/** \file
 * \brief Rank Convolution Operations
 * See Copyright Notice in im_lib.h
 * $Id: im_convolve_rank.cpp,v 1.1 2008/10/17 06:16:33 scuri Exp $

#include <im.h>
#include <im_util.h>
#include <im_counter.h>
#include <im_math.h>

#include "im_process_loc.h"

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>

template <class T, class DT> 
static int DoConvolveRankFunc(T *map, DT* new_map, int width, int height, int kw, int kh, T (*func)(T* value, int count, int center), int counter)
  T* value = new T[kw*kh];
  int offset, new_offset, i, j, x, y, v, c;
  int kh1, kw1, kh2, kw2;

  kh2 = kh/2;
  kw2 = kw/2;
  kh1 = -kh2;
  kw1 = -kw2;
  if (kh%2==0) kh2--;  // if not odd decrease 1
  if (kw%2==0) kw2--;

  for(j = 0; j < height; j++)
    new_offset = j * width;

    for(i = 0; i < width; i++)
      v = 0; c = 0;
      for(y = kh1; y <= kh2; y++)
        if ((j + y < 0) ||        // pass the bottom border
            (j + y >= height))    // pass the top border

        offset = (j + y) * width;

        for(x = kw1; x <= kw2; x++)
          if ((i + x < 0) ||      // pass the left border
              (i + x >= width))   // pass the right border

          if (x == 0 && y == 0)
            c = v;

          value[v] = map[offset + (i + x)];
      new_map[new_offset + i] = (DT)func(value, v, c);

    if (!imCounterInc(counter))
      delete[] value;
      return 0;

  delete[] value;
  return 1;

static int compare_imReal(const void *elem1, const void *elem2) 
  float* v1 = (float*)elem1;
  float* v2 = (float*)elem2;

  if (*v1 < *v2)
    return -1;

  if (*v1 > *v2)
    return 1;

  return 0;

static int compare_imInt(const void *elem1, const void *elem2) 
  int* v1 = (int*)elem1;
  int* v2 = (int*)elem2;

  if (*v1 < *v2)
    return -1;

  if (*v1 > *v2)
    return 1;

  return 0;

static int compare_imUShort(const void *elem1, const void *elem2) 
  imushort* v1 = (imushort*)elem1;
  imushort* v2 = (imushort*)elem2;

  if (*v1 < *v2)
    return -1;

  if (*v1 > *v2)
    return 1;

  return 0;

static int compare_imByte(const void *elem1, const void *elem2) 
  imbyte* v1 = (imbyte*)elem1;
  imbyte* v2 = (imbyte*)elem2;

  if (*v1 < *v2)
    return -1;

  if (*v1 > *v2)
    return 1;

  return 0;

static imbyte median_op_byte(imbyte* value, int count, int center)
  qsort(value, count, sizeof(imbyte), compare_imByte);
  return value[count/2];

static imushort median_op_ushort(imushort* value, int count, int center)
  qsort(value, count, sizeof(imushort), compare_imUShort);
  return value[count/2];

static int median_op_int(int* value, int count, int center)
  qsort(value, count, sizeof(int), compare_imInt);
  return value[count/2];

static float median_op_real(float* value, int count, int center)
  qsort(value, count, sizeof(float), compare_imReal);
  return value[count/2];

int imProcessMedianConvolve(const imImage* src_image, imImage* dst_image, int ks)
  int i, ret = 0;
  int counter;

  counter = imCounterBegin("Median Filter");
  imCounterTotal(counter, src_image->depth*src_image->height, "Filtering...");

  for (i = 0; i < src_image->depth; i++)
    case IM_BYTE:
      ret = DoConvolveRankFunc((imbyte*)src_image->data[i], (imbyte*)dst_image->data[i], 
                               src_image->width, src_image->height, ks, ks, median_op_byte, counter);
    case IM_USHORT:                                                                           
      ret = DoConvolveRankFunc((imushort*)src_image->data[i], (imushort*)dst_image->data[i], 
                               src_image->width, src_image->height, ks, ks, median_op_ushort, counter);
    case IM_INT:                                                                           
      ret = DoConvolveRankFunc((int*)src_image->data[i], (int*)dst_image->data[i], 
                               src_image->width, src_image->height, ks, ks, median_op_int, counter);
    case IM_FLOAT:                                                                           
      ret = DoConvolveRankFunc((float*)src_image->data[i], (float*)dst_image->data[i], 
                               src_image->width, src_image->height, ks, ks, median_op_real, counter);
    if (!ret) 


  return ret;

static imbyte range_op_byte(imbyte* value, int count, int center)
  imbyte min, max;
  imMinMax(value, count, min, max);
  return max-min;

static imushort range_op_ushort(imushort* value, int count, int center)
  imushort min, max;
  imMinMax(value, count, min, max);
  return max-min;

static int range_op_int(int* value, int count, int center)
  int min, max;
  imMinMax(value, count, min, max);
  return max-min;

static float range_op_real(float* value, int count, int center)
  float min, max;
  imMinMax(value, count, min, max);
  return max-min;

int imProcessRangeConvolve(const imImage* src_image, imImage* dst_image, int ks)
  int i, ret = 0;
  int counter;

  counter = imCounterBegin("Range Filter");
  imCounterTotal(counter, src_image->depth*src_image->height, "Filtering...");

  for (i = 0; i < src_image->depth; i++)
    case IM_BYTE:
      ret = DoConvolveRankFunc((imbyte*)src_image->data[i], (imbyte*)dst_image->data[i], 
                               src_image->width, src_image->height, ks, ks, range_op_byte, counter);
    case IM_USHORT:                                                                           
      ret = DoConvolveRankFunc((imushort*)src_image->data[i], (imushort*)dst_image->data[i], 
                               src_image->width, src_image->height, ks, ks, range_op_ushort, counter);
    case IM_INT:                                                                           
      ret = DoConvolveRankFunc((int*)src_image->data[i], (int*)dst_image->data[i], 
                               src_image->width, src_image->height, ks, ks, range_op_int, counter);
    case IM_FLOAT:                                                                           
      ret = DoConvolveRankFunc((float*)src_image->data[i], (float*)dst_image->data[i], 
                               src_image->width, src_image->height, ks, ks, range_op_real, counter);

    if (!ret) 


  return ret;

Local variable threshold by the method of Bernsen.

    If the difference between the largest and the smallest
		pixel value within the 'dx'*'dy' window is greater than
		or equal to 'cmin' (local contrast threshold), the average
		of the two values is used as threshold.

		Pixels in homogenous areas (difference below 'cmin') 
    are assumed to be below the threshold.

    Bernsen, J: "Dynamic thresholding of grey-level images"
		Proc. of the 8th ICPR, Paris, Oct 1986, 1251-1255.

Author:         Oivind Due Trier

Copyright 1990, Blab, UiO
Image processing lab, Department of Informatics
University of Oslo

static int thresAux = 0;

static imbyte contrast_thres_op_byte(imbyte* value, int count, int center)
  int c, t;
  imbyte v = value[center], min, max;

  imMinMax(value, count, min, max);

  c = max-min;

  if (c < thresAux) 
    return 0;
    t = ((int)max + (int)min) / 2;

    if (v >= t)
      return 1;
      return 0;

static imushort contrast_thres_op_ushort(imushort* value, int count, int center)
  int c, t;
  imushort v = value[center], min, max;

  imMinMax(value, count, min, max);

  c = max-min;

  if (c < thresAux) 
    return 0;
    t = ((int)max + (int)min) / 2;

    if (v >= t)
      return 1;
      return 0;

static int contrast_thres_op_int(int* value, int count, int center)
  int c, t;
  int v = value[center], min, max;

  imMinMax(value, count, min, max);

  c = max-min;

  if (c < thresAux) 
    return 0;
    t = ((int)max + (int)min) / 2;

    if (v >= t)
      return 1;
      return 0;

int imProcessRangeContrastThreshold(const imImage* src_image, imImage* dst_image, int ks, int min_range)
  int ret = 0;
  int counter = imCounterBegin("Range Contrast Threshold");
  imCounterTotal(counter, src_image->depth*src_image->height, "Filtering...");

  thresAux = min_range;

  case IM_BYTE:
    ret = DoConvolveRankFunc((imbyte*)src_image->data[0], (imbyte*)dst_image->data[0], 
                             src_image->width, src_image->height, ks, ks, contrast_thres_op_byte, counter);
  case IM_USHORT:                                                                           
    ret = DoConvolveRankFunc((imushort*)src_image->data[0], (imbyte*)dst_image->data[0], 
                             src_image->width, src_image->height, ks, ks, contrast_thres_op_ushort, counter);
  case IM_INT:                                                                           
    ret = DoConvolveRankFunc((int*)src_image->data[0], (imbyte*)dst_image->data[0], 
                             src_image->width, src_image->height, ks, ks, contrast_thres_op_int, counter);


  return ret;

static imbyte max_thres_op_byte(imbyte* value, int count, int center)
  imbyte v = value[center], min, max;

  if (v < thresAux) 
    return 0;

  imMinMax(value, count, min, max);

  if (v < max)
    return 0;

  return 1;

static imushort max_thres_op_ushort(imushort* value, int count, int center)
  imushort v = value[center], min, max;

  if (v < thresAux) 
    return 0;

  imMinMax(value, count, min, max);

  if (v < max)
    return 0;

  return 1;

static int max_thres_op_int(int* value, int count, int center)
  int v = value[center], min, max;

  if (v < thresAux) 
    return 0;

  imMinMax(value, count, min, max);

  if (v < max)
    return 0;

  return 1;

int imProcessLocalMaxThreshold(const imImage* src_image, imImage* dst_image, int ks, int min_thres)
  int ret = 0;
  int counter = imCounterBegin("Local Max Threshold");
  imCounterTotal(counter, src_image->depth*src_image->height, "Filtering...");

  thresAux = min_thres;

  case IM_BYTE:
    ret = DoConvolveRankFunc((imbyte*)src_image->data[0], (imbyte*)dst_image->data[0], 
                             src_image->width, src_image->height, ks, ks, max_thres_op_byte, counter);
  case IM_USHORT:                                                                           
    ret = DoConvolveRankFunc((imushort*)src_image->data[0], (imbyte*)dst_image->data[0], 
                             src_image->width, src_image->height, ks, ks, max_thres_op_ushort, counter);
  case IM_INT:                                                                           
    ret = DoConvolveRankFunc((int*)src_image->data[0], (imbyte*)dst_image->data[0], 
                             src_image->width, src_image->height, ks, ks, max_thres_op_int, counter);


  return ret;

static imbyte rank_closest_op_byte(imbyte* value, int count, int center)
  imbyte v = value[center];
  imbyte min, max;

  imMinMax(value, count, min, max);

  if (v - min < max - v) 
    return min;
    return max;

static imushort rank_closest_op_ushort(imushort* value, int count, int center)
  imushort v = value[center];
  imushort min, max;

  imMinMax(value, count, min, max);

  if (v - min < max - v) 
    return min;
    return max;

static int rank_closest_op_int(int* value, int count, int center)
  int v = value[center];
  int min, max;

  imMinMax(value, count, min, max);

  if (v - min < max - v) 
    return min;
    return max;

static float rank_closest_op_real(float* value, int count, int center)
  float v = value[center];
  float min, max;

  imMinMax(value, count, min, max);

  if (v - min < max - v) 
    return min;
    return max;

int imProcessRankClosestConvolve(const imImage* src_image, imImage* dst_image, int ks)
  int i, ret = 0;
  int counter;

  counter = imCounterBegin("Rank Closest");
  imCounterTotal(counter, src_image->depth*src_image->height, "Filtering...");

  for (i = 0; i < src_image->depth; i++)
    case IM_BYTE:
      ret = DoConvolveRankFunc((imbyte*)src_image->data[i], (imbyte*)dst_image->data[i], 
                               src_image->width, src_image->height, ks, ks, rank_closest_op_byte, counter);
    case IM_USHORT:                                                                           
      ret = DoConvolveRankFunc((imushort*)src_image->data[i], (imushort*)dst_image->data[i], 
                               src_image->width, src_image->height, ks, ks, rank_closest_op_ushort, counter);
    case IM_INT:                                                                           
      ret = DoConvolveRankFunc((int*)src_image->data[i], (int*)dst_image->data[i], 
                               src_image->width, src_image->height, ks, ks, rank_closest_op_int, counter);
    case IM_FLOAT:                                                                           
      ret = DoConvolveRankFunc((float*)src_image->data[i], (float*)dst_image->data[i], 
                               src_image->width, src_image->height, ks, ks, rank_closest_op_real, counter);
    if (!ret) 


  return ret;

static imbyte rank_max_op_byte(imbyte* value, int count, int center)
  imbyte min, max;
  imMinMax(value, count, min, max);
  return max;

static imushort rank_max_op_ushort(imushort* value, int count, int center)
  imushort min, max;
  imMinMax(value, count, min, max);
  return max;

static int rank_max_op_int(int* value, int count, int center)
  int min, max;
  imMinMax(value, count, min, max);
  return max;

static float rank_max_op_real(float* value, int count, int center)
  float min, max;
  imMinMax(value, count, min, max);
  return max;

int imProcessRankMaxConvolve(const imImage* src_image, imImage* dst_image, int ks)
  int i, ret = 0;
  int counter;

  counter = imCounterBegin("Rank Max");
  imCounterTotal(counter, src_image->depth*src_image->height, "Filtering...");

  for (i = 0; i < src_image->depth; i++)
    case IM_BYTE:
      ret = DoConvolveRankFunc((imbyte*)src_image->data[i], (imbyte*)dst_image->data[i], 
                               src_image->width, src_image->height, ks, ks, rank_max_op_byte, counter);
    case IM_USHORT:                                                                           
      ret = DoConvolveRankFunc((imushort*)src_image->data[i], (imushort*)dst_image->data[i], 
                               src_image->width, src_image->height, ks, ks, rank_max_op_ushort, counter);
    case IM_INT:                                                                           
      ret = DoConvolveRankFunc((int*)src_image->data[i], (int*)dst_image->data[i], 
                               src_image->width, src_image->height, ks, ks, rank_max_op_int, counter);
    case IM_FLOAT:                                                                           
      ret = DoConvolveRankFunc((float*)src_image->data[i], (float*)dst_image->data[i], 
                               src_image->width, src_image->height, ks, ks, rank_max_op_real, counter);
    if (!ret) 


  return ret;

static imbyte rank_min_op_byte(imbyte* value, int count, int center)
  imbyte min, max;
  imMinMax(value, count, min, max);
  return min;

static imushort rank_min_op_ushort(imushort* value, int count, int center)
  imushort min, max;
  imMinMax(value, count, min, max);
  return min;

static int rank_min_op_int(int* value, int count, int center)
  int min, max;
  imMinMax(value, count, min, max);
  return min;

static float rank_min_op_real(float* value, int count, int center)
  float min, max;
  imMinMax(value, count, min, max);
  return min;

int imProcessRankMinConvolve(const imImage* src_image, imImage* dst_image, int ks)
  int i, ret = 0;
  int counter;

  counter = imCounterBegin("Rank Min");
  imCounterTotal(counter, src_image->depth*src_image->height, "Filtering...");

  for (i = 0; i < src_image->depth; i++)
    case IM_BYTE:
      ret = DoConvolveRankFunc((imbyte*)src_image->data[i], (imbyte*)dst_image->data[i], 
                               src_image->width, src_image->height, ks, ks, rank_min_op_byte, counter);
    case IM_USHORT:                                                                           
      ret = DoConvolveRankFunc((imushort*)src_image->data[i], (imushort*)dst_image->data[i], 
                               src_image->width, src_image->height, ks, ks, rank_min_op_ushort, counter);
    case IM_INT:                                                                           
      ret = DoConvolveRankFunc((int*)src_image->data[i], (int*)dst_image->data[i], 
                               src_image->width, src_image->height, ks, ks, rank_min_op_int, counter);
    case IM_FLOAT:                                                                           
      ret = DoConvolveRankFunc((float*)src_image->data[i], (float*)dst_image->data[i], 
                               src_image->width, src_image->height, ks, ks, rank_min_op_real, counter);
    if (!ret) 


  return ret;