-- Creates a new function, with the name suffixed by "New". This new function
-- creates a new image, based on a source image, and calls the previous function
-- with this new image.

local function OneSourceOneDest (funcname, width, height, color_space, data_type)
  local func = im[funcname]
  assert(func) -- see if function is really defined

  -- define function with "New" suffix
  im[funcname.."New"] = function (src_image, ...)
    -- create destination image
    local dst_image = im.ImageCreateBased(src_image, width, height, color_space, data_type)

    -- call previous method, repassing all parameters
    func(src_image, dst_image, unpack(arg))
    return dst_image

-- This function is similar to OneSourceOneDest, but it receives two source
-- images.

local function TwoSourcesOneDest (funcname, width, height, color_space, data_type)
  local func = im[funcname]
  -- see if function is really defined
  assert(func, string.format("undefined function `%s'", funcname))

  -- define function with "New" suffix
  im[funcname.."New"] = function (src_image1, src_image2, ...)
    -- create destination image
    local dst_image = im.ImageCreateBased(src_image1, width, height, color_space, data_type)

    -- call previous method, repassing all parameters
    func(src_image1, src_image2, dst_image, unpack(arg))
    return dst_image


OneSourceOneDest("ProcessAutoCorrelation", nil, nil, nil, im.CFLOAT)