/** \file * \brief Video Capture * * See Copyright Notice in im.h */ #ifndef __IM_CAPTURE_H #define __IM_CAPTURE_H #if defined(__cplusplus) extern "C" { #endif /* declarations to create an export library for Watcom. */ #if ! defined (IM_DECL) #if defined (__WATCOMC__) #define IM_DECL __cdecl #elif defined(__WATCOM_CPLUSPLUS__) #define IM_DECL __cdecl #else #define IM_DECL #endif #endif /** \defgroup capture Image Capture * \par * Functions to capture images from live video devices. * \par * See \ref im_capture.h */ typedef struct _imVideoCapture imVideoCapture; /** Returns the number of available devices. * * \verbatim im.VideoCaptureDeviceCount() -> count: number [in Lua 5] \endverbatim * \ingroup capture */ int IM_DECL imVideoCaptureDeviceCount(void); /** Returns the device description. Returns NULL only if it is an invalid device. * * \verbatim im.VideoCaptureDeviceDesc(device: number) -> desc: string [in Lua 5] \endverbatim * \ingroup capture */ const char* IM_DECL imVideoCaptureDeviceDesc(int device); /** Returns the extendend device description. May return NULL. * * \verbatim im.VideoCaptureDeviceExDesc(device: number) -> desc: string [in Lua 5] \endverbatim * \ingroup capture */ const char* IM_DECL imVideoCaptureDeviceExDesc(int device); /** Returns the device path configuration. This is a unique string. * * \verbatim im.VideoCaptureDevicePath(device: number) -> desc: string [in Lua 5] \endverbatim * \ingroup capture */ const char* IM_DECL imVideoCaptureDevicePath(int device); /** Returns the vendor information. May return NULL. * * \verbatim im.VideoCaptureDeviceVendorInfo(device: number) -> desc: string [in Lua 5] \endverbatim * \ingroup capture */ const char* IM_DECL imVideoCaptureDeviceVendorInfo(int device); /** Reload the device list. The devices can be dynamically removed or added to the system. * Returns the number of available devices. * * \verbatim im.imVideoCaptureReloadDevices() -> count: number [in Lua 5] \endverbatim * \ingroup capture */ int IM_DECL imVideoCaptureReloadDevices(void); /** Creates a new imVideoCapture object. \n * Returns NULL if there is no capture device available. \n * In Windows returns NULL if DirectX version is older than 8. \n * In Lua the IM videocapture metatable name is "imVideoCapture". * When converted to a string will return "imVideoCapture(%p)" where %p is replaced by the userdata address. * If the videocapture is already destroyed by im.VideoCaptureDestroy, then it will return also the suffix "-destroyed". * * \verbatim im.VideoCaptureCreate() -> vc: imVideoCapture [in Lua 5] \endverbatim * \ingroup capture */ imVideoCapture* IM_DECL imVideoCaptureCreate(void); /** Destroys a imVideoCapture object. \n * In Lua if this function is not called, the videocapture is destroyed by the garbage collector. * * \verbatim im.VideoCaptureDestroy(vc: imVideoCapture) [in Lua 5] \endverbatim * \verbatim vc:Destroy() [in Lua 5] \endverbatim * \ingroup capture */ void IM_DECL imVideoCaptureDestroy(imVideoCapture* vc); /** Connects to a capture device. * More than one imVideoCapture object can be created * but they must be connected to different devices. \n * If the object is conected it will disconnect first. \n * Use -1 to return the current connected device, * in this case returns -1 if not connected. \n * Returns zero if failed. * * \verbatim vc:Connect([device: number]) -> ret: number [in Lua 5] \endverbatim * \ingroup capture */ int IM_DECL imVideoCaptureConnect(imVideoCapture* vc, int device); /** Disconnect from a capture device. * * \verbatim vc:Disconnect() [in Lua 5] \endverbatim * \ingroup capture */ void IM_DECL imVideoCaptureDisconnect(imVideoCapture* vc); /** Returns the number of available configuration dialogs. * * \verbatim vc:DialogCount() -> count: number [in Lua 5] \endverbatim * \ingroup capture */ int IM_DECL imVideoCaptureDialogCount(imVideoCapture* vc); /** Displays a configuration modal dialog of the connected device. \n * In Windows, the capturing will be stopped in some cases. \n * In Windows parent is a HWND of a parent window, it can be NULL. \n * dialog can be from 0 to \ref imVideoCaptureDialogCount. \n * Returns zero if failed. * * \verbatim vc:ShowDialog(dialog: number, parent: userdata) -> error: boolean [in Lua 5] \endverbatim * \ingroup capture */ int IM_DECL imVideoCaptureShowDialog(imVideoCapture* vc, int dialog, void* parent); /** Allows to control the input and output of devices that have multiple input and outputs. * The cross index controls in which stage the input/output will be set. Usually use 1, but some capture boards * has a second stage. In Direct X it controls the crossbars. * * \verbatim vc:SetInOut(input, output, cross: number) -> error: boolean [in Lua 5] \endverbatim * \ingroup capture */ int IM_DECL imVideoCaptureSetInOut(imVideoCapture* vc, int input, int output, int cross); /** Returns the description of a configuration dialog. * dialog can be from 0 to \ref imVideoCaptureDialogCount. \n * * \verbatim vc:DialogDesc(dialog: number) -> desc: string [in Lua 5] \endverbatim * \ingroup capture */ const char* IM_DECL imVideoCaptureDialogDesc(imVideoCapture* vc, int dialog); /** Returns the number of available video formats. \n * Returns zero if failed. * * \verbatim vc:FormatCount() -> count: number [in Lua 5] \endverbatim * \ingroup capture */ int IM_DECL imVideoCaptureFormatCount(imVideoCapture* vc); /** Returns information about the video format. \n * format can be from 0 to \ref imVideoCaptureFormatCount. \n * desc should be of size 10. \n * The image size is usually the maximum size for that format. * Other sizes can be available using \ref imVideoCaptureSetImageSize. \n * Returns zero if failed. * * \verbatim vc:GetFormat(format: number) -> error: boolean, width: number, height: number, desc: string [in Lua 5] \endverbatim * \ingroup capture */ int IM_DECL imVideoCaptureGetFormat(imVideoCapture* vc, int format, int *width, int *height, char* desc); /** Changes the video format of the connected device. \n * Should NOT work for DV devices. Use \ref imVideoCaptureSetImageSize only. \n * Use -1 to return the current format, in this case returns -1 if failed. \n * When the format is changed in the dialog, for some formats * the returned format is the preferred format, not the current format. \n * This will not affect color_mode of the capture image. \n * Returns zero if failed. * * \verbatim vc:SetFormat([format: number]) -> error: boolean | format: number [in Lua 5] \endverbatim * \ingroup capture */ int IM_DECL imVideoCaptureSetFormat(imVideoCapture* vc, int format); /** Returns the current image size of the connected device. \n * width and height returns 0 if not connected. * * \verbatim vc:GetImageSize() -> width: number, height: number [in Lua 5] \endverbatim * \ingroup capture */ void IM_DECL imVideoCaptureGetImageSize(imVideoCapture* vc, int *width, int *height); /** Changes the image size of the connected device. \n * Similar to \ref imVideoCaptureSetFormat, but changes only the size. \n * Valid sizes can be obtained with \ref imVideoCaptureGetFormat. \n * Returns zero if failed. * * \verbatim vc:SetImageSize(width: number, height: number) -> error: boolean [in Lua 5] \endverbatim * \ingroup capture */ int IM_DECL imVideoCaptureSetImageSize(imVideoCapture* vc, int width, int height); /** Returns a new captured frame. Use -1 for infinite timeout. \n * Color space can be IM_RGB or IM_GRAY, and mode can be packed (IM_PACKED) or not. \n * Data type is always IM_BYTE. \n * It can not have an alpha channel and orientation is always bottom up. \n * Returns zero if failed or timeout expired, the buffer is not changed. * * \verbatim vc:Frame(image: imImage, timeout: number) -> error: boolean [in Lua 5] \endverbatim * \ingroup capture */ int IM_DECL imVideoCaptureFrame(imVideoCapture* vc, unsigned char* data, int color_mode, int timeout); /** Start capturing, returns the new captured frame and stop capturing. \n * This is more usefull if you are switching between devices. \n * Data format is the same as imVideoCaptureFrame. \n * Returns zero if failed. * * \verbatim vc:OneFrame(image: imImage) -> error: boolean [in Lua 5] \endverbatim * \ingroup capture */ int IM_DECL imVideoCaptureOneFrame(imVideoCapture* vc, unsigned char* data, int color_mode); /** Start capturing. \n * Use -1 to return the current state. \n * Returns zero if failed. * * \verbatim vc:Live([live: number]) -> error: boolean | live: number [in Lua 5] \endverbatim * \ingroup capture */ int IM_DECL imVideoCaptureLive(imVideoCapture* vc, int live); /** Resets a camera or video attribute to the default value or * to the automatic setting. \n * Not all attributes support automatic modes. \n * Returns zero if failed. * * \verbatim vc:ResetAttribute(attrib: string, fauto: boolean) -> error: boolean [in Lua 5] \endverbatim * \ingroup capture */ int IM_DECL imVideoCaptureResetAttribute(imVideoCapture* vc, const char* attrib, int fauto); /** Returns a camera or video attribute in percentage of the valid range value. \n * Returns zero if failed or attribute not supported. * * \verbatim vc:GetAttribute(attrib: string) -> error: boolean, percent: number [in Lua 5] \endverbatim * \ingroup capture */ int IM_DECL imVideoCaptureGetAttribute(imVideoCapture* vc, const char* attrib, float *percent); /** Changes a camera or video attribute in percentage of the valid range value. \n * Returns zero if failed or attribute not supported. * * \verbatim vc:SetAttribute(attrib: string, percent: number) -> error: boolean [in Lua 5] \endverbatim * \ingroup capture */ int IM_DECL imVideoCaptureSetAttribute(imVideoCapture* vc, const char* attrib, float percent); /** Returns a list of the description of the valid attributes for the device class. \n * But each device may still not support some of the returned attributes. \n * Use the return value of \ref imVideoCaptureGetAttribute to check if the attribute is supported. * * \verbatim vc:GetAttributeList() -> attrib_list: table of strings [in Lua 5] \endverbatim * \ingroup capture */ const char** IM_DECL imVideoCaptureGetAttributeList(imVideoCapture* vc, int *num_attrib); /** \defgroup winattrib Windows Attributes Names * Not all attributes are supported by each device. * Use the return value of \ref imVideoCaptureGetAttribute to check if the attribute is supported. \verbatim VideoBrightness - Specifies the brightness, also called the black level. VideoContrast - Specifies the contrast, expressed as gain factor. VideoHue - Specifies the hue angle. VideoSaturation - Specifies the saturation. VideoSharpness - Specifies the sharpness. VideoGamma - Specifies the gamma. VideoColorEnable - Specifies the color enable setting. (0/100) VideoWhiteBalance - Specifies the white balance, as a color temperature in degrees Kelvin. VideoBacklightCompensation - Specifies the backlight compensation setting. (0/100) VideoGain - Specifies the gain adjustment. CameraPanAngle - Specifies the camera's pan angle. To 100 rotate right, To 0 rotate left (view from above). CameraTiltAngle - Specifies the camera's tilt angle. To 100 rotate up, To 0 rotate down. CameraRollAngle - Specifies the camera's roll angle. To 100 rotate right, To 0 rotate left. CameraLensZoom - Specifies the camera's zoom setting. CameraExposure - Specifies the exposure setting. CameraIris - Specifies the camera's iris setting. CameraFocus - Specifies the camera's focus setting, as the distance to the optimally focused target. FlipHorizontal - Specifies the video will be flipped in the horizontal direction. FlipVertical - Specifies the video will be flipped in the vertical direction. AnalogFormat - Specifies the video format standard NTSC, PAL, etc. Valid values: NTSC_M = 0 NTSC_M_J = 1 NTSC_433 = 2 PAL_B = 3 PAL_D = 4 PAL_H = 5 PAL_I = 6 PAL_M = 7 PAL_N = 8 PAL_60 = 9 SECAM_B = 10 SECAM_D = 11 SECAM_G = 12 SECAM_H = 13 SECAM_K = 14 SECAM_K1 = 15 SECAM_L = 16 SECAM_L1 = 17 PAL_N_COMBO = 18 \endverbatim * \ingroup capture */ #if defined(__cplusplus) } /** A C++ Wrapper for the imVideoCapture structure functions. * \ingroup capture */ class imCapture { public: imCapture() { vc = imVideoCaptureCreate(); } ~imCapture() { if (vc) imVideoCaptureDestroy(vc); } int Failed() { if (!vc) return 0; else return 1; } int Connect(int device) { return imVideoCaptureConnect(vc, device); } void Disconnect() { imVideoCaptureDisconnect(vc); } int DialogCount() { return imVideoCaptureDialogCount(vc); } int ShowDialog(int dialog, void* parent) { return imVideoCaptureShowDialog(vc, dialog, parent); } const char* DialogDescription(int dialog) { return imVideoCaptureDialogDesc(vc, dialog); } int FormatCount() { return imVideoCaptureFormatCount(vc); } int GetFormat(int format, int *width, int *height, char* desc) { return imVideoCaptureGetFormat(vc, format, width, height, desc); } int SetFormat(int format) { return imVideoCaptureSetFormat(vc, format); } void GetImageSize(int *width, int *height) { imVideoCaptureGetImageSize(vc, width, height); } int SetImageSize(int width, int height) { return imVideoCaptureSetImageSize(vc, width, height); } int GetFrame(unsigned char* data, int color_mode, int timeout) { return imVideoCaptureFrame(vc, data, color_mode, timeout); } int GetOneFrame(unsigned char* data, int color_mode) { return imVideoCaptureOneFrame(vc, data, color_mode); } int Live(int live) { return imVideoCaptureLive(vc, live); } int ResetAttribute(const char* attrib, int fauto) { return imVideoCaptureResetAttribute(vc, attrib, fauto); } int GetAttribute(const char* attrib, float *percent) { return imVideoCaptureGetAttribute(vc, attrib, percent); } int SetAttribute(const char* attrib, float percent) { return imVideoCaptureSetAttribute(vc, attrib, percent); } const char** GetAttributeList(int *num_attrib) { return imVideoCaptureGetAttributeList(vc, num_attrib); } protected: imVideoCapture* vc; }; #endif #endif