#define VARx(type,name) VAR(name, type name)

VARx(ev_tstamp, now_floor) /* last time we refreshed rt_time */
VARx(ev_tstamp, mn_now)    /* monotonic clock "now" */
VARx(ev_tstamp, rtmn_diff)      /* difference realtime - monotonic time */
VARx(int, method)

VARx(ev_tstamp, method_fudge) /* assumed typical timer resolution */
VAR (method_modify, void (*method_modify)(EV_P_ int fd, int oev, int nev))
VAR (method_poll  , void (*method_poll)(EV_P_ ev_tstamp timeout))

VARx(int, postfork)  /* true if we need to recreate kernel state after fork */
VARx(int, activecnt) /* number of active events */

VARx(unsigned char *, vec_ri)
VARx(unsigned char *, vec_ro)
VARx(unsigned char *, vec_wi)
VARx(unsigned char *, vec_wo)
VARx(int, vec_max)

VARx(struct pollfd *, polls)
VARx(int, pollmax)
VARx(int, pollcnt)
VARx(int *, pollidxs) /* maps fds into structure indices */
VARx(int, pollidxmax)

VARx(int, epoll_fd)

VARx(struct epoll_event *, epoll_events)
VARx(int, epoll_eventmax)

VARx(int, kqueue_fd)
VARx(struct kevent *, kqueue_changes)
VARx(int, kqueue_changemax)
VARx(int, kqueue_changecnt)
VARx(struct kevent *, kqueue_events)
VARx(int, kqueue_eventmax)

VARx(ANFD *, anfds)
VARx(int, anfdmax)

VAR (pendings, ANPENDING *pendings [NUMPRI])
VAR (pendingmax, int pendingmax [NUMPRI])
VAR (pendingcnt, int pendingcnt [NUMPRI])

VARx(int *, fdchanges)
VARx(int, fdchangemax)
VARx(int, fdchangecnt)

VARx(struct ev_timer **, timers)
VARx(int, timermax)
VARx(int, timercnt)

VARx(struct ev_periodic **, periodics)
VARx(int, periodicmax)
VARx(int, periodiccnt)

VARx(struct ev_idle **, idles)
VARx(int, idlemax)
VARx(int, idlecnt)

VARx(struct ev_prepare **, prepares)
VARx(int, preparemax)
VARx(int, preparecnt)

VARx(struct ev_check **, checks)
VARx(int, checkmax)
VARx(int, checkcnt)

#undef VARx