-- -- This file is part of the lgmp package for Lua 5.1. -- -- Author: Wim Couwenberg -- Date : 2007/7/28 -- -- The lgmp package is distributed under the MIT license. See the "COPYRIGHT" -- file that came with the distribution of lgmp for license details. -- -- -- Adapted for lua-interface by Nicolas "Pixel" Noble -- local type = type local getmetatable = getmetatable local assert = assert local error = error local match = string.match local prv local aux = {} local randmeta = {} local zmeta = {} local fmeta = {} aux.randmeta = randmeta aux.zmeta = zmeta aux.fmeta = fmeta randmeta.__index = randmeta zmeta.__index = zmeta fmeta.__index = fmeta gmp = {} local function isrand(obj) return type(obj) == "userdata" and getmetatable(obj) == randmeta end local function isz(obj) return type(obj) == "userdata" and getmetatable(obj) == zmeta end local function isf(obj) return type(obj) == "userdata" and getmetatable(obj) == fmeta end local function ntype(obj) local t = type(obj) if t == "number" then if obj%1 == 0 then if obj >= 0 and obj <= prv.ULONG_MAX then return "u" elseif obj >= prv.LONG_MIN and obj < 0 then return "s" elseif obj >= -prv.ULONG_MAX and obj < prv.LONG_MIN then return "n" end end return "d" elseif t == "userdata" then local m = getmetatable(obj) if m == zmeta then return "z" elseif m == fmeta then return "f" end end return "?" end local function checkrand(obj) assert(isrand(obj), "gmp random state expected") end local function checku(obj) assert(type(obj) == "number" and obj >= 0 and obj <= prv.ULONG_MAX and obj%1 == 0, "unsigned integer expected") end local function checkn(obj) assert(type(obj) == "number" and obj >= 0 and obj <= prv.LONG_MAX and obj%1 == 0, "non-negative intger expected") end local function checkbase(obj) assert(type(obj) == "number" and obj >= 2 and obj <= 62 and obj%1 == 0, "gmp number base must be an integer between 2 and 62") end local function checkz(obj) assert(isz(obj), "gmp integer expected") end local function checkzopt(obj) assert(obj == nil or isz(obj), "gmp integer expected") end local function checkf(obj) assert(isf(obj), "gmp floating point expected") end local function checkfopt(obj) assert(obj == nil or isf(obj), "gmp floating point expected") end local dtoz local dtof function gmp.z(value, base) if value == nil then return prv.mpz_init() elseif type(value) == "number" then return dtoz(value) elseif type(value) == "string" then if base == nil then base = 0 elseif base ~= 0 then checkbase(base) end local res = prv.mpz_init_set_str(value, base) if res then return res end error("not a valid integer constant in base " .. base .. ": " .. value) elseif isz(value) then return prv.mpz_init_set(value) elseif isf(value) then local res = prv.mpz_init() prv.mpz_set_f(res, value) return res else error("cannot initialize gmp integer from " .. type(value)) end end function gmp.f(value, base) if value == nil then return prv.mpf_init() elseif type(value) == "number" then return dtof(value) elseif type(value) == "string" then if base == nil then base = 10 elseif type(base) == "number" and base < 0 then checkbase(-base) else checkbase(base) end local res = prv.mpf_init_set_str(value, base) if res then return res end error("not a valid floating point constant in base " .. base .. ": " .. value) elseif isf(value) then return prv.mpf_init_set(value) elseif isz(value) then local res = prv.mpf_init() prv.mpf_set_z(res, value) return res else error("cannot initialize gmp floating point from " .. type(value)) end end function zmeta:__tostring() checkz(self) return prv.mpz_get_str(10, self) end function zmeta:__concat(other) if isz(self) then return zmeta.get_str(self) .. other else return self .. zmeta.get_str(other) end end function zmeta:__add(other) if isz(self) then return zmeta.add(self, other) else return zmeta.add(other, self) end end function zmeta:__sub(other) if isz(self) then return zmeta.sub(self, other) else return zmeta.rsub(other, self) end end function zmeta:__mul(other) if isz(self) then return zmeta.mul(self, other) else return zmeta.mul(other, self) end end function zmeta:__div(other) if isz(self) then return zmeta.fdiv_q(self, other) elseif type(other) == "number" then return zmeta.fdiv_q(dtoz(self), other) else error("unsupported type") end end function zmeta:__mod(other) if isz(self) then return zmeta.fdiv_r(self, other) elseif type(self) == "number" then return zmeta.fdiv_r(dtoz(self), other) else error("unsupported type") end end function zmeta:__pow(exp) checkz(self) checku(exp) return prv.mpz_pow_ui(self, exp) end function zmeta:__unm() checkz(self) return prv.mpz_neg(self) end function zmeta:__lt(other) checkz(self) checkz(other) return prv.mpz_cmp(self, other) < 0 end function zmeta:__le(other) checkz(self) checkz(other) return prv.mpz_cmp(self, other) <= 0 end function zmeta:__eq(other) checkz(self) checkz(other) return prv.mpz_cmp(self, other) == 0 end function zmeta:__gc() checkz(self) return prv.mpz_clear(self) end function zmeta:abs(res) checkz(self) checkzopt(res) return prv.mpz_abs(self, res) end function zmeta:add(a, res) checkz(self) checkzopt(res) local t = ntype(a) if t == "d" then return prv.mpz_add(self, dtoz(a), res) elseif t == "u" then return prv.mpz_add_ui(self, a, res) elseif t == "s" or t == "n" then return prv.mpz_sub_ui(self, -a, res) elseif t == "z" then return prv.mpz_add(self, a, res) else error("unsupported type") end end function zmeta:addmul(a1, a2) checkz(self) checkz(a1) local t = ntype(a2) if t == "d" then prv.mpz_addmul(self, a1, dtoz(a2)) elseif t == "u" then prv.mpz_addmul_ui(self, a1, a2) elseif t == "s" or t == "n" then prv.mpz_submul_ui(self, a1, -a2) elseif t == "z" then prv.mpz_addmul(self, a1, a2) else error("unsupported type") end end function zmeta:And(a, res) checkz(self) checkzopt(res) if type(a) == "number" then return prv.mpz_and(self, dtoz(a), res) elseif isz(a) then return prv.mpz_and(self, a, res) else error("unsupported type") end end function zmeta:bin(a, res) checkz(self) checku(a) checkzopt(res) return prv.mpz_bin_ui(self, a, res) end function gmp.bin(a1, a2, res) checku(a2) checkzopt(res) local t = ntype(a1) if t == "d" then return prv.mpz_bin_ui(dtoz(a1), a2, res) elseif t == "u" then return prv.mpz_bin_uiui(a1, a2, res) elseif t == "s" or t == "n" then if a2 <= prv.ULONG_MAX + a1 then res = prv.mpz_bin_uiui(a2 - a1 - 1, a2, res) if a2%2 ~= 0 then prv.mpz_neg(res, res) end return res else return prv.mpz_bin_ui(dtoz(a1), a2, res) end elseif t == "z" then return prv.mpz_bin_ui(a1, a2, res) else error("unsupported type") end end function zmeta:cdiv_q(a, res) checkz(self) checkzopt(res) local t = ntype(a) if t == "d" then return prv.mpz_cdiv_q(self, dtoz(a), res) elseif t == "u" then return prv.mpz_cdiv_q_ui(self, a, res) elseif t == "s" or t == "n" then local r2 res, r2 = prv.mpz_fdiv_q_ui(self, -a, res) return prv.mpz_neg(res, res), r2 elseif t == "z" then return prv.mpz_cdiv_q(self, a, res) else error("unsupported type") end end function zmeta:cdiv_q_2exp(a, res) checkz(self) checku(a) checkzopt(res) return prv.mpz_cdiv_q_2exp(self, a, res) end function zmeta:cdiv_qr(a, r1, r2) checkz(self) checkzopt(r1) checkzopt(r2) local t = ntype(a) if t == "d" then return prv.mpz_cdiv_qr(self, dtoz(a), r1, r2) elseif t == "u" then return prv.mpz_cdiv_qr_ui(self, a, r1, r2) elseif t == "s" or t == "n" then local r3 r1, r2, r3 = prv.mpz_fdiv_qr_ui(self, -a, r1, r2) return prv.mpz_neg(r1, r1), r2, r3 elseif t == "z" then return prv.mpz_cdiv_qr(self, a, r1, r2) else error("unsupported type") end end function zmeta:cdiv_r(a, res) checkz(self) checkzopt(res) local t = ntype(a) if t == "d" then return prv.mpz_cdiv_r(self, dtoz(a), res) elseif t == "u" then return prv.mpz_cdiv_r_ui(self, a, res) elseif t == "s" or t == "n" then return prv.mpz_fdiv_r_ui(self, -a, res) elseif t == "z" then return prv.mpz_cdiv_r(self, a, res) else error("unsupported type") end end function zmeta:cdiv_r_2exp(a, res) checkz(self) checku(a) checkzopt(res) return prv.mpz_cdiv_r_2exp(self, a, res) end function zmeta:cdiv(a) checkz(self) local t = ntype(a) if t == "u" then return prv.mpz_cdiv_ui(self, a) elseif t == "s" or t == "n" then return prv.mpz_cdiv_ui(self, -a) else error("unsupported type") end end function zmeta:clrbit(a, res) checkz(self) checku(a) checkzopt(res) return prv.mpz_clrbit(self, a, res) end function zmeta:cmp(a) checkz(self) local t = ntype(a) if t == "d" or t == "n" then return prv.mpz_cmp_d(self, a) elseif t == "u" then return prv.mpz_cmp_ui(self, a) elseif t == "s" then return prv.mpz_cmp_si(self, a) elseif t == "z" then return prv.mpz_cmp(self, a) else error("unsupported type") end end function zmeta:cmpabs(a) checkz(self) local t = ntype(a) if t == "d" then return prv.mpz_cmpabs_d(self, a) elseif t == "u" then return prv.mpz_cmpabs_ui(self, a) elseif t == "s" or t == "n" then return prv.mpz_cmpabs_ui(self, -a) elseif t == "z" then return prv.mpz_cmpabs(self, a) else error("unsupported type") end end function zmeta:com(res) checkz(self) checkzopt(res) return prv.mpz_com(self, res) end function zmeta:combit(a, res) checkz(self) checku(a) checkzopt(res) return prv.mpz_combit(self, a, res) end function zmeta:congruent(a1, a2) checkz(self) local t1, t2 = ntype(a1), ntype(a2) if t1 == "z" and t2 == "z" then return prv.mpz_congruent_p(self, a1, a2) ~= 0 elseif t1 == "u" and t2 == "u" then return prv.mpz_congruent_ui_p(self, a1, a2) ~= 0 else error("unsupported type") end end function zmeta:congruent_2exp(a1, a2) checkz(self) checkz(a1) checku(a2) return prv.mpz_congruent_2exp_p(self, a1, a2) ~= 0 end function zmeta:divexact(a, res) checkz(self) checkzopt(res) local t = ntype(a) if t == "d" then return prv.mpz_divexact(self, dtoz(a), res) elseif t == "u" then return prv.mpz_divexact_ui(self, a, res) elseif t == "s" or t == "n" then res = prv.mpz_divexact_ui(self, -a, res) return prv.mpz_neg(res, res) elseif t == "z" then return prv.mpz_divexact(self, a, res) else error("unsupported type") end end function zmeta:divisible(a) checkz(self) local t = ntype(a) if t == "d" then return prv.mpz_divisible_p(self, dtoz(a)) ~= 0 elseif t == "u" then return prv.mpz_divisible_ui_p(self, a) ~= 0 elseif t == "s" or t == "n" then return prv.mpz_divisible_ui_p(self, -a) ~= 0 elseif t == "z" then return prv.mpz_divisible_p(self, a) ~= 0 else error("unsupported type") end end function zmeta:divisible_2exp(a) checkz(self) checku(a) return prv.mpz_divisible_2exp_p(self, a) ~= 0 end function gmp.fac(a, res) checku(a) checkzopt(res) return prv.mpz_fac_ui(a, res) end function zmeta:fdiv_q(a, res) checkz(self) checkzopt(res) local t = ntype(a) if t == "d" then return prv.mpz_fdiv_q(self, dtoz(a), res) elseif t == "u" then return prv.mpz_fdiv_q_ui(self, a, res) elseif t == "s" or t == "n" then local r2 res, r2 = prv.mpz_cdiv_q_ui(self, -a, res) return prv.mpz_neg(res, res), r2 elseif t == "z" then return prv.mpz_fdiv_q(self, a, res) else error("unsupported type") end end function zmeta:fdiv_q_2exp(a, res) checkz(self) checku(a) checkzopt(res) return prv.mpz_fdiv_q_2exp(self, a, res) end function zmeta:fdiv_qr(a, r1, r2) checkz(self) checkzopt(r1) checkzopt(r2) local t = ntype(a) if t == "d" then return prv.mpz_fdiv_qr(self, dtoz(a), r1, r2) elseif t == "u" then return prv.mpz_fdiv_qr_ui(self, a, r1, r2) elseif t == "s" or t == "n" then local r3 r1, r2, r3 = prv.mpz_cdiv_qr_ui(self, -a, r1, r2) return prv.mpz_neg(r1, r1), r2, r3 elseif t == "z" then return prv.mpz_fdiv_qr(self, a, r1, r2) else error("unsupported type") end end function zmeta:fdiv_r(a, res) checkz(self) checkzopt(res) local t = ntype(a) if t == "d" then return prv.mpz_fdiv_r(self, dtoz(a), res) elseif t == "u" then return prv.mpz_fdiv_r_ui(self, a, res) elseif t == "s" or t == "n" then return prv.mpz_cdiv_r_ui(self, -a, res) elseif t == "z" then return prv.mpz_fdiv_r(self, a, res) else error("unsupported type") end end function zmeta:fdiv_r_2exp(a, res) checkz(self) checku(a) checkzopt(res) return prv.mpz_fdiv_r_2exp(self, a, res) end function zmeta:fdiv(a) checkz(self) local t = ntype(a) if t == "u" then return prv.mpz_fdiv_ui(self, a) elseif t == "s" or t == "n" then return prv.mpz_fdiv_ui(self, -a) else error("unsupported type") end end function gmp.fib(a, res) checku(a) checkzopt(res) return prv.mpz_fib_ui(a, res) end function gmp.fib2(a, r1, r2) checku(a) checkzopt(r1) checkzopt(r2) return prv.mpz_fib2_ui(a, r1, r2) end function zmeta:fits_sint() checkz(self) return prv.mpz_fits_sint_p(self) ~= 0 end function zmeta:fits_slong() checkz(self) return prv.mpz_fits_slong_p(self) ~= 0 end function zmeta:fits_sshort() checkz(self) return prv.mpz_fits_sshort_p(self) ~= 0 end function zmeta:fits_uint() checkz(self) return prv.mpz_fits_uint_p(self) ~= 0 end function zmeta:fits_ulong() checkz(self) return prv.mpz_fits_ulong_p(self) ~= 0 end function zmeta:fits_ushort() checkz(self) return prv.mpz_fits_ushort_p(self) ~= 0 end function zmeta:gcd(a, res) checkz(self) checkzopt(res) local t = ntype(a) if t == "d" then return prv.mpz_gcd(self, dtoz(a), res) elseif t == "u" then return prv.mpz_gcd_ui(self, a, res) elseif t == "s" or t == "n" then return prv.mpz_gcd_ui(self, -a, res) elseif t == "z" then return prv.mpz_gcd(self, a, res) else error("unsupported type") end end function zmeta:gcdext(a, r1, r2, r3) checkz(self) checkz(a) checkzopt(r1) checkzopt(r2) checkzopt(r3) return prv.mpz_gcdext(self, a, r1, r2, r3) end function zmeta:get_d() checkz(self) return prv.mpz_get_d(self) end function zmeta:get_d_2exp() checkz(self) return prv.mpz_get_d_2exp(self) end function zmeta:get_str(base) checkz(self) if base == nil then base = 10 else checkbase(base) end return prv.mpz_get_str(base, self) end function zmeta:hamdist(a) checkz(self) checkz(a) return prv.mpz_hamdist(self, a) end function zmeta:invert(a, res) checkz(self) checkz(a) checkzopt(res) local r2 res, r2 = prv.mpz_invert(self, a, res) if r2 ~= 0 then return res end end function zmeta:ior(a, res) checkz(self) checkzopt(res) if type(a) == "number" then return prv.mpz_ior(self, dtoz(a), res) elseif isz(a) then return prv.mpz_ior(self, a, res) else error("unsupported type") end end function zmeta:kronecker(a) checkz(self) local t = ntype(a) if t == "d" then return prv.mpz_kronecker(self, dtoz(a)) elseif t == "u" then return prv.mpz_kronecker_ui(self, a) elseif t == "s" then return prv.mpz_kronecker_si(self, a) elseif t == "n" then return prv.mpz_kronecker(self, dtoz(a)) elseif t == "z" then return prv.mpz_kronecker(self, a) else error("unsupported type") end end function zmeta:rkronecker(a) checkz(self) local t = ntype(a) if t == "d" then return prv.mpz_kronecker(dtoz(a), self) elseif t == "u" then return prv.mpz_ui_kronecker(a, self) elseif t == "s" then return prv.mpz_si_kronecker(a, self) elseif t == "n" then return prv.mpz_kronecker(dtoz(a), self) elseif t == "z" then return prv.mpz_kronecker(a, self) else error("unsupported type") end end zmeta.jacobi = zmeta.kronecker zmeta.rjacobi = zmeta.rkronecker zmeta.legendre = zmeta.kronecker zmeta.rlegendre = zmeta.rkronecker function zmeta:lcm(a, res) checkz(self) checkzopt(res) local t = ntype(a) if t == "d" then return prv.mpz_lcm(self, dtoz(a), res) elseif t == "u" then return prv.mpz_lcm_ui(self, a, res) elseif t == "s" or t == "n" then return prv.mpz_lcm_ui(self, -a, res) elseif t == "z" then return prv.mpz_lcm(self, a, res) else error("unsupported type") end end function gmp.lucnum(a, res) checku(a) checkzopt(res) return prv.mpz_lucnum_ui(a, res) end function gmp.lucnum2(a, r1, r2) checku(a) checkzopt(r1) checkzopt(r2) return prv.mpz_lucnum2_ui(a, r1, r2) end function zmeta:mod(a, res) checkz(self) checkzopt(res) local t = ntype(a) if t == "d" then return prv.mpz_mod(self, dtoz(a), res) elseif t == "u" then return prv.mpz_fdiv_r_ui(self, a, res) elseif t == "s" or t == "n" then return prv.mpz_cdiv_r_ui(self, -a, res) elseif t == "z" then return prv.mpz_mod(self, a, res) else error("unsupported type") end end function zmeta:mul(a, res) checkz(self) checkzopt(res) local t = ntype(a) if t == "d" then return prv.mpz_mul(self, dtoz(a), res) elseif t == "u" then return prv.mpz_mul_ui(self, a, res) elseif t == "s" then return prv.mpz_mul_si(self, a, res) elseif t == "n" then res = prv.mpz_mul_ui(self, -a, res) return prv.mpz_neg(res, res) elseif t == "z" then return prv.mpz_mul(self, a, res) else error("unsupported type") end end function zmeta:mul_2exp(a, res) checkz(self) checku(a) checkzopt(self) return prv.mpz_mul_2exp(self, a, res) end function zmeta:neg(res) checkz(self) checkzopt(res) return prv.mpz_neg(self, res) end function zmeta:nextprime(res) checkz(self) checkzopt(res) return prv.mpz_nextprime(self, res) end function zmeta:perfect_power() checkz(self) return prv.mpz_perfect_power_p(self) ~= 0 end function zmeta:perfect_square() checkz(self) return prv.mpz_perfect_square_p(self) ~= 0 end function zmeta:popcount() checkz(self) return prv.mpz_popcount(self) end function zmeta:pow(a, res) checkz(self) checku(a) checkzopt(res) return prv.mpz_pow_ui(self, a, res) end function zmeta:powm(a1, a2, res) checkz(self) checkz(a2) checkzopt(res) local t = ntype(a1) if t == "d" then return prv.mpz_powm(self, dtoz(a1), a2, res) elseif t == "u" then return prv.mpz_powm_ui(self, a1, a2, res) elseif t == "s" or t == "n" then return prv.mpz_powm(self, dtoz(a1), a2, res) elseif t == "z" then return prv.mpz_powm(self, a1, a2, res) else error("unsupported type") end end function zmeta:probab_prime(a) checkz(self) if a == nil then a = 10 else ckechn(a) end local res = prv.mpz_probab_prime_p(self, a) return res ~= 0 and res end function zmeta:remove(a, res) checkz(self) checkzopt(res) if type(a) == "number" then return prv.mpz_remove(self, dtoz(a), res) elseif isz(a) then return prv.mpz_rempve(self, a, res) else error("unsupported type") end end function zmeta:root(a, res) checkz(self) checku(a) checkzopt(res) local r2 res, r2 = prv.mpz_root(self, a, res) return res, r2 ~= 0 end function zmeta:rootrem(a, r1, r2) checkz(self) checku(a) checkzopt(r1) checkzopt(r2) return prv.mpz_rootrem(self, a, r1, r2) end function zmeta:scan0(a) checkz(self) if a == nil then a = 0 else checku(a) end return prv.mpz_scan0(self, a) end function zmeta:scan1(a) checkz(self) if a == nil then a = 0 else checku(a) end return prv.mpz_scan1(self, a) end function zmeta:set(a, base) checkz(self) if type(a) == "number" then prv.mpz_set_d(self, a) elseif type(a) == "string" then if base == nil then base = 0 elseif base ~= 0 then checkbase(base) end if prv.mpz_set_str(self, a, base) ~= 0 then error("not a valid integer constant in base " .. base .. ": " .. a) end elseif isz(a) then prv.mpz_set(self, a) elseif isf(a) then prv.mpz_set_f(self, a) else error("unsupported type") end end function zmeta:setbit(a, res) checkz(self) checku(a) checkzopt(res) return prv.mpz_setbit(self, a, res) end function zmeta:sgn() checkz(self) return prv.mpz_sgn(self) end function zmeta:sizeinbase(a) checkz(self) if a == nil then a = 10 else checkbase(a) end return prv.mpz_sizeinbase(self, a) end function zmeta:sqrt(res) checkz(self) assert(prv.mpz_sgn(self) >= 0, "taking square of negative number") checkzopt(res) return prv.mpz_sqrt(self, res) end function zmeta:sqrtrem(r1, r2) checkz(self) assert(prv.mpz_sgn(self) >= 0, "taking square of negative number") checkzopt(r1) checkzopt(r2) return prv.mpz_sqrtrem(self, r1, r2) end function zmeta:sub(a, res) checkz(self) checkzopt(res) local t = ntype(a) if t == "d" then return prv.mpz_sub(self, dtoz(a), res) elseif t == "u" then return prv.mpz_sub_ui(self, a, res) elseif t == "s" or t == "n" then return prv.mpz_add_ui(self, -a, res) elseif t == "z" then return prv.mpz_sub(self, a, res) else error("unsupported type") end end function zmeta:rsub(a, res) checkz(self) checkzopt(res) local t = ntype(a1) if t == "d" then return prv.mpz_sub(dtoz(a), self, res) elseif t == "u" then return prv.mpz_ui_sub(a, self, res) elseif t == "s" or t == "n" then res = prv.mpz_add_ui(self, -a, res) return prv.mpz_neg(res, res) elseif t == "z" then return prv.mpz_sub(a, self, res) else error("unsupported type") end end function zmeta:submul(a1, a2) checkz(self) checkz(a1) local t = ntype(a2) if t == "d" then prv.mpz_submul(self, a1, dtoz(a2)) elseif t == "u" then prv.mpz_submul_ui(self, a1, a2) elseif t == "s" or t == "n" then prv.mpz_addmul_ui(self, a1, -a2) elseif t == "z" then prv.mpz_submul(self, a1, a2) else error("unsupported type") end end function zmeta:tdiv_q(a, res) checkz(self) checkzopt(res) local t = ntype(a) if t == "d" then return prv.mpz_tdiv_q(self, dtoz(a), res) elseif t == "u" then return prv.mpz_tdiv_q_ui(self, a, res) elseif t == "s" or t == "n" then local r2 res, r2 = prv.mpz_tdiv_q_ui(self, -a, res) return prv.mpz_neg(res, res), r2 elseif t == "z" then return prv.mpz_tdiv_q(self, a, res) else error("unsupported type") end end function zmeta:tdiv_q_2exp(a, res) checkz(self) checku(a) checkzopt(res) return prv.mpz_tdiv_q_2exp(self, a, res) end function zmeta:tdiv_qr(a, r1, r2) checkz(self) checkzopt(r1) checkzopt(r2) local t = ntype(a) if t == "d" then return prv.mpz_tdiv_qr(self, dtoz(a), r1, r2) elseif t == "u" then return prv.mpz_tdiv_qr_ui(self, a, r1, r2) elseif t == "s" or t == "n" then local r3 r1, r2, r3 = prv.mpz_tdiv_qr_ui(self, -a, r1, r2) return prv.mpz_neg(r1, r1), r2, r3 elseif t == "z" then return prv.mpz_tdiv_qr(self, a, r1, r2) else error("unsupported type") end end function zmeta:tdiv_r(a, res) checkz(self) checkzopt(res) local t = ntype(a) if t == "d" then return prv.mpz_tdiv_r(self, dtoz(a), res) elseif t == "u" then return prv.mpz_tdiv_r_ui(self, a, res) elseif t == "s" or t == "n" then return prv.mpz_tdiv_r_ui(self, -a, res) elseif t == "z" then return prv.mpz_tdiv_r(self, a, res) else error("unsupported type") end end function zmeta:tdiv_r_2exp(a, res) checkz(self) checku(a) checkzopt(res) return prv.tdiv_r_2exp(self, a, res) end function zmeta:tdiv(a) checkz(self) local t = ntype(a) if t == "u" then return prv.mpz_tdiv_ui(self, a) elseif t == "s" or t == "n" then return prv.mpz_tdiv_ui(self, -a) else error("unsupported type") end end function zmeta:tstbit(a) checkz(self) checku(a) return prv.mpz_tstbit(self, a) end function gmp.pow(a1, a2, res) checku(a2) checkzopt(res) local t = ntype(a1) if t == "d" then return prv.mpz_pow_ui(dtoz(a1), a2, res) elseif t == "u" then return prv.mpz_ui_pow_ui(a1, a2, res) elseif t == "s" or t == "n" then res = prv.mpz_ui_pow_ui(-a1, a2, res) if a2%2 ~= 0 then prv.mpz_neg(res, res) end return res elseif t == "z" then return prv.mpz_pow_ui(a1, a2, res) else error("unsupported type") end return prv.mpz_ui_pow_ui(a1, a2, res) end function zmeta:xor(a, res) checkz(self) checkzopt(res) if type(a) == "number" then return prv.mpz_xor(self, dtoz(a), res) elseif isz(a) then return prv.mpz_xor(self, a, res) else error("unsupported type") end end function fmeta:abs(res) checkf(self) checkfopt(res) return prv.mpf_abs(self, res) end function fmeta:add(a, res) checkf(self) checkfopt(res) local t = ntype(a) if t == "d" then return prv.mpf_add(self, dtof(a), res) elseif t == "u" then return prv.mpf_add_ui(self, a, res) elseif t == "s" or t == "n" then return prv.mpf_sub_ui(self, -a, res) elseif t == "f" then return prv.mpf_add(self, a, res) else error("unsupported type") end end function fmeta:ceil(res) checkf(self) checkfopt(res) return prv.mpf_ceil(self, res) end function fmeta:cmp(a) checkf(self) local t = ntype(a) if t == "d" then return prv.mpf_cmp_d(self, a) elseif t == "u" then return prv.mpf_cmp_ui(self, a) elseif t == "s" then return prv.mpf_cmp_si(self, a) elseif t == "n" then return prv.mpf_cmp(self, dtof(a)) elseif t == "f" then return prv.mpf_cmp(self, a) else error("unsupported type") end end function fmeta:div(a, res) checkf(self) checkfopt(res) local t = ntype(a) if t == "d" then return prv.mpf_div(self, dtof(a), res) elseif t == "u" then return prv.mpf_div_ui(self, a, res) elseif t == "s" or t == "n" then res = prv.mpf_div_ui(self, -a, res) return prv.mpf_neg(res, res); elseif t == "f" then return prv.mpf_div(self, a, res) else error("unsupported type") end end function fmeta:eq(a1, a2) checkf(self) checkf(a1) checku(a2) return prv.mpf_eq(self, a1, a2) ~= 0 end function fmeta:fits_sint() checkf(self) return prv.mpf_fits_sint_p(self) ~= 0 end function fmeta:fits_sshort() checkf(self) return prv.mpf_fits_sshort_p(self) ~= 0 end function fmeta:fits_uint() checkf(self) return prv.mpf_fits_uint_p(self) ~= 0 end function fmeta:fits_ulong() checkf(self) return prv.mpf_fits_ulong_p(self) ~= 0 end function fmeta:fits_ushort() checkf(self) return prv.mpf_fits_ushort_p(self) ~= 0 end function fmeta:floor(res) checkf(self) checkfopt(res) return prv.mpf_floor(self, res) end function fmeta:get_d() checkf(self) return prv.mpf_get_d(self) end function fmeta:get_d_2exp() checkf(self) return prv.mpf_get_d_2exp(self) end function fmeta:get_prec() checkf(self) return prv.mpf_get_prec(self) end function fmeta:get_str(base, size) checkf(self) if base == nil then base = 10 else checkbase(base) end if size == nil then size = 0 else checkn(size) end return prv.mpf_get_str(base, size, self) end function fmeta:integer() checkf(self) return prv.mpf_integer_p(self) ~= 0 end function fmeta:mul(a, res) checkf(self) checkfopt(res) local t = ntype(a) if t == "d" then return prv.mpf_mul(self, dtof(a), res) elseif t == "u" then return prv.mpf_mul_ui(self, a, res) elseif t == "s" or t == "n" then res = prv.mpf_mul_ui(self, -a, res) return prv.mpf_neg(res, res) elseif t == "f" then return prv.mpf_mul(self, a, res) else error("unsupported type") end end function fmeta:mul_2exp(a, res) checkf(self) checku(a) checkfopt(res) return prv.mpf_mul_2exp(self, a, res) end function fmeta:neg(res) checkf(self) checkfopt(res) return prv.mpf_neg(self, res) end function fmeta:pow(a, res) checkf(self) checku(a) checkfopt(res) return prv.mpf_pow_ui(self, a, res) end function fmeta:reldiff(a, res) checkf(self) checkf(a) checkfopt(res) return prv.mpf_reldiff(self, a, res) end function gmp.set_default_prec(a) checku(a) prv.mpf_set_default_prec(a) end function fmeta:set_prec(a) checkf(self) checku(a) prv.mpf_set_prec(self, a) end function fmeta:set(a, base) checkf(self) if type(a) == "number" then prv.mpf_set_d(self, a) elseif type(a) == "string" then if base == nil then base = 10 elseif type(base) == "number" and base < 0 then checkbase(-base) else checkbase(base) end if prv.mpf_set_str(self, a, base) ~= 0 then error("not a valid floating point constant in base " .. base .. ": " .. a) end elseif isf(a) then prv.mpf_set(self, a) elseif isz(a) then prv.mpf_set_z(self, a) else error("unsupported type") end end function fmeta:sgn() checkf(self) return prv.mpf_sgn(self) end function fmeta:sqrt(res) checkf(self) checkfopt(res) return prv.mpf_sqrt(self, res) end function gmp.sqrt(a, res) checku(a) checkfopt(res) return prv.mpf_sqrt_ui(a, res) end function fmeta:sub(a, res) checkf(self) checkfopt(res) local t = ntype(a) if t == "d" then return prv.mpf_sub(self, dtof(a), res) elseif t == "u" then return prv.mpf_sub_ui(self, a, res) elseif t == "s" or t == "n" then return prv.mpf_add_ui(self, -a, res) elseif t == "f" then return prv.mpf_sub(self, a, res) else error("unsupported type") end end function fmeta:trunc(res) checkf(self) checkfopt(res) return prv.mpf_trunc(self, res) end function fmeta:rdiv(a, res) checkf(self) checkfopt(res) local t = ntype(a) if t == "d" then return prv.mpf_div(dtof(a), self, res) elseif t == "u" then return prv.mpf_ui_div(a, self, res) elseif t == "s" or t == "n" then res = prv.mpf_ui_div(-a, self, res) return prv.mpf_neg(res, res) elseif t == "f" then return prv.mpf_div(a, self, res) else error("unsupported type") end end function fmeta:rsub(a, res) checkf(self) checkfopt(res) local t = ntype(a) if t == "d" then return prv.mpf_sub(dtof(a), self, res) elseif t == "u" then return prv.mpf_ui_sub(a, self, res) elseif t == "s" or t == "n" then res = prv.mpf_add_ui(self, -a, res) return prv.mpf_neg(res, res) elseif t == "f" then return prv.mpf_sub(a, self, res) else error("unsupported type") end end function fmeta:__add(a) if isf(self) then return fmeta.add(self, a) else return fmeta.add(a, self) end end function fmeta:__sub(a) if isf(self) then return fmeta.sub(self, a) else return fmeta.rsub(a, self) end end function fmeta:__mul(a) if isf(self) then return fmeta.mul(self, a) else return fmeta.mul(a, self) end end function fmeta:__div(a) if isf(self) then return fmeta.div(self, a) else return fmeta.rdiv(a, self) end end function fmeta:__unm() checkf(self) return prv.mpf_neg(self) end function fmeta:__pow(a) checkf(self) checku(a) return prv.mpf_pow_ui(self, a) end function fmeta:__lt(a) checkf(self) checkf(a) return prv.mpf_cmp(self, a) < 0 end function fmeta:__le(a) checkf(self) checkf(a) return prv.mpf_cmp(self, a) <= 0 end function fmeta:__eq(a) checkf(self) checkf(a) return prv.mpf_cmp(self, a) == 0 end function fmeta:__tostring() return fmeta.format(self, ".g") end function fmeta:__concat(other) if isf(self) then return fmeta.__tostring(self) .. other else return self .. fmeta.__tostring(other) end end function fmeta:__gc() checkf(self) return prv.mpf_clear(self) end function gmp.rand(a) if a == nil then return prv.gmp_randinit_default() else checkrand(a) return prv.gmp_randinit_set(a) end end function randmeta:seed(a) checkrand(self) local t = ntype(a) if a == "u" then prv.gmp_randseed_ui(self, a) elseif a == "z" then prv.gmp_randseed(self, a) else error("unsupported type") end end function randmeta:zbits(a, res) checkrand(self) checku(a) checkzopt(res) return prv.mpz_urandomb(self, a, res) end function randmeta:z(a, res) checkrand(self) checkz(a) checkzopt(res) return prv.mpz_urandomm(self, a, res) end function randmeta:fbits(a, res) checkrand(self) checku(a) checkfopt(res) return prv.mpf_urandomb(self, a, res) end function randmeta:__gc() checkrand(self) prv.gmp_randclear(self) end function randmeta:__tostring() checkrand(self) return "gmp random state" end function zmeta:format(fmt, p) checkz(self) assert(type(fmt) == "string", "gmp integer format string expected") local fw, prec, conv = match(fmt, "^%%?([0#+ ]?%d*)(%.?%*?%d*)Z?([dioxX])$") if not conv or prec ~= "" and prec ~= ".*" and not match(prec, "^%.%d*$") then error("invalid format string for gmp integer: " .. fmt) end if prec == ".*" then checkn(p) else assert(p == nil, "precision incorrectly specified") end return prv.mpz_asprintf("%" .. fw .. prec .. "Z" .. conv, self, p) end function fmeta:format(fmt, p) checkf(self) assert(type(fmt) == "string", "gmp floating point format string expected") local fw, prec, conv = match(fmt, "^%%?([0#+ ]?%d*)(%.?%*?%d*)F?([aAeEfgG])$") if not conv or prec ~= "" and prec ~= ".*" and not match(prec, "^%.%d*$") then error("invalid format string for gmp floating point: " .. fmt) end if prec == ".*" then checkn(p) else assert(p == nil, "precision incorrectly specified") end return prv.mpf_asprintf("%" .. fw .. prec .. "F" .. conv, self, p) end function lgmp_lua_init(l_prv) prv = l_prv dtoz = prv.mpz_init_set_d dtof = prv.mpf_init_set_d gmp.get_default_prec = prv.mpf_get_default_prec gmp.version = prv.version lgmp_lua_init = nil return aux end