformat): imFileFormatBase(_iformat) {} ~imFileFormatWMV() {} int Open(const char* file_name); int New(const char* file_name); void Close(); void* Handle(int index); int ReadImageInfo(int index); int ReadImageData(void* data); int WriteImageInfo(); int WriteImageData(void* data); }; class imFormatWMV: public imFormat { public: imFormatWMV() :imFormat("WMV", "Windows Media Video Format", "*.wmv;*.asf;", iWMVCompTable, WMV_COMPRESS_COUNT+1, 1) {} ~imFormatWMV() {} imFileFormatBase* Create(void) const { return new imFileFormatWMV(this); } int CanWrite(const char* compression, int color_mode, int data_type) const; }; void imFormatRegisterWMV(void) { imFormatRegister(new imFormatWMV()); } int imFileFormatWMV::Open(const char* file_name) { /* initializes COM */ CoInitialize(NULL); iInitGuid(); HRESULT hr = WMCreateSyncReader(NULL, 0, &Reader); if (hr != 0) { CoUninitialize(); return IM_ERR_MEM; } /* open existing file */ MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, file_name, -1, wfile_name, 4096); hr = Reader->Open(wfile_name); if (hr != 0) { Reader->Release(); CoUninitialize(); if (hr == NS_E_FILE_OPEN_FAILED || hr == NS_E_FILE_NOT_FOUND || hr == NS_E_INVALID_DATA) return IM_ERR_OPEN; else if (hr == NS_E_UNRECOGNIZED_STREAM_TYPE) return IM_ERR_FORMAT; else return IM_ERR_ACCESS; } IWMProfile* pProfile = NULL; Reader->QueryInterface(IID_IWMProfile, (VOID**)&pProfile); DWORD stream_count; pProfile->GetStreamCount(&stream_count); this->stream_number = (WORD)-1; for (int i = 0; i < (int)stream_count; i++) { IWMStreamConfig* StreamConfig; pProfile->GetStream(i, &StreamConfig); GUID StreamType; StreamConfig->GetStreamType(&StreamType); if (StreamType == WMMEDIATYPE_Video || StreamType == WMMEDIATYPE_Image) { hr = StreamConfig->GetStreamNumber(&this->stream_number); IWMMediaProps* Props; StreamConfig->QueryInterface(IID_IWMMediaProps, (VOID**)&Props); DWORD pcbType; Props->GetMediaType(NULL, &pcbType); MediaType = (WM_MEDIA_TYPE*)malloc(pcbType); Props->GetMediaType(MediaType, &pcbType); Props->Release(); const char* comp_name = iWMFCompFindName(MediaType->subtype); strcpy(this->compression, comp_name); break; } StreamConfig->Release(); } if (this->stream_number == (WORD)-1) { pProfile->Release(); Reader->Close(); Reader->Release(); CoUninitialize(); return IM_ERR_DATA; } hr = Reader->QueryInterface(IID_IWMHeaderInfo, (VOID**)&HeaderInfo); CalcFPS(); WMT_ATTR_DATATYPE attrib_type; WORD attrib_length; WORD StreamNumber = 0; seekable = 0; attrib_length = 4; attrib_type = WMT_TYPE_BOOL; hr = HeaderInfo->GetAttributeByName(&StreamNumber, g_wszWMSeekable, &attrib_type, (BYTE*)&seekable, &attrib_length); QWORD num_frame = 0; attrib_length = 8; attrib_type = WMT_TYPE_QWORD; hr = HeaderInfo->GetAttributeByName(&stream_number, g_wszWMNumberOfFrames, &attrib_type, (BYTE*)&num_frame, &attrib_length); if (num_frame == 0) { QWORD duration = 0; attrib_length = 8; attrib_type = WMT_TYPE_QWORD; hr = HeaderInfo->GetAttributeByName(&StreamNumber, g_wszWMDuration, &attrib_type, (BYTE*)&duration, &attrib_length); num_frame = (int)(((double)(unsigned int)duration * (double)fps) / 10000000.0); } this->image_count = (int)num_frame; SetOutputProps(); WMT_STREAM_SELECTION wmtSS = WMT_ON; hr = Reader->SetStreamsSelected(1, &stream_number, &wmtSS); hr = Reader->SetReadStreamSamples(stream_number, FALSE); this->bmiHeader = NULL; this->current_frame = 0; return IM_ERR_NONE; } int imFileFormatWMV::New(const char* file_name) { /* initializes COM */ CoInitialize(NULL); iInitGuid(); HRESULT hr = WMCreateWriter(NULL, &Writer); if (hr != 0) { CoUninitialize(); return IM_ERR_MEM; } MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, file_name, -1, wfile_name, 4096); Writer->QueryInterface(IID_IWMHeaderInfo, (VOID**)&HeaderInfo); this->bmiHeader = NULL; this->current_frame = 0; return IM_ERR_NONE; } void imFileFormatWMV::Close() { HeaderInfo->Release(); if (this->is_new) { free(this->bmiHeader); Writer->EndWriting(); Writer->Release(); } else { free(MediaType); Reader->Close(); Reader->Release(); } CoUninitialize(); } void* imFileFormatWMV::Handle(int index) { if (index == 1) { if (this->is_new) return (void*)this->Writer; else return (void*)this->Reader; } else return NULL; } void imFileFormatWMV::iReadAttrib(imAttribTable* attrib_table) { WORD StreamNumber = 0; WORD attrib_list_count = 0; HeaderInfo->GetAttributeCount(StreamNumber, &attrib_list_count); WCHAR* attrib_name = NULL; int name_max_size = 0; char* name = NULL; WORD attrib_name_count; WMT_ATTR_DATATYPE attrib_type; BYTE* attrib_data = NULL; WORD attrib_length; int data_max_size = 0; HRESULT hr; int data_type, data_count; for (WORD i = 0; i < attrib_list_count; i++) { attrib_name_count = 0; attrib_length = 0; hr = HeaderInfo->GetAttributeByIndex(i, &StreamNumber, NULL, &attrib_name_count, &attrib_type, NULL, &attrib_length); if (FAILED(hr)) continue; if (attrib_length == 0) continue; if (name_max_size < attrib_name_count) { attrib_name = (WCHAR*)realloc(attrib_name, attrib_name_count*2); name = (char*)realloc(name, attrib_name_count); name_max_size = attrib_name_count; } if (data_max_size < attrib_length) { attrib_data = (BYTE*)realloc(attrib_data, attrib_length); data_max_size = attrib_length; } HeaderInfo->GetAttributeByIndex(i, &StreamNumber, attrib_name, &attrib_name_count, &attrib_type, attrib_data, &attrib_length); WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, attrib_name, attrib_name_count, name, attrib_name_count, NULL, NULL); switch (attrib_type) { case WMT_TYPE_BOOL: { DWORD* ddata = (DWORD*)attrib_data; if (*ddata == 0) continue; } case WMT_TYPE_DWORD: data_type = IM_INT; data_count = attrib_length/4; break; case WMT_TYPE_STRING: data_type = IM_BYTE; data_count = attrib_length/2; { WCHAR* wdata = (WCHAR*)attrib_data; CHAR* sdata = (CHAR*)attrib_data; for (int j = 0; j < data_count; j++) { CHAR cvalue; WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, &wdata[j], 1, &cvalue, 1, NULL, NULL); sdata[j] = cvalue; } } break; case WMT_TYPE_BINARY: data_type = IM_BYTE; data_count = attrib_length; break; case WMT_TYPE_QWORD: { data_type = IM_INT; data_count = attrib_length/8; // convert to int in-place QWORD* qdata = (QWORD*)attrib_data; DWORD* ddata = (DWORD*)attrib_data; for (int j = 0; j < data_count; j++) { ddata[j] = (DWORD)qdata[j]; } } break; case WMT_TYPE_WORD: data_type = IM_USHORT; data_count = attrib_length/2; break; default: continue; } attrib_table->Set(name, data_type, data_count, attrib_data); } if (name) free(name); if (attrib_name) free(attrib_name); if (attrib_data) free(attrib_data); } static int iAttribSet(void* user_data, int index, const char* name, int data_type, int data_count, const void* data) { (void)index; WORD StreamNumber = 0; IWMHeaderInfo* HeaderInfo = (IWMHeaderInfo*)user_data; WCHAR wName[50]; WMT_ATTR_DATATYPE Type; BYTE* Value = NULL; WORD ValueSize = 0; MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, name, -1, wName, 50); switch(data_type) { case IM_BYTE: if (imStrCheck(data, data_count)) Type = WMT_TYPE_STRING; else Type = WMT_TYPE_BINARY; break; case IM_USHORT: Type = WMT_TYPE_WORD; break; case IM_INT: Type = WMT_TYPE_DWORD; break; default: return 1; } switch (Type) { case WMT_TYPE_BOOL: case WMT_TYPE_DWORD: ValueSize = (WORD)(data_count*4); break; case WMT_TYPE_STRING: ValueSize = (WORD)(data_count*2); Value = (BYTE*)malloc(ValueSize); MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, (char*)data, data_count, (WCHAR*)Value, data_count); break; case WMT_TYPE_BINARY: ValueSize = (WORD)data_count; break; case WMT_TYPE_QWORD: { ValueSize = (WORD)(data_count*8); Value = (BYTE*)malloc(ValueSize); QWORD* qdata = (QWORD*)Value; int* idata = (int*)data; for (int j = 0; j < data_count; j++) { qdata[j] = (QWORD)idata[j]; } } break; case WMT_TYPE_WORD: ValueSize = (WORD)(data_count*2); break; } if (Value) { HeaderInfo->SetAttribute(StreamNumber, wName, Type, Value, ValueSize); free(Value); } else HeaderInfo->SetAttribute(StreamNumber, wName, Type, (BYTE*)data, ValueSize); return 1; } void imFileFormatWMV::iWriteAttrib(imAttribTable* attrib_table) { attrib_table->ForEach((void*)HeaderInfo, iAttribSet); } void imFileFormatWMV::CalcFPS() { LONGLONG AvgTimePerFrame = 0; if (MediaType->formattype == WMFORMAT_VideoInfo) { WMVIDEOINFOHEADER* info_header = (WMVIDEOINFOHEADER*)MediaType->pbFormat; bmiHeader = &info_header->bmiHeader; AvgTimePerFrame = info_header->AvgTimePerFrame; } else if (MediaType->formattype == WMFORMAT_MPEG2Video) { WMVIDEOINFOHEADER2* info_header = (WMVIDEOINFOHEADER2*)MediaType->pbFormat; bmiHeader = &info_header->bmiHeader; AvgTimePerFrame = info_header->AvgTimePerFrame; } WMT_ATTR_DATATYPE attrib_type; WORD attrib_length; DWORD frame_rate = 0; attrib_length = 4; HeaderInfo->GetAttributeByName(&stream_number, g_wszWMVideoFrameRate, // V9 Only &attrib_type, (BYTE*)&frame_rate, &attrib_length); fps = (float)frame_rate; if (frame_rate == 0) { if (AvgTimePerFrame == 0) { fps = 15; // default value } else { fps = 10000000.0f / (float)AvgTimePerFrame; int ifps = (int)(fps * 100); if (ifps == 2997 || ifps == 2996 || ifps == 2998) fps = (30.0f * 1000.0f) / 1001.0f; else if (ifps == 2397 || ifps == 2396 || ifps == 2398) fps = (24.0f * 1000.0f) / 1001.0f; else if (ifps == 2400) fps = 24.0f; else if (ifps == 3000) fps = 30.0f; } } } void imFileFormatWMV::SetOutputProps() { DWORD output_number; Reader->GetOutputNumberForStream(stream_number, &output_number); DWORD format_count; Reader->GetOutputFormatCount(output_number, &format_count); for(DWORD f = 0; f < format_count; f++) { IWMOutputMediaProps* Props; Reader->GetOutputFormat(output_number, f, &Props); DWORD pcbType; Props->GetMediaType(NULL, &pcbType); WM_MEDIA_TYPE* mt = (WM_MEDIA_TYPE*)malloc(pcbType); Props->GetMediaType(mt, &pcbType); if (mt->subtype == WMMEDIASUBTYPE_RGB24 || mt->subtype == WMMEDIASUBTYPE_RGB8) { Reader->SetOutputProps(output_number, Props); Props->Release(); free(mt); return; } Props->Release(); free(mt); } } int imFileFormatWMV::SetInputProps() { DWORD input_count; Writer->GetInputCount(&input_count); GUID guidInputType; IWMInputMediaProps* Props = NULL; input_number = (DWORD)-1; for(DWORD i = 0; i < input_count; i++) { Writer->GetInputProps(i, &Props); Props->GetType(&guidInputType); if(guidInputType == WMMEDIATYPE_Video) { input_number = i; break; } Props->Release(); } if (input_number == (DWORD)-1) return 0; DWORD cbVideoInfo = sizeof(WMVIDEOINFOHEADER) - sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + this->BitmapInfoSize; WMVIDEOINFOHEADER* pVideoInfo = (WMVIDEOINFOHEADER*)new BYTE[cbVideoInfo]; pVideoInfo->rcSource.left = 0; pVideoInfo->rcSource.top = 0; pVideoInfo->rcSource.bottom = this->bmiHeader->biHeight; pVideoInfo->rcSource.right = this->bmiHeader->biWidth; pVideoInfo->rcTarget = pVideoInfo->rcSource; pVideoInfo->dwBitRate = (DWORD)(this->BitmapDataSize * fps); pVideoInfo->dwBitErrorRate = 0; pVideoInfo->AvgTimePerFrame = (LONGLONG)(10000000.0f / fps); CopyMemory(&(pVideoInfo->bmiHeader), this->bmiHeader, BitmapInfoSize); WM_MEDIA_TYPE mt; mt.majortype = WMMEDIATYPE_Video; mt.bFixedSizeSamples = TRUE; mt.bTemporalCompression = FALSE; mt.lSampleSize = BitmapDataSize; mt.formattype = WMFORMAT_VideoInfo; mt.pUnk = NULL; mt.cbFormat = cbVideoInfo; mt.pbFormat = (BYTE*)pVideoInfo; switch (this->bmiHeader->biBitCount) { case 32: mt.subtype = WMMEDIASUBTYPE_RGB32; break; case 24: mt.subtype = WMMEDIASUBTYPE_RGB24; break; case 8: mt.subtype = WMMEDIASUBTYPE_RGB8; break; } Props->SetMediaType(&mt); HRESULT hr = Writer->SetInputProps(input_number, Props); Props->Release(); free(pVideoInfo); if (FAILED(hr)) return 0; return 1; } int imFileFormatWMV::SetProfile() { HRESULT hr; IWMProfileManager* ProfileManager = NULL; WMCreateProfileManager(&ProfileManager); IWMProfile* Profile = NULL; hr = ProfileManager->CreateEmptyProfile(WMT_VER_9_0, &Profile); if (FAILED(hr)) { ProfileManager->Release(); return 0; } if (imStrEqual(this->compression, "NONE")) { hr = iAddUncompressedVideoStream(Profile, this->bmiHeader, this->BitmapInfoSize, this->BitmapDataSize, this->fps); } else { DWORD dwBitRate = 2400*1000; const void* attrib_data = AttribTable()->Get("DataRate"); if (attrib_data) dwBitRate = (*(int*)attrib_data) * 1000; DWORD dwQuality = 50; attrib_data = AttribTable()->Get("WMFQuality"); if (attrib_data) dwQuality = *(int*)attrib_data; DWORD dwSecPerKey = 5000; attrib_data = AttribTable()->Get("MaxKeyFrameTime"); if (attrib_data) dwSecPerKey = *(int*)attrib_data; BOOL fIsVBR = FALSE; // CBR is the default attrib_data = AttribTable()->Get("VBR"); if (attrib_data) fIsVBR = *(int*)attrib_data; GUID subtype = iWMFCompFindSubType(this->compression); if (subtype == WMMEDIASUBTYPE_Base) { Profile->Release(); ProfileManager->Release(); return 0; } hr = iAddCompressedVideoStream(ProfileManager, Profile, subtype, this->bmiHeader, this->fps, fIsVBR, dwBitRate, dwQuality, dwSecPerKey); } hr = Writer->SetProfile(Profile); Profile->Release(); ProfileManager->Release(); if (FAILED(hr)) return 0; return 1; } int imFileFormatWMV::ReadImageInfo(int index) { if (this->seekable && this->current_frame != index) { HRESULT hr = Reader->SetRangeByFrame(stream_number, index, 0); this->current_frame = index; if (hr == NS_E_INVALID_REQUEST) { QWORD start_time = (QWORD)(index * (10000000.0f / fps)); hr = Reader->SetRange(start_time, 0); } if (hr != S_OK) return IM_ERR_ACCESS; } if (this->bmiHeader != NULL) return IM_ERR_NONE; imAttribTable* attrib_table = AttribTable(); /* must clear the attribute list, because it can have multiple images and has many attributes that may exists only for specific images. */ attrib_table->RemoveAll(); imFileSetBaseAttributes(this); if (MediaType->formattype == WMFORMAT_VideoInfo) { WMVIDEOINFOHEADER* info_header = (WMVIDEOINFOHEADER*)MediaType->pbFormat; bmiHeader = &info_header->bmiHeader; if (info_header->dwBitRate) { int data_rate = info_header->dwBitRate/1000; attrib_table->Set("DataRate", IM_INT, 1, &data_rate); } } else if (MediaType->formattype == WMFORMAT_MPEG2Video) { WMVIDEOINFOHEADER2* info_header = (WMVIDEOINFOHEADER2*)MediaType->pbFormat; bmiHeader = &info_header->bmiHeader; if (info_header->dwBitRate) { int data_rate = info_header->dwBitRate/1000; attrib_table->Set("DataRate", IM_INT, 1, &data_rate); } if (info_header->dwInterlaceFlags) { int int_value = 1; attrib_table->Set("Interlaced", IM_INT, 1, &int_value); if (info_header->dwInterlaceFlags & AMINTERLACE_1FieldPerSample) int_value = 1; else int_value = 2; attrib_table->Set("FieldsPerSample", IM_INT, 1, &int_value); if (info_header->dwInterlaceFlags & AMINTERLACE_Field1First) int_value = 1; else int_value = 2; attrib_table->Set("FirstField", IM_INT, 1, &int_value); // OBS: The top field in PAL is field 1, and the top field in NTSC is field 2 } if (info_header->dwPictAspectRatioX) attrib_table->Set("XAspectRatio", IM_INT, 1, &info_header->dwPictAspectRatioX); if (info_header->dwPictAspectRatioY) attrib_table->Set("YAspectRatio", IM_INT, 1, &info_header->dwPictAspectRatioY); } else return IM_ERR_DATA; attrib_table->Set("FPS", IM_FLOAT, 1, &fps); int top_down = 0; if (bmiHeader->biHeight < 0) top_down = 1; this->width = bmiHeader->biWidth; this->height = top_down? -bmiHeader->biHeight: bmiHeader->biHeight; int bpp = bmiHeader->biBitCount; this->file_data_type = IM_BYTE; if (bpp > 8) { this->file_color_mode = IM_RGB; this->file_color_mode |= IM_PACKED; } else { this->palette_count = 1 << bpp; this->file_color_mode = IM_MAP; } if (bpp < 8) this->convert_bpp = bpp; if (bpp == 32) this->file_color_mode |= IM_ALPHA; if (top_down) this->file_color_mode |= IM_TOPDOWN; if (bpp <= 8) { /* updates the palette_count based on the number of colors used */ if (bmiHeader->biClrUsed != 0 && (int)bmiHeader->biClrUsed < this->palette_count) this->palette_count = bmiHeader->biClrUsed; ReadPalette((unsigned char*)(bmiHeader + 1)); } this->line_buffer_extra = 4; // room enough for padding iReadAttrib(attrib_table); return IM_ERR_NONE; } int imFileFormatWMV::WriteImageInfo() { if (this->bmiHeader) { if (this->bmiHeader->biWidth != width || this->bmiHeader->biHeight != height || imColorModeSpace(file_color_mode) != imColorModeSpace(user_color_mode)) return IM_ERR_DATA; return IM_ERR_NONE; // parameters can be set only once } // force bottom up orientation this->file_data_type = IM_BYTE; this->file_color_mode = imColorModeSpace(this->user_color_mode); int bpp; if (this->file_color_mode == IM_RGB) { this->file_color_mode |= IM_PACKED; bpp = 24; if (imColorModeHasAlpha(this->user_color_mode)) { this->file_color_mode |= IM_ALPHA; bpp = 32; this->rmask = 0x00FF0000; this->roff = 16; this->gmask = 0x0000FF00; this->goff = 8; this->bmask = 0x000000FF; this->boff = 0; } } else bpp = 8; this->line_buffer_extra = 4; // room enough for padding imAttribTable* attrib_table = AttribTable(); const void* attrib_data = attrib_table->Get("FPS"); if (attrib_data) fps = *(float*)attrib_data; else fps = 15; this->BitmapDataSize = this->height * imFileLineSizeAligned(this->width, bpp, 4); DWORD biClrUsed = bpp > 8? 0: this->palette_count; this->BitmapInfoSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + biClrUsed * sizeof(RGBQUAD); this->bmiHeader = (BITMAPINFOHEADER*)malloc(this->BitmapInfoSize); this->bmiHeader->biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); this->bmiHeader->biWidth = this->width; this->bmiHeader->biHeight = this->height; this->bmiHeader->biPlanes = 1; this->bmiHeader->biBitCount = (WORD)bpp; this->bmiHeader->biCompression = BI_RGB; this->bmiHeader->biSizeImage = this->BitmapDataSize; this->bmiHeader->biXPelsPerMeter = 0; this->bmiHeader->biYPelsPerMeter = 0; this->bmiHeader->biClrUsed = biClrUsed; this->bmiHeader->biClrImportant = 0; if (this->bmiHeader->biBitCount <= 8) WritePalette((unsigned char*)(this->bmiHeader + 1)); if (!SetProfile()) return IM_ERR_COMPRESS; if (!SetInputProps()) return IM_ERR_ACCESS; HRESULT hr = Writer->SetOutputFilename(wfile_name); if(FAILED(hr)) return IM_ERR_ACCESS; iWriteAttrib(attrib_table); hr = Writer->BeginWriting(); if(FAILED(hr)) return IM_ERR_ACCESS; return IM_ERR_NONE; } void imFileFormatWMV::ReadPalette(unsigned char* bmp_colors) { /* convert the color map to the IM format */ for (int c = 0; c < this->palette_count; c++) { int i = c * 4; this->palette[c] = imColorEncode(bmp_colors[i + 2], bmp_colors[i + 1], bmp_colors[i]); } } void imFileFormatWMV::WritePalette(unsigned char* bmp_colors) { /* convert the color map to the IM format */ for (int c = 0; c < this->palette_count; c++) { int i = c * 4; imColorDecode(&bmp_colors[i + 2], &bmp_colors[i + 1], &bmp_colors[i], this->palette[c]); bmp_colors[i + 3] = 0; } } void imFileFormatWMV::InitMasks(imDib* dib) { if (dib->bmih->biCompression == BI_BITFIELDS) { unsigned int Mask; unsigned int *PalMask = (unsigned int*)dib->bmic; this->roff = 0; this->rmask = Mask = PalMask[0]; while (!(Mask & 0x01) && (Mask != 0)) {Mask >>= 1; this->roff++;} this->goff = 0; this->gmask = Mask = PalMask[1]; while (!(Mask & 0x01) && (Mask != 0)) {Mask >>= 1; this->goff++;} this->boff = 0; this->bmask = Mask = PalMask[2]; while (!(Mask & 0x01) && (Mask != 0)) {Mask >>= 1; this->boff++;} } else { if (dib->bmih->biBitCount == 16) { this->rmask = 0x7C00; this->roff = 10; this->gmask = 0x03E0; this->goff = 5; this->bmask = 0x001F; this->boff = 0; } else { this->rmask = 0x00FF0000; this->roff = 16; this->gmask = 0x0000FF00; this->goff = 8; this->bmask = 0x000000FF; this->boff = 0; } } } void imFileFormatWMV::FixRGB(int bpp) { int x; switch (bpp) { case 16: { /* inverts the WORD values if not intel */ if (imBinCPUByteOrder() == IM_BIGENDIAN) imBinSwapBytes2(this->line_buffer, this->width); imushort* word_data = (imushort*)this->line_buffer; imbyte* byte_data = (imbyte*)this->line_buffer; // from end to start for (x = this->width-1; x >= 0; x--) { imushort word_value = word_data[x]; int c = x*3; byte_data[c] = (imbyte)((((rmask & word_value) >> roff) * 255) / (rmask >> roff)); byte_data[c+1] = (imbyte)((((gmask & word_value) >> goff) * 255) / (gmask >> goff)); byte_data[c+2] = (imbyte)((((bmask & word_value) >> boff) * 255) / (bmask >> boff)); } } break; case 32: { unsigned int* dword_data = (unsigned int*)this->line_buffer; imbyte* byte_data = (imbyte*)this->line_buffer; for (x = 0; x < this->width; x++) { unsigned int dword_value = dword_data[x]; int c = x*3; byte_data[c] = (imbyte)((rmask & dword_value) >> roff); byte_data[c+1] = (imbyte)((gmask & dword_value) >> goff); byte_data[c+2] = (imbyte)((bmask & dword_value) >> boff); byte_data[c+3] = (imbyte)((0xFF000000 & dword_value) >> 24); } } break; default: // 24 { imbyte* byte_data = (imbyte*)this->line_buffer; for (x = 0; x < this->width; x++) { int c = x*3; imbyte temp = byte_data[c]; // swap R and B byte_data[c] = byte_data[c+2]; byte_data[c+2] = temp; } } break; } } int imFileFormatWMV::ReadImageData(void* data) { imCounterTotal(this->counter, this->height, "Reading WMV Frame..."); INSSBuffer* pSample = NULL; { QWORD cnsSampleTime = 0; // All will be ignored QWORD cnsDuration = 0; DWORD dwFlags = 0; WORD wStreamNum = 0; DWORD dwOutputNum = 0; HRESULT hr; hr = Reader->GetNextSample(stream_number, &pSample, &cnsSampleTime, &cnsDuration, &dwFlags, &dwOutputNum, &wStreamNum); if (FAILED(hr)) return IM_ERR_ACCESS; } imbyte* dib_bits = NULL; pSample->GetBuffer(&dib_bits); if (!dib_bits) { pSample->Release(); return IM_ERR_MEM; } imDib* dib = imDibCreateReference((imbyte*)this->bmiHeader, dib_bits); if (dib->bmih->biBitCount == 16 || dib->bmih->biBitCount == 32) InitMasks(dib); else if (dib->bmih->biBitCount <= 8) { this->palette_count = dib->palette_count; ReadPalette((unsigned char*)dib->bmic); } for (int row = 0; row < this->height; row++) { CopyMemory(this->line_buffer, dib_bits, dib->line_size); dib_bits += dib->line_size; if (dib->bmih->biBitCount > 8) FixRGB(dib->bmih->biBitCount); imFileLineBufferRead(this, data, row, 0); if (!imCounterInc(this->counter)) { imDibDestroy(dib); dib = NULL; pSample->Release(); return IM_ERR_COUNTER; } } imDibDestroy(dib); pSample->Release(); this->current_frame++; return IM_ERR_NONE; } int imFileFormatWMV::WriteImageData(void* data) { imCounterTotal(this->counter, this->height, "Writing WMV Frame..."); INSSBuffer* pSample = NULL; Writer->AllocateSample(BitmapDataSize, &pSample); imbyte* dib_bits = NULL; if (pSample) pSample->GetBuffer(&dib_bits); if (!dib_bits || !pSample) { if (pSample) pSample->Release(); return IM_ERR_MEM; } imDib* dib = imDibCreateReference((imbyte*)this->bmiHeader, dib_bits); if (dib->bmih->biBitCount <= 8) WritePalette((unsigned char*)dib->bmic); for (int row = 0; row < this->height; row++) { imFileLineBufferWrite(this, data, row, 0); if (dib->bmih->biBitCount > 8) FixRGB(dib->bmih->biBitCount); CopyMemory(dib_bits, this->line_buffer, dib->line_size); dib_bits += dib->line_size; if (!imCounterInc(this->counter)) return IM_ERR_COUNTER; } QWORD VideoTime = (QWORD)(this->image_count * (10000000.0f / fps)); HRESULT hr = Writer->WriteSample(input_number, VideoTime, 0, pSample); if (hr != 0) return IM_ERR_ACCESS; imDibDestroy(dib); pSample->Release(); this->image_count++; return IM_ERR_NONE; } int imFormatWMV::CanWrite(const char* compression, int color_mode, int data_type) const { (void)compression; int color_space = imColorModeSpace(color_mode); if (color_space == IM_YCBCR || color_space == IM_LAB || color_space == IM_LUV || color_space == IM_XYZ || color_space == IM_CMYK) return IM_ERR_DATA; if (data_type != IM_BYTE) return IM_ERR_DATA; return IM_ERR_NONE; }