/** \file * \brief Fast Fourier Transform using FFTW library * * See Copyright Notice in im_lib.h * $Id: im_fft.cpp,v 1.2 2009/08/20 12:37:11 scuri Exp $ */ #include <im.h> #include <im_util.h> #include <im_complex.h> #include <im_convert.h> #include "im_process.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include <assert.h> #include <memory.h> #ifdef USE_FFTW3 #include "fftw3.h" #else #include "fftw.h" #endif static void iCopyCol(imcfloat *map1, imcfloat *map2, int height, int width1, int width2) { int i; for(i = 0; i < height; i++) { *map1 = *map2; map1 += width1; map2 += width2; } } static void iCenterFFT(imcfloat *map, int width, int height, int inverse) { imcfloat *map1, *map2, *map3, *tmp; int i, half1_width, half2_width, half1_height, half2_height; if (inverse) { half1_width = width/2; half1_height = height/2; half2_width = (width+1)/2; half2_height = (height+1)/2; } else { half1_width = (width+1)/2; half1_height = (height+1)/2; half2_width = width/2; half2_height = height/2; } tmp = (imcfloat*)malloc(half1_width*sizeof(imcfloat)); map1 = map; map2 = map + half1_width; map3 = map + half2_width; for(i = 0; i < height; i++) { memcpy(tmp, map1, half1_width*sizeof(imcfloat)); memcpy(map1, map2, half2_width*sizeof(imcfloat)); memcpy(map3, tmp, half1_width*sizeof(imcfloat)); map1 += width; map2 += width; map3 += width; } free(tmp); tmp = (imcfloat*)malloc(half1_height*sizeof(imcfloat)); map1 = map; map2 = map + half1_height*width; map3 = map + half2_height*width; for(i = 0; i < width; i++) { iCopyCol(tmp, map1, half1_height, 1, width); iCopyCol(map1, map2, half2_height, width, width); iCopyCol(map3, tmp, half1_height, width, 1); map1++; map2++; map3++; } free(tmp); } static void iDoFFT(void *map, int width, int height, int inverse, int center, int normalize) { if (inverse && center) iCenterFFT((imcfloat*)map, width, height, inverse); #ifdef USE_FFTW3 fftwf_plan plan = fftwf_plan_dft_2d(height, width, (fftwf_complex*)map, (fftwf_complex*)map, // in-place transform inverse?FFTW_BACKWARD:FFTW_FORWARD, FFTW_ESTIMATE); fftwf_execute(plan); fftwf_destroy_plan(plan); #else fftwnd_plan plan = fftw2d_create_plan(height, width, inverse?FFTW_BACKWARD:FFTW_FORWARD, FFTW_ESTIMATE|FFTW_IN_PLACE); fftwnd(plan, 1, (FFTW_COMPLEX*)map, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0); fftwnd_destroy_plan(plan); #endif if (!inverse && center) iCenterFFT((imcfloat*)map, width, height, inverse); if (normalize) { float NM = (float)(width * height); int count = (int)(2*NM); if (normalize == 1) NM = (float)sqrt(NM); float *fmap = (float*)map; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) *fmap++ /= NM; } } void imProcessSwapQuadrants(imImage* image, int inverse) { for (int i = 0; i < image->depth; i++) iCenterFFT((imcfloat*)image->data[i], image->width, image->height, inverse); } void imProcessFFTraw(imImage* image, int inverse, int center, int normalize) { for (int i = 0; i < image->depth; i++) iDoFFT(image->data[i], image->width, image->height, inverse, center, normalize); } void imProcessFFT(const imImage* src_image, imImage* dst_image) { if (src_image->data_type != IM_CFLOAT) imConvertDataType(src_image, dst_image, 0, 0, 0, 0); else imImageCopy(src_image, dst_image); imProcessFFTraw(dst_image, 0, 1, 0); // forward, centered, unnormalized } void imProcessIFFT(const imImage* src_image, imImage* dst_image) { imImageCopy(src_image, dst_image); imProcessFFTraw(dst_image, 1, 1, 2); // inverse, uncentered, double normalized } void imProcessCrossCorrelation(const imImage* src_image1, const imImage* src_image2, imImage* dst_image) { imImage *tmp_image = imImageCreate(src_image2->width, src_image2->height, src_image2->color_space, IM_CFLOAT); if (!tmp_image) return; if (src_image2->data_type != IM_CFLOAT) imConvertDataType(src_image2, tmp_image, 0, 0, 0, 0); else imImageCopy(src_image2, tmp_image); if (src_image1->data_type != IM_CFLOAT) imConvertDataType(src_image1, dst_image, 0, 0, 0, 0); else imImageCopy(src_image1, dst_image); imProcessFFTraw(tmp_image, 0, 1, 1); // forward, centered, normalized imProcessFFTraw(dst_image, 0, 1, 1); imProcessMultiplyConj(dst_image, tmp_image, dst_image); imProcessFFTraw(dst_image, 1, 1, 1); // inverse, uncentered, normalized imProcessSwapQuadrants(dst_image, 0); // from origin to center imImageDestroy(tmp_image); } void imProcessAutoCorrelation(const imImage* src_image, imImage* dst_image) { if (src_image->data_type != IM_CFLOAT) imConvertDataType(src_image, dst_image, 0, 0, 0, 0); else imImageCopy(src_image, dst_image); imProcessFFTraw(dst_image, 0, 0, 1); // forward, at origin, normalized imProcessMultiplyConj(dst_image, dst_image, dst_image); imProcessFFTraw(dst_image, 1, 0, 1); // inverse, at origin, normalized imProcessSwapQuadrants(dst_image, 0); // from origin to center }