/* * Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Image Power, Inc. and the University of * British Columbia. * Copyright (c) 2001-2003 Michael David Adams. * All rights reserved. GeoJasper revision: Dima (11/07/2003 17:29 - UUID and additional args) */ /* __START_OF_JASPER_LICENSE__ * * JasPer License Version 2.0 * * Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Michael David Adams * Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Image Power, Inc. * Copyright (c) 1999-2000 The University of British Columbia * * All rights reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person (the * "User") obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation * files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, * including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, * publish, distribute, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit * persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the * following conditions: * * 1. The above copyright notices and this permission notice (which * includes the disclaimer below) shall be included in all copies or * substantial portions of the Software. * * 2. The name of a copyright holder shall not be used to endorse or * promote products derived from the Software without specific prior * written permission. * * THIS DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY CONSTITUTES AN ESSENTIAL PART OF THIS * LICENSE. NO USE OF THE SOFTWARE IS AUTHORIZED HEREUNDER EXCEPT UNDER * THIS DISCLAIMER. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS * "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING * BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. IN NO * EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, OR ANY SPECIAL * INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING * FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION * WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. NO ASSURANCES ARE * PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS THAT THE SOFTWARE DOES NOT INFRINGE * THE PATENT OR OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS OF ANY OTHER ENTITY. * EACH COPYRIGHT HOLDER DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY TO THE USER FOR CLAIMS * BROUGHT BY ANY OTHER ENTITY BASED ON INFRINGEMENT OF INTELLECTUAL * PROPERTY RIGHTS OR OTHERWISE. AS A CONDITION TO EXERCISING THE RIGHTS * GRANTED HEREUNDER, EACH USER HEREBY ASSUMES SOLE RESPONSIBILITY TO SECURE * ANY OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS NEEDED, IF ANY. THE SOFTWARE * IS NOT FAULT-TOLERANT AND IS NOT INTENDED FOR USE IN MISSION-CRITICAL * SYSTEMS, SUCH AS THOSE USED IN THE OPERATION OF NUCLEAR FACILITIES, * AIRCRAFT NAVIGATION OR COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS, AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL * SYSTEMS, DIRECT LIFE SUPPORT MACHINES, OR WEAPONS SYSTEMS, IN WHICH * THE FAILURE OF THE SOFTWARE OR SYSTEM COULD LEAD DIRECTLY TO DEATH, * PERSONAL INJURY, OR SEVERE PHYSICAL OR ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGE ("HIGH * RISK ACTIVITIES"). THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIM ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR HIGH RISK ACTIVITIES. * * __END_OF_JASPER_LICENSE__ */ /* * JP2 Library * * $Id: jp2_dec.c,v 1.1 2008/10/17 06:14:59 scuri Exp $ */ /******************************************************************************\ * Includes. \******************************************************************************/ #include "jasper/jas_image.h" #include "jasper/jas_stream.h" #include "jasper/jas_math.h" #include "jasper/jas_debug.h" #include "jasper/jas_malloc.h" #include "jasper/jas_version.h" // GeoJasper: dima #if !defined( JAS_GEO_OMIT_PRINTING_CODE ) #include "../tiff/geotiff_buffer.h" #endif // end: dima #include "jp2_cod.h" #include "jp2_dec.h" #define JP2_VALIDATELEN (JAS_MIN(JP2_JP_LEN + 16, JAS_STREAM_MAXPUTBACK)) static jp2_dec_t *jp2_dec_create(void); static void jp2_dec_destroy(jp2_dec_t *dec); static int jp2_getcs(jp2_colr_t *colr); static int fromiccpcs(int cs); static int jp2_getct(int colorspace, int type, int assoc); /******************************************************************************\ * Functions. \******************************************************************************/ jas_image_t *jp2_decode(jas_stream_t *in, char *optstr) { jp2_box_t *box; int found; jas_image_t *image; jp2_dec_t *dec; bool samedtype; int dtype; unsigned int i; jp2_cmap_t *cmapd; jp2_pclr_t *pclrd; jp2_cdef_t *cdefd; unsigned int channo; int newcmptno; int_fast32_t *lutents; #if 0 jp2_cdefchan_t *cdefent; int cmptno; #endif jp2_cmapent_t *cmapent; jas_icchdr_t icchdr; jas_iccprof_t *iccprof; // GeoJasper: dima - begin - temporary metadata buffers //jas_aux_buffer_t aux_buf; //aux_buf.id = 0; jas_metadata_boxes_t tmp_metadata; tmp_metadata.count = JAS_IMAGE_NUM_BOXES; for (i=0; i<tmp_metadata.count; ++i) tmp_metadata.boxes[i] = jas_box_init(); // GeoJasper: dima - end - temporary metadata buffers dec = 0; box = 0; image = 0; if (!(dec = jp2_dec_create())) { goto error; } /* Get the first box. This should be a JP box. */ if (!(box = jp2_box_get(in))) { jas_eprintf("error: cannot get box\n"); goto error; } if (box->type != JP2_BOX_JP) { jas_eprintf("error: expecting signature box\n"); goto error; } if (box->data.jp.magic != JP2_JP_MAGIC) { jas_eprintf("incorrect magic number\n"); goto error; } jp2_box_destroy(box); box = 0; /* Get the second box. This should be a FTYP box. */ if (!(box = jp2_box_get(in))) { goto error; } if (box->type != JP2_BOX_FTYP) { jas_eprintf("expecting file type box\n"); goto error; } jp2_box_destroy(box); box = 0; /* Get more boxes... */ found = 0; while ((box = jp2_box_get(in))) { if (jas_getdbglevel() >= 1) { jas_eprintf("box type %s\n", box->info->name); } switch (box->type) { case JP2_BOX_JP2C: found = 1; break; case JP2_BOX_IHDR: if (!dec->ihdr) { dec->ihdr = box; box = 0; } break; case JP2_BOX_BPCC: if (!dec->bpcc) { dec->bpcc = box; box = 0; } break; case JP2_BOX_CDEF: if (!dec->cdef) { dec->cdef = box; box = 0; } break; case JP2_BOX_PCLR: if (!dec->pclr) { dec->pclr = box; box = 0; } break; case JP2_BOX_CMAP: if (!dec->cmap) { dec->cmap = box; box = 0; } break; case JP2_BOX_COLR: if (!dec->colr) { dec->colr = box; box = 0; } break; //------------------------------------------------------- case JP2_BOX_UUID: // GeoJasper: dima - begin extract uuid { int box_id = -1; if ( memcmp( box->data.uuid.uuid, msi_uuid, sizeof(msi_uuid) ) == 0 ) box_id = JAS_IMAGE_BOX_GEO; if ( memcmp( box->data.uuid.uuid, xmp_uuid, sizeof(xmp_uuid) ) == 0 ) box_id = JAS_IMAGE_BOX_XMP; if( box_id >= 0 ) { jas_metadata_box_t *metabox = &tmp_metadata.boxes[box_id]; if ( jas_box_alloc( metabox, box->data.uuid.data_len ) ) { memcpy( metabox->id, box->data.uuid.uuid, sizeof(msi_uuid) ); memcpy( metabox->buf, box->data.uuid.data, metabox->size ); } // if box allocated } // if uuid box contains info to copy } break; // GeoJasper: end - begin extract uuid //------------------------------------------------------- } if (box) { jp2_box_destroy(box); box = 0; } if (found) { break; } } //------------------------------------------------------- // GeoJasper: dima - begin - print geojpeg2000 if needed #if !defined( JAS_GEO_OMIT_PRINTING_CODE ) if ( (optstr) && ( strstr(optstr, "listgeo") != NULL ) ) { jas_metadata_box_t *metabox = &tmp_metadata.boxes[JAS_IMAGE_BOX_GEO]; long w=1, h=1; if (dec->ihdr) { w = dec->ihdr->data.ihdr.width; h = dec->ihdr->data.ihdr.height; } if ( (memcmp(metabox->id, msi_uuid, sizeof(msi_uuid))==0) && metabox->buf != NULL ) printGTIFFromMemBufA( metabox->buf, metabox->size, w, h ); else jas_eprintf("geojasper info: GeoJp2 info not found!\n"); exit(0); } if ( (optstr) && ( strstr(optstr, "listxmp") != NULL ) ) { jas_metadata_box_t *metabox = &tmp_metadata.boxes[JAS_IMAGE_BOX_XMP]; if ( (memcmp(metabox->id, xmp_uuid, sizeof(xmp_uuid))==0) && metabox->buf != NULL ) { // xmp buffer in is not guaranteed to be null terminated... char *strbuf = (char *) jas_malloc(metabox->size+1); strncpy(strbuf, metabox->buf, metabox->size); strbuf[metabox->size] = 0; fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", strbuf ); jas_free(strbuf); } else jas_eprintf("geojasper info: Adobe XMP info not found!\n"); exit(0); } // simple check if we have boxes if ( (memcmp(tmp_metadata.boxes[JAS_IMAGE_BOX_GEO].id, msi_uuid, sizeof(msi_uuid))==0) && tmp_metadata.boxes[JAS_IMAGE_BOX_GEO].buf != NULL ) jas_eprintf("geojasper info: GeoJp2 found, size: %d\n", tmp_metadata.boxes[JAS_IMAGE_BOX_GEO].size); if ( (memcmp(tmp_metadata.boxes[JAS_IMAGE_BOX_XMP].id, xmp_uuid, sizeof(xmp_uuid))==0) && tmp_metadata.boxes[JAS_IMAGE_BOX_XMP].buf != NULL ) jas_eprintf("geojasper info: Adobe XMP found, size: %d\n", tmp_metadata.boxes[JAS_IMAGE_BOX_XMP].size); #endif // #if !defined( JAS_GEO_OMIT_PRINTING_CODE ) // GeoJasper: dima - end - print geojpeg2000 if needed //------------------------------------------------------- if (!found) { jas_eprintf("error: no code stream found\n"); goto error; } if (!(dec->image = jpc_decode(in, optstr))) { jas_eprintf("error: cannot decode code stream\n"); goto error; } /* An IHDR box must be present. */ if (!dec->ihdr) { jas_eprintf("error: missing IHDR box\n"); goto error; } /* Does the number of components indicated in the IHDR box match the value specified in the code stream? */ if (dec->ihdr->data.ihdr.numcmpts != JAS_CAST(unsigned int, jas_image_numcmpts(dec->image))) { /* IMLIB - changed unit to unsigned int */ jas_eprintf("warning: number of components mismatch\n"); } /* At least one component must be present. */ if (!jas_image_numcmpts(dec->image)) { jas_eprintf("error: no components\n"); goto error; } /* Determine if all components have the same data type. */ samedtype = true; dtype = jas_image_cmptdtype(dec->image, 0); for (i = 1; i < JAS_CAST(unsigned int, jas_image_numcmpts(dec->image)); ++i) { /* IMLIB - changed unit to unsigned int */ if (jas_image_cmptdtype(dec->image, i) != dtype) { samedtype = false; break; } } /* Is the component data type indicated in the IHDR box consistent with the data in the code stream? */ if ((samedtype && dec->ihdr->data.ihdr.bpc != JP2_DTYPETOBPC(dtype)) || (!samedtype && dec->ihdr->data.ihdr.bpc != JP2_IHDR_BPCNULL)) { jas_eprintf("warning: component data type mismatch\n"); } /* Is the compression type supported? */ if (dec->ihdr->data.ihdr.comptype != JP2_IHDR_COMPTYPE) { jas_eprintf("error: unsupported compression type\n"); goto error; } if (dec->bpcc) { /* Is the number of components indicated in the BPCC box consistent with the code stream data? */ if (dec->bpcc->data.bpcc.numcmpts != JAS_CAST(unsigned int, jas_image_numcmpts( /* IMLIB - changed unit to unsigned int */ dec->image))) { jas_eprintf("warning: number of components mismatch\n"); } /* Is the component data type information indicated in the BPCC box consistent with the code stream data? */ if (!samedtype) { for (i = 0; i < JAS_CAST(unsigned int, jas_image_numcmpts(dec->image)); ++i) { /* IMLIB - changed unit to unsigned int */ if (jas_image_cmptdtype(dec->image, i) != JP2_BPCTODTYPE(dec->bpcc->data.bpcc.bpcs[i])) { jas_eprintf("warning: component data type mismatch\n"); } } } else { jas_eprintf("warning: superfluous BPCC box\n"); } } /* A COLR box must be present. */ if (!dec->colr) { jas_eprintf("error: no COLR box\n"); goto error; } switch (dec->colr->data.colr.method) { case JP2_COLR_ENUM: jas_image_setclrspc(dec->image, jp2_getcs(&dec->colr->data.colr)); break; case JP2_COLR_ICC: iccprof = jas_iccprof_createfrombuf(dec->colr->data.colr.iccp, dec->colr->data.colr.iccplen); assert(iccprof); jas_iccprof_gethdr(iccprof, &icchdr); jas_eprintf("ICC Profile CS %08x\n", icchdr.colorspc); jas_image_setclrspc(dec->image, fromiccpcs(icchdr.colorspc)); dec->image->cmprof_ = jas_cmprof_createfromiccprof(iccprof); assert(dec->image->cmprof_); jas_iccprof_destroy(iccprof); break; } /* If a CMAP box is present, a PCLR box must also be present. */ if (dec->cmap && !dec->pclr) { jas_eprintf("warning: missing PCLR box or superfluous CMAP box\n"); jp2_box_destroy(dec->cmap); dec->cmap = 0; } /* If a CMAP box is not present, a PCLR box must not be present. */ if (!dec->cmap && dec->pclr) { jas_eprintf("warning: missing CMAP box or superfluous PCLR box\n"); jp2_box_destroy(dec->pclr); dec->pclr = 0; } /* Determine the number of channels (which is essentially the number of components after any palette mappings have been applied). */ dec->numchans = dec->cmap ? dec->cmap->data.cmap.numchans : JAS_CAST(unsigned int, jas_image_numcmpts(dec->image)); /* IMLIB - changed unit to unsigned int */ /* Perform a basic sanity check on the CMAP box if present. */ if (dec->cmap) { for (i = 0; i < dec->numchans; ++i) { /* Is the component number reasonable? */ if (dec->cmap->data.cmap.ents[i].cmptno >= JAS_CAST(unsigned int, jas_image_numcmpts(dec->image))) { /* IMLIB - changed unit to unsigned int */ jas_eprintf("error: invalid component number in CMAP box\n"); goto error; } /* Is the LUT index reasonable? */ if (dec->cmap->data.cmap.ents[i].pcol >= dec->pclr->data.pclr.numchans) { jas_eprintf("error: invalid CMAP LUT index\n"); goto error; } } } /* Allocate space for the channel-number to component-number LUT. */ if (!(dec->chantocmptlut = jas_malloc(dec->numchans * sizeof(uint_fast16_t)))) { jas_eprintf("error: no memory\n"); goto error; } if (!dec->cmap) { for (i = 0; i < dec->numchans; ++i) { dec->chantocmptlut[i] = i; } } else { cmapd = &dec->cmap->data.cmap; pclrd = &dec->pclr->data.pclr; cdefd = &dec->cdef->data.cdef; for (channo = 0; channo < cmapd->numchans; ++channo) { cmapent = &cmapd->ents[channo]; if (cmapent->map == JP2_CMAP_DIRECT) { dec->chantocmptlut[channo] = channo; } else if (cmapent->map == JP2_CMAP_PALETTE) { lutents = jas_malloc(pclrd->numlutents * sizeof(int_fast32_t)); for (i = 0; i < pclrd->numlutents; ++i) { lutents[i] = pclrd->lutdata[cmapent->pcol + i * pclrd->numchans]; } newcmptno = jas_image_numcmpts(dec->image); jas_image_depalettize(dec->image, cmapent->cmptno, pclrd->numlutents, lutents, JP2_BPCTODTYPE(pclrd->bpc[cmapent->pcol]), newcmptno); dec->chantocmptlut[channo] = newcmptno; jas_free(lutents); #if 0 if (dec->cdef) { cdefent = jp2_cdef_lookup(cdefd, channo); if (!cdefent) { abort(); } jas_image_setcmpttype(dec->image, newcmptno, jp2_getct(jas_image_clrspc(dec->image), cdefent->type, cdefent->assoc)); } else { jas_image_setcmpttype(dec->image, newcmptno, jp2_getct(jas_image_clrspc(dec->image), 0, channo + 1)); } #endif } } } /* Mark all components as being of unknown type. */ for (i = 0; i < JAS_CAST(unsigned int, jas_image_numcmpts(dec->image)); ++i) { /* IMLIB - changed unit to unsigned int */ jas_image_setcmpttype(dec->image, i, JAS_IMAGE_CT_UNKNOWN); } /* Determine the type of each component. */ if (dec->cdef) { for (i = 0; i < dec->numchans; ++i) { jas_image_setcmpttype(dec->image, dec->chantocmptlut[dec->cdef->data.cdef.ents[i].channo], jp2_getct(jas_image_clrspc(dec->image), dec->cdef->data.cdef.ents[i].type, dec->cdef->data.cdef.ents[i].assoc)); } } else { for (i = 0; i < dec->numchans; ++i) { jas_image_setcmpttype(dec->image, dec->chantocmptlut[i], jp2_getct(jas_image_clrspc(dec->image), 0, i + 1)); } } // GeoJasper: dima - let's preserve the actual image data by marking unknown components as gray /* Delete any components that are not of interest. */ /* for (i = jas_image_numcmpts(dec->image); i > 0; --i) { if (jas_image_cmpttype(dec->image, i - 1) == JAS_IMAGE_CT_UNKNOWN) { jas_image_delcmpt(dec->image, i - 1); } } */ // GeoJasper: dima - let's preserve the actual image data by marking unknown components as gray for (i = jas_image_numcmpts(dec->image); i > 0; --i) { if (jas_image_cmpttype(dec->image, i-1) == JAS_IMAGE_CT_UNKNOWN) { jas_image_setcmpttype(dec->image, i-1, JAS_IMAGE_CT_GRAY_Y); } } /* Ensure that some components survived. */ if (!jas_image_numcmpts(dec->image)) { jas_eprintf("error: no components\n"); goto error; } #if 0 jas_eprintf("no of components is %d\n", jas_image_numcmpts(dec->image)); #endif /* Prevent the image from being destroyed later. */ // GeoJasper: begin - dima - copy buffers to the output image for (i=0; i<tmp_metadata.count; ++i) { dec->image->metadata.boxes[i] = tmp_metadata.boxes[i]; tmp_metadata.boxes[i] = jas_box_init(); } // GeoJasper: end - dima - copy buffers to the output image image = dec->image; dec->image = 0; jp2_dec_destroy(dec); return image; error: if (box) { jp2_box_destroy(box); } if (dec) { jp2_dec_destroy(dec); } return 0; } int jp2_validate(jas_stream_t *in) { char buf[JP2_VALIDATELEN]; int i; int n; #if 0 jas_stream_t *tmpstream; jp2_box_t *box; #endif assert(JAS_STREAM_MAXPUTBACK >= JP2_VALIDATELEN); /* Read the validation data (i.e., the data used for detecting the format). */ if ((n = jas_stream_read(in, buf, JP2_VALIDATELEN)) < 0) { return -1; } /* Put the validation data back onto the stream, so that the stream position will not be changed. */ for (i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (jas_stream_ungetc(in, buf[i]) == EOF) { return -1; } } /* Did we read enough data? */ if (n < JP2_VALIDATELEN) { return -1; } /* Is the box type correct? */ if (((buf[4] << 24) | (buf[5] << 16) | (buf[6] << 8) | buf[7]) != JP2_BOX_JP) { return -1; } return 0; } static jp2_dec_t *jp2_dec_create(void) { jp2_dec_t *dec; if (!(dec = jas_malloc(sizeof(jp2_dec_t)))) { return 0; } dec->ihdr = 0; dec->bpcc = 0; dec->cdef = 0; dec->pclr = 0; dec->image = 0; dec->chantocmptlut = 0; dec->cmap = 0; dec->colr = 0; return dec; } static void jp2_dec_destroy(jp2_dec_t *dec) { if (dec->ihdr) { jp2_box_destroy(dec->ihdr); } if (dec->bpcc) { jp2_box_destroy(dec->bpcc); } if (dec->cdef) { jp2_box_destroy(dec->cdef); } if (dec->pclr) { jp2_box_destroy(dec->pclr); } if (dec->image) { jas_image_destroy(dec->image); } if (dec->cmap) { jp2_box_destroy(dec->cmap); } if (dec->colr) { jp2_box_destroy(dec->colr); } if (dec->chantocmptlut) { jas_free(dec->chantocmptlut); } jas_free(dec); } static int jp2_getct(int colorspace, int type, int assoc) { if (type == 1 && assoc == 0) { return JAS_IMAGE_CT_OPACITY; } if (type == 0 && assoc >= 1 && assoc <= 65534) { switch (colorspace) { case JAS_CLRSPC_FAM_RGB: switch (assoc) { case JP2_CDEF_RGB_R: return JAS_IMAGE_CT_COLOR(JAS_CLRSPC_CHANIND_RGB_R); break; case JP2_CDEF_RGB_G: return JAS_IMAGE_CT_COLOR(JAS_CLRSPC_CHANIND_RGB_G); break; case JP2_CDEF_RGB_B: return JAS_IMAGE_CT_COLOR(JAS_CLRSPC_CHANIND_RGB_B); break; } break; case JAS_CLRSPC_FAM_YCBCR: switch (assoc) { case JP2_CDEF_YCBCR_Y: return JAS_IMAGE_CT_COLOR(JAS_CLRSPC_CHANIND_YCBCR_Y); break; case JP2_CDEF_YCBCR_CB: return JAS_IMAGE_CT_COLOR(JAS_CLRSPC_CHANIND_YCBCR_CB); break; case JP2_CDEF_YCBCR_CR: return JAS_IMAGE_CT_COLOR(JAS_CLRSPC_CHANIND_YCBCR_CR); break; } break; case JAS_CLRSPC_FAM_GRAY: switch (assoc) { case JP2_CDEF_GRAY_Y: return JAS_IMAGE_CT_COLOR(JAS_CLRSPC_CHANIND_GRAY_Y); break; } break; default: return JAS_IMAGE_CT_COLOR(assoc - 1); break; } } return JAS_IMAGE_CT_UNKNOWN; } static int jp2_getcs(jp2_colr_t *colr) { if (colr->method == JP2_COLR_ENUM) { switch (colr->csid) { case JP2_COLR_SRGB: return JAS_CLRSPC_SRGB; break; case JP2_COLR_SYCC: return JAS_CLRSPC_SYCBCR; break; case JP2_COLR_SGRAY: return JAS_CLRSPC_SGRAY; break; } } return JAS_CLRSPC_UNKNOWN; } static int fromiccpcs(int cs) { switch (cs) { case ICC_CS_RGB: return JAS_CLRSPC_GENRGB; break; case ICC_CS_YCBCR: return JAS_CLRSPC_GENYCBCR; break; case ICC_CS_GRAY: return JAS_CLRSPC_GENGRAY; break; } return JAS_CLRSPC_UNKNOWN; }