/** \file * \brief System Dependent Binary File Access. * * See Copyright Notice in im_lib.h * $Id: im_sysfile_win32.cpp,v 1.1 2008/10/17 06:10:16 scuri Exp $ */ #include <windows.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <memory.h> #include <assert.h> #include "im_util.h" #include "im_binfile.h" class imBinSystemFile: public imBinFileBase { protected: HANDLE FileHandle; int Error; unsigned long ReadBuf(void* pValues, unsigned long pSize); unsigned long WriteBuf(void* pValues, unsigned long pSize); public: virtual void Open(const char* pFileName); virtual void New(const char* pFileName); virtual void Close(); unsigned long FileSize(); int HasError() const; void SeekTo(unsigned long pOffset); void SeekOffset(long pOffset); void SeekFrom(long pOffset); unsigned long Tell() const; int EndOfFile() const; }; imBinFileBase* iBinSystemFileNewFunc() { return new imBinSystemFile(); } void imBinSystemFile::Open(const char* pFileName) { this->FileHandle = CreateFile(pFileName, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); this->Error = (this->FileHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)? 1: 0; SetLastError(NO_ERROR); InitByteOrder(imBinCPUByteOrder()); this->IsNew = 0; } void imBinSystemFile::New(const char* pFileName) { this->FileHandle = CreateFile(pFileName, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); this->Error = (this->FileHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)? 1: 0; SetLastError(NO_ERROR); InitByteOrder(imBinCPUByteOrder()); this->IsNew = 1; } void imBinSystemFile::Close() { if (this->FileHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle(this->FileHandle); this->FileHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; this->Error = 1; } unsigned long imBinSystemFile::FileSize() { assert(this->FileHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); this->Error = 0; DWORD Size = GetFileSize(this->FileHandle, NULL); if (Size == INVALID_FILE_SIZE) this->Error = 1; return Size; } unsigned long imBinSystemFile::ReadBuf(void* pValues, unsigned long pSize) { assert(this->FileHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); this->Error = 0; DWORD dwSize = 0; ReadFile(this->FileHandle, pValues, pSize, &dwSize, NULL); if (dwSize != pSize) this->Error = 1; return dwSize; } unsigned long imBinSystemFile::WriteBuf(void* pValues, unsigned long pSize) { assert(this->FileHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); this->Error = 0; DWORD dwSize = 0; WriteFile(this->FileHandle, pValues, pSize, &dwSize, NULL); if (dwSize != pSize) this->Error = 1; return dwSize; } int imBinSystemFile::HasError() const { return this->Error; } void imBinSystemFile::SeekTo(unsigned long pOffset) { assert(this->FileHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); this->Error = 0; DWORD ret = SetFilePointer(this->FileHandle, pOffset, NULL, FILE_BEGIN); if (ret == INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER) this->Error = 1; } void imBinSystemFile::SeekOffset(long pOffset) { assert(this->FileHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); this->Error = 0; DWORD ret = SetFilePointer(this->FileHandle, pOffset, NULL, FILE_CURRENT); if (ret == INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER) this->Error = 1; } void imBinSystemFile::SeekFrom(long pOffset) { assert(this->FileHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); this->Error = 0; DWORD ret = SetFilePointer(this->FileHandle, pOffset, NULL, FILE_END); if (ret == INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER) this->Error = 1; } unsigned long imBinSystemFile::Tell() const { assert(this->FileHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); return SetFilePointer(this->FileHandle, 0, NULL, FILE_CURRENT); } int imBinSystemFile::EndOfFile() const { assert(this->FileHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); DWORD cur_pos = SetFilePointer(this->FileHandle, 0, NULL, FILE_CURRENT); DWORD end_pos = SetFilePointer(this->FileHandle, 0, NULL, FILE_END); SetFilePointer(this->FileHandle, cur_pos, NULL, FILE_CURRENT); return (cur_pos == end_pos)? 1: 0; } class imBinSystemFileHandle: public imBinSystemFile { public: virtual void Open(const char* pFileName); virtual void New(const char* pFileName); virtual void Close(); }; imBinFileBase* iBinSystemFileHandleNewFunc() { return new imBinSystemFileHandle(); } void imBinSystemFileHandle::Open(const char* pFileName) { // the file was successfully opened already the client HANDLE file_handle = (HANDLE)pFileName; this->FileHandle = file_handle; InitByteOrder(imBinCPUByteOrder()); this->IsNew = 0; this->Error = 0; } void imBinSystemFileHandle::New(const char* pFileName) { // the file was successfully opened already the client HANDLE file_handle = (HANDLE)pFileName; this->FileHandle = file_handle; InitByteOrder(imBinCPUByteOrder()); this->IsNew = 1; this->Error = 0; } void imBinSystemFileHandle::Close() { // does nothing, the client must close the file }